• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 761 Views, 9 Comments

When it hurts - A former lunatic

Spike let's three of his best friends know how he truly feels.

  • ...

chapter 1

Spike sighed as he sealed the third letter. He was done with the writing and now all he had to do was send them. He stared at the three scrolls; each of them was marked with a different seal. One was for Ember. Another for Thorax. And, the third one was for Gabby. He hesitated for a moment; wondering if he should do this. His mind ran through countless scenarios. Scenarios that ended badly for both him and the recipients of the letters. His claws balled into fists as he grit his teeth. A small growl escaped from him as he mentally scolded himself. He took in a deep breath and sent the scrolls flying with his fire breath.

He spoke to himself. “It's done.”

He sat there alone in the silence of his room. He didn't think about anything. He didn't feel anything. All he did was listen to the silence. A silence that scared him. On the outside, he sat at his desk as still as a statue. But, on the inside, he was a mess. A mess of fear, anger, and depression.

His angry thoughts yelled at him. “Now you've done it! You have just signed your death warrant! Fucking worthless slug!

His fear worried him. “They'll hate you for this. They'll never want to speak to you again.

The sadness he kept hidden added to his worry. “What would be the point of staying? Wouldn't it be better to just let go? To just rest.”

His thoughts and feelings were a mess inside of him. But, what's done is done. He stood up and started to walk to his door. He had invited all three of them to the castle. Opening his door he walked out into the hallway. Making his way to the meeting hall. He felt like he could faint at any moment.

He sat there in the hall; waiting patiently for his friends. The silence was deafening. It definitely didn't match its definition. The sound of the door opening had him look up. He watched as they enter; a smile dared to stretch itself across his face. He wanted to feel a sense of relief. But, the tension he felt stole it all from them.

Each of them took a seat at the table. He noticed the looks of worry on their faces. He assumed that it was because of the neutral expression on his face. Truth be told he felt like he was wearing a mask. A mask that hid the real look that he was wearing. They looked at him and he looked at them. This was it. He could tell all of them how he felt. He felt like he was about to vomit.

Ember tried to speak to him, but he spoke before her. “Before any of you say anything.” He asked them. “Can I tell all of you something the letters couldn't, Please?” He paused a moment before admitting. “I want to tell all of you before I lose my nerve.”

They looked at one another; each of them was worried about him. They looked back at him and nodded. He exhaled a breath he had been holding. His body felt heavy; so heavy that he was surprised that he had the strength to stand. He felt off balance; his legs felt like they were about to give out. He had to say it. He had to tell them. He needed to face his fear.

He started. “As the letters stated I needed to speak with all of you.” He started to walk from his seat and to Gabby. “That was the ending part of all your letters. But, what I wrote at the beginning of the letters is far from the truth.” He now stood in front of Gabby; he looked her right in the eyes and said. “Gabby, you always find ways to make me smile. You're bubbly nature; makes me feel happy even when I've had horrible days.” He gently reached for one of her talons. She looked at their hands; the way he held it. It was the softest hold she felt from him. He continued. “You're a beautiful gryphon Gabby. If I'm going, to be honest, you are more beautiful than the element of generosity herself.” He surprised her by suddenly pulling her into a hug. The act had caught her completely by surprise; her own body didn't even react. He finished. “You're warm. You're kind and friendly. If you could be one of the elements; you would be either Kindness or Laughter.” He broke the hug and helped her sit back down.

As Spike started to walk away; Gabby felt an odd chill in the air. She turned and looked at him; watching as he walked away from her. She wanted to jump up and hug him. She wanted to not only hold him but to also be held by him. But, her body wouldn't move. She, she wanted to know more.

Spike now stood before The Dragon Lord. To be standing in front of her was not only every dragon's dream. But, also their worst nightmare. He wasn't standing in front of The Dragon Lord. He was standing before Ember. A dragoness who you would not want to anger. A dragoness who could destroy anyone before her.

