• Published 14th Dec 2022
  • 82 Views, 0 Comments

The Story of Banana Cream - BananaCreamXD

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Chapter 2: Burning Memories

The Story of Banana Cream
(Burning Memories)

This story contains things like blood, gore, and other forms of adult content! If you don’t like that click away, seriously I warned y’all.

After the meeting with the rest of the girls at sugar-cube corner.
Fluttershy went to Sinister home and had a drink. They woke in his bed after a short night of sleep.
Fluttershy was sore from last night, she got up from the bed, picked up her stuff and went back home.
FlutterShy Slowly walked out of the house and tried to not be seen by any ponies.
She finally made it back to her cottage where she fixed her hair and ran back to sugar-cube corner where she sat down in her corner seat to wait for the girls.

“We need to make a plan to find FlutterShy Y’all!” Applejack walked up with the rest of the girls.
“Yeah she may be in dang-…” Banana Cream stopped.
“i-i hey g-girls.” FlutterShy had fear in her eyes.
“WHERE THE HECK WERE YA” Applejack Screeched
“i-I—i.. ” FlutterShy tried to find the words to speak.
“WE WHERE ALL SO SCARED ABOUT YOU BEING IN DANGER! ” Applejack yelled with anger.
“So-o-r-ry..” Flutter tries to say
“WHERE WERE YOU?!?” Applejack Says
“I- ne- to go!” FlutterShy said.

Fluttershy left sugar cube corner with tears in her eyes.
“I think i went over kill y’all” Applejack says.
“Yeah you need to be nicer ✨Darling✨” Rarity says staring at Applejack.
“Applejack was just using tough love, I would have to if I was in her situation. I think of all of you as family and nothing will ever change that. I’m not angry at fluttershy, maybe something bad happened last night that she didn’t want to talk about. No matter what I will never give up on her. I think she just needs some space, let’s give it to her…”

Sinister wakes up alone in his home.
“Thank god I woke up without a FooderShop in my bed, or was it FlutterAnger I dont remember” Wells talk to himself
“Im going to go back to suger-cube corners to be awesome again ” he says

Back at Suger-Cube Corner
“Why don’t we just continue the fillyhood stories.” Twilight Said while trying to stop the argument between Rarity and Applejack. “Yeah why don’t we just do that, every pony calm down!” Banana Cream Shouted at Rarity and Applejack.
Every pony sat back down at there seats and tried to calm down.“Ok let’s start where I left off.” Banana Cream said while pressing her hoove to her chin.

“What do you want Rotten!” Banana Cream Shouted at the Stallion standing in front of her.
Brock walked closer to Banana Cream “You still owe me some bits, remember?”
“I don’t owe you anything, now leave me and my friends alone or else…” Banana Cream slowly got closer to Rotten.
“Or else what?” He replied.
“HAAAAAAA!” Applejack Charged up from behind Rotten.

*Applejack Screams*

The small orange colored mare fell to the floor.
“Oh Dear Celestia! Applejack are you okay!” Rarity ran up to applejack to check if she was ok.
Rarity checked her pulse. “She’s still breathing but she’s injured!”
“We can’t have that!” Rotten’s men ran up and pinned Banana Cream and Rarity.
“Get Off me you Horse!” Banana Cream Flailed and kicked trying to break free.
The foal was offended and punched Banana Cream in the face.
Her nose bled a little.
Rotten Orange slowly walked up to Applejack.

“Get Away from her Now!” Banana Cream Shouted, her words going in one ear and out the other.
“Get Away from her please…please…please…” Tears filled her eyes as she pleaded.

Rotten stood over Applejack as he got ready to do a hit to her throat.
“You know, you shouldn't have tried to interfere.”

*A Rock hits Rotten the face.*

“Ow who was that!” Rotten said while looking around the street.
“Over Here Fatso!” A mysterious unicorn taunted Rotten.
“Get over here!” Rotten Shouted as he ran up to her.
“Not on my watch!” Said an incoming Pegasus.

*Rotten gets hit to the floor*

The unicorn hit the Stallion on top of Banana Cream with a rock letting Banana Cream Escape.
Banana Cream Runs up and Bucks the Other Stallion.
After Being hit both Stallions run away.
“Fine you win this time Banana Cream!” Brock said while running away.
“I need to get Applejack to a doctor, I think her nose is broken!” Rarity Got Applejack onto her back and struggled to get her to the hospital.
“Thank you dearly for you help you two.” We would’ve died if you didn’t save us.
“Don’t worry about it squirt! Oh yeah didn’t quite get your name? What is it?” She stared into Banana Creams eyes.
“Oh yeah my name is Banana Cream, what’s yours?” Banana Cream Answered.

“I’m Cotton Candy and this is Sunny StarScout(It’s a Pleasure to Meet you) we saw you where in trouble and wanted to help.”
“Nice meeting you maybe we can hang out tomorrow or something.” Banana Cream Said while grabbing her saddle-bag.
“Yeah we need to get going, see you tomorrow then!” Cotton Candy walked away with Sunny.
Banana Cream trotted through the town until reaching her house.

“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” Banana Cream dropped her saddle-bag onto the table recklessly then went to her room.
“Finally, some free time.” She said while putting on her headphones and playing some music.
“Hey Bananas, whatcha doing.” Midnight walked up to The door.
Banana Cream took off her headphones and looked at Midnight “Just listening to some music”
“Ok well mom said it was time for bed so get ready” Midnight Gave Banana Cream a Smile.
“Ok good night big bro.” She said while talking of her scarf and taking the flower out of her mane.
“Night Sis.” He replied while walking away.
Banana Cream turned off her lights and went to bed.


