• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 490 Views, 8 Comments

Pupil of the Night - Echo-Web Productions

The introduction of my first MLP OC, Painted Night and her life as the forgotten student of Luna.

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Chapter 5 - Homecoming


It surrounded her.

Encompassed her.

Embraced her.

Never before has she felt so smothered, yet so free. So cold, yet so warm. The opposing feelings left her conflicted. How badly she wanted to throw herself to the darkness, to return its embrace and never retreat. But another part of her wanted to recoil and run far, far away from the darkness, praying they never crossed paths again. She wanted to speak of her confusion and frustration of the dual sensations. She wanted to scream.

Opening her mouth proved fruitless, no sound escaping, no matter how hard she tried. And she tried, opening and closing her mouth, taking deep breaths and immediately releasing them, but still no sound escaped her. Panting quietly, she fell limp, allowing herself to recover from the energy she wasted, the darkness once more embracing her in its warmth and cold.

And there she laid, contemplating the point of struggling, the point of doing anything within the darkness. No movement came from her, even her natural breathing stopped as she thought, yet she did not notice. She noticed nothing but the soft coos echoing like faint whispers in her ears.

‘Give in, I can give you everything you want.’

‘You’ll have their appreciation, their love.’

‘They will love you, forever and always.’

‘Doesn’t that sound perfect?’

‘Together, we will rule this world as we deem.’

The whispers continued, all different and all oh so promising. All she had to do was reach out and take it, accept the darkness and she would have her perfect world of eternal night!




Eternal night? Why would she want that? Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, blood curdling scream. It struck her to her core and startled her, the darkness around her writhing, almost in agony, or was it anticipation? The whispers grew louder, overlapping each other as they spoke and soon, she could do nothing but cover her ears at the onslaught of voices, too loud to be distinguishable. Then came the worst part…

The darkness’s embrace began to loosen, the warmth chased away by the sheer, sudden cold. Light invaded the darkness and a cry escaped her, one she belatedly realized she actually heard. Her hooves shifted, prioritizing shielding her eyes over her ears and the voices only got louder. Tears built in her eyes and slowly, they spilled, dampening her soft cheek fur.

She cried loudly, hooves pressed tightly against her eyes and ears flattened to her skull. ‘Make it stop, please! I beg of you, darkness, come back and save me!’ But her pleas went unanswered and with mounting horror, she realized the darkness was moving away from her, it’s screaming quieting to the whispers once more before disappearing altogether. And there she sat, sobbing into her hooves, ears swiveling about as they tried to pick up any sound.

Quiet surrounded her, nothing echoing but her short breaths and sobs. ‘What was going on?! Why was she being punished? She just wanted to be loved!’ There were those weird thoughts again. Things she never once would have thought, yet undoubtedly echoing within her own head. Easing the pressure of her hooves from her eyes, she gently rubbed away the tears, blinking her eyes open to try and adjust to the harsh light.

Curiously, the light was not as harsh as she originally thought. No, the light was from soft stars that surrounded her, the constellations and universe she studied so much swirling around her in childlike joy. Blinking again, she rubbed at her eyes once more, sure she was hallucinating. Why was she among the stars? A thought came to her then. If she was amongst the stars, then surely she could see the best part of the night! Her head snapped to the space above her,smiling wide as her gaze locked onto the very thing she has loved since she was a filly.

Immediately, her ears pinned back, smile twisting into a shocked frown all while uncertainty, worry and a deep sense of foreboding filled her. It was stained, black covering at least half of it, decorating it in the shape of a unicorn’s head. Its horn was elongated, matching closer to that of the princesses rather than a normal unicorn. Horror began to fill her as she realized what had happened.

The beautiful, beloved moon was tainted by the very darkness it birthed.


Jolting awake, Painted Night slowly opened her eyes, vision blurry and distorted in her sleepy state. Blearily, she saw the now broken window and a figure standing in front of it. The creature was bent over, seemingly panting and perhaps its teeth were bared, but her vision refused to clear up enough to confirm that theory. Suddenly, she felt the bed move, somepony jumping over her and standing between her and the creature.