He spoke to her. “Ember, you scare me.” She wasn't too surprised but somehow the statement managed to catch her off guard. He continued. “Every time I see you; I can't help but cower before you. I'm afraid to say or do anything. But, at the same time, I don't feel threatened by you.” He continued to stand before her. She could only stare at him; wondering what he was about to do. “You're strong and you're beautiful.” He apologized to her. “I'm sorry if I'm not strong enough for you.” He started to walk around her and towards Thorax.

As he walked away Ember felt a rage inside of her. She wanted to roar at him; to command him to come back and hug her. Wait, did she just think that? She wanted a hug from him. She also felt the cold chill. But, it was overpowered by the anger that she was feeling. Not at him but at herself. She was angry because she made him fear her.

Those eyes. Those wonderful starry night eyes. He was lost in them as he walked up to Thorax. His first changeling friend and King of the Changelings. He came to a stop in front of him. All he did was stare into his eyes. Thorax tried to speak but he was silent when Spike suddenly hugged him.

Spike spoke. “I never feel alone when I'm with you.” His hug tightened as he continued. “I hope I kept you full and I hope this doesn't drive you away from me.” He broke the hug and continued. “Thorax, you are the most handsome changeling I have had the pleasure of knowing.” He finished. “I'm sorry I abandoned you when you needed me the most.”

As Spike walked away Thorax felt himself panicking on the inside. He wanted Spike to come back. He didn't want him to leave. He wanted to tackle him and hold him close. He didn't feel hungry like he used to. But, Spike he was addicted to its flavor.

Spike eventually reached the chair he had sat in. But, instead of sitting back down he walked towards the window and looked outside. He didn't care about what he saw; all he cared about was the reactions of the three creatures in the room. He was so scared. His heart hammered inside his chest. He felt like he was going to vomit. He wanted to disappear. He wanted to die.

He spoke. “I meant everything in both the letters and what I just said to all of you.” He looked down at his feet. “I understand if none of you want to see or talk to me again.” He finished. “Gabby, Ember, Thorax...I love all of you.”

The silence took over again; he stood there in front of the window. His eyes were closed and he was listening. At first, all he could hear was the beating of his heart. Then he heard each of them leave their seats. They were walking towards him; he wanted to jump out the window. His mind commanded him to throw himself out. But, his body was frozen in place. He felt something wet hit his feet; when did he start crying? He felt their presence right behind him. He shivered a little from the stares he felt on him.

He felt a gentle claw on his shoulder as he slowly turned around. His body was so tense from the fear he felt. The claw moved from his shoulder to his chin. He was then made to look up. He didn't want to open his eyes. He, he couldn't look at them. He didn't want to look at them. He didn't want to see the hatred in their eyes. But, his eyes slowly opened. Through the tears that clouded his vision for only a moment. He saw them. He saw looks that held no anger. Their eyes held looks of both happiness and sadness.

Before he knew it Ember had dropped to her knees and hugged him. She was followed by Gabby and Thorax. All three of them held him tightly. He wanted to return their hug; except Gabby and Thorax kept his arms pressed against his sides. Nothing could stop the tears that fell from his eyes. Ember gently nuzzled the side of his head. One of her claws gently rubbed his back; trying to calm him down. She could feel his tears rolling down her back.

Then almost perfectly timed all three of them said. “I love you too, Spike.”

That was it; that was what finally did it. He couldn't hold it back anymore. Although he was practically rendered immobile. He pressed himself further into Ember's hold. He hid his face in her shoulder. They could hear him trying to hold back his sobs. He had been so worried. So angry. So sad. But, now he felt just so happy. It all went black just moments later.

Spike groaned a little as his sense started to return to him. He didn't want to return to the waking world. He wanted to go back to sleep. His body relaxed against the soft surface of his bed. His entire being was surrounded by a comforting warmth. He felt at peace. He buried his face into his pillow; maybe he could get a few more minutes.

When he heard a giggle his eyes shot open. He wasn't on his bed. He was on something that had both fur and feathers. He looked up only to see Gabby staring back down at him. He wanted to move; to get off of her. But, she held him firmly against her body.

Thorax asked. “Did you sleep well?”

