• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 761 Views, 9 Comments

When it hurts - A former lunatic

Spike let's three of his best friends know how he truly feels.

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chapter 4

Spike yawned as he woke from his slumber. He looked at Ember who continued to cling to him. They were in his room; sleeping on his bed. He thought eagerly about the day this room would be theirs. A thought did cross his mind. What nightmare had plagued her dreams last night? It was hard to imagine that even she would be scared. In fact, he still couldn't believe what had happened. He tried to talk to her last night. But, she didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want to be reminded. She just wanted to hold him.

He smiled before saying. “Good morning Ember.” He kissed her forehead before giving her face a few gentle licks.

He could hear her purring as a smile stretched across her face. Her eyes slowly opened before pressing her body against his. He wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped hers around him. They held each other happily. Their bodies being warmed by the others.

He asked her. “Are you okay?”

She answered. “Yes.” She thanked him. “Thanks for last night.”

He replied. “You're welcome.” He then apologized. “I'm sorry that we didn't do anything yesterday.”

She nuzzled him before saying. “You don't need to apologize.” She breathed his scent in before continuing. “I enjoyed snuggling and cuddling with you.”

He smiled before inhaling her scent. He nuzzled her again; this time he was gently rubbing his snout into her neck. He gave her neck a quick flick of his tongue. He felt her shudder a little. She brought one of her claws behind his left ear. She then gently scratched the area. He shuddered at the gentle scraping. It felt oddly good. She giggled before she got up and propped herself over him. He looked up at her before she pressed herself against him. Pinning him against the mattress as she rested against him once more.

He wished they could stay like this. But, he had to start preparing for his date with Thorax. Reluctantly he informed her. “Ember, we have to get out of bed.”

She responded defiantly. “No.” She buried her nose into his neck before ordering. “As dragon lord, I order you to stay here with me.”

He chuckled before saying. “I would love nothing more than to stay here with you.” He felt her gently lick his neck as he continued. “But, I'm afraid we need to get up.” He then started to suggest. “I believe we may.”

Two growls interrupted him and both of them blushed. Their stomachs were taking control now. Although, Ember was tempted to tell him to ignore their stomachs. But, at the same time, she was hungry. She got off of him and he sat up. They smiled at each other before they walked out of the room.

Thorax flew happily through the air towards Ponyville. He was so excited to see Spike. So excited to spend time with him. He was just plain happy. As he flew he saw Ember flying towards him. He stopped and hovered in the air. She stopped just in front of him. She smiled before flying closer and hugging him. He hugged her back before she continued flying home. He smiled as he watched her fly away. He couldn't wait till they were all together. He continued to fly towards his destination.

Spike had just finished cleaning before he heard a knock at the door. He smiled as he walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. The moment he opened the door; he was greeted by the smiling face of Thorax. He smiled back at him before they hugged each other. They were happy to finally start spending time together. He invited him inside the castle.

Spike had decided to take Thorax out on a night of stargazing. They were set up on a hill; telescope and all. They even had a book about all the star constellations. Thorax enjoyed looking through the scope. Seeing all the beautiful stars and their many formations and many made up. He felt like he was looking into the heavens. But, Spike was more focused on the sight that sat beside him.

Thorax was both handsome and beautiful. His green skin had a shine that reminded him of fresh grass. His skin was smooth a large difference from his rough scales. His wings reminded him of the night sky that they gazed up at. But, the stars he was gazing at were not in the sky. No, it was in his eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

Thorax noticed that Spike was staring at him. He turned to look at the drake; only to be lost in his emerald eyes. He couldn't look away. He didn't want to look away. Spike moved closer to him; placing one of his claws on his chest. Thorax felt himself being pushed down. He didn't make an attempt to resist. He fell to his back and Spike crawled on top of him. He didn't feel threatened. He didn't feel scared. He did feel a little embarrassed. But, then again if you were just pinned beneath your love wouldn't you be?

Spike crawled all the way up Thorax's body. He stopped at his neck and smiled wickedly. He kept his mouth shut and held a gentle flame inside his maw. He waited for it to disperse before he opened his mouth. Steam and his tongue left his maw. The moment his warm tongue touched the Changeling's neck. He felt him squirm under him and he could hear him slightly moaning.

Thorax asked. “E-Ember?” Spike nodded before continuing his assault. He groaned as his neck was attacked by the drake's tongue. He cursed. “Damn it, Ember.” She must have taught him a trick during their time together.

Spike was enjoying this; he relished the feeling of the Changeling shuddering underneath him. He did wonder how much Thorax was enjoying this. Both the love and the meal he was being fed. He climbed further up and hovered his face just above his. They stared into each other eyes; with their noses pressed against each others. Spike felt like he was memorizing every feature of Thorax's face. He wasn't just handsome. He was also cute. He then kissed him. Thorax tensed up for a moment; until he relaxed and wrapped his arms around Spike. This felt really good.

Thorax breathed heavily when Spike finally broke the kiss. His lungs worked overtime trying to get air into them. At the same time, he felt like he was about to vomit. He ate a little too much love. He was grateful that love didn't add weight. He would be a very, very, very fat changeling if it did. He sighed as Spike started to gently rub his stomach.

