• Published 28th Nov 2022
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Hitch-ing the Trailblazer into the Zipp-ing Storm - Twilyx360

Hitch Trailblazer and Zipp Storm start falling for each other. Meanwhile they must battle the storm within themselves.

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Chapter 8

Zipp was flying over Hitch’s bed. Chuckling. She booped him on his muzzle. Waking him up.

Smiling Zipp said. “Watcha dreaming about?” Hitch’s eyes bugged out his head and he blushed “Uhhh not this. Why..?” Asked Hitch.

“Hey Izzy asked me.” Said Zipp. Hitch looked at the time and it was 10:47 AM.

“Agh! It’s too late. I’m going! I’m getting breakfast.” Said Hitch as he ran into the hallway. “Wait up!” Said Zipp following suit.

-Later after breakfast-

The 5 friends were at the castle pool. However, Zipp’s attention was focused somewhere else. She was laying back on a lounge chair. With her sunglasses on, And Hitch was in another one wearing his sunglasses and he was right next to hers. She was looking at Hitch, thinking about him.

She couldn’t put her hoof on it but. She felt happy and comforted. Now it really wasn’t anything new as she had been feeling this way for quite a while now. She just didn’t have the time to process it. And now she had all the time she needed to do that. She looked away and started thinking.

Zipp Internally speaking “what is going on? Why am I so jumpy around him? And yet so relaxed? Ugh! This is so embarrassing. And frustrating. I mean he’s just a friee… wait. Is this what I’m thinking it is? No way. I…” Zipp’s line of thought was cut off by Hitch. “H-Hey are you alright?'' Hitch asked with his face to his side.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be.” Zipp said Chuckling. “You’re in the fetal position rocking back and forth. And your face is red.” Zipp was just about to lose it. She felt like her wings were going to spring out.

Zipp sighed. “Ugh… I’m sorry Hitch I just. I need a moment.” Said Zipp, she started walking away. “Ok Zipp. Need any help?” Hitch asked. He also was blushing furiously at this point. “I-I’ll let you know if I do!” Said Zipp. Hitch was smiling and kicking his hooves back and forth.

And she ran behind the snack bar and closed the window shutter.

Zipp screamed. And her wings sprung out and she started flapping them. “Aaaghh! Why do I feel like this!? What is going on!?”

Just then. She heard a knock at the door.

“Hey Zipp? It’s Sunny. Are you ok?” She asked. “Come in.” Said Zipp as she sat down.

Sunny walked and closed the door. “Hitch asked me to check on you.” Zipp’s ears perked up. “He’s not behind there is he?” She asked as she pointed to the window shutter.

“No, he went for a swim. Come to think of it. He looked as nervous as you.” Said Sunny. She sat beside Zipp.

Zipp said “He didn’t look nervous. Then again. I didn’t get a good look at his face to tell. Ugh! I May as well tell you.” Zipp sighed and told Sunny.

“Ok Sunny, you got me. I’m nervous but I’m also kinda excited too.” Nervoucited. Zipp continued. “It’s well uhh. Hitch he…he…I don’t know but whenever I think about him, I just feel happy, nervous, excited, Jumpy, and my face feels hot. I mean we’re besties why does it have to be awkward.” She hid her face behind her hooves.

Sunny was smiling. “How long have you been feeling like this?” Asked Sunny.

“To be honest Sunny. I have felt this way since. Well since that incident.” Said Zipp.

“You mean when you were both sleep deprived and destroyed a store window?” Asked Sunny.

“Yeah… maybe even earlier than that. I just think I…I…” Zipp was stuttering. “Hey, I see your problem. Sooo you think you ‘like him.’” Asked Sunny.

“Yes…I am kinda, sort of, maybe, DEFINITELY IN LOVE WITH HITCH!” Zipp was crying. “I’m so ridiculous right now…” she said between sobs.

Sunny wrapped a hoof around Zipp. “Hey, it's perfectly normal. When you’re in love this is what it feels like. You feel everything.” Said Sunny.

“I just didn’t know… But why is it so awkward? Maybe it’s because I never felt like this. Before.” Said Zipp.

“That’s right. It’s your first crush. So obviously you’re going to be through a lot.” Said Sunny. “Take your time. I won’t say anything to him. Just calm down. Try thinking about Hitch. That could calm you down. Just don’t get too excited.” Said Sunny.

Zipp started thinking about Hitch. And it worked. She was calming down and starting to relax. Her wings went back into position and her blush went away. “Thanks Sunny. I think I can do this now.” She said and braved her way back to the pool as they both dived in to join the others.