• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 327 Views, 66 Comments

Fear The Hypnotist - JeSuisLaPorte

Look out! There's a serial killer in town... and he's out for Sunset's blood!

  • ...

Purple Eyed Freak

Absolutely tired and relieved to know that it was finally over, Sunset dragged herself back home where she’ll sleep off the fatigue. It was quite funny, she looked like a drunk uncle with how pitiful her gait was, but I had to hold it in. I still had one last surprise in store for her, wouldn’t wanna blow it when I'm so close. Her entire apartment was covered in darkness, oh well, with just the flick of a switch she casted it out. Bah, she’ll turn the lights off when she’ll go to sleep anyway. Now, all that was left for her was to crumble in her bed. Her body was essentially on autopilot for her mind had already fallen asleep. She had in essence, become a zombie. Ha! That one was too easy; I'll try to get some better material for next time.

With so many things to think about, she decided to leave all her thoughts for tomorrow. Her body needed rest; it certainly didn’t want her to stay up all night pondering about the last few weeks of her life like a certain unicorn I'm fond of. Oh wait... she’s an alicorn now. I guess my notes are outdated.

Anyway, she slipped under her bedsheets, barely even bothering to change her clothes and then she closed her eyes. Oh, how sweet it felt to finally sleep in peace, without the fear of the vindictive zombie. Her troubles were over now. She survived. Ha! You already know where this is going. Me!

“We’ve seen what a man can do when he’s lost his way. Oh, the terrible things he’s done. But can we blame him? Absolutely, it’s his fault. Though that doesn’t rid us of the blame, does it Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset’s eyes snapped open. That voice... it was Beelz? But he died! Or did he?

Not to beat around the bush, but the funny old man said “How cute, you always seem so surprised to see me, whether alive or dead. Come on, look at me in the eyes.”

She raised herself from her bed at lightning speed. Her eyes couldn’t believe it; Beelz was there again. Could it be yet another hallucination? It had to, there was no other explanation for her feeble mortal mind. The old man noticed her peculiar expression and chuckled.

“What are you thinking now? It’s me, Beelz! In the flesh.”

Something was very off about him. She was vigilant enough to see just how weird he was acting. I mean. his back wasn’t hunched, and his hands were not trembling. His body no longer appeared old and frail, he had the posture of a young man. Yep, you probably guessed it; he was acting. So, he took a few steps closer to her bed. These steps were done effortlessly unlike all the other times she met him. I guess you could say it made him feel... alien. “Gotta admit; you were pretty good back there.” Oh! The catchphrases...

He raised his arms to reveal he was holding a book. “I believe this belongs to you. Catch.”

Beelz tossed the book... and Sunset caught it. Her face turned white; he was real! The horrors! The book she was holding was the same one she used to write to Princess Twilight! Ho ho ho! The conspiracy is real!

“Y... You’re not an hallucination!” Of course, I'm not! She raised her head only to find the man in the pickle suit in his place.

“Beelz...What a strange name. It doesn’t follow the conventions of both worlds. Beelz... It feels like something is missing, doesn’t it?” His eyes glowed in the dark, beaming through his sunglasses. They were a dark purple, a color that felt eerily familiar to her. Hyeh he he. Her insane rambling was a lot closer to the truth than she believed, ironic.

“You’re not human...” she muttered out of fear. Such delicious fear, man, if only you were there to see it.

“Neither was Beelz. Tell me; can you complete his name? It’s missing a few syllables.” said the dumb-looking man. And yet, despite the ridiculous disguise, his words still struck fear into the girl’s heart.

Sunset Shimmer went pale at this revelation. She finally realised that all the time she spent with these two were all fake. And yet, they existed. The Tyrant, the man in the pickle suit and even Beelz... were they all the same? Oh, you already know it. I’ll stop pretending to be all mysterious and spooky.

“Beelz...” Sunset gasped, having just solved his question. “Beelzebub!”

The man in the pickle suit cackled in a voice that wasn’t his. It was deep, echoey and demonic in nature. “I must admit it is rather corny in hindsight. And yet, you didn’t see through my game. Oh, Sunset Shimmer... Isn’t it becoming obvious? You know who I am. Say it. Say who I am.”