He asked him. “Full?” Thorax nodded; he became aware of a tear that suddenly fell from his eyes. He asked. “Are you in pain?” He was concerned for him. Did he feed him a little too much?

Thorax answered. “No.” A burp escaped from him and he blushed in embarrassment. Spike chuckled as he continued. “I'm just happy.”

Spike smiled and continued to gently rub Thorax's stomach. All three of his dates had gone great. He considered himself the luckiest dragon to live in Equestria. He snuggled closer to Thorax and they gazed up at the beautiful sky above them. Although, each date was meant only for one of them. He wished all of them could have been together.

They walked together as they made their way back to the castle. Thorax leaned against Spike as he walked. He was still full from earlier and he was feeling a little sleepy. Spike didn't mind the closeness. He enjoyed being cuddled with each of them. As they walked across the bridge Thorax stopped and stared at the stars again. Spike joined him and they gazed up at the sky once more.

Thorax had experienced so much in his life. Most of it was just cruel hardships from his mother and fellow changelings. He was so hungry back then. So, alone. Then when he met Spike it all changed for the better. He shifted his gaze from the stars to the beautiful drake that stood next to him. The way his scales shimmered in the moonlight; it captured his attention like a beautiful flame. Spike turned and looked at him; smiling happily at him. Thorax loved him. He never thought this would be so.

Gabby dropped the package that she was holding. A loud rattling was heard coming from it. But, it didn't matter to her. She could feel it. It was like a sudden chill had gripped the back of her head. It held onto her with a death grip. The cold traveled down her spine and spread throughout her body. She trembled as fear slowly entered her mind. She started running for the exit. Her boss yelled at her but she didn't care. Something had just happened to her flock. Something just happened to Spike.

Ember felt anger coursing through her. The scepter she held had shined not too long ago. From it, she heard something horrible. Followed by screams, terrible, painful screams. She recognized them they belonged to. No, no this wasn't happening. That was just a dumb dream! Her eyes snapped open and in an instant she was airborne. She was flying as fast as she could to Ponyville. Why? Why was she smelling the horrible scent of blood?

Thorax groaned as he regained consciousness. His nose hurt like no tomorrow. And, he felt wet? He blinked his eyes back into focus. At first, everything was dark and he found it hard to simply sit up. Plus, his ear were ringing. After another few blinks he could see rather blotchy shapes. The ringing had begun to settle. Now he could hear muffled thumps. What in the world was going on? Why did his nose hurt so much? Why was he covered in water? After one more set of blinks his senses had returned.

He gasped as he realized the water that covered him wasn't water. It was blood, his blood, and his nose had been broken. The thumps were now loud whacks. Whacks that came from just in front of him. Before him stood a unicorn who held a metal bat in its magical hold. The bat was brought down hard onto something. When it was pulled back up to strike again; it flung blood backwards. Blood that splattered onto his body. Blood that coated the tip of the bat. Blood that belonged to.

He called out. “Spike?”

The unicorn stopped their assault and turned around. Thorax didn't care about the unicorn; he only cared about the drake that lay on the ground behind it. His once purple scales were now a dark red. When a shadow came upon him; he snapped his head up. The horrible sight of a now bloody unicorn stood over him. Bat raised to strike.

He shouted. “No!”

He dodged out of the way and tackled the unicorn. Both of them grunted as they entered into a hoof fight. Thorax struck the unicorn's face with three hard punches. But, the unicorn managed to kick him off before taking hold of its bat again. As he charged at his foe; pain shot from his right foreleg causing him to back up. The unicorn had just struck him with the bat. Thankfully, his leg wasn't broken. But, now he was angry. How dare this unicorn do this! How dare this pony attack the one he loves. How dare they cause him pain.

In a flash, the unicorn was struck with a powerful knock-back spell. They were sent over the side of the bridge. The unicorn smiled wickedly as they fell to the gentle water below. It didn't matter if they were knocked over. The moment they hit the water; all they had to do was climb back up. They would then finish what they would start. They would be ready; after all who would pass an opportunity like this up? To strike fear into the enemies of all ponies. They would be remembered as a hero for future generations. Even though these brainwashed drones would see them as a villain. They were a hero and a hero always defeated monsters. A hero always comes out victorious. A hero.

The back of the unicorn's head struck a large rock hidden just beneath the water. The back of their skull was all but shattered on impact. As they lost conciseness one final image was burned into their memory. The image of the changeling that they tried to kill. The evil changeling king that ruled over all of those putrid insects. The changeling that defeated them. Its body slowly slid off the rock. The water rushed passed it like nothing. Because that was all that they were. A nobody who would never be remembered. A nobody who had just attacked two innocent souls. A nobody who sank slowly below the water's surface.

Thorax walked away from the edge and made his way over to Spike. He was already crying as he limped over to him. This was not real. This was not real. This, this was just a horrible dream. He was dreaming and he was about to wake up. So why did it all feel so real? The pain, the blood, the beating of his heart. He reached out a trembling hoof and gently grasped Spike's shoulder. As he turned him over; he saw such a horrid sight. His head was split wide open; he could actually see the bone of his skull. Blood had run down like a sickening river. Covering his once clean face with the scarlet liquid.