“Ah! What was that noise.” Banana cream was startled awake by an explosion.
“That sounded close.” The filly opened the door to her room.
A burst of fire blasted through her doorway.
“That almost burned me!” she said as she grabbed a water bottle in her room to clear a small passage of fire.
Midnight and Starlight left their rooms to see what happened.
“Why is everything burning!” Banana cream shouted at midnight.
“I don’t know, all I do know is that we need to get out of here!” The three ponies grouped up and tried to escape.
“*cough** cough* you guys my chest feels F-“ A pillar from the burning house fell on banana cream crushing her hind legs.
Banana cream made a blood curdling scream.
“Help! Help! I’m stuck!”
She tried to struggle.
Causing a shearing pain to trailed up her spine.
Banana Cream tried to escape but nothing worked.
Midnight tried pulling on banana Creams arms to get her out.
“AAH! Stop that hurts.” Banana cream shouted
She had knew her big brother was strong.
“Midnight! Try to Push the pillar off!”
Without hesitation Midnight tried to pull the pillar off.
“Starlight! Help me out!” Midnight shouted.
“Ok little bro!” She ran over and helped Midnight.
“Ugh!” Both Midnight and Starlight yelled as they pulled the pillar up.
“We can’t hold it Banana Cream! GO!” BOTH yelled.
“I can’t!” Banana Cream Shouted with Fear pouring from her eyes.
The pillar fell back down crushing her once again.
A shriek of pain flew through Banana Creams back as she yelled.
The worn out filly used her last bit of energy left to say.


Her eyes started to close.
“Come on bananas stay with me” Midnight tried to help banana Cream out.
“don’t give up just yet” Starlight tried to keep banana Cream safe from falling debris.
Blood dripped from banana creams mouth as she tries to hang on to life for one more moment.
Everything starts to fade. Colors, sound, sight, and feeling…

Everything went black.

“Testing her blood flow…”
“Checking for Burns…
Banana Cream opens her eyes then let’s out an upset groan.
“Hey doc! She’s walking up!” The nurse said while looking at the doctor.
“Ugh…my head…what happened…?” Banana Cream looked at the nurse with a confused face.
She grabbed some forms of a nearby table. “Says here you where crushed by a falling pillar during a house fire.
“Are Midnight and Starlight okay!” Banana Cream started to freak out.
“Don’t worry…there fine, but I do have some bad news.” The nurse said shortly after.
She looked into Banana Cream’s eyes. “We were able to get you out of the house but…your parents didn’t make it in time.
Banana Creams’s heart dropped as she heard the news. As if she ad just been stabbed straight through the chest with a spear.
Tears Flowed endlessly through her eyes like a rushing waterfall.
“Don’t worry everything will be okay” The nurse tried to comfort Banana Cream.
“Are they going to have a funeral?” Banana Cream asked while rubbing the tears from her eyes.
“Oh about that…you already missed it.” The nurse replied.
“What how!” Banana Cream got angry.
“You’ve been in a coma for about a month…it already passed.” The nurse gave her an answer.
“Soooo when can I leave the hospital….” Banana Cream Asked.
“In a few months your legs should be strong enough to walk again.”
“Why can’t I just use crutches?” Cream asked the nurse gave the nurse an awkward look.
“It’s because of your living conditions…your siblings are living in a tree house and your hind legs are not strong enough to get up that high.” She replied while placing the papers back on the table.
“Ok thank you for telling me.” Cream then sat in her bed looking through the window.

A few hours feels like minutes as the sun goes down.
The nurse walks back into the room and hands Banana Cream her plate. “Here you go.”
“Thank you miss.”
“Oh yeah! You have some visitors.” The nurse said while opening the door.
“How’s it going Bananas.”
“Midnight! Starlight! Your Here!” Banana Cream was very excited to see her Older Brother and Sister.
“Yup we made it sis. We missed you.” Starlight Gave Banana Cream A Big hug.
“What have you to been up to.” Banana Cream asked. “Oh um Starlight got a gob at sugar-cube corner.” Midnight answered.
“Wait Your sister is The Starlight Sunset? And She worked at sugar cube corner!” Pinkie Pie Exclaimed Cutting off Banana Cream.

“Yes Pinkie Pie That is her.” Banana Cream Answered.
“Why is Starlight Sunset so important?” Rainbow Dash Asked Banana Cream.
“She’s a singer who lives in cantorlot, you don’t listen to her type of music you wouldn’t understand.” Cream gave RD an answer
“Now, Carrying on”
“That’s so cool, your amazing sis. Hey Midnight what have you been up to.” Banana Cream Ate the food sitting on her lap.
“I’ve just been helping the residents of ponyville with all there chores.” Midnight Answered.
Banana Cream had finished her food while talking to Midnight and Starlight.
“Okay visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow though.” The nurse said while opening the doors to let the Stallion and mare leave.
“It’s lights out Banana Cream, Don’t stay up to late.”
“Thank you Ms.” Banana Cream Quietly said.
“Goodnight Banana Cream”
The door closed.
Banana Cream looked through the window and stared at the moon.
Tears dripped from her eyes.
“What am I going to do without you.”
“Mom…Dad….i n-need you in my life.”

Banana Cream put her head under her covers then cried herself to sleep.

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