• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 754 Views, 9 Comments

When it hurts - A former lunatic

Spike let's three of his best friends know how he truly feels.

  • ...

chapter 2

Spike had just finished getting himself ready for his date with Gabby. His mind wandered back to the events that had happened earlier. He was still in disbelief. He wondered if he was still alive. A chuckle escaped from him as he started to walk to the front of the castle. She should be arriving at any moment.

He stepped outside just as she landed on the steps. They smiled at each other before they walked up and hugged each other. As they broke the hug; Gabby gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He felt his heart flutter a little before he returned her kiss with one of his own. Gabby couldn't stop her tail from wagging. She felt very happy.

He greeted her. “Hello, milady.”

Gabby giggled before replying. “Hello, love.” She stood next to him before asking. “What do you have planned for us today?”

He offered her a claw and she accepted it. They held each other's hand while he answered. “Would you like to go swimming?” He added. “The water is great this time of year.”

Gabby smiled before she nuzzled him. He nuzzled her back before they began to walk towards the lake. They held each other's hands as they walked. Gabby even went as far as to intertwine her tail with his. He didn't care who saw them. All that mattered was her. She noticed he was purring; she smiled before she nuzzled the side of his head. She enjoyed the walk with her drake.

The two reached the lake and were now standing at the end of the pier. They looked at the calm surface of the water. Then, with yells of joy, they jumped into the water. The water was ice cold. Gabby couldn't help but scream out. While Spike laughed a little. She heard his laughter and swiped at him; water splashed his face. It caught him off guard for a moment.

He yelled. “This means war love!” He swiped back at her; splashing water back at her.

They laughed and yelled as they enjoyed their little splash fight. They were acting like young children. But, hey, can you blame a young couple experiencing love? After their little war, they floated next to each other in the calm water. Gabby breathed deeply as she floated. The water felt cool and the sun's warmth wasn't too intense. She heard something swimming towards her. A second later she felt something touch her back.

Spike had just swam underneath her; he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. He heard her sigh as she turned over and rested herself against his body. She focused on the sound of his heartbeat. It was such a gentle sound; she could fall asleep right there. She then felt him kiss her forehead.

He said. “I love you.”

She nuzzled him before replying. “I love you, too.”

If he was crying his tears were hidden by the water that was on his scales. This felt wonderful; being this close to her. He closed his eyes and let the water hold him; while he held her. Happiness couldn't define how they felt right now. They were so lost in the moment they didn't hear the distant rumbling.

Gabby and Spike ran as fast as they could back to the town square. Apparently, the weather ponies scheduled a downpour for today. The only problem was they forgot to pass the word along. The thunder rolled as rain fell from the clouds. The two managed to reach the gazebo in the center of town. Both of them laughed a little as they shook the rainwater from their bodies.

Spike commented. “Wonderful weather huh?”

Gabby giggled a little before nodding. Truthfully, the surprise rainstorm didn't ruin their date. If anything it made it a little more fun. As they ran to the town; Gabby challenged him to a small race. It didn't matter who won; they were just having fun. As a cold gust of wind blew through she noticed he was shaking.

She asked. “Cold?” He nodded.

She walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. He smiled and returned her hug as they wrapped their wings around each other. They smiled as they pressed their heads together. Even though it was a heavy downpour and their bodies were soaking wet. Where they were right now was the best place in the world for them.

A voice called to them. “Spike! Gabby!”

At first, they couldn't see who was yelling at them. As they looked around the voice called to them again. “Spike! Gabby!” They followed the voice and saw Pinkie waving at them. She was holding the door to Sugar Cube Corner open. They broke the hug and ran through the rain again. It was a wonder how their bodies weren't prunes from all the water that had been dropped on them.

Spike was about to thank her for calling them over. But, before he could even speak both of them were blasted by a jet of warm air. Their bodies were almost instantly dried of water. But, there was a small catch. Gabby's feathers were all ruffled and puffed. And, Spike somehow had poofy fur all over his body.

