• Published 15th Nov 2022
  • 820 Views, 31 Comments

Being A True Dragon And Friend - Starlight Fan

A Starlight Edition Of Father Knows Beast: A version of the episode where Starlight plays a more active role in Spike’s situation with Sludge. How will things turn out? You’ll see right here.

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The Revelation

Smolder was currently skipping a rock in the lake when suddenly Spike crawled out of the bush nearby, all disheveled much to her shock, “What happened to you?”

“Just getting in touch with my inner dragon. It’s not like we’re supposed to sleep indoors.” Spike smiled nervously.

“I… guess not.” Smolder said with a raised eyebrow, “But I live in the school. Nothing says we have to sleep outside.”

“I'm so confused. It's been great having Sludge show me how to be a real dragon at first, but then Starlight brought up how she felt he was using me and… I’m not sure what to believe.” Spike sighed.

“Hmm, given you’re sleeping outside I have reason to believe something’s up.” Smolder sat next to her fellow dragon, “Why don’t you tell me everything Sludge told you about being a dragon.”

Starlight covered her eyes as she stepped into the daylight, she had just woken up so the sunlight was a bit sensitive to her right now, she was only doing this because Spike was still outside and knew he needed to come back in.

“Spike… you out here?” Starlight asked, clearly tired.

Suddenly Spike ran over with Smolder nearby, “Starlight! You were right! Sludge was using me!”

Starlight was shocked, yet elated to hear Spike was finally seeing reason.

“Wait? You believe me now?” Starlight smiled giddily.

“Yes! I mean, Smolder made it clear. I was basically waiting on him claw and tail the whole time, though I think your little tirade helped me see that he was using me.” Spike said before sighing, “Starlight. I’m so sorry.”

“I appreciate it Spike, but it’s not me you have to apologize to.” Starlight told the dragon solemnly who sighed, “I guess so. Should I talk to Twilight now?”

“Not just yet. A certain parasite needs his comeuppance.” Starlight smirked mischievously,

“Whoa. I’ve never seen you like this before Starlight.” Smolder said in shock.

“You should see her villain days.” Spike whispered to Smolder.

“Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do.” Starlight smirked, choosing to ignore Spike’s comment about her past.

Spike is then seen packing up some stuff when Sludge walks in eating a cupcake and wearing a robe.

“Hey. What’s going on son?” Sludge asked with a nonchalant smile.

“Twilight doesn’t like that there are real dragons in her castle, so I told her we’re moving out.” Spike said happily.

Sludge almost choked at his cupcake when he heard that and ran over to Spike, “You’re what?!”

Soon Starlight popped in with a smile, “Yep. You’re moving out. After all, Twilight does own this castle after all so she makes the final call.”

Sludge stammered before Smolder flew in through the window, “Spike. I found a perfect cave for you and Sludge. There aren’t any comfortable rocks.”

“Ah. Sounds perfect.” Spike smirked.

“No it isn’t!” Sludge said in horror before smiling nervously, “I mean… maybe Twilight could reconsider, I haven’t taught Spike how to truly live like a dragon in here.”

“Oh no. You aren’t living here anymore so what does it matter?” Starlight asked snidely with a smirk, “I think you sang this if I’m correct.”

“This bed is much too soft.” Starlight sang happily.

“Just take this silk robe off.” Spike sang along as Starlight used her magic to take Sludge’s robe off.

“You can’t be dragons living here.” Starlight finished.

Soon all eyes were on the pillow on the bed, soon Sludge grabbed one side of the pillow as Starlight, Spike, and Smolder pulled on the other side, the former doing so with magic when Sludge finally let go and snapped, “I’M NOT YOUR FATHER! I just said that to get in this sweet castle life.”

“What?” Spike asked in shock.

“I knew it!” Starlight narrowed her eyes furiously.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that, I did what any dragon would do.” Sludge said in defense to which Smolder narrowed her eyes, “No. You didn’t.”

“Hey. I saw an opportunity and I took it. That’s what dragons do.” Sludge said angrily.

“No. They don’t.” Smolder leered angrily.

“You know what, I don’t need this. Enjoy living in pony town.” Sludge rolled his eyes as he began to fly out the window as Spike sighs sadly.

Soon Sludge came back and grabbed the pillow, “I’m taking this pillow.”

That was the last straw for Starlight, she soon clutched Sludge with her magic and used her magic to give the pillow back to Spike.

“Like Tartarus you are.” Starlight said angrily.

“H-Hey, what gives?” Sludge asked with a gulp.

“You being a lazy bunch of scales, being rude as can be, and throwing me out of the window I can get over, but the way you unapologetically manipulated Spike the way you did is something I will NOT forgive.” Starlight began ranting before getting up close to Sludge’s face with a narrowed glare, “So I’m gonna give you a warning. Unless you seek redemption, REAL redemption by the way, you will stay away from Spike and Twilight or I will get Celestia and Luna involved, who are the rulers of Equestria might I add, is that clear?”

Sludge gulped and nodded profusely, “Good. Now get out.” Starlight commands sternly to which she lets Sludge go as he flies out of the castle with a bunch of whimpering.

Starlight took a deep breath to calm down and then saw Smolder staring at her with wide eyes.

“Whoa. Who knew you could be so scary?” Smolder asked breathlessly.

“Don’t worry. This side of me rarely comes out.” Starlight said reassuringly, “That’s reserved for villains and menaces like Sludge. You’ll hardly see this side of me ever.”

