• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 330 Views, 66 Comments

Fear The Hypnotist - JeSuisLaPorte

Look out! There's a serial killer in town... and he's out for Sunset's blood!

  • ...

7. Breaking in, Breaking out.


The Rainbooms gathered at the cafeteria to discuss how they were going to go about searching Bulk Bicep’s room. Their plan was to take place after school, which gave them not that much time to form one. All they knew, was that they needed to distract Bulk long enough for Sunset and Rainbow Dash to complete their search. Good, they just need to come up with a good distraction, one that’ll keep him busy for a long time.

Naturally, everyone turned to Pinkie Pie to figure that part out. She’s got all the qualifications to do it after all. She’s extroverted, highly approachable, charismatic and energetic. Perfect to get Bulk’s attention without raising much suspicion on his part.

The rest of the team would stay close by just in case something goes wrong on both parts. The consequences for getting caught breaking in someone’s house are quite bad indeed, they can’t afford to mess this up for it’s their only chance to clear Bulk of suspicion.

“You got something, Pinkie?” asked Twi, hunching over to look at the pink haired girl.

Pinkie was deep in her thoughts for a moment and funnily enough, it appeared as if a lightbulb appeared above her head with just how exaggerated her expression of excitement looked. “I know! I know! How about I throw a surprise party in his backyard? That’ll keep him distracted for many, many, many hours!”

“Distracting people sure sounds more in line with you. You can forget about the whole spying stuff, though, you’re not really good at it.” affirmed Rainbow Dash.

Applejack was quite sceptic about Pinkie’s distraction. “Are you sure you’ll have enough time to plan an entire surprise party... IN their backyard?”

“Don’t you worry about that! Aunty Pinkie’s got it all covered.” Pinkie Pie sure looked confident.

Applejack, however, had another cause for concern. “Okay, but how are his parents going to feel about that? You’ll basically be showing up uninvited in their propriety.”

“As I said, I got it all covered!” reaffirmed Pinkie, still sounding as jolly as ever.

“Okay Sunset, I just have one important question before we go.” started Rainbow Dash. Now that she had Sunset’s attention, she went on with her question. “What are we supposed to look for in his room?”

“Well, that’s the issue, Dash. We don’t know. Maybe we’ll find a hit list or maybe we’ll find his murder weapon.” answered Sunset. Not a very reassuring answer indeed. Once inside, they’ll have to scramble around like headless chickens and just hope that they can find something, or nothing, in which case it’ll mean that he’s innocent.

“Darn, that sucks.” said Rainbow Dash as she sunk into her seat with her arms crossed. Then, a thought came to mind.

“Wait, wait, hold up! SKX did steal my butterfly knife, didn’t he? That means that whoever has my knife is the serial killer!”

A surprisingly valid point. It was a small detail that they had almost forgotten, but thankfully, Dash’s strange attachment to this knife had proven itself quite useful in the end.

“Say, darling; if we find your knife back, will you show me the tricks you’ve learned? You’ve been boasting about it for nearly a week and that’s honestly got me interested to see them.” exclaimed Rarity with genuine intrigue in her voice.

Dash nearly slammed her hands on the table out of excitement. “Yes! Finally, someone’s interested in seeing my cool tricks! Thanks Rarity!”

“I see we’ve already derailed the conversation once again to be about the butter knife.” pointed out an amused Twi.

“It even got its own article in the school’s journal.” informed Fluttershy.

“What?! It did!?” nearly screamed Dash.

“Yeah, well... it was mostly about your tumble and its confiscation.” explained Sunset Shimmer, snickering while delivering the news.

“Argh! I should have seen it coming...”

“You don’t read the school’s journal, do you Dash?” followed up Sunset, snickering louder this time.

“Not surprising coming from the girl who thinks reading is for egg heads only.” mocked Applejack with a smug smile.

“Well, at least I can call myself a superhero thanks to my magic...” mumbled Dash.

“Speaking of magic, how are we going to deal with SKX once we confront him?” asked Fluttershy, a relevant question for they had only been talking about his identity and not how to deal with him.

“Maybe we just lure him into a room where we’ve stashed our instrument and just... play a tune to get our magic to work?” proposed Rarity.

“Music is the only method we know so far that reliably gets our magic to work, so I believe that’s our best bet for now.” responded Sunset.

