• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 364 Views, 3 Comments

The Road to Who We Are - hamishwarfare

In a world with no Alicorns; two mares struggle to fit in, in more ways than one.

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Chapter. 5 – What’s in a Hat?

Chapter. 5 – What’s in a Hat?

“What is wrong with you two?” Starlight asked out loud as she looked down at the two beached whales resting in Canterlot museum barracks; the area reserved for treasure hunters and archaeologists. She had managed to talk her way in when it had been over a day since her two friends had surfaced.

“It. Was a good idea. At the time.” Rainbow tried to defend herself, Twilight just groaned.

“So what, is this the third place you two have been banned from?”

“Fourth.” Came a weak response from Twilight. “First one in Canterlot though.”

Starlight shook her head, a small part of her was honestly surprised the beds they were lying on had not yet collapsed. “Sigh, sometimes I wonder if you two have actually matured in the slightest in all these years? Anyway there was a reason I came by other than concern; I’ve been invited to a party my associate Moondancer is having, and she said I could invite a friend or two to come along with.”

There was not a lot of enthusiasm emanating from her two friends, be it because of their self-inflicted condition or because of the idea of a party. Starlight panicked. “It’s not until the end of the month, so you’ve got some time to make up your minds.” She couldn’t bring herself to say that she wanted them to be there.

“End of the month? It’s certainly a possibility. We’ll give you a definite answer when we can move again.” It was the best Starlight was going to get out of them. She has never seen them like this in the flesh; but the stories they told her of it, suggested they could be out of action for another day or so.

“Well do you need anything, before I leave you to your digesting?”

“I’m good thanks.” Rainbow wriggled slightly, making the wooden bed creak noticeably, but otherwise appeared quite content; even if the duvet was only covering the bottom half of her body.

“Do you have a book on you? I’ve already finished these two.”

Starlight smirked, “Of course; it’s not fiction but hopefully it’ll do.” Her saddlebag was already being opened by her magic as she spoke; revealing a modern looking textbook.

“Ooh; the latest edition of runes and their applications. Thanks this will do nicely.”

“I will need that back; and in one piece, it’s the universities.”

“Don’t worry; grunt, I’m not going anywhere for a while yet.” Just like Rainbow, Twilight had her duvet covering the lower half of her body. Unlike Rainbow though, Twilight was much more awake and was already engrossed in her borrowed text.

Now with the knowledge that her two friends were alive, and at least somewhat well, Starlight made her way back out of the building. ‘Sometimes I really do think those two are still fillies.’

The sun was raised over Equis, and with it a blessing was given to the city of Canterlot; for exiting the museum for the first time in several days was Rainbow and her sister Twilight. Both still had a slight waddle to their gait, but it was difficult to completely tell due to their long body covering duster jackets. They were both still sluggish; but they were on their hooves, and able to face the day.

“Ok, I want to go get a timetable from the train station; I want to know how many times a month there is a train down to the Badlands. Or if there is a train that far south.”

Rainbow snorted, “I seriously doubt there is a train that goes that far. If I was to guess the best we’ll get is a train down to Dodge City.”

“Which means there will be an awful lot of desert to traipse through before we even get to the Badlands. We’re going to need more protection than just our jackets for that.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Hat’s for one thing, hats with large rims. They’ll reduce the amount of sun that we’ll be exposed to, as well as giving our eyes some much needed shade.”

“Twi; hate to break it to you, but we’ll never get clothing here. Or need I remind you that we got these dusters when we were in the Griffon Empire.”

Sigh, I know Rainbow, but we’ll have a much harder time without them. Keep an eye out while we walk; you never know we might get lucky.”

The two continued their path down to the train station. The streets were as busy as ever for the Capital of Equestria; and while the vast majority of ponies they passed were in their own little worlds, the two unusually large mares could still feel eyes upon them. The feeling was unnerving.

“I wish I didn’t say to Starlight we could stay a while.”

“I know what you mean, Rainbow. Still; she’s all but family, and we’d stay if she asked.”

“Yeah. Almost without complaint too.”