Yellow filled her vision, washing the room in its warm glow and it was then the young filly remembered the events of the previous day. The yellow flickered, disappearing briefly before flaring up once more. Right, Snow Star was hurt. She wouldn’t be able to take on this creature in her current state. She needed help, but no matter what she tried, Painted’s body refused to listen to her, urging her to close her eyes and return to sleep. And she had no choice but to obey, her eyes fluttering close just as the warm yellow encompassed her body.

Despite her body’s best attempts, she awoke once more, this time to her rocking back and forth. Whatever she was laying on was moving and so soft. Once more she was tempted with sleep, but something was telling her that something was wrong, so with great difficulty, she raised her head, vision still blurry as she took in her surroundings.

It looked like she was still in the castle, but everything was too distorted to tell so she tried to focus on whatever she was on. Her vision filled with black as she looked ahead, a stripe of dark blue going up its center. Squinting her eyes, she realized she was on the back of a pony. Was she being kidnapped?

The thought was sudden and while normally she would know better, she was tired and her brain was reacting to the here and now, so she began to struggle. She was leadened with exhaustion, but she moved enough to begin slipping off the pony’s back, her brief moment of success and happiness ruined at the thought of hitting the hard castle ground.

Bracing herself, she was surprised when something caught her. Looking at whatever it was, she noticed it was a wing, though it lacked the feathers of a normal pegasus. It felt like leather against her fur. This pony was a thestral and looking back at them only confirmed that when her teal gaze met bright blue eyes with slitted pupils. A lunar guard most likely and the thought had the filly’s face heating up in embarrassment at her escape attempt.

The thestral’s wing placed her back on his back, not once breaking his stride through the halls. Once more, Painted Night found herself wondering what was going on, an inquisitive grunt escaping her as she once more succumbed to sleep, her ears picking up the thestral’s words just before the darkness claimed her.

“Rest now, Painted Night. You are safe, our princess has returned.”

‘Third times the charm, yea?’

A soft giggle left Painted Night as she woke up once more. She was thankful this time was different, gentler, more natural of a wake up. Her vision wasn’t blurry, her mind was awake and her body was listening to her. Stretching her hooves out, she slowly sat up, a yawn stretching her maw.

“What time is it?” Movement from beside her caught her eye and she looked over to see Dusk Dagger sitting up as well, rubbing her eyes.

At her friend's question, Painted’s horn flickered to life, coalesced teal magic grabbing her curtains. Wait… Her curtains? Head whipping to the curtains, she studied them before allowing her eyes to travel through the room. Didn’t they fall asleep in Princess Luna’s room? And where was Captain Snow Star? What happened?

Taking a small breath, Painted knew she had to take it one step at a time. Focusing once more on the curtains, she barely opened them, shocking dousing the calm she felt as sunlight bled through, immediately warming the room. An annoyed groan sounded from her friend.

“The sun’s up? Why are we awake then?” Grumbling, Dusk pulled the comforter tighter around her, nuzzling into the pillow to try and fall back asleep.

Painted allowed the curtain to fall back into its place, the wards Princess Luna placed on them activating once more and cooling the room to its normal temperature. Her hoof reached out, stopping Dusk from curling up tighter and gently shaking her friend.

“Dusk. Before you fall back asleep, do you remember what happened? Why are we suddenly in my room? Didn’t we fall asleep in our Princess’s room?”

Opening an eye to look at the lighter filly, Dusk Dagger yawned, giving a half hearted shrug. “Yea, ma took us there after she picked us up from pa. Maybe she brought us here so she could talk to pa.”

Her eyes brightened suddenly, a smile stretching her mouth. Jumping up, Dusk unraveled herself from the comforter, suddenly wide awake.

“Or maybe Princess Luna has returned! We can show her our gift!” The words slowly sunk in to the lunar student, her teal gaze locked onto her excited friend.

As soon as they did, Painted Night gasped, memories from last night slamming into her. Something broke into Princess Luna’s room and Private Night Mist brought them here! Jumping off her bed, she glanced back at her friend.

