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Chapter 1: A rough beginning

Author's Note:

Took me a while to write this so i hope you enjoy! :ajsmug:

If i were to tell you a story, you might not believe it you would think it is just an old mare’s tale but I assure you this story is completely true you have just got to look beyond our universe, let me tell you a tale off drama and adventure.

Our story begins in an alternant universe where the world we know is made of blocks, now that might sound familiar to you that’s because it is this is an alternant universe where the world is MINECRAFT! A little colt , about nine years old, is sleeping soundly in his bed. his name was Button Mash. he arose as the chickens gave out their morning call and he went downstairs to have himself some beetroot soup and cake. His cutie mark was a diamond axe he got when he defended his village (along with help from an iron golem) from a siege. Then his mother walked in on him.
“ Button could you please get some wood today?” she asked. “do i have to?” whined the nine year old. “ yes because your farther and I are busy with work and your brother is out of town this weekend!” his mother spoke (rather loudly) the colt gave out a groan before grabbing an iron axe and leaving his village into the woods.

Button followed the path to the wood cutting area. at least he thought he did because he stumbled a cross a cottage and realized he made a wrong turn. he was about to turn around when a voice called out to him. “Who goes there?!” the voice shouted before appearing right before button’s eyes. it was a unicorn! (about his age) he had neon orange eyes and a blue coat speckled by giant white birthmarks he also had a purple mane that was neatly combed back and his cutie mark was a shooting star with two swords behind it. he reminded button about Pipsqueak. “ I was heading to the wood cutting area when i made a wrong turn, I’m sorry.” Button spoke. “Are you with Tender Taps?” the unicorn spoke. “What? no! Tender Taps is a jerk to me.” Button explained. Button Mash seemed to make peace with the unicorn whose name was StarGazer. as it turned out he was only half unicorn as he was a mix-breed (of pony and changeling) that lived with his roommate/ best friend Rumble. Button’s family was friends with Rumble’s family so Button Mash was Surprised to hear about him. StarGazer was kind enough to give Button Mash some wood and then Button was on his way home. Then Rumble came out of the nearby nether portal he had wounds across his back and an arrow in the side of his head. “ Your gold armour broke didn’t it?” he asked sarcastically. “yes it did and then the piglins attacked me.” he frowned StarGazer gave him two golden apples to heal himself up before they went inside their cottage to go to bed as it was getting dark.

“Mom I’m home!” Button Mash shouted “and i brought wood!” as he gave his mother his two stacks of birch logs. “ well you didn’t have to get this much.” his mother replied, she sighed “ well it’s time for bed now Button, it’s getting dark.” button tried to argue his way out of it but it was no use, so he went to bed.