Magic was a lot more complicated in the human world, mainly because it’s almost impossible to figure out its rules. They did try on numerous occasions to establish the rules for how their magic work. Unfortunately, the results have all been inconclusive and Sunset Shimmer had practically given up on understanding it, stating that it may simply be “beyond her”.

That only makes SKX’s methods only more frightening. He may be the first human to have mastered the usage of magic as he is able to consistently kill his targets in unorthodox ways. That was a scary thought for the Rainbooms, who always thought they were the only ones with magic in their world.

SKX would prove to be a challenging opponent, perhaps not on the same level as the Dazzlings, but still very threatening in his own way for he worked in secrecy. What can you say, a megalomaniac might not be as dangerous as a killer who wants to remain hidden from the public’s eyes.

“Then, it’s all settled. All that’s left now is to wait for school to finish so we can put our plan into motion. Everybody ready?” concluded Twi in a determined voice.

“You bet we are, Twilight!” screamed a feverish Pinkie.

The bell then rang and the Rainbooms dispersed, each going to their classes. Just a few more hours until they would search Bulk Bicep’s room for evidence. A task that hilariously enough, wasn’t very evident to perform.

When classes were finally finished, the students calmly walked over to their lockers to pack their stuff before they would leave. No one was really in a hurry for today was just an average day, except for Pinkie Pie who took a mad dash around the school to get her things quickly before she bolted out of there, apologising to everyone for her rush.

Once outside, she took out her phone and used a navigation app to find the way to Bulk Bicep’s house. She was short on time to prepare this entire surprise party, but she was fully confident she could prepare everything in time, as short as it was.

Many passersby gave her odd looks since she was basically sprinting around town with all sorts of objects in hand. And yet, nobody really cared that much for they had grown pretty accustomed to Pinkie’s antics, as bizarre and logic defying as they may be.

Finally, she had arrived at her destination. She hopped over the fence and was now in their backyard, ready to commence the preparations for her special distraction party.

She knelt and reached for something inside her bag. “Ah! Gummy, fancy seeing you here! Good old Pinkie needs your help with something!”

No response came from the stuffed animal, as expected. Though Pinkie acted as if he agreed to help her. Let’s not ask too many questions regarding how a stuffed animal is supposed to prepare a surprise party and instead, we’ll just go with Pinkie’s shenanigans. The pink haired girl took out a clipboard and quickly read the materials listed on it.

“We’ll need balloons!” She looked over at Gummy and sure enough, he had balloons attached to him.

“Now we need confetti!” She pushed a heavy cannon fired up with confetti, and another one, and another one... “Never two without three they say!”

She crossed them off the list and read the rest.

“Gummy! Have we brought banners? We’ll need to write the word “surprise!” on them!”

The banner they had brought was on the grass and Gummy was just standing there with a paintbrush in hand. She peeked at what he had written.

“Gummy! That’s not how you spell surprise! Here, let me show you.”

She took the paintbrush from the stuffed animal’s paw and rapidly corrected the mistake.

“There, much better!” she crossed the banner off the list. “Next one; the games!” Pinkie gasped. “The games! Have we brought any? I didn’t have much time to gather everything...”

Gummy was standing next to a sign that pointed upward. Pinkie Pie looked up and saw a bunch of balloons descending with various board games wrapped around the ropes.

“Incredible! Nice one Gummy!”

Her list was nearly completed. She just needed to check off one last thing.

A voice coming from the other side of the fence quickly caught her attention. “Special delivery; one giant green and yellow banana!”

“Perfect!” shouted Pinkie. “It’s here!”

She hopped over the fence to greet the delivery man.

“Just sign here, girl.” he said in complete apathy.

Pinkie Pie snatched the pen from the man and wrote down her signature. The delivery man barely even bothered to look at the signature and handed over the giant banana before leaving. The pink haired girl hopped over the fence, this time with a giant banana in hands.

“Alright, we’ve got everything we need for the party Gummy! See, I told you we were going to make it in time!”

She triumphantly placed down the giant yellow and green banana on the grass, looking over in the horizon fully prepared to greet the unknowing guests.

