• Published 18th Feb 2023
  • 1,438 Views, 19 Comments

Equestrian Phoenix Prologue - Zachary Pyromaniac

A phoenix from another universe ends up in Equestria. Staring the first character I ever created.

  • ...

Royal Meeting

Author's Note:

New voices:


Wording like (This) means a flashback sequence.

"Jason it's gonna blow!"

The only thing that Zachary could see was the silhouette of his brother at the control panel trying desperately to stop the Nexus from cracking. Zac was trying to get Jason away from the controls so he wouldn't get blown up in the process.

"I can stop it Zac, just get out of here!"

Jason insisted, still clicking away at the controls. The Nexus was cracking more and more by the second, it could blow at any time.

"Jason there's no time!

Zac shouted, desperately trying to tear Jason away from the controls.


The Nexus was now shaking violently, and still Jason insisted he could stop it.

"Zac Go!"

Jason pushed Zac with so much force it threw Zac out of the room. Before Zac could do anything, Jason shut the door! Zac pounded on the door trying desperately to get back inside, but it was too late.



Zachary awoke suddenly, covered in sweat and out of breath. He felt like his heart was about to explode. He looked around, he was still on the train heading to Canterlot. He looked down at himself, relieve to see that he was still a pony. It was only a nightmare, a nightmare that continued to haunt Zac ever since that day. It was something that he could never forget. He took a deep breath and relaxed for a moment.

"Same nightmare, got to remember not to fall asleep."

He thought to himself, a voice beside him almost made him jump again.


He looked up to see Twilight and her friends, and they all looked very concerned.

"Are you okay?"

She placed a hoove on his shoulder, which seemed to calm him down.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm okay."

He said, hesitantly.

"Just a bad dream."

This didn't seem to reassure them at all. In fact, it just made them more concerned. But at that moment, Zac saw something outside the window. It was a castle, unlike any he had ever seen before. This seemed to get everyone's attention off of him for now.


He said quietly to himself, a few minutes later, the train came to a full stop. As they had all gotten off Zac noticed a map in front of them.

It was a map of Equestria, and it was much bigger than he thought. Canterlot was located somewhat in the middle of everything, and he could see the castle on the map to.

"This must be Equestria's capital city."

He said to himself quietly. As they headed for the castle, he noticed the streets were way more busy than the ones back in Ponyville. Zac tried to keep himself between the four and everything else trying not to draw attention to himself, but he found it rather difficult. He felt like everyone was looking at him. Well, he didn't exactly look like the average pony, whatever the average pony was. After a few minutes of walking up stairs, they arrived at the castles front door where two ponies seemed to be waiting for them. The one on the left was a cream color with a light purple mane and tail and seemed like you typical shy person. The other was orange with a tan mane and tail. They were also wearing a Stetson hat implying that were some kind of farmer.

"Who are those two?"

He asked with concern.

"That's Applejack and Fluttershy. Don't worry, they're our friends too."

Twilight said, noticing that Zac was very concerned.

"Applejack, Fluttershy!"

Twilight greeted them as they approached, Zac still desperately trying to hide himself from everything. The two ponies greeted them back. Zac thought to himself quietly.

"I REALLY hope I don't regret this."

"I see you brought the stranger with you."

The pony named Applejack had noticed Zac behind the rest of them looking around nervously. Twilight reassured that everything was fine.

"Applejack, Fluttershy, this is Zac.

Twilight said, gesturing to Zac hiding behind them.


He said peeking out from behind Pinke. Applejack did not seemed convinced. She still looked like she was ready to drop kick him up into the Stratosphere.

"I hope this guy hasn't been giving you any kind of trouble."

She said very sternly, which didn't help Zac at all.

"I can assure you I've not attempted anything."

He said calmly, trying not to show fear but was doing a terrible job at it. The one named Fluttershy peeked out around Applejack to get a look at him.

"Are you alright?"

She asked, sounding just as nervous. This caught Zac's attention, noticing that someone else was concerned for him.

"Well my head stopped spinning on the ride here so, I'd say I'm decent."

He said looking around at everyone to see if they were buying his bullshit. Twilight then proceeded to explain what was wrong with him.

"He has amnesia."

She said.

"Well he did fall from the sky."

Applejack replied.

"But how is he in one piece?"

Twilight shrugged, just as confused as she was.

"No idea, which is why we brought him here to Canterlot."