Spike quickly became aware of the other two. Before he could answer Gabby suddenly rolled over. Pinning him against the floor as she rested her head against him. He felt Ember and Thorax gently nuzzling his open claws. All four of them lay in the darkness of the meeting hall. They enjoyed the warmth of each other's bodies. The hall was filled with the purring sound of the two dragons and gryphon. They were all happy.

Spike stared up at the ceiling; he couldn't believe this. His mind plagued him with the most horrible of outcomes. From Ember feeding him to her father. To, Gabby tearing his body to shreds. And, Thorax beating him to death with his bare hooves. But, yet, here they were. They were all together.

He apologized. “I'm sorry.”

Ember replied. “Stop, apologizing.” She moved her head from his paw to his cheek. She nuzzled him before continuing. “You don't need to apologize to any of us.'

He tried to speak. “But, I.”

Thorax interrupted him. “You were afraid.” He moved from his claw. Instead of nuzzling him; he made him look into his eyes. He continued. “It's normal to be afraid. Especially when it comes to the feeling of love.”

Gabby spoke. “I just wish you had said this sooner.” She rubbed her head against his chest. His heartbeat nearly lulled her back to sleep. She admitted. “Best sleep I've gotten in a long time.” Ember and Thorax agreed with her.

Spike asked. “How long was I out?” He already knew it was long past sundown. The darkness was a dead giveaway.

Ember answered. “It's almost dawn again.” He was a little shocked to hear he had been asleep all afternoon and night. She added. “We joined you shortly after you fell asleep.”

Thorax spoke. “Don't worry. I made sure to send a letter to Twilight before I joined.”

That caused all of them to chuckle a little. For a while, they all lay there in silence. Each of them savoring the comfort of the others' embrace. This was all so unbelievable. None of this felt real; it was almost like a dream. If Luna was playing a horrible joke on him. He prayed that he would never wake up.

Spike spoke to them. “Hey.” He felt them shifting before he asked. “Can all of you let me up?”

Reluctantly all of them got off his body. Each of them felt the cold chill of night. They were tempted to embrace each other again. Just so they could feel that warmth again. Spike sat up and looked at all of them. A loving smile was stretched across his face. They returned his smile with smiles of his own.

He thanked them. “Thank you.” He added. “All of you.” Before they could respond he asked them. “Are all of you okay with this?” The question had caught all of them off guard. He explained. “I know what we recently did should be my answer. But, I want to know.” He told them. “I love all of you.” He asked. “But, are all three of you willing to share your love not just with me? But with each other?”

For a moment all of them sat in silence. Gabby hardly knew Ember and Thorax. While they were in good acquaintanceship with each other. Spike knew each of them well. But, he would not force them into this. They were in control. Ember looked at Thorax and then at Gabby. She couldn't lie to herself; she enjoyed the lovely moment they shared. She had never cuddled a gryphon before. It was softer than any rock she had slept on.

Thorax was good for the next few months. The love all of them shared was so delicious. He blushed while cursing his stomach. The love they shared was beautiful and he didn't want to lose it. The comforting feeling of their warmth. The feeling of security that not even the hive could come close to offering. It all felt wonderful.

Gabby looked at the dragoness and the changeling. It felt good not only having Spike resting on her. But, she enjoyed the feeling of them holding her. None of the gryphons from her home ever made her feel like this. No, she wasn't going to lose this. She wanted to be not only with Spike but with them as well.

They looked back to Spike and nodded. He smiled before he stood up and walked closer to them. They embraced him in a group hug. Neither of them wanted to let the other go. They just wanted to stay like this. To be in each other's hold. But, as the saying goes all good things must come to an end. They broke the hug and just looked at each other.

Thorax asked a silly question. “Does this mean we're a horde now?”

Gabby questioned. “Is that what changelings call flocks?” She explained. “Cause that's what gryphons call families.”

Ember rubbed the back of her head before answering. “I guess.” She questioned. “I honestly can't tell what we are?”

Spike spoke. “Herd, Horde, Flock. It doesn't matter what we call it.” They looked at him as he finished. “I'm just happy to be with all of you.”