The rest of the Rainbooms, minus Pinkie, were waiting on the other side of the streets, desperately trying to look inconspicuous. Not an easy task, considering they are often side eyeing this house in particular. To add onto that, they were constantly looking around the streets in search of the residents.

“Wait, did I just see a giant banana over that fence?” asked Rainbow Dash.

The sight of this giant green and yellow banana got the whole group horribly confused as to what Pinkie Pie was scheming.
Well, Applejack wanted to find out immediately, calling her friend on her phone.

“Hey Applejack! Good news is the preparations are just about done!” responded Pinkie before even letting her friend say anything.

“That’s not what this is about, Pinkie. What’s with the giant banana?” demanded Applejack.

“Oh, the giant banana? It’s just in case of an emergency. You can always trust Pinkie to have a plan B!”

“I... don’t see how a giant banana is going to help.” continued Applejack, perplexed as to how and why a giant banana would serve as an emergency.

“You don’t have to know, because I won’t have to use it! Hopefully.” teased Pinkie.

Applejack sighed and ended the call. She turned to Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, who looked nervous. What they were about to do was illegal after all, no wonder they were stressed out about sneaking inside.

“Okay, once Pinkie’s got them distracted with the party, you two will sneak in through this window right here.” she pointed at the window that led into Bulk Bicep’s room. “The rest of us will help ya get in there. Then, we’ll stick around on lookout duty.”

Fluttershy approached the two, concerned about their part in the plan. “Be careful in there, I don’t want any of us to get in trouble for this.”

“Don’t worry about it! Sunset and I will manage just fine.” replied Rainbow Dash as she tried to hide her anxiety.

Rarity spotted something in the distance. “Oh dear! Bulk Bicep’s coming home! Everybody; act normal!”

Apparently, normal meant to just pull out their phone and fake scrolling around. Bulk briefly stopped and gave them an odd look before shrugging it off, resuming his walk home.

Applejack quickly called Pinkie to let her know this was her cue.

“I’m on it!” Pinkie Pie barrel rolled over the fence, which immediately caught the big guy’s attention. “Hey Bulk! Aunty Pinkie’s got a surprise for you!”

He looked quite surprised but didn’t think much of it. He was quite excited to see what this extravagant girl had in store for him. For all he knew; literally anything could happen with Pinkie. She had that much of a reputation for being the school’s wildcard and partygoer, but mostly as a party doer.

She invited him to his backyard where the surprise party would take place. As she did, she lifted a thumb at her friends who were watching to let them know it was time for Sunset and Dash to sneak in.

The rest of the group hurried towards the window leading into Bulk’s room. Only problem was, his room was on the second floor of the house. The other problem was that they also needed to unlock the window to get in.

Thankfully, they were prepared for these two inconveniences.

“Here Sunset, take this gadget I fabricated a while ago.” said Twi as she handed over a small device to her.

“I assume it’s for opening the window?” she asked.

“Yep!” Twi answered proudly, readjusting her glasses in the process.

Sunset took a good look at the gadget but couldn’t wrap her around how it’s meant to be used. “Just one more thing Twilight; how do I use it?”

“Oh, that’s very simple. You just point it at the window and press the button!”

Fluttershy eyed the device out of curiosity, now having a question that was burning in her mind. “Twilight, why did you build a device that is meant to unlock windows from outside? I-I'm not accusing you of breaking into places you shouldn’t be in.”

Twi scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. “Uh, yeah, about that. I built it because I'd sometimes forget to bring my keys with me so when I'd return home, I couldn’t get in. Of course, Shining Armor would always arrive a couple of minutes later, but not all the time since he’d sometimes spend the rest of the day over at Cadance’s house.”

Sunset snickered. “I’m honestly not surprised.”

Applejack had already leaned against the wall, forming a chair with her legs. “Come on Sunset! You two gotta get in before his parents arrive!”

Sunset nodded and climbed on Applejack’s leg, barely reaching the window above. She did as Twi instructed and pointed the gadget at the window and pressed its button. A small rod quickly shot out of it. A rod that was thin enough to slip through the cracks and it unlocked the window from the other side. Sunset couldn’t help but let out a quiet “wow”. Twi really spent a lot of time designing gadgets for all sorts of mundane things.

She opened the window and hopped in. Soon after, Rainbow Dash followed, but not without a hitch. As soon as Dash laid a foot on Applejack, the latter yelped in pain.

