• Published 15th Nov 2022
  • 820 Views, 31 Comments

Being A True Dragon And Friend - Starlight Fan

A Starlight Edition Of Father Knows Beast: A version of the episode where Starlight plays a more active role in Spike’s situation with Sludge. How will things turn out? You’ll see right here.

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A Flying Lesson and Worries

Author's Note:

This all takes place after School Raze so don’t let the timeline confuse you.

When Starlight agreed to watch Spike’s flying lesson with Twilight, she did so because she didn’t want to waste any of the time she had with her friends.

Ever since the Cozy Glow incident where she almost sent Starlight to another realm, the unicorn figured that spending time watching Spike use his wings wasn’t such a bad idea.

However, Starlight was a bit concerned with how Spike continuously kept tumbling and crashing into things.

After Spike fell on his face in the ground, Twilight spoke up again, “You're doing great, Spike. Now let's see the big finish!”

“Are you sure? He might need to work on his regular flying more.” Starlight suggested with a concerned eyebrow raise.

“Maybe so, but I want to see how he does.” Twilight told her friend.

Soon Spike flew around the castle and then tried to do a flip but ended up losing his coordination and began hurtling towards both Twilight and Starlight, unfortunately he crashed right into Starlight and they skidded across the field and Spike found himself on Starlight’s stomach, “And there goes my pelvis.” Starlight said weakly.

Spike soon got up and began apologizing, “Sorry Starlight.” He said remorsefully before Twilight levitated Starlight off the ground as Starlight wiped the dirt off her back.

“Maybe I should get Rainbow Dash. She’s the one who taught me advanced flying techniques.” Twilight told the dragon.

“I don’t know about that Twilight. Rainbow’s coaching may be a bit too tough for Spike.” Starlight admitted sheepishly.

“Starlight’s right. Besides, if I mess up, I’d rather do it in front of you two given I trust you not to laugh at me.” Spike sighed sadly.

“I doubt either of our friends would laugh at you getting hurt Spike.” Starlight said reassuringly.

“I just feel more comfortable with you and Twilight though. Besides, I just don't understand why none of your advice is helping Twilight.” Spike said, clearly confused.

Suddenly all three had heard Smolder who was leaning against a tree, “Because your being taught how to fly like a pony and not like a dragon.” She explained bluntly.

“What’s the difference?” Spike asked.

“Well we don’t have feathers for starters.” Smolder told her fellow dragon as she held up his scaly wing, to which Twilight looked at her own wing, clearly feeling insecure, Starlight felt bad for the alicorn.

After a while, Smolder had ended up teaching Spike to fly pretty well, he was doing flips and barrel rolls, by the time he got back on the ground he was ecstatic and began thanking Smolder, “Wow! Thank you so much! How’d you know I just needed to bend my wings?”

“Honestly Spike, this is Dragon 101, usually Dragon parents teach this stuff.” Smolder said with a roll of her eyes causing Twilight and Spike to look at each other with frowns to which Starlight facehoofed at, Smolder was a good student but she needed to learn what to and what not to say.

Twilight was then pacing around the map table and was currently venting to Starlight and the rest of her friends, “I know Spike says he’s fine, I just feel like I should know more dragon-ish knowledge to give him so he could be more in tune with his species.” Twilight was finishing off her rant.

“Twilight. I know you’re doing your best but you can’t be faulted for not having so much knowledge on dragons.” Starlight reassured her friend, “You’re not a dragon like Spike is. Maybe you could ask Ember for guidance in case it’s needed. After all, she can be trusted.”

“I guess, but Spike’s my friend. I should be able to help him adjust to his growing up myself.” Twilight said solemnly.

“There isn’t anything wrong with needing help darling.” Rarity smiled at the alicorn, “After all, I’ve asked Fluttershy and Applejack for help when it came to Sweetie Belle.”

“Yeah, you don’t got anything to be ashamed of Twilight. I’m sure it’ll be okay.” Applejack said happily.

“I guess you’re right.” Twilight smiled warmly.

Suddenly Spike walked in the room with a chubby and large green adult dragon with purple scales, “Hey girls. This is Sludge, he crash landed in town and I felt he needed some help.”

“It’s not like I need the help but I figured I could humor the little guy.” The dragon known as Sludge rolled his eyes but from his wincing, Starlight could tell it was a lie.

“Hang on, I’ll get a wheelchair.” Starlight told the others before teleporting out the room before teleporting back in moments later with a wheelchair.

“Whoa. That was fast.” Sludge said, clearly impressed.

“Thanks. Just sit on here.” Starlight instructed Sludge, who shrugged and sat in the chair.

“I’m glad Spike brought you here Sludge. It seems like you really need some help.” Twilight smiled in relief.

“I’ll be fine.” Sludge said with a roll of his eyes, “Dragons can take care of themselves. I’ll manage.”

Sludge tried to stand up but as he tried to walk, he suddenly plopped back down to the ground.

“I can’t watch.” Fluttershy covered her eyes, clearing upset to see a creature in pain.

“You’re not the first stubborn dragon we met you know.” Rainbow Dash smirked with a laidback tone.

“And besides, even dragons need help.” Spike added bubbly.

Soon Starlight used her magic to put Sludge back in his wheelchair as Twilight began speaking up, “I promise. Me and my friends will only do enough to get you back on your claws.”

Starlight and the others smiled reassuringly at him leaving Sludge to put a finger to his chin before sighing, “Okay. I’ll let you help me.”

It was Starlight’s turn to help Sludge get back on his feet, Rarity made him a cast, Fluttershy helped him get comfortable, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash helped him exercise and fly. Today Starlight was going to help him exercise but he had a better motivation to help him do so.