It was some time later before the train station came into view. They had to go through to the lower stratums; where the buildings were not quite as grand in appearance, they were built closer together and overall it was just more densely packed. The main avenue, where they were currently walking down, was still impressive; but if you were to detour, it lost its grandeur very quickly.

A small time queuing and a short chat later, and they had a booklet of all the trains and their scheduled running times.

“Hey, there’s a train down to a new frontier settlement called Appleoosa. It seems to be a monthly supply run, but if it’s in here then it must also take passengers. Hmm, looks like it leaves a week on Monday.”

“That works for us. We should have everything sorted by then, right?”

“I’d be amazed if we weren’t, Rainbow; and if these track maps are anything to go on, we should be saving at least a couple of days trekking. It does mean we will probably need to buy our supplies here.”

“If you wanted reference materials we were going to have to anyway. Come on lets grab those tickets; no point coming back here if we don’t need to.”

“Hey, wait.” Twilight was looking into a shop’s window; a clothing store, judging by the mannequins on display. It was a small establishment, with only a single window to display their wares; but even to an untrained eye it was clearly finished to a high standard.

“Huh? What, you want a fancy dress?”

“It’s the hats on the mannequins; wide brimmed, high quality. Sure they’re not nearly suitable for where we’re going, but everything else fits; I’m wondering if we can commission this place to make us a couple of hats for what we need.”

“I mean, sure I guess. As much as I teased earlier; I do think you’re right about needing them. But we’ve basically got a week; do you think they’ll be able to make them in time?”

“Only one way to find out.” Twilight said as she pushed open the door and walked inside, having to duck to prevent her horn from hitting the doorframe.

The door opened with the light tinkle of a bell; revealing a small, if spacious room. Coloured in pink and purple fabrics the walls were decorated in such a way to suggest that they had just walked into a large exotic tent. The room had a high ceiling to add an additional air of grandness and opulence to the interior.

Over in the far left corner was a raised platform with two sets of large oval mirrors on each wall. A suspended fabric roof above the platform wielded several spotlights angled to minimise shadows on the platform.

The other walls held racks and mannequins showing off the proprietors skills with a needle and thread; including a sizeable number of hats in all shapes and styles. Exactly what Twilight was hoping to find.

As she walked in Twilight couldn’t help but smile. “Ah; you know it’s funny how much I find myself appreciating high ceilings.”

The comment was to Rainbow, but it was the only other unicorn in the shop who giggled. At first Twilight thought she was a customer, due to her looking through a rack of dresses; but by that reaction, she deduced it was the owner.

The mare was almost porcelain white; her mane and tail had long flowing curls of deep indigo. Her horn was lit in a magical aura of ice blue, and as her giggle suggested, her voice held the accented sophistication of high society.

Giggle, why thank you, darling. I am glad somepony appreciates the architecture of days gone by. The modern trend for low ceilings may be practical, but it lacks grandeur I feel. Now, how can I–” The mare turned around and finally looked at her new customers.

She found her eyes level with a sandy coloured jacket covering a pony’s chest. Blinking in confusion she trailed her eyes higher and higher, before finally resting on the face of a purple unicorn mare who’s horn reached higher still. She couldn’t refrain from gulping. “W-well I can certainly see why you’d find high ceilings important.

Ahem, my name is Rarity Belle, proprietor of the Canterlot Carousel; the boutique that allows one to look chic, unique and magnifique. How can I help you today, miss?”

“Twilight, and I was hoping to speak to you about a commission for my sister and me.”

“Sister?” Rarity blinked and made her eyes move away from the unicorn; finally noticing the equally large pegasus standing just behind the unicorn. The rainbow’d maned pegasus had a very large grin plastered on her face and was using a wing tip to wave at the wide eyed unicorn.

“Ah, cough, forgive me I did not see you there.”

“I noticed.” Was all the pegasus said. The Cheshire cat grin on her face, however, spoke volumes.

“Right; well, you said something about a commission?”

“I did. My sister Rainbow and I are going to be travelling down to Appleoosa. I noticed the wide brimmed hats on display in your window and–”

“Say no more; I understand entirely. Mares of your, physique, cannot simply buy off the shelf. Well why don’t you both join me for a spot of tea in the kitchen; we can discuss what you are looking for in greater detail there.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t wan–”

“We’d both love to.” Rainbow had stuffed a hoof into Twilight’s mouth, allowing her to but in. The glare from her sister washed over Rainbow like water on a ducks back.