“Dash! Why are you wearing your cleats right now?!” she nearly shouted. Her right thigh was now starting to bleed. The others clenched their teeth as they saw the injury.

“Applejack, you’re bleeding!” screamed Rarity, horrified at the sight of blood.

Rainbow Dash lifted her foot and examined her shoes. “Oh my gosh! I must have forgotten to switch back to my other pair of running shoes!” she looked back at Applejack with an apologetic expression. “Sorry Aj!”

Applejack took a quick peek at her bleeding thigh and groaned. “Just... take off your shoes and climb on.”

Rainbow Dash took off her cleats and climbed on Applejack, who let out a pained groan, courtesy of her injury. Finally, Dash had entered through the window. Their search could now commence as the rest of the team fled to the other side of the sidewalk.

Rarity examined the injury with pity. “Oh my, we’ll have to stop the bleeding before it gets worse!”

Applejack clenched her teeth, with her hands grasped around her thigh. “Don’t worry, I'm sure it’ll be fine.”

“Absolutely not! I won’t stand here with my arms crossed!” said Rarity as she fumbled through her purse. “Ha!” she pulled out some bandages and unrolled them. Then, she carefully wrapped them around her friend’s injury.

“Thanks Rarity. I owe you one!” promised Applejack once her friend was done. The bandages were already stained with red, which revealed how bad the damage truly was. “Now let’s hope nothing goes wrong...”

Now inside of Bulk Bicep’s room, Sunset and Rainbow Dash fumbled around in search of anything that can count as a clue. Drawers, closets, under the bed, anything that might hide something of value was a good place to start.

“Urgh! How are we supposed to find clues before his parents come back? We barely have 10 minutes!” complained Rainbow Dash as she trashed the drawers on the nightstand.

Sunset opened a closet and quickly scanned its contents. Something in particular caught her attention; a pair of heavy weights in the corner seemingly hiding an object behind. “Well, how about that? I think there’s something hidden behind these weights.”

“What? Really?” Dash walked over to the closet and looked at the corner where Sunset was pointing.

“You’ll have to help me out on this one, cuz I don’t think I'm lifting these weights by myself.”

The weights were quite big, not a surprise since they belonged to Bulk Bicep after all. With a name like that, you’d think his body was simply destined to be this buff.

Feeling overwhelmed, Rainbow Dash noticed the violin in the closet and got an idea. “Can’t we use magic instead to lift these heavy weights?” she said, pointing at the instrument so Sunset would catch on.

“Do you know how to play the violin?” she asked, clearly not convinced that this was going to work.

“I-I don’t. But, what about you?” pressed Dash with a nervous smile.


“What about a game of battleship?” joyfully asked Pinkie Pie as she showed the box to Bulk Bicep. “It’s a fun game!”

The big guy smiled and then nodded, taking a seat right as the pink haired girl opened the box and rapidly assembled all the components needed to play.

While she was preparing the game, she took a small peek at the time on her phone, her smile starting to show some nervous cracks. Ooh, you two better be quick. Pinkie’s not sure how long she'll l be able to keep this up!

On the bright side, Bulk wasn’t exactly the most perceptive guy in town which gave Pinkie a bigger margin of error should she mess up at one point.

“Uh. How do I play again?” he asked, unsure of what to do when presented with the all the pieces.

“Come on, just another pull and we’ll get it off the ground!”

Sunset and Rainbow Dash were both giving it their all to lift just one of the weights lying in Bulk’s closet. It’s not really easy to just lift a 100 kg weight even with both of your hands. Though together, they at least had a chance to move it.

“If we pull at the same time, maybe we might actually do something!” proposed Sunset Shimmer.

“Alright then, on the count of three?” Dash asked as she stopped to catch her breath.

“Yeah, I’ll count.”

One. Two. Three! With all their might, the two girls pulled as much as they could and successfully moved the weight, but it came at a cost.

They lost their grip on the weight for a moment and the sheer amount of force they had put behind their pull caused them to tumble backward and crash right into the nightstand next to Bulk’s bed.

The sound was loud enough to get the attention of both Pinkie and Bulk Biceps outside.

“Oh oh. I think we messed up.” affirmed Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Dash, I think you’re crushing me right now.”