Pinkie spoke with a slight giggle in her voice. “All dry.”

Both of them stared silently at her and at each other. Gabby couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter as she saw the puffball that was her drake. Spike wanted to laugh but at the same time, he was a little horrified. Before he could even ask; Pinkie had pulled a comb out of a nearby cookie jar. She kept it there just in case of mane or fur-related emergencies. She combed his new fur down; somehow turning it back into his smooth scales.

He blinked a moment thankfully to have his normal skin back. But he had to know and he asked her. “How did you?”

Pinkie answered before he even finished. “Oh, I had my air cannon set to What The Fluff.”

She giggled before happily bouncing away. They stood there in silence before looking at one another. Gabby was tempted to ask. But, Both of them knew it would be better not to ask. It was just better to accept that it was just Pinkie's logic. Plus, it was better than trying to understand the cosmic horror incarnate. That was when they heard her sneeze.

She asked out loud. “Hey, Who's typing about me?”

Oh crap.

Spike and Gabby sat at one of the empty booths. They watched the rain pouring down outside. Even though it was a terrible storm; there was a strange appeal to watching the rainfall. But, Spike's attention was focused on the beautiful gryphon who sat just in front of him. He smiled warmly at her; while her gaze was focused on the rain outside. She was so mesmerized by the rain; she never noticed him get up and walk over to her side of the booth. She only became aware of his presence when she felt his claw on her talon. And, one of his wings draped over her back. She looked at him and smiled; she then rested her head on top of his. Both of them purred happily in the other's embrace.

A short while later Pinkie brought them some hot chocolate on the house. They thanked her and enjoyed their warm beverages. She couldn't help but smile at the two. She had a feeling it was them who set off her Pinkie sense. And, for the record, she was not some cosmic horror. She was a sweet pony who would never hurt anypony.

She thanked. “Thank you.” She started to walk away.


She yelled. “HEY!”


Gabby and Spike screamed in horror as she yelled. “I'LL SHOW YOU COSMIC HORROR!”

By the time the two had returned to the castle; the sun had long set and Luna had already risen the moon into the sky. The day had been so wonderful. They wished that it would never end. But, that would be selfish. After all, Spike was eager to got on his dates with Ember and Thorax. He was excited for tomorrow. But, right now all he could think about was the wonderful gryphon walking next to him.

They stopped at the doors of the castle. They smiled at each other as Spike said. “I had a great time Gabby.”

She nodded before replying. “So did I.” She hugged him and he returned her hug.

As they broke the hug and she turned to take flight. Spike asked her. “Gabby?” She turned and looked at him and he continued. “Would you like to spend the night?”

She smiled and nodded before saying. “I was hoping you would ask that.”

He chuckled happily before opening the door and holding it open for her. As she walked passed him; not only did she brush one of her wings against him. She had even gone as far as the brush her tail against him. He smiled a little deviously; thankfully he was able to keep that part of his mind in check.

After a quick shower, both of them were resting in his bed. He rested against her; his head lying on her chest. While she had wrapped her wings and claw around him. They inhaled each other scent; both of them enjoyed the warmth the other provided. It didn't feel as good as last night. But, it felt nice. They purred happily as they snuggled together in his bed.

He spoke to her. “Gabby.”

She replied. “Hmm?”

He pushed himself up and crawled up to her face. Allowing him to look down into her eyes as he said. “I love you.”

She smiled before they kissed each other. They held the kiss for a little while; before they broke it so that their lungs could get some much-needed air. She spoke. “I love you too.”

They soon fell asleep in each other's hold. This had been a wonderful day for both of them. And, Spike could hardly wait for tomorrow. Gabby couldn't remember the last time she had been so happy. Neither of them could really. They did wish both Ember and Thorax were there with them. That time would come for them in the future. Right now they just focused on each other. It was going to be a good night in their dreams.