Rarity, either did not notice the antics between the two, or chose not to say anything as she turned around and headed towards the stores register.

Twilight finally managed to remove Rainbow’s hoof from her mouth and glared at the pegasus; who merely responded with a grin and a wink.

“If you’d like to follow me through here.” Rarity had pulled an inconspicuous curtain aside to reveal an archway leading deeper into the building.

Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s antics before following Rarity through the hallway and towards the residential part of the store.

“So how can I help?” The trio were sitting around a solid rectangular wooden table, with cups placed in front of each pony. The kitchen of the property was spacious and felt homely. There was wood, the walls were painted in a warming yellow, the floor was tiled in black and white checkers and the counter tops was made out of speckled marble.

“We’re both archaeologists, and we’re going to go investigate some ruins in the Badlands. Twi here realised the conditions are totally different from what we’ve had to deal with before. So far we’ve got most things sorted, but when it comes to sun protection we’re missing one big things; hats, or head protection really.”

“I see, I see. So you’re looking for function over style.”

“I’m afraid so. We’d still like something that looks good, don’t get us wrong. If we cared so little, then I’d just whip up something crude with my magic. But we are looking for something robust.”

Rarity smirked, “don’t worry; it’s not a problem at all. Though I do prefer creating something beautiful that strikes at the heart of whoever I created it for; I have been known to dabble in other styles and exotic materials. Some of my more fabulous dresses are even studded with jewels.”

The other two ponies in the room blinked. “You put jewels in a dress. As in embedded within the fabrics?” Twilight was at a loss; why would ponies want such uncomfortable things poking them as they move around.

“Oh, yes. You’d be surprised how well I can incorporate them into a design; you’ll never even know they’re there. But that will have to wait for another time, even though I would love to get the two of you into one of my more fashionable designs.”

The sound of a door opening distracted everypony; eyes were drawn to the back door where a silvery white young filly was entering the kitchen. Judging by the saddlebags, it was easy to conclude she had just finished school for the day. “Rarity, I’m hom-AH!”

“Sweetie Belle! Calm down. These are two new clients of mine, Twilight and Rainbow. This is my sister Sweetie Belle; I take care of her when my parents are out on an excursion.”

The small filly gulped. “Uh, Hi.” She was clearly nervous, but there was curiosity there, a simple one that only children could get away with. “Wow, how’d you both get so big?”

Rainbow smirked, “By eating all our healthy greens of course.” She looked at the filly in an over the top and exaggerated way. “I dunno Twilight. I don’t think she’s eating enough of them.”

The filly pouted, “I do to!”

“Really? So you don’t want to become bigger than your big sister?”

Gasp, you can do that?”

“Sure you can; just look at the two of us. But you gotta look after yourself; plenty of healthy food and exercise. And it takes commitment; it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight, it will take a long time. But if you keep at it…” Rainbow finished by pointing to herself and Twilight. The filly looked on in wonder, actually beginning to believe it was possible.

“Sweetie dear, why don’t you go and start your homework while I finish up here.”

The spell was broken, “Ok, sure.” Was the quick response before the filly started to move deeper into the shop/home combination.

She paused in the doorway, however. Her back was to the table and sitting guests, so no pony could see her face; but by her body language she was clearly confused. That fact was confirmed when she turned to face the table where the three adults where sitting.

“Umm, is there,” a disgruntled sigh was let loose along with a shake of her head. “Can I help?”

The blink of confusion from the older sister was a clear indication to both Twilight and Rainbow that this was a rather strange request. Before Rarity could say anything, however, the attention of all the adults must have gotten to the little filly; because she ducked her head in embarrassment before running out of the room as fast as she could.

Silence filled the kitchen for a minute or two as what just happened went through everyponies heads.

“So, I take it she does not offer to help very often?” Rainbow was the first to work through what just happened.

“Hmm? OH.” Rarity brought herself to the here and now. “No, it is rather rare for Sweetie to ask to help. Sigh, the last time she did it caused quite a delay as I had to show and repeat myself before she understood what I needed.”