Dash stood up to give Sunset some space to breath. Then, she ran up to the window and peeked outside. “Oh no, Bulk and Pinkie definitely heard it!”

Sunset bit her lips. “Let’s just hope she can somehow convince him that nothing happened.”

Bulk turned around and looked in the general direction of the strange crashing sound, slightly worried at its implications.

Pinkie Pie clenched her teeth for she knew that the consequences of Bulk finding out about their operations would be catastrophic. So, she had to somehow convince him that he didn’t have any reason to be worried about it.

She took a big breath and delivered a very energetic speech. “Oh my, did you hear something? I didn’t hear anything! Ooh, ooh! That reminds me of something cool I just learned about the other day. Have you heard of auditory hallucination? Well, I've read that they can come from a lack of sleep, stress and from certain medicines with strong side effects! It’s a bad thing indeed, but thankfully for those who don’t do drugs; it can be cured easily!”

Bulk spun around in intrigue, curious to hear more about auditory hallucination.

“Stress? Lack of sleep?” he looked rather worried now. “I haven’t been sleeping well these past few days...”

Pinkie saw a good opportunity to pull his attention away from Sunset and Rainbow Dash’s mistake. “See? You didn’t actually hear anything. It was just your mind playing tricks on you! All you need to do is to get better sleep! You can look online for all sorts of tips and tricks to help you out!”

Bulk’s entire expression shifted from worry to gratitude. “I understand. Thank you, Pinkie!”

“Ha! Pinkie’s done it again!” Dash complimented her friend’s ability to bring everybody’s attention onto herself thanks to her charisma and energy.

Sunset rolled her shoulders around to wake them up since she had put a lot of effort into moving just that one weight. She looked at the closet and sadly, there was another weight still in the way. Did they really forget that weights always come in pairs?

“Gah! Not again!” groaned Rainbow Dash.

Sunset sighed and walked up to the weight, gesturing at her friend to assist her. “Guess there’s not much choice...”

On three. One, two, three! They lifted the weight after putting everything they had into that pull. Unfortunately, the floor was quite slippery since it was wooden, and Dash didn’t have her shoes on. Two plus two equals, she tripped. That would be bad enough as is, but to rub the salt in, she fell backward, and the weight landed on her.

She was now stuck on the floor with a 100 kg weight pinning her to the ground. The handle was right above her abdomen, slowly crushing her.

“Argh! Get it off me Sunset!”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” shouted Sunset as she immediately went to grab the handle in a desperate attempt to lift the weigh off of Rainbow Dash, but her friend didn’t really have a good grip on the object so it would be quite the arduous task to free her.

“What’s wrong with them? This is the second time they’ve made too much noise!” Twi was becoming increasingly anxious at the fact that their operation was slowly going hay wire.

Fluttershy voice her concerns too. “Can Pinkie Pie even keep Bulk from suspecting anything? At this rate, he’ll catch on to what we’re doing!”

“Woe to us! If the Biceps find out about our scheme; they’ll call the cops on us!” whined Rarity.

Applejack groaned as she clenched her wounded leg. But then she spotted movement in the corner of her eye. “Wha-” she panicked for a moment, thinking Bulk’s parents have already returned but thankfully, it wasn’t them. “Is that Trixie, accompanied by Snips and Snails?”

“Oh oh. That can’t be good.” softly said Fluttershy as she slowly hid behind her friends.

Trixie walked up to them and ran her hand through her hair flamboyantly. Now equipped with a smug expression, she was ready to fire. “Well well well. What are you girls up to?”

“It’s none of your business, Trixie.” fired back Applejack.

Trixie’s mouth slowly contorted into a smug smile. “The Great and Powerful Trrrixie kindly assumes you’re not up to something... bad?”

“Of course not!” Twi responded, sounding undignified. She quickly realised how suspicious her answer was and tried to correct herself immediately. “We, uh... are just hanging out around Canterlot. Th-That's all.”

Trixie chuckled. “I believe you, Twilight Sparkle.”

A sudden burst of confetti shot out in the sky, coming from the backyard of Bulk Bicep’s house. Snips and Snails looked at them in wonder.

“Are they throwing a party in there?” Snails said to Snips.

“Surely, I hope I’m invited!”

