• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 109 Views, 0 Comments

Thanks for the Legacy: After Effects - AizakkuHorooee

A collection of short stories revolving around day-to-day life following the announcement and delay of Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis' retirements.

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Frenemies: TLC Timeline

It’s been too long living in this lair while everybody waits for the search party to cease. The sirens are the only tolerable colleagues to accompany me. Wind Rider keeps getting into arguments with Gladmane, CHS Spitfire, and Svengallop, the former two starting it by wanting to haze him. As for me, I usually get my news with the crystal ball we have, then spend the rest of my day on a weightlifting regimen.

Recently, Wind Rider has been considered less of a concern to Equestria than before. That means we can finally go out and about to Mt. Everhoof.

One morning, a little something interesting happens. Twilight, Spike and Starlight are going to Canterlot while Aita is staying home, babysat by an alterwolf and an adult changeling.

Spitfire taps me on the shoulder as I examine the scene. “Whatcha doin’?”

“Is any of that your business? Wouldn’t you rather haze Wind Rider?”

“I like to mix it up every so often. I’ve been burnt out lately, so I figured I’d gamble my new pegasus abilities to see you.”

“Which you hardly use. I have no interest in magic right now, Spitfire.”

Spitfire has a closer look at the crystal, noticing the two babysitters. “Dr. Ralph? What’s he doing in Twilight’s castle with Aita and that other changeling?”

“Like I said, none of your business!” Once again, she doesn’t listen to me and gets closer to the crystal ball, accidentally knocking it over with her hoof. The ball makes a loud clang as it hits the floor. “Bah! Look what you did!”

“Says you, Tirek. Crystal balls don’t appear to break like other glass,” says Spitfire.

A yawn comes from behind us. As we turn around, Wind Rider has just entered the main room.

“Could you keep it down, ya big centaur? You ruined my nap.”

“And am I the one getting a reprieve for once from your colleagues?” I ask rhetorically as Spitfire puts the crystal ball back on the roundtable. “You should be lucky nopony else is in the main room STALKING OUR CRYSTAL BALL!!!”

“Spitfire, what’re you doin’?” Wind Rider flatly inquires.

“Not listening to Tirek. THAT’S what.”

I condense my hands onto shaking fists, inhaling through my teeth. “And that’s a good idea, why? Am I too impatient with that attitude? You know what happens when you push these buttons.”

I show Spitfire my fists, calling them buttons. She simply shakes her head. “I don’t think so, Tirek.”

“So, when are we gettin’ that bell?” asks Wind Rider.

“As soon as everypony else enters the main room. Considering it’s afternoon, we’ll need to pack some gear on us. You and Spitfire appear to be ready to set hoof. Any minute, Svengallop and Gladmane will be here with our coats.”

As if nature’s ears were burning, I detect the sound of hoofsteps into the lair. But it’s not two sets like I expect, but three. Looking up from the crystal ball, I can see the sirens, seemingly shivering from the cold that alterwolf land is commonly known for.

“Ah, Adagio. Your group arrived just in time. How was the trip?” I ask them.

“Don’t play small talk with us, Tirek! Did you know all along about Mt. Everhoof’s climate?!?”

“Of course I did. Why else would I send those stuffy earth ponies to Rarity for You? I can’t just read books about alterwolf country after my daily regimen and NOT use that newfound knowledge to my advantage. So, let’s take a peek at the terrain.”

The crystal ball’s perspective promptly shifts from Twilight’s now empty throne room to the foot of Mt. Everhoof. The entire base, as well as the mountain itself is covered with at least two feet of snow. Approximately one third of the way up, there is a checkpoint, a house sitting atop what little flatland there is. At the base, trees populate the entire perimeter of the mountain while chasms dot the steep slopes. Clouds zip around at intense velocity near the summit.

“Whoa… challenge accepted!” Spitfire declares.

“It’s gonna take more than an adrenaline junkie to scale that mountain. You see the way those clouds are movin’?” notes Wind Rider.

I rub the crystal ball with my front hoof. “But we will need to collaborate if we want to scale this mountain. Sonata, how fast can you deduce the winds to be at the peak?”

“About 100 knots…”

“Just don’t be fooled about how fast that is. It’s not as forceful as it is at sea level,” Aria adds.

I still can’t believe y’all are goin’ through with Discord’s ploy there! Gladmane shouts as he and Svengallop enter the layer with saddlebags of clothing. “Don’t ya know he’s just tryin’ to keep us busy while our target goes ‘n commits the ultimate sin?”

“Says the guy who ran a casino to get rich…” Spitfire freezes when everypony looks at her. “Doesn’t mean I’m all for what that tyke’s done.”