“Well,” Rainbow continued. “Perhaps there’s a new game out she wants? OH, or maybe there’s a friends birthday coming up? How about, OOF–” before Rainbow could properly build up in excitement, she received an elbow to the ribs; stopping the train of over imagination.

“Forgive her; Rainbow just loves kids.”

“It’s quite all right. Sweetie Belle does indeed help me out for a few bits to spend; and she could use some encouragement to get out more.”

“Interesting Cutie Mark she had there. A three shaded shield with a star in the centre. I wonder what it means?” Rainbow couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m afraid I cannot say. She was with my parents when she got it a few years ago; I was still here making a name for myself at the time. She won’t even tell me how she got it; said she swore to her friends never to reveal anything before slamming her hoof to her mouth and running off to her room.

“Anyway, if we keep getting distracted we’ll never get anything done. So just talking to the two of you, I’ve come up with an idea or two that should be exactly what you need. Let me get the measurements I require, and then I can get started.”

“Certainly, and what sort of time frame are we talking about?”

“Hmm; let me think, custom job, source the right material and enough of it. There is that order for Mrs Carrot, I also need to start on that. I’d say ten days to finish the job.”

“Twilight’s ears drooped slightly. “Is there a chance we could have them done in a week?”

“A week? Hmm, I could delay a few pieces, ah but that one is already behind. I’m afraid it would be quite tight for me, I’m afraid. I could get it done by the end of day eight if that’s helpful; though I will charge you a premium rate for the quick service.”

“That sounds doable, thank you.”

“Not at all; we best get those measurements then. I’ll need to place an order for materials as quickly as I can. Oh, and you’ll need to show me your Cutie Marks as well.”

“Huh, why?”

“Why so I can embroidered it onto your hats of course! It’s not a lot, but it adds just that extra detail and personalisation that allows me to make a piece that is truly for each and every pony.”

“Uh, I don’t think that will be necessary, honestly.” Twilight stated with a wave of her hoof. “You said it yourself this was going to be difficult to finish our order inside of our deadline. I would rather have it completed on time sans the Cutie Mark, than needing to wait longer for a bit of embellishing and miss our train. Besides I think these will be plenty our own; unless a mare wants to feel like a filly trying on their parents clothing again.”

Twilight could still see that the seamstress was about to object so she compromised. “How about this; once we’re finished on our excursion, we’ll come back and you can finish our pieces then.”

Rarity’s expression softened but was still not completely satisfied. “Very well, just for expediency. But I WILL expect you to present yourselves as soon as you have completed your trip.

“Now normally I would ask that you stand on the platform there, but in this case I feel it would suit us better if I stand on it.” And with that the seamstress gathered a notepad, quill, and measuring tape and got to work.

“Well, that’s that. Also took far longer than what I was expecting. So what’s the plan now?” the day had progressed quite a bit more than either pony had expected.

“Well, its thanks to you and accepting that cup of tea. What was that all about anyway?”

Hehe, she couldn’t stop staring at your horn. What was it you said the other day about unicorns and attraction points?”

Sigh, I should have known you’d keep that under your belt. But back to what to do now,” her horn lit up as a simple spell was cast, causing purple coloured numbers to appear in the air. “So we’ve still got an hour and a half before the stores start to close for the day. Should we keep up with the supply gathering and place a few more orders?”

“Like what? I don’t think we even know for sure what we’ll need.”

“True, but long lasting food and water at least; I know purifying spells, sure, but we may not even find a water source.”

“Fair. But that also means you’ll need to check our saddle bags; make sure the expansion charms are still working.”

“That I can do at my leisure; I might even be able to improve them a bit thanks to the Rune book Starlight let me read yesterday.”

“Yeah? That’d be useful; less hassle with extra bags. Remember our first trip and the blasted cart?” Rainbow shivered, “never again.”

“Yeah, that definitely wasn’t my greatest ideas ever. But we survived.”

“Yeah, barely. If both of us weren’t so strong; we’d have been toast.”

“Enough of my past mistakes; let’s go arrange some basic supplies and then this evening we can plan out exactly what we’ll need.” Twilight trotted off, heading deeper into the commercial district.

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