Trixie took her eyes off the rain of confetti to stare at Applejack with a malicious smirk. “Pinkie’s surely having a ball in there. So, tell me; why aren’t you joining her? You are her best friends after all.”

Twi, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity quickly exchanged worried glances at each other, wondering who was going to speak up. Trixie had already caught onto their scheme, or worst, she already knew what they were trying to do. They were practically held at gunpoint by the self-proclaimed magician.

“Well, you see... We, uh.” Twi couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Are we invited to Pinkie’s party?” asked Snips to Trixie.

She was about to dismiss him, but then an idea came to mind. “Of course! You two ARE invited!”

“Wow! Really?” Snails suddenly looked as if his brain turned on for the first time this day. “Come on Snips; let’s go!”

The Rainbooms watched the two guys run up to the backyard and wanted to stop them but realised that it would probably be a bad idea to do so. These two aren’t the brightest tools in the shed, clearly demonstrated by the fact that they haven’t caught on to their suspicious activity. It was best to keep them in the dark or else they’ll have to call it quits on their operation. Trixie on the other hand, would be easier to keep under control thanks to her narcissism and her theatrical ways.

This girl probably wanted to make a show out of their scheme so everyone in town would know, and that was the silver-lining. If they could just get it done before it’s too late; Trixie will lose any and all leverage over them.

“How about that?! Isn’t this just the best party ever!” Pinkie and Bulk were now basking in the shower of confetti coming down, both greatly enjoying the party.

Pinkie Pie was relieved to see that everything was going smoothly on her side, which allowed Sunset and Rainbow Dash to thoroughly search Bulk’s room. She had the entire party under control, though she knew that was only the case because she prepared everything beforehand. Should an unexpected third party come in, that’ll complicate her entire situation.

“Hey! We’re coming!”

Pinkie turned around to see Snips and Snails opening the fence, joining them for the distraction party. Now that was going to be a problem, but nothing she couldn’t solve on her own. After all, it was only two additional people, can’t be that hard right?

“Hi there! I’m so happy you finally got my invitation to the party!” she said joyfully, inflating two balloons in the process.

“Here you go!”

They looked at the balloon, but clearly their faces demanded more. “Can’t you like, make us a dog with these balloons?”

“But of course!” With expert handling, Pinkie squeezed and turned the balloons, eventually forming a dog for each of them. “Pinkie never disappoints!”

She then felt Bulk’s presence behind her. “Let me guess; you want a dog too?”

Bulk nodded excitedly.

“Say no more!”

She rummaged through her bag in search of balloons. Well, thankfully I've brought more than enough for this party. But now that I’m looking inside my bag; I can see that I've nearly drained all my resources. Please be quick up there.

“Once more, on the count of three! One, two, three!” Sunset and Rainbow Dash pushed and pulled as hard as they could to lift the terribly heavy weight. They managed to get the darn thing off of Dash. Now she could finally breath again.

“I could have suffocated if we didn’t act fast enough.” she said, struggling to catch her breath now that the immense pressure on her chest was gone.

“You said it.” responded Sunset, panting herself. Her arms were very, very tired from all the weightlifting. The good news was that they were done with lifting weights. “Now, let’s see what Bulk was hiding behind these weights!”

She reached out a hand to grab whatever was hiding in the corner of his closet and pulled it out, feeling greatly satisfied to have finally gotten her hands on it. “It’s... a love letter?”

“What?!” coughed up Rainbow Dash. She immediately got up and rushed to Sunset’s side to see it.

Yep, it was a love letter alright. To whom was still a mystery, but they honestly couldn’t care less. They had searched literally everywhere else in Bulk’s room. This was the last spot they had searched.

“I was almost crushed to death by a 100 kg weight just for a love letter?! That is so, so, so lame!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Dash, why were we hoping he was the killer again?” blurted out Sunset, still in shock that all this effort was essentially, meaningless.

“I don’t know anymore, man! Let’s get out of here before his parents return home!”

“Totally.” Sunset placed the love letter back in its rightful place.

They quickly head back to the window, opened it and climbed their way down.

“Now ain’t that wacky? So much effort for nothing. I can already say that you’re really good at wasting your time, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset looked around the entire room in search of the mocking voice but couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
“Come on, don’t just stand there; go!”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will stop beating around the bush. I know what you’re doing here. You’re here to see if Bulk Bicep is this SKX you speak of.” Trixie confronted them about their plan. Now they were fully certain that she had eavesdropped on them.