Svengallop’s refined, albeit squeaky, voice catches my attention. “So, Tirek… I assume you have a game plan, judging how you sent me home with my comrade here to stock up on coats.”

I wave my hands in sarcasm. “My, whatever made you think that?”

So, I take the saddlebags from Svengallop and Gladmane with my magic, going through each coat… that is until I find a badge heavy polo shirt, a dress shirt, a tie, a pair of sunglasses and a whistle. “Okay, very clever. Which one of you requested the sergeant costume behind my back?” Everyone takes a few steps back away from me… except one. “Wind Rider! Did you do this?”

“So what? Everypony’s workin’ together on gettin’ the bell. Couldn’t hurt one of you to put on a disguise.”

The sirens suddenly realize what Wind Rider’s on about, and face Spitfire with smug grins on their faces.

“Hey! Come on! It’s been years since I practiced that!” Spitfire interjects. “What makes you all think I’m any good now?!?”

“Who wouldn’t want to dust up their oldies? It evidently worked for Chrysalis, what with suppressing Stellar Flare’s magic,” Gladmane points out.

Svengallop sighs. “That drama queen was sure admirable until that cretin ruined her.”

“And besides, superintendent, you had so many cadets lookin’ up to you. Wouldn’t it be great to make somepony think you’re THE captain?”

There goes Wind Rider’s position naming again.

“You sure about that?” asks Spitfire.

“It has been years since any of us got any proper recognition. But you have a chance, superintendent,” Adagio says, approaching Spitfire and putting a feather on her chest. “A stallion lives at the checkpoint. He’ll think you’re the resilient captain herself with that sergeant outfit.”

“Well, if you say so, Adagio. But first, I’ll have to test my skills.” Spitfire smirks, prompting Wind Rider to do the same. “Wind Rider, get out there and give me twenty!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

And so, Wind Rider salutes and zips out of the lair to perform some laps in the sky, probably twenty like Spitfire ordered. Everyone is now liking the air of confidence that has just sprung up.

“So, did that feel good?”

“You bet it did, Aria,” Spitfire answers.

Once we’ve reached the base of Mt. Everhoof, everyone puts on their coats, except for Spitfire, who is disguised as her native counterpart in the sergeant uniform.

So, I get the others’ attention by waving the map of Mt. Everhoof for sound. I proceed to make seven duplicates of the map and give one to each of my colleagues.

“So, Discord gave us this prompt: scale the mountain, and retrieve Grogar’s bell. The name of power is our motivation. And because I have experience with the lord of chaos himself, I say we keep up this cooperative effort we’ve since developed. Assure me that you all consider this as the above.”

Sonata jumps up in the air and raises her hoof. “Speed of light and strength of all…”

“Maybe later, Sonata,” replies Adagio. “We have your back, Tirek… right everypony?”

Everypony nods, prompting me to clap my hands.

“Good. And Adagio, I believe you may help enforce this teamwork for representing our collective body.”

After a mile or two of relatively tame elements at the base, we finally arrive at the checkpoint. We stop here so that I may take brief charge and distract the summit guardian. It having been a while since the plan was purposed, I take a deep breath, remembering everything I need to do. I trek with confidence, believing this will work out, and we will be able to proceed without trouble.

The guardian now makes his in-person appearance, stepping out of the door. He’s a rust colored earth pony with a white, curly mane and tail. His cutie mark is hidden behind the coat he’s wearing. He also dons a MacGyvered hat made out of a bucket. He also walks with a shovel held in his hoof.

“Halt! Who goes there? A pony? There ain’t been ponies around here in I don’t know how many moons.” After a closer look, the guardian notices my getup, mane and tail - in their usual style - and my um… cutie mark. “No way! Are you THE captain Spitfire? Old Rusty Bucket at your service, ma’am.”

Hey, they were right. Rusty Bucket mistook me for my counterpart here in Equestria.

“No worries, sir. Just here to say hi. Adrenaline junkies such as myself tend to go up some of the steeper slopes around here.”

Rusty has a quick hearty laugh. “I don’t think so, ma’am. Winds here blow on their own. Sometimes up to a hundred and fifteen miles an hour at the summit. And friction is hard to come by, unless you wanna get buried.”

Well, knowing my origins, there has to be something. “No friction, you say? Let’s see what you got to combat that.”

“Sorry, can’t lend out my rubber boots. Those are for me.”

“Are you sure you don’t have a spare set?” I ask him, to which he nods. “I’ve been in the Crystal Mountains to retrieve ice iris, you know. In fact, I probably could do Mt. Everhoof all on my own if that’s what you want me to do!”