“Well that’s a relief.” Smolder sighed with a smile before brightening up, “Though that was pretty cool.”

Soon Spike sighed and spoke up, “I can’t believe I thought somepony like that could teach me how to be anything.”

“It must be hard not knowing who you really are.” Smolder said sympathetically.

“That’s the thing. I know exactly who I am, and how I got there.” Spike said fondly much to Starlight’s happiness.

Spike and Starlight soon walked over to the library and saw Twilight was levitating the books back into the shelves.

“Hey Twilight.” Spike said happily before Twilight turned to him sadly, “Oh, hi. Where’s your… father?”

“He’s gone. Turns out he wasn't what a real dragon should be after all. He also wasn't my real dad.” Spike said solemnly.

“Oh Spike.” Twilight said sympathetically, “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m the one who’s sorry. You were just worried about me and I lost my temper. Sludge was nothing but a bully.” Spike said angrily.

“I can think of other words to describe him, but they’re not suited for this conversation.” Starlight rolled her eyes with a smirk.

“I have to say; I’m not surprised. There is no way someone like Sludge can be related to you.” Twilight admitted.

“Besides, I know who my true family is. It’s you.” Spike said happily before hugging Twilight, “After all, family is more than just blood relation.” He looks at Starlight fondly making her smile tearfully.

“You want in on this hug, don’t you?” Twilight asked teasingly.

“No no. This is your moment not mine.” Starlight waved off with tears of joy.

“Don’t be silly, you’ve earned it.” Twilight told Starlight before outstretching a hoof for Starlight who immediately joined the hug.

Starlight was glad to have friends like Twilight and Spike, that’s why she always would be there for them. Even at their worst, like Spike was at this time. That’s what you do for friends and family, you look out each other.

Comments ( 20 )

“You being a lazy bunch of scales, being rude as can be, and throwing me out of the window I can get over, but the way you unapologetically manipulated Spike the way you did is something I will NOT forgive.” Starlight began ranting before getting up close to Sludge’s face with a narrowed glare, “So I’m gonna give you a warning. Unless you seek redemption, REAL redemption by the way, you will stay away from Spike and Twilight or I will get Celestia and Luna involved, who are the rulers of Equestria might I add, is that clear?”


So how was Starlight?

You written her good. About time she did something to Sludge after throwing her out of the tub like that.

It was a running gag but Starlight was the third most affected by Sludge’s actions in canon so I incorporated that.

I like how made twilight realize that she was ignorant about dragons. I always thought she was very foolish having a dragon assistant and yet only knowing that they eat gems and breath fire. She an adult who should be looking out for his best interests.

Fair enough, how were Starlight and Spike?

Good starlight was her smart and pretty mature self. Spike acted like a kid trying to figure who they are and are supposed be acts at times. I know a lot of people are twilight fans but I always felt she wasn't very mature for her role.

You find Starlight mature? That’s shocking.

More mature than twilight whose anxiety was part of the problem. Once starlight gained confidence in the magic of friendship and forgave herself she was a very mature character. Twilight despite being a princess back down twice when challenged only for others to encourage to keep going forward. Though starlight counseling services could have used a bit of polishing considering the episode where Celestia decided that twilight was going be her heir everyone is so busy encouraging twilight they never bothered to ask her is this something she wants. After all she hadn't even had her school a decade and now she was expected to quit because Celestia wants it.

Honestly, I agree. Starlight certainly became more mature after season six(especially after the episode that shall not be named), but she’s also impulsive and tends to make stupid plans thinking it’ll help like in To Change A Changeling or Road To Friendship, but yeah, she’s resourceful when she needs to.

Road to friendship was obvious that Trixie and starlight were going to have because the wagon with everything in has room for one and starlight was stupid in that. Though pharynx was a better changeling than most of the others. He didn't go sunshine and roses but chose the middle road.

Awww love the resolution at the end!:heart: but I'm so glad Glimmy gave slimeball his just desserts after Smolder told him off! :flutterrage: Also kinda figured Smolder would be surprised & ecstatic at seeing that side of Glimmy! :moustache::twilightsheepish:

Oh trust me. He’s not leaving without some form of comeuppance.

“Whoa. Who knew you could be so scary?” Smolder asked breathlessly.

Smolder, you should've seen the Season 5 premiere and finale. Tell what you think about her then. :moustache:

“You being a lazy bunch of scales, being rude as can be, and throwing me out of the window I can get over, but the way you unapologetically manipulated Spike the way you did is something I will NOT forgive.” Starlight began ranting before getting up close to Sludge’s face with a narrowed glare, “So I’m gonna give you a warning. Unless you seek redemption, REAL redemption by the way, you will stay away from Spike and Twilight or I will get Celestia and Luna involved, who are the rulers of Equestria might I add, is that clear?”

Beautiful, just beautiful.


The scolding Starlight was giving worst dragon Sludge was beautiful, and well deserved.

Starlight’s protective and vengeful side was bound to come out somehow. Why not use it now?

See this is why I write villain revenge stories and not hero shorts. I was really hoping for Starlight to skin Sludge alive, turn him to stone, transform him into a literal leech... y'know something brutal. (Yeah, yeah she wouldn't do something like that. Like I said that's why I write villain revenge stories.)

Not a bad fic, if a bit by the book. (Very close to the episode.)

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