“Great, you spied on us. Now what are you gonna do about it? Just threaten us?” spitted out Applejack, struggling to stand upright thanks to her bloodied thigh.

“I, the Great and Powerful Trrrixie, am much smarter than that. I took photos and videos of your little operation. You know what that means?” She waved around her phone in front of their faces, showing the photos and videos she had taken to prove the legitimacy of her claim.

“You’re blackmailing us!” shouted an angry Twi.

“Indeed!” rapidly said Trixie. She walked past them, making sure to look at each of their faces with a smug smile. “That means you’ve got to obey any and ALL of my wishes if you don’t want these incriminating photos leaked online.”

“Girls, look! Sunset and Rainbow Dash are done.” pointed out Fluttershy, everybody else turned to look at the two incoming girls.

“Trixie? What are you doing here!” Dash shouted when she spotted the magician amongst her friends.

“Glad you asked, Rainbow Dash. The Gre-”

The distant sound of a car caught all of their attention.

“Oh no, here they come!” uttered Sunset, signaling to the whole squad to bail out.

“Quick, send the signal to Pinkie!” demanded Rarity.

“On it, cowboy!” Applejack spammed Pinkie with multiple messages, which acted as the signal for her to end the party.

Then, they walked out of there, trying their hardest not to look suspicious to the car slowly pulling into its house.
Trixie left the other way, satisfied of her victory. It was a first win against the Rainbooms, her sworn enemy.

That only left Pinkie Pie, who had just gotten the message from Applejack. “Oopsy daisy! I didn’t see the time pass, but sadly it is time for me to go!”

Her announcement left the three guests feeling sad. “Does that mean the party’s already over?” asked a disappointed Snips.

Looking for an easy way out, Pinkie laid her eyes on one particular object; of course, the giant green and yellow banana.

“Aw, no need to be so sad; Pinkie’s got one last surprise for y’all!”

Their faces lighted up with a child-like excitement. It was quite the adorable sight. The pink haired girl hopped towards the banana and opened it, revealing its content to the partygoers.

Three scooters, now ain’t that wacky! Bulk, Snips and Snails jumped on each of the scooter, eager to try them out. As they raised their heads to thank Pinkie; she was gone, having leaped over the fence to run into the streets.

“Wha- Where did she go?” questioned Snails.

“Oh, where do you think she could have gone, bro? Over the fence!” answered Snips, annoyed that his friend didn’t realise the obvious.

“I still don’t know why I got a special surprise party.” informed Bulk Bicep.

Dark, cold and unwelcoming. That was a good description for the bathroom the killer was in currently. He just shanked a man to death, merely to vent his feelings. There was blood on his clothes, on his knife, on the walls. It was a mess and now, he could finally think with a clear head, something he could not do for a while. Though perhaps, this moment of clarity was secretly a curse in disguise.

He got to ponder on his life, what even brought him here to begin with. The mistakes he made, the heights he could have rose to, the life he could have led had it not been for...

“You were her best student to date. I must confess, I’m impressed how you did it. I wonder how close that you came.”

Now SKX got a sinking sensation. He was the top of the line, out of sight, out of mind. So much for fortune, fame, friendships and love... He looked in the mirror, getting overwhelmed by a feeling of disgust. The more he pondered, the more he came to realise; he was a broken man now. He can’t be fixed.

“You can’t take this kind of pressure, am I right? From the looks of it, one more misty day would be just a day too long for someone who looks like he could break at any moment.”

An awful thought suddenly came to his mind. Forgotten by his peers, by his people, had he truly become worthless?

“Ah yes! You’re worthless! Worthless! Worthless! Worthless.”

He started to hyperventilate, though normally you would start breathing heavily and rapidly in this situation, but he couldn’t. He grasped at his neck in a vain attempt to take a breath, but nothing came of it except for the repulsive sounds of his bones snapping. He couldn’t even feel his own heart beating and that only made the whole feeling much worse, even more sickening.

“Now this is quite amusing. I get my kicks out of witnessing other people’s misery, knowing I had a hand in it, one way or another.”