“Not a chance, ma’am. Nopony is climbin’ up that summit on my watch.”

That appears to be his final answer to be me at least, so I dust off my chest. “Phew. Fair enough, Rusty Bucket. You have a nice day.”

With a beam, Rusty nods and turns for the house. I also turn away and blow the whistle as soon as the door closes, signaling to everyone else that the coast is clear.

The sirens are the first to meet up, billowing an A sharp major triad to trigger an avalanche. The rest come along and we finally start our trek proper.

First, Tirek grabs some vines for us to use later while we can breeze through the path. Svengallop and Gladmane then kick a log out of our way about halfway there. Wind Rider and I carry the vine while Tirek anchors it with a nearby boulder in order for us to cross the chasm.

So, we finally made it to the top, thanks to the efforts of everypony participating. Unfortunately, Gladmane being the first to pursue the bell from here, he is greeted with a nasty magical surprise that knocks him close to the cliff.

“Are you kidding? We trekked ALL the way up for this?!?” I exclaim.

“Hold on, Spitfire,” replies Adagio. “I have an idea. Somebody can borrow magic from other beings, right?”

Tirek rests his fingers on his chest. “That would be me.”

“Oh! I get it!” It looks like a lightbulb went off in Sonata’s head. “Tirek could use earth pony strength to break through the barrier deployed by Gusty the Great. Am I saying ANY of that right?”

“Oh ho ho, yes!” Wind Rider shouts. “About time somepony had expense for teasin’ me. But who will be small enough to pass through that barrier?”

I take the shades off and fold them to indicate myself.

Tirek strokes his goatee in thought, then snaps his fingers upon an idea of his own springing up. “If I could amend this plan, the hole would be too small and lack the necessary longevity. I will need some extra oomph.”

Everyone perks upon hearing this amendment.

“I KNEW IT!!!”

That is the first time Aria has ever raised her voice.

“It’s okay, everyone. This is just temporary,” I reassure.

“Do all participants agree to relinquishing their magic for a limited time?” Everyone nods at Adagio. “Do it, Tirek.”

I momentarily avert my gaze as everypony else’s magic gets drained by Tirek, who grows multiple times his previous size. He then kisses his arms. “So much power! Welcome back, baby!” He proceeds to launch a stream of our team’s combined magic into the barrier, creating a hole just big enough for me to leap through.

WIthin the barrier, I zip over to grab the bell, promptly returning back to the cliff with it in my grasp.

When Tirek sees me again, he shrugs and simply gives everyone’s magic back. Wind Riders tests his magic by taking flight while the sirens start singing to test theirs.

The air around us is as positive as its even been. Everyone for once is smiling all together.

“Wow…” Svengallop lightly exclaims. “I don’t think I’ve felt this way since I teamed up with Countess Coloratura.”

“Yes… the Battle of the Bands was our height in popularity,” notes Adagio. “I feel like I’m reliving that final battle, singing one of our legendary songs in our true form.”

“We’ve all been so busy poking fun,” I say. “I guess we didn’t realize how much we’ve been growing.”

“All these years… taking power from ponies…” Tirek looks around, beginning to feel a bit guilty.

“When we play dirty together…” starts Wind Rider.

“It’s like we can do anythin’ we put our minds to,” Gladmane finishes before Aria steps into the center of the group.

“Except, you know… make friends.”

Everyone glares at Aria for pointing out the obvious except for Sonata.

“I mean, she’s kinda right. We’re all we have for now. But we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Wind Rider snorts and flares his wings. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, leaper,” I warn. Unfortunately he doesn’t listen and lunges straight for the sirens, who just sidestep out of the way, causing him to run straight into the barrier and get launched into Gladmane. As a result, the two fall off the cliff, the rest of us watching nonchalantly as they careen into the chasm below.

Several seconds after they leave our sight, numerous howls ring throughout the mountain, a major clue that Wind Rider and Gladmane fell into a den of alterwolves.

“I tried to warn him,” I state as the howls turn to snarls, growls and barks.

“You sure weren’t lying about this being alterwolf country, were you, Tirek? I’ll certainly miss Gladmane… NOT!” Svengallop starts out quietly, but startles everyone by shouting and stomping his hoof. “Do you think you could be fooled? You ALL know a diversion when you see it.”

Tirek crosses his arms at Svengallop. “As if… You were about to become tolerable. Everypony grab my arms this once. We don’t have to walk back down.”

With his permission, the sirens, Svengallop and I hold onto Tirek’s still crossed arms as he takes us back to the lair through teleportation, with the bell in his magic.

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