“You’re... You’re the Tyrant! You’ve been orchestrating everything weren’t you?”

The man’s face split open almost immediately. His limbs tore themselves apart and bigger arms and legs appeared from the gaping wounds. In a matter of mere seconds, the silhouette of the man was replaced with that of me, the Tyrant you’ve been hearing about all this time. It’s time to come clean.

“I have been exceedingly rude to you this whole journey. To make up for my impolite manners; I'll properly introduce myself to you. I am Lord Balgo, the King of Tyrants. I, am the strongest there is.” Such a splendid and powerful voice spoke out to her. As the narrator here, I get to compliment myself endlessly. It’s quite fun, to be in charge. I should do this more often.

Back on track, Sunset felt a chill go way up her spine. The darkness of the room prevented her from seeing my glorious appearance. Her mind raced to her phone sitting on her nightstand. I, Lord Balgo noticed that she was eyeing her phone and chuckled. Why stop her from gazing in awe at my awesome evil body?

“Go ahead, pick up the phone. Shine its light on your King and take a bow.”

With almost superhuman speed, Sunset snatched her phone and activated the flashlight. Now she finally got to see what was truly standing before her in all its malevolent glory. That’s right! I’m stepping out of the shadows! Admire me!

Black tuxedo, a fancy top hat, I was definitely not a mindless bloodthirsty monster. No, I am a cultured individual with quite the knowledge that’ll make even Princess Twilight jealous. These clothes displayed intelligence whereas my other features depicted a horrible animal, a contrast that I find amusing. My head was that of a crocodile with dark green skin, my eyes were sunken black, and my teeth were unnaturally big. As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!

“Wh-Why? Why did you spend all this time just to mentally torture me?” she blurted out in a voice that sounded like it was on the verge of crying.

“Why?” I said with my ravishing voice of steel.

With just one movement of my hand, I lifted Sunset off her bed, causing her to drop her phone on her bed. The light shined from under me, casting my face in ominous shadows. Good, it makes me scarier, and it frightens her more...

“Because I enjoy it. There’s not much else to say really.” I said in a mocking tone. I mean, what else was I supposed to say? I was bullied as a baby boy? As if I'm hogging for sympathy! I’m a monster and I take pride in it.

“I-If you kill me, Princess Twilight will come to avenge me, and she’ll bring the princesses and the Elements to stop you from causing any more harm.” defiantly said Sunset Shimmer in a desperate attempt to get the oh so monstrous beast to let her go.

“Princesses? Alicorns? What is a princess to a king? I am the supreme ruler of both WORLDS.” Nailed it.

I then dropped her to the floor and laughed. “Don’t worry my little human; I’m not going to kill you. There is so much we can do in this world. In MY world.

But as for now, my little human... This is where I get off.”

Author's Note:

Now that it's finally over, I can move on to my next fic featuring Lord Balgo as the main villain. Though it'll take some time to get it done since I still have the cover art to do before I can post it.

Comments ( 3 )

“We’ve seen what a man can do when he’s lost his way. Oh, the terrible things he’s done. But can we blame him? Absolutely, it’s his fault. Thought that doesn’t rid us of the blame, does it Sunset Shimmer?”

Even though sunset was responsible stardust still made the choice, is that correct?

“Beelz...” Sunset gasped, having just solved his question. “Beelzebub!”


“You’re... You’re the Tyrant! You’ve been orchestrating everything weren’t you?”

What does she mean by everything?

First off, yes, that's what the line meant. He murdered innocents even though he really didn't have to.

Secondly, Beelzebub is the lord of the flies, a demon and a prince in hell I believe. It was foreshadowing at Beelz's true nature as Lord Balgo by taking on the name of a known demon.

As for Balgo's involvement, it includes A) Stealing the book, B) manipulating her as the old man and C) Threatening her as the man in the funny pickle suit. Maybe he didn't orchestrate everything, but he sure did a lot under his various disguises.

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