• Published 28th Nov 2022
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Hitch-ing the Trailblazer into the Zipp-ing Storm - Twilyx360

Hitch Trailblazer and Zipp Storm start falling for each other. Meanwhile they must battle the storm within themselves.

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Chapter 20

Zipp heard her phone ring. It was Pipp. “Uh Pipp?” asked Zipp. “Zipp Zoom & Thunder might be asleep. Are you at the station?” asked Pipp.

“Uh yeah but the lights are on. I’ll keep that in mind. Need any help?” asked Zipp. “No, no, no. We’ve got it all. Just go on.” said Pipp. And she hung up.

“What was that about?” asked Hitch. “She thought Zoom & Thunder might be asleep,” said Zipp. “K…” Hitch said as he opened the station doors. And much to their surprise Zoom & Thunder were indeed asleep in the middle of the floor with their armor still on. “Do they ever take their helmets off?” asked Hitch. “I never actually saw them without it.” Zipp looked around and saw Sparky was in his crib asleep.

And the critter friends were all piled on Hitch’s desk asleep.

“So… how do we wake them up?” asked Hitch. “I don’t know,” said Zipp. Just then she got an idea. “Wait, I got it. Take their helmets off.” said Zipp.

“Whaaat?” said Hitch in his own confusion. “Trust me this will work. You get Zoom I’ll get Thunder.” so the two circled their way around Zoom & Thunder grabbed their helmets and started to very easily take them off.

Just then…

Zoom & Thunder immediately opened their eyes and screamed. “DAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ARMOR ALERT!” They shot up flying and it woke the critters up. Zipp & Hitch dragged them both down and placed their hooves over their mouths. “Sush!” They both said as they did not want to wake Sparky.

Sparky was still sound asleep though he simply rolled over to the other side.

Once they removed their hooves from Zoom & Thunder. They sat around the desk. “Ugh… welcome back.” said Zoom looking like death.

“Is there any other way you could’ve woke us up?” asked Thunder. “Nope.” said Zipp. “Ok just please. Never. Ever touch our helmets. Got it?” said Zoom. “Alright, alright, jeez. Annnyway the chariot is by the crystal bright house ready for you to get back. Are you both packed?” said Hitch.

“Yes. Our bags are under the desk.” said Thunder, who looked about as dead as Zoom. “So how did it go?” asked Hitch. “Honestly it wasn’t that hard. I mean Sparky was a bit of a hooful but we made it through.” Said Zoom. “Yeah. I mean there was that one-time Posey kept sticking notes on Dahlia’s front door.” said Thunder.
“And?” asked Hitch. “We let her off with a light fine and she stopped.” said Zoom. “Huh. How oddly convenient. Are you sure nothing else happened?” asked Hitch.

“Well yeah but uh… look maybe we’ll tell you another time ok. We’re tired and we need to get back to sleep.” said Zoom. “Oh yeah sorry. Uh we’ll carry the bags out to the carriage you just walk to it. Alright see you there.” said Zipp as the two walked out. Then Hitch and Zipp got some bags and followed them out.

They got to the bright house and started loading the carriage up. Zoom & Thunder were already in the carriage sleeping again. “The others are probably already asleep now. So, I’ll just crash in, I have a key.” said Zipp as she threw a bag in. “Ok. You’ll be ok right?” asked Hitch. “Yeah. Of course, I’ll be just. Will you be?” asked Zipp. “Well yeah, I’ll be fine. Guess there’s no harm in just asking right?” asked Hitch. “Right.” Said Zipp.

Soon all the bags were loaded in. “Alright that should be it. See ya guys later!” said Zipp as the carriage took off. “Bye” said Hitch.

Now that left Zipp & Hitch alone. Zipp sighed. “Hitch. I um. Are you sure you want to go back to the station?” asked Zipp.

“I can do it. But hey Zipp?” Asked Hitch. “Zipp I, I have this thing I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while. But I don’t think I can say it tonight. It’s something really important and well we’re both tired and you think you can wait?” Asked Hitch again.

“Sure. Anytime buddy. And come to think of it. I got something I wanted to tell you too. But you’re right we’ll need to be at our full mental absorption when we do.” Zipp said as her eyelids got heavy. “I mean attentive absorption. Yeah, I’m sleepy.” said Zipp.

“Yeah. Well, uh. Goodnight Zipp, have sweet dreams.” said Hitch. “Goodnight, Hitch. See you in the morning.” said Zipp. The two shared a brief hug before they parted. Hitch walked back to the station and Zipp walked into the bright house. Both were out like lights. Little did they know they were not just sleepy because of the late hour. It was a headache.

Something was brewing.