• Published 28th Nov 2022
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Hitch-ing the Trailblazer into the Zipp-ing Storm - Twilyx360

Hitch Trailblazer and Zipp Storm start falling for each other. Meanwhile they must battle the storm within themselves.

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Chapter 22

Everypony in Maretime Bay. Had only one unwritten rule when the Hurricane Struck.




Everypony had a friend with them to get through it. Except one…

That night everypony went to sleep early. Knowing the later hours were going to be nothing but scary chaos. It was no different in the crystal brighthouse.

All hoofphones were plugged in. All portable batteries were charged. All of Hitch’s critter friends had their own room to look after Sparky inside Sunny’s smoothie trailer. Which was brought inside for safety.

The five friends meanwhile were all huddled up together on the sofa with a huge blanket over their heads, asleep while regular TV was on. It would’ve been hard at first. But the fact they were all together essentially cuddling each other on the sofa made it easier to sleep peacefully. But they knew it probably wouldn’t last long.

As the night continued. The wind was getting faster. And the rain was just getting started.

And then. It happened. In the early morning hours of the next day. A loud thundercrack woke everypony from their sleep. And frightened everypony. Sunny briefly looked at the wall clock. It was 5:30 AM in the morning.

It awoke Sparky and he was crying. And the critters immediately got to work trying to comfort him. Even though they were visibly scared themselves.

Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp & Hitch were all trembling in fear. Zipp held Hitch’s hoof and he held Zipp’s.

Everything outside was a nightmare.

It was still dark. And the wind was incredibly fast. The wind howled among mane street.

And tore down the trees, it ripped off roofs and flattened fences.

Streetlights fell, benches were tipped, gardens destroyed, rocks & debris hitting window boards. The station’s sign even fell off.

The only thing that stood were steel statues which suffered no damage at all.

But the carnage was devastating.

Just outside of Posey’s house. Lightning Struck just outside. Inside her house posey could still see the lightning glow even in total darkness. And then the Thunder was so loud it was like a cannonball was fired.

Posey was crying. And worst of all. She was the only pony in all of maretime bay who was completely alone.

And now it was too late. And she knew it. The realization of how alone she was came crashing down on her. And she simply whimpered. “I’m sorry…” she said before crying again.

The wind blew until the sun came up.

But it was completely blocked out by the heavy grey clouds. And even worse it started to hail outside. Chunks of ice started hailing down.

The power lines were swaying in the wind blowing. And then there was trouble.

A power line completely fell to the ground exploding on impact and snapping it from it’s wires. Most of maretime bay was already out of power. But this was the one that blacked everything out.

Inside the crystal brighthouse things got worse. Sparky was back asleep, but the five friends were on the verge of tears.

Pipp was already crying and so was Izzy. Sunny & Zipp tried to keep it in.

And Hitch was hyperventilating.

Hitch and Zipp held their hooves closer together until lightning struck again bright enough to pierce past the boards. And the thunder once again sounded loud enough to feel like a cannon was fired. And then another loud crash came. A large rock hit the left window board of the brighthouse slightly cracking it.

That was enough to set everypony over and they all started crying. Everypony hugged each other. But in the middle of the group hug was Hitch and Zipp they were in each other's full embrace. Zipp’s head under his.

“Hitch. Why am I so scared…?” Asked Zipp not being able to hold back her tears anymore. “I don’t know. B-But I am too.” Said Hitch crying as well. They held each other closer together.

“We just gotta stay together.” Said Hitch. “I know Hitch, but I don’t even know if we can, after this…” whimpered Zipp.

“I want to believe maretime bay won’t be completely wiped out but-“ Zipp was cut off mid-sentence.

“Then listen, Zipp. Remember how yesterday we said we needed to tell each other something?” Asked Hitch. After another thunder crack jumped everypony.

“I-I was going to say…” Stuttered Hitch.

This made Pipp, Izzy & Sunny open their eyes. They knew what was coming.

“Hitch…?” Asked Zipp.

“Z-zi-i-ipp. I-I” after stuttering one more time. He calmed himself enough to say it.

“I love you Zipp.” Said Hitch.

Zipp gasped in shock, tears forming in her eyes.

“Y-you mean?” Zipp stuttered.

“Yes. Zipp you’re a very special pony. No matter what. You will always be worth it to me.” Said Hitch.

Even in complete darkness Zipp could tell he was smiling.

Zipp smiled back. And they were now crying tears of joy.

“Hitch…I love you too.” Said Zipp.

Hitch’s eyes opened with wonder.

“You’re more than just a sheriff Hitch. You’re an incredible guy and you… oh! Just Kiss me now Hitch!”

And it happened. They kissed. Tears rolled down their eyes.

At last, their feelings were finally out. The storm was completely silent as all they could feel was blooming blossoms of love. And the warmth of their embrace.

And then something amazing happened. Their bodies started glowing completely. And their eyes opened, their eyes were completely white.

And then everything completely stopped.

The storm clouds completely centered themselves over the Crystal Brighthouse. And started to get sucked into it.

The unity crystals were glowing brighter than ever before. In a great flash of light, the protective boards around it was shoved away.

The crystals were collecting the storm. The wind was slowing down and the rain stopped.

Soon the whole storm got sucked into the unity crystals. And Maretime Bay returned to it’s regular Sunny day without clouds.

Sunny, Izzy & Pipp were all passed out on the floor.

Hitch & Zipp stopped glowing and they closed their eyes.