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Chapter 2: Talk of the town

As the moon rose so did the mobs that haunt his world. Creepers, skeletons , zombies and enderstallions appear out of thin air. Nopony is sure where they come from and how they reach the overworld but they did know one thing for sure. and that was the mobs are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Button slept peacefully in his green coloured bed without any worries as there was a torch that wards off all mobs plus it was donated by an anonymous creature.

* in the morning *

Button Mash rose from his bed again and went downstairs, but saw that breakfast was already made for him. So Button ate his two cooked porkchops and watermelon before heading out to see StarGazer again. Button arrived at the cottage which had more defences than the last time he was there. what seemed strange was that they had snow golems surrounded by fire that never burned out, but when one of the snow golems shot a flaming snowball at a zombie but got the idea as he watched the zombie burn and die. He knocked on the door but no one answered, then he heard the warps of a nether portal behind him. He was told that the nether was a dangerous place and he should avoid it, “but what dose the main six know” he thought to himself “ well other than the magic of friendship.” Button mash took one step into the portal before warping into the forbidden realm.

Fire. Fire and lava were the first things he saw and only then did he know what the main six were talking about. he scanned the area he saw flying milky white squids. and giant ribs poking out of brown sand or was it soil? Button then heard two screams as he saw StarGazer and Rumble being chased by some weird pig creatures the two pushed Button through the portal. then they destroyed one block, causing the portal to shut down and the warping to stop. StarGazer turned to Button Mash with an angry look in his eyes. “ why on Earth would you go through the portal? have you never heard of how dangerous the nether is?!” StarGazer spoke angrily. “I'm sorry” Button said weakly “ but how come you two get to go?”. Rumbled answered by saying that they have strong enough amour and weapons to deal with the nether. “ next time you want to go to the nether just let us know, and if we aren’t here then just wait for us to get back.” StarGazer sighed. They gave button amour and repaired the nether portal and went to the nether.

Author's Note:

hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 and be sure to look out for more chapters!