Right now, she was holding up a cupcake with her magic as she levitated it in the air as Sludge tried to snatch it from midair, she kept playing keep away with the dragon so he would jump and fly for the cupcake. It was kinda funny to watch but she made sure not to go too far.

“C’mon. You can do it.” Starlight encouraged the dragon who was still trying his hardest to catch the cupcake, and soon he used his wings a bit to catch the cupcake in the air and soon ate it up.

“Oh that’s so satisfying.” Sludge said happily.

“Okay. That was good.” Starlight smiled warmly at Sludge, “I’ll leave you alone now. You probably should rest, we’ve been doing this for a while.”

“Yeah. Good call.” Sludge huffed with a weak smile.

Starlight felt a little bad she wore Sludge out but it technically was progress in him getting back to shape so she let it pass.

It took a while to help Sludge get back to normal but soon Sludge was healthy again, so much so that Starlight watched as Sludge flew around the castle along with Twilight, Spike, and the others and once Sludge was back on the ground, everyone cheered, glad they were able to successfully help him.

“I know you had your reservations, but I’m glad you’re better.” Twilight smiled at the older dragon.

“Uh th-thanks.” Sludge rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“That’s what friends are for darling.” Rarity smiled reassuringly.

Soon Sludge turned to leave when he spoke softly to Spike, “You’re really lucky to have friends like these kid.”

“Actually, I was orphaned as an egg, and Twilight raised me. So these ponies are more than my friends. They're my family.” Spike said happily as he hugged Twilight’s side who used her wing to hug him back which Starlight found sweet.

“We try our best but sometimes I worry Spike is…” Twilight began faltering.

“Deep down and dragon-ish.” Spike finished solemnly.

“Really? Wow. I-I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that.” Sludge said happily much to Starlight’s and everyone else’s confusion.

“I wasn't gonna say anything since your life seemed so perfect, but I have a confession to make.” Sludge said sheepishly to Spike before saying, “Coming to Ponyville wasn't an accident. I was looking for you. Spike... I'm your father.” Sludge sighed.

Starlight gasped along with the others but then noticed Pinkie’s gasp was more drawn out and she rolled her eyes as she glanced at Pinkie boredly along with the others which she noticed. “Sorry.” She said shortly.

“So… you crashed in Ponyville on purpose?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well the crash was certainly an accident but heading here was.” Sludge began leading Spike near the entrance which weirded Starlight out for some reason, sure he claimed to be Spike’s father but it felt odd seeing him near her friend.

“I’ve been searching everywhere for you kid.” Sludge smiled warmly at the younger dragon.

“Did you ask in the Crystal Empire? I’m kind of a hero there.” Spike said with a smirk.

Suddenly a bulb lit up in Starlight’s mind, that was true actually. Why was Sludge only now hearing of Spike?

“He’s actually well known everywhere. Especially Canterlot.” Starlight said, getting in between Spike and Sludge, purposely of course, something wasn’t boding well with Sludge and she wasn’t sure if Spike should be near him.

“You make it sound so simple. I just wish you’d been there to help me search.” Sludge said in a seemingly sad tone as he reentered the castle with Spike following him as did everyone else, and soon they made it back to the map room where Sludge sat in Twilight’s throne.

“I can’t believe it. I have so many questions to ask you.” Spike said happily.

“Ask away. That’s what dads are for.” Sludge leaned back in relaxation.

“I guess the biggest one I have is… why was I orphaned as an egg.” Spike asked sadly, his eyes starting to get glossy.

Sludge seemed unnerved by this before saying, “You sure you don’t wanna ask anything else? It’s a lot of painful memories.” He turned away sadly, almost dramatically in Starlight’s eyes but soon he put his arm around Spike and began speaking, “Your mother was the best dragon a guy could ask for.” He said happily before continuing to tell the story, “The Dragon Lord even picked her to scout for the Great Migration, and-and even though she just laid your egg, we knew she'd have to go. But finding the Migration route could take a lifetime, and you deserved a chance to know your mother. So I went looking for you, carrying your egg to places no dragon or pony has ever been. Past Mount Aris, the abandoned home of the Hippogriffs...”

“Did you visit Klugetown?” Pinkie Pie asked happily much to Sludge’s shock, “You’ve been to Klugetown?” He asked, clearly confused.

“Well I haven’t, but the rest of them have.” Starlight said.

“Yeah. The Hippogriffs even returned to Mount Aris after we defeated the Storm King.” Twilight said happily.

“Oh… well, have you ever been to the Land of the Scale Collectors?” Sludge asked with a sheepish smile.

Twilight shook her head to which Sludge began speaking again, “That’s where Spike’s mother’s trail lead.” He then continued his spiel, “It was a prison world of dragon hunters, and I ended up being forced to choose between surrendering myself or giving up your egg. Obviously I chose to surrender myself for your sake and so I was locked up somewhere not even the Princess Of Friendship has heard about.”

Starlight narrowed her eyes at this story, it almost sounded believable but the more he talked, the more suspicious Sludge sounded. Why would alleged dragon hunters even give Sludge a choice when they could just take him and the egg? Also, how did the egg even make it across to Equestria?

However Spike seemed to buy this but that didn’t stop questions from being asked, “Whatever happened to Spike’s mom?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“How did the egg even make it all the way back to Equestria?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“I wish I had all the answers.” Sludge said, again looking too dramatic for Starlight’s standards as he began weeping and soon Spike spoke up, “Well, that's all in the past. The only thing that matters now is that we're together. And I'm gonna make up for lost time.” He smiled reassuringly.

Starlight narrowed her gaze at this scene, she did not think this was right? Not one bit. Starlight was suspicious of Sludge’s true intentions and she knew she’d have to keep an eye on that dragon.