“Dusk, I think something happened. I’m going to the Princess’s room to check it out. Do you want to come with me?” Noting her friend’s sudden lack of energy, the unicorn frowned. “Oh! You can go back to sleep too! I don’t want to ruin your sleep schedule!”

The silver filly shook her head, hopping off the bed and trotting next to Painted. “Too late for that Paint! I’m wide awake now and if something did happen, then I will be like your personal and protect you from it!”

Painted watched as Dusk opened the door, giving a teasing bow as she did. A snort escaped Painted as her friend spoke, grin full of mischief. “After you, Princess.”

Rolling her eyes playfully, Painted peeked out of her room, surprised to see no guards by her door. Of course she didn’t expect a Lunar Guard, not with the sun up and blazing the world in her bright light, but she always thought that at least a Solar Guard took over while she slept. Frowning at the thought, she made her way into the hallway, grateful for the wards tinting the windows. It was still bright, but nothing she couldn’t quickly adjust too.

She wasn’t five hoof steps away from her room when the sound of a slamming door echoed through the hallways. Her body froze and she glanced back at Dusk, who’s sheepish smile and hoof resting on her door showed it was an accident. Painted remained frozen, ears swiveling about, straining to hear any incoming noises. Seconds turned to minutes and nothing happened, no brief sounds of incoming ponies, no buzz of wards activating, nothing.

Relaxing, she looked back at Dusk again, the two fillies devolving into soft giggles. Neither knew why they froze, Painted Night was given free passage through the Lunar halls, so it wasn’t like they were doing anything bad, even if it felt like they were. Like they were breaking some unspoken rules and wasn’t that thrilling to the two fillies.

“Sorry about that, Paint. I tried catching the door with my magic, but I couldn’t get a good grip on it.” Dusk explained, falling beside her friend as they continued down the hall.

Shaking her head, she easily forgave her friend, though she was concerned by Dusk’s inability to grab the door. Ever since the accident, Dusk’s magic has been wonky. Painted initially thought it was magic overexertion from their training, but all the books she read says Dusk should have recovered from it by now, or at least enough to grab doors with it.

A soft sigh escaped her and Dusk perked up, tilting her head. “Are you okay, Paint? You seem… worried.”

Silence filled the hall as Painted reflected over Dusk’s question, her friend patiently waiting for her answer. “I-I don’t know, Dusk… I don’t know if I had a nightmare, or if some of the things actually happened last night… It’s scary…”

Her admittance hung in the air as they continued their walk, both briefly noting they were reaching the end. Dusk smiled and gently bumped into Painted, leaning against her in assurance.

“Don’t worry, Paint. Whatever happens or happened, it’ll be okay! We have ma, Princess Luna, if she is back, and each other! We can handle anything!”

Seeing her friend's optimism, Painted couldn’t help but agree, gently bumping her friend back. “Yea, you’re right. Besides, I’m probably overreacting and just had a bad nightmare!”

Reaching the corner, the fillies slowed to a stop, Painted peeking around and looking down the hall to her teacher’s room. Blinking, Painted noted Snow Star standing guard at the door. Retreating behind the corner, Painted looked at Dusk, tilting her head.

“You’re mom is standing guard, shouldn’t she be asleep?”

“She should be, but if she isn’t that means that Princess Luna must have returned suddenly!” Dusk spoke excitedly, peering around the corner at her mom.

Pulling back, Dusk faced Painted, smiling softly. “See? Everything is fine! Princess Luna is probably sleeping and we should get back and join he-”


Both fillies jumped at the sudden noise, both peering around the corner once more. Nothing seemed different, except the worried frown Snow Star was now wearing, her yellow eyes flicking to Luna’s door, yet remaining at her post.

“Something is wrong, Dusk and I have to figure out what’s happening. Maybe I can help?”

“What if something dangerous is in there? What if you get hurt?!”

“I’ll be fine! You and Snow Star will be right outside and I can protect myself long enough for you guys to get inside!”

