• Member Since 16th May, 2013
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The Boss

"The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal."

Comments ( 12 )

So Men-in-Black/MIB or a "morally nicer" version of SCP?

Although, why still keep the "too-secret" policy in a fantasy world like Equestria?

Considering the fact that the Equestria itself has its own wacky magical stuff on it's own. Just look at Ponyville or somebody like Discord for example.


It's a fair assessment that OPTIC's aim is very much like the MIB or the SCP Foundation. Magic is known in Equestria, people know it exists, and to an extent that makes hiding the bad stuff easier. However, Equestrians are also prone to panic and fear. The 'Violet Scare' in the story is a prime example of that. In the previous story people found out about a hive of Changelings (not Chrysalis' hive) that had infiltrated Equestria's National Council (basically Congress) and subsequently freaked the heck out. There were riots, mass looting, paranoia and panic. The economy ground to a halt, people barricaded themselves in their homes, some even wound up shooting at people they thought were 'Infiltrators'. This went on for close to 2 months before people finally settled down enough to get back to normal life. Unfortunately Changelings aren't the only threat to normalcy.

In the context of the setting it's widely believed that magic has 'rules'. Spells require certain ingredients or a certain degree of concentration, they have a limited range or can only be cast at certain times, and for the most part that's true.

OPTIC deals not only with Changelings, but with magic that doesn't 'play by the rules', and by extension the spellcasters who use that sort of dark magic for their own nefarious ends. The elements of harmony can't be everywhere all at once, after all. The Agency's focus is also settled on finding and securing insidious artifacts like the Alicorn Amulet, or a monkey's paw, or any number of other nasty little trinkets that could have reality shattering consequences.

Cults, dark wizards and warlocks, monsters straight out of cosmic horror. They all exist in Equestria, and it's OPTIC's job to make sure that the various evil groups don't get their hands on dangerous artifacts or provoke another 'Violet Panic', hence a need for secrecy and obfuscation.

Will this story be shorter than the previous one?


Most likely it'll be shorter, yeah. I plan to have it more be a sort of collection of short stories. Some might be horror, some might be adventure or a thriller, some might just be goofy comedy. The timeline itself will take place over a year or so between the end of 'The Pawn Who Would Be Queen' and the next story (working title: 'The Queen in the Crimson Mask')

Will there be any updates to this story.
Also orzal has been really busy


Yeah, at the moment I've got like 11,000+ words done on the next chapter.

Good to see you back and looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Reads very well so far, keep it up 👍

Another great chapter by the boss . Will there be a vote of which weapon would be his primary ?


No, while I did consider it I think it would pose too much of a risk of having Orzel make him something that would be 'out of character' for her. She's a perfectionist, and Spike is the man she loves, knowing what he's going up against she wouldn't send him anything but the weapon she thought was best for the job. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I've been a lil busy.

No problem man I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. As it seems in each of your stories you have one of the characters use an ak type rifle. Like in the pawn who would be queen you had Orzel make the 7.62 x 39 round and I think she made the ak but I am not sure.

Yeah, truth be told I'd prefer to use more designs similar to Eugene Stoner's work, but the AK style makes the most sense considering the tech level of the world. Using a forged and later stamped receiver that doesn't require a whole lot of precise machining seems the most feasible considering the state of manufacturing is late 1930s-early 1940s. The use of 7.62x39 (once known as .30 Russian Short) is also because of that, as in lore the Equestrian Army was previously using bolt action rifles chambered in 30-06. It means that the existing ammo producers only have to modify the tooling they use for the casings, without changing the tooling for the bullets themselves. This is all stuff I may or may not actually include at the story at some point or another, but for now it lives in my head/lore document. Always happy to expand on it though, so if you have any questions ask away!

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