He held him close to his body and cried. Praying that his drake would be okay. He cried out. “Help! Somepony help!”

Gabby's voice called back. “Thorax!”

He looked up just in time to see her land. She gasped as she saw the bloody sight. Two members of her flock had just been seriously hurt. She walked closer to them; hoping that her mind was playing a terrible trick on her. The moment she touched Thorax's shoulder; the horrible reality set in. She felt like she was about to cry. She wanted to wrap her arms around both of them. But, this was not the time.

She informed him. “I'll go get help.” She took off flying.

Thorax could only nod as he continued to hold Spike in his hooves. There was blood; so much blood. On both him and the ground beneath them. The horrible odor filled the air. He wanted to just hold him close. At the same time, he was scared that he would hurt him more. Why? Why did this happen? What had they done to feel such wrath? What hatred had possessed that damn pony?! That pony. This was its fault! Oh, if he could bring that horrible creature back he would savor killing.

At that moment Thorax suddenly had a realization. He had just ended the life of a unicorn. He, he just killed a pony with his hooves. His magic. He just murdered somepony who he didn't even know. No, no, he was defending himself. Yes, he didn't kill anypony. He didn't kill a pony. Then why did he feel so horrible? Why was he feeling sorry? No, no, he didn't feel sorry. Did he?

The voice of Ember spoke. “Thorax?”

He turned to face Ember and he heard her gasp. When did she get her? Why was she looking at him like that? Her eyes, her beautiful red colored eyes. They were filled with so much fear. She was looking at him. Did she see him as a monster? Was she looking at a changeling that now mirrored his mother? He adverted his gaze and hid his face in Spike's chest. He had to stop scaring her.

Ember felt like she was barely moving as she approached her future mates. The putrid stench of blood filled the air. A stench that came from them. It hurt to see Thorax hide himself from her. He was hurt and now he hid like some wounded animal. She knelt down and placed a gentle claw on his shoulder. She could feel his body trembling horribly. With her other claw, she reached for his chin. She gently grasped it and made him look at her. He was crying heavily; with a look that begged for help. A look that begged for this to not be real.

She asked. “Thorax?”

He sobbed before leaning forward. She caught him and held him close. She couldn't let him go; if she did he would fall to pieces. She had to hold him together. She then saw Spike. He was being held by Thorax; the blood, so much blood. His scales were spilt open; allowing her to see the bone. Some creature had just attacked them. That filled her with rage. A growl escaped her as her grip tightened on her mate. She was going to make the creature....burn.

She asked. “Who did this?” At first, she only heard a whimper. “What!?”

Thorax answered. “I didn't mean to kill them.”

Her anger died the moment she heard the hurt in his voice. He all but admitted he made the creature responsible pay. But, there was one problem. He was a gentle soul and an evil one just made him shed blood. He was possibly blaming himself now. He probably saw himself as some kind of monster. That was when she felt a tear of her own slide down her face. Her mates, her precious gems, someone had just hurt both of them. She hugged Thorax a little tighter; while he continued to hold Spike.

Eventually Gabby returned with a team of medical ponies. Thorax felt them pry open his hooves. What's going on? Who are all of you? Wait, where's Spike? He eventually saw him lying on a stretcher. His small, bloody, broken body. They were carrying him away. He stretched out one of his hooves.

He called out. “Spike.” His voice was so fragile. He called out again. “Spike.” For a moment it was all calm. Then, the storm unleashed its fury. He yelled. “SPIKE!” He violently pushed the pony in front of him away. The other paramedics and guards suddenly surrounded him. They were trying to keep him from Spike. They were taking Spike away from him. He cried out. “Let me go!” He continued to struggle against them. “Spike! Spike!”

Ember suddenly grabbed him from behind and held him firmly. She spoke to him. “Thorax, stop!” Her voice was firm but also it was filled with care. He immediately stopped fighting and just stood there. He fell to his knees and started crying again. Ember continued to hold him as he broke down. She growled when one of the ponies tried to take him from her. If any of them touched him she would rip there.

Gabby spoke. “Ember.” The gryphon suddenly appeared before her. Her eyes were so calm, so gentle. She gently nuzzled her before saying. “Ember, Thorax is hurt. He needs to go to the hospital.”

Thorax was hurt? For a moment she had forgotten that he was hurt. Reluctantly, she let him go and the medical ponies got him prepped for transportation. As he was being taken to the hospital. Ember and Gabby stayed at the scene. The guards had to ask them questions. They had to find out what had happened. But, all they cared about was the two that had been taken away.

Comments ( 8 )

Well. 2 out of 3 are going to be around awhile (dragons living for as long as they do, and who knows exactly how long changelings actually live), so Spike should remember that.

He was grateful that love didn't add weight. He would be a very, very, very fat changeling if it did.

Ah, that's disappointing. :pinkiesad2:

Great story so far. I hope to see more soon!

You like ‘‘em big huh?

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