She replied.

"Hopefully Princess Celestia can help us with this."

And with that, they entered the castle. Zac was astonished by the ornate entrance hall. Everywhere he looked was clean, white, and shiny, something that he wasn't use to. Hallway after hallway, staircase after staircase, Zac was amazed by the entire structure of the castle. For ponies, it was very well built.

"How did they do all this?"

He thought to himself.

Eventually they reached a set of doors at the end of one of the many hallways they went through. This made Zac very nervous again. Was this where this Princess Celestia was?

"So is this Princess Celestia like you guys?"

He asked with curiosity.

"Not exactly."

Twilight responded.

"While Celestia may look like a pony, She's actually a Alicorn."

Not having a single clue what an Alicorn was, He decided not to question it for now.

"Can she really help me?"

He asked, getting more concerned every second. Twilight looked at him with a warm smile.

"We're about to find out."

She replied.

The doors opened and they all stepped through. Once again, Zac was amazed by the decorative throne room of the castle. It was almost the size of a football field with stained glass windows lining each side of the room. The windows themselves seem to depict several events throughout Equestria. The one that caught his eye was of the 6 ponies around him now all in some kind of ritual. No, not a ritual, they were battling something. However this was the least of this problems right now, for in front of them was the throne itself, and it wasn't empty. Sitting in the throne was Princess Celestia. A mare who double the height of everyone he had seen. Her coat was pure white and her mane and tail was glowing with many colors, pink, purple, blue, green, you name a color, it was there. She wore a crown like any princess would, but what caught Zac's attention the most was that she had a horn TWICE as long as Twilight and Rarity's and that she had wing's bigger than Rainbow Dash's as well. In his standard, she was by all means, a GODDESS.

"Ah, my prize student."

She spoke as they all entered. Her voice alone was very elegant.

Wait, Student?

"Princess Celestia, sorry to keep you waiting."

Twilight responded

Celestia simply chuckled in response.

"That is quite alright Twilight."

She reassure them.

"And I see you brought him with you."

"We did"

Twilight replied.

"Celestia, this is Zachary."

She said gestureing toward him. They all moved aside to reveal a very nervous Zac trying to keep his cool.

"I hope she falls for my fake amnesia trick too."

He thought to himself. He felt like he was standing in a spotlight on a stage.

"Greetings Zachary, I am Princess Celestia."

She said.

"Please, j-just call me Zac."

He responded nervously.

"There's no need to be nervous Zac, your safe here."

She reassured him.


He replied.

"Twilight here tells me you fell from the sky."

She said

" Is this true?"

"I guess."

He replied

Celestia seemed confused, but not for long.

"He has amnesia."

Twilight said.

"How unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear this."

Celestia said.

"Is there anything you do remember Zac?"

Zac thought for a second.

"Well I remember falling from the sky, but I can't remember anything before that."

He replied

"I see."

She said, feeling sorry for him.

"Well, until your memories return, you are welcome to stay in Ponyville."

"Thank you."

He said putting his mind at ease.

"Twilight, is it ok if he stays with you?"

Celestia asked.

"Sure, no problem!"

Twilight responded cheerfully.


Celestia said happily.

"In that case, you are all free to go."

"Thank you Celestia."

The 7 of them began to leave. But right before they reached the door, the watch on Zac's left front hoof suddenly started beeping rapidly catching everyone's attention.

"What the?"

He said staring at the watch. before anyone could say anything, a blinding Green light engulfed Zac. Everyone stepped back terrified and confused, Zac had to close his own eyes. When the light disappeared, Zac was still there, but he wasn't a pony anymore. He was back to his human appearance again. Taking a moment to look at himself, he chuckle slightly

"Hey, I'm me again."

He said happily. Then a thought occurred to him.

"Oh shit."

His cover had been blown. He spun around quickly to try to explain himself.

"Now wait a minute, hold on a second, I can explain."

He said backing up slowly. But the guards were now in front of him.

"Orders Princess?"

One of them asked. Celestia just sat there still processing what just happened, as for Zac, he was starting to panic.

"What do I do?"

He thought to himself.

He suddenly had an idea.

"Who put that piano up there?"

He said pointing above them. Everyone in the room looked at where he had pointed, but there was nothing there. That's when Celestia realized they had all fallen for a simple trick.

But by the time she looked down, he was already running.