They each chuckled and smiled; Ember had a rather devious look on her face as she spoke. “Well then.” They looked at her as she asked. “Do all of you want to make this union official?”

It didn't take each of them long to put two and two together. They blushed and looked away from her. Again, a question had caught them off guard. At first, Ember rolled her eyes. But, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She rubbed the back of her head and apologized. “Sorry.”

Spike replied. “No need to be sorry Ember.” He cursed his brain as various images started to enter his mind. He added. “But, I believe it's a little too soon to talk about that.” Where was that cold chill now?

Gabby agreed. “Yeah.” She giggled a little as she admitted. “Not that I would mind. But, can we take this slow?”

Thorax nodded in agreement; he had to turn himself away from the others. He was shouting at his brain. His, dirty, dirty, brain. He noticed they were all turning to look at him. He almost shouted. “Don't look at me.”

The girls quickly adverted their gazes from him. Spike unfortunately was a little too slow to look away; his scales turned a darker shade of red... He couldn't stop himself from saying. “Damn.”

Ember burst into a fit of laughter; while Gabby tried to keep herself from laughing. Thorax was beyond embarrassed. And, Spike was right there with him. Now, of all times when they needed that damn cold air. It was nowhere to be found. Ember had to wipe away the tears that fell from her eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she had laughed this hard.

She then suggested. “How about me and Gabby take care of each other and leave you two to yourselves.” She was enjoying this.

Thorax cursed her. “Damn it, Ember!”

Gabby fell to the floor laughing; while Spike said. “You're mean.”

Ember chuckled before she started walking over to the window. She noticed how Spike and Thorax tried to hide themselves from her. She grinned as her mind imagined some rather passionate scenarios. She reached the window and opened it. A rush of cold air entered the room; all of them sighed in relief. The relief was mainly from Spike, Thorax, and Ember. Gabby somehow managed to keep her mind under control. But, as she looked up she caught sight of Spike's.

She cursed. “Fuck.”

It was all silent for a moment before Spike shouted. “Ember, look what you've done!”

Ember ended up laughing again as she commented. “Gabby, glad to take away your innocence.” She laughed a little more.

After a while, all of them eventually calmed down. They sat at the table and looked at one another. They now sat closer to each other. Spike asked them. “Well, do all of you want to go on dates sometime this week?”

They had to think about it for a moment. A date. That sounded nice. Each of them would get to spend a little personal time with Spike. And, if they wanted while he was spending time with the other. They could spend time together and get to know each other better. But, there was a small problem.

Ember spoke. “I would like that.” She admitted. “But, I need to oversee a meeting today and later on this week. “She then added. “But, I'm free tomorrow.”

Gabby spoke. “I'm off today actually.” She smiled. “I can go on a date with you later.” She looked at Thorax and asked him. “Unless you want to.”

Thorax shook his head and spoke. “I'm not free until the end of this week.” He sighed sadly as he finished. “I would love to but I need to oversee the construction of a new tunnel and a trade agreement.” He groaned a little as he cursed his responsibilities.

Spike nodded before saying. “Okay, then.” He walked over to Gabby and said. “Gabby, since this will be our first date you can decide what we do.” She nodded before he kissed her on the cheek. She blushed as he whispered. “Be safe going home.” She nodded as he walked away from her. Her heart fluttered at the idea of going on a date with him.

He walked over to Ember. He nearly yelled out in surprise as she suddenly hugged him. He smiled before hugging her back. He said. “Ember, you be safe too.” He kissed her on the cheek also. He heard her purring a little before she released him from her hold.

As he walked up to Thorax he didn't even get a chance to speak. Thorax had kissed him on his cheek. He heard him say. “I'll see you later. My love.” He then hugged him. Spike smiled as he returned the hug. Like the girls, he also wished him a safe travel home. Eventually, all three of them left the room and headed out of the castle. Spike turned back towards the window just in time to see the sunrise.

He smiled as he watched the beautiful sight. He couldn't wait to go on his dates. He couldn't wait to be with them again. Why in the world did he wait so long to tell them?