“Paint, how are you going to get inside?! Mom doesn’t look like she’s going to let you in.”

Pulling back, Painted rubbed at her chin in thought. How would she get in? She could have Dusk distract the captain, but she would notice the door opening before the filly could slip inside. Dusk could lead her mom away, but if something does go wrong, they won’t be right by the door to help her. That only left…

“I’ll teleport in.”

“What?” Dusk asked incredulously, blinking in disbelief at her friend. “There’s no way you can perform a teleportation spell this far away! You’re going to end up stuck in a wall somewhere or worse!”

Painted night shook her head. “It won’t be from here. I need you to go to your mom and distract her. I’ll creep close enough to perform a small teleport, one that shouldn’t lead me astray or bring me harm.”

“I don’t know, Painted… Do you even know any teleportation spells? I’ve never seen you use one before.”

Sighing, Painted lifted a hoof, making a so-so motion. “I have one that I have been studying for almost a year now. I’ve never practiced it, but it’ll be fine! I’ve always been a quick learner with magic and I’ve never had a spell backfire on me!”

“I don’t know, Paint…”

“Please, Dusk… I have to make sure the princess is alright, especially after my nightmares…”

Dusk stared at her friend, watching her mood drop and worry rise. She had to help her friend, Painted tried to help her sneak out to see her ma after all, it was only right to repay her.

“Fine, but you have to tell me about these nightmares later! And if you succeed with the spell, you have to teach me it too!”

Painted immediately brightened, smiling as she nodded. “Of course!”


“Pointy promise!”

Tapping the tips of their horns together, their promise was sealed and Painted hugged Dusk tightly. Dusk returned the hug, just as tightly.

“Thank you, Dusk. You’re the bestest friend anypony could have asked for.”

“Hehe, I know! Now come on, let’s get you into that room!”

Releasing each other, Dusk saluted Painted and galloped around the corner, her voice fading as she did. “Mom! Mom!”

Peeking around the corner, Painted watched as Dusk collided with the captain, easily diverting her attention away from the corner. Painted couldn’t hear them from here, but she could see how successful Dusk was, constantly moving and demanding her mom’s attention. Nodding to herself, Painted began to creep closer, horn alighting in a soft, teal glow.

Her creeping was slow, quiet and successful so far, even as her horn began to blaze with magic, the spell building so she could release it the second she was close enough. Soon, she grew close enough to hear Snow Star tiredly reprimanding her daughter for being up and wandering the halls. Dusk sat attentively, ears pinned back as she listened to her mother, briefly looking up to meet eyes with Painted.

Exchanging nods, Painted took a deep breath. ‘Here goes nothing.’ Just before she released the spell, she looked back, meeting gaze with the Lunar Captain.

“Painted Night?!”

The spell released, teal blinded the two unicorns and Painted Night was gone.

Stumbling, Painted Night found herself face planting into soft carpet. Groaning softly, she brought a hoof to her head, rubbing away the incoming headache. Finding her hooves, she slowly stood, glancing up to see the ceiling of Princess Luna’s room. It worked! She successfully teleported and she didn’t end up in a wall!

Excited by her success, she stepped forward, immediately falling back with a soft gasp of pain as something dug into her hoof. Falling to her haunches, Painted fought the tears building in her eyes, bringing up her hoof to examine it. A shard of glass twinkled at her, almost mockingly. Gritting her teeth, her horn flickering before lighting up once more. Her magic gently gripped the shard and counting to three, she pulled it out, watching as blood welled up from the small cut. She would need to wrap it for a bit.

Looking around, Painted’s mouth fell open. The room was trashed, wood, glass and pottery strewn around her haphazardly. It looked like someone broke in and took a bat to everything. Slowly she stood, tucking her hoof to her chest as she looked around more. Her search led her to the cracked open bedroom door. Surely whatever did this was in there. Once more her horn lit up, glow barely noticeable even in the void like darkness.

Sweeping away the debris, she made a path to the bedroom and as she hobbled her way closer, she faintly heard what sounded like crying. Her magic failed her