SKX finally calmed himself down. Slowly but surely, he turned his head around, his bones cracking with every movement, and stared at the corpse. He knew what to write now, what else could he write but this. “I am a broken man.”

“Who would believe they’d all forget about you this quickly?”


I am a broken man. This sentence kept on repeating through Sunset’s mind. Once more, SKX had struck, killing another person to use their blood as a mean to spread his messages. The more he wrote, the more disturbed she felt. Almost as if she had this strange feeling that she already knew who it is. Yet, she still refused to even think of him. Was it shame, regret or denial that stopped her?

It was early in the morning, so she thought about going to the Sweet Snacks Café before her classes in hopes of sharing this news with Beelz. He really seemed to know what he was talking about for his guess was correct regarding the fact that SKX was probably once a normal person who turned to darkness because of a bad, bad day. Surely, he could provide more interesting theories regarding the situation.

She’d need all the help she can get. Therefore, she rushed to the café as quickly as she could. Sure enough, there he was, sitting by his lonesome, drinking a cup of coffee. His face was buried in the newspaper. Unsurprisingly, the headlines were mostly about SKX’s rampage.

She ordered a coffee and sat on the table next to that of the old man. He jumped and immediately brought down his newspaper.

“I’m sorry. Did I startle you?” started Sunset, sounding apologetic.

Beelz simply chuckled. “I don’t know. You tell me, girl.”

She looked around the place, feeling uncomfortable about going up to him just to ask more questions about the whole case, but she knew she needed his insight. “You, um, surely must have learned about the murder that took place yesterday, right?”

He lifted his newspaper up to her face with his trembling hands and showed the article he was reading. “You could say so.”

“I guess that means you were right about this serial killer. You know, when you delivered your speech at the park?” she specified.

Beelz’s eyes lighted up, indicating that he indeed, remembered their conversation. “I remember, Sunset. That... only makes me more worried than before.” He looked down at the newspaper. “A broken man is a man whose got nothing left to lose. They are extremely dangerous. It’s bad that he’s after you, because nothing will stop him from killing you.” He putted his shaking hands on her shoulders. “Sunset, you need to be placed under surveillance. The police will keep you safe from him.”

It was a solution that Sunset Shimmer considered long ago, but something kept her from going through with it. It was something that had to do with SKX himself. She couldn’t shake off the sensation that she knew him, not just as an acquaintance, but as someone who was much more to her. Couldn’t be romantically, because she had only ever been in a relationship with Flash Sentry before and she doubted it could even be him; he was slim whether as SKX was muscular. A muscular person other than Bulk Bicep...

“I know but... for some reason I feel like I must confront this killer, personally. He seems to mostly want me dead. All his other kills are just to communicate with me! If I make myself harder to reach...” she paused for a moment, staring at the headline in the newspaper. “He’d just kill more innocent people who have nothing to do with his grudge.”

Beelz frowned, not out of disappointment, he understood where Sunset was coming from, but he seemed unsure if that was truly the best option. Not like he knew what it was. “I see.” He slowly reached for his coffee and moved it up to his mouth. His incessant trembling caused a bit of it to spill on his white mustache. The burning pain caused him to quickly put the cup down. “Argh! I should be more careful when I drink.”

“Do you... have Parkinson syndrome, Beelz?” it was a question that she wanted to ask for quite some time now.

“Yeah, it was kind of the main reason why I had to quit my job a couple of years back. I’ve learned to live with it now. You don’t have to feel bad for me; I don’t envy anyone.”

“Do you know that there are spoons made specifically for people with Parkinson?” she asked.

Beelz chuckled for a moment, nearly letting out a hearty laugh. “Of course, I know! I only hope they’ll make coffee cups for people with Parkinson, so I’d stop spilling coffee over myself!” he finally let out a laugh, smacking his leg with his other hand.

Sunset giggled herself. “That’ll be interesting to see!”

Beelz looked at her for a moment with the brightest smile he could muster. “Just be careful out there. You are precious and you know it. Don’t let this serial killer bring you down, ok?”

Sunset smiled back at the old man. “Thanks, Beelz. I feel better now.”

Author's Note:

That was the longest chapter so far, but hey, at least I had a lot of fun writting this one! Next chapter will be quite the big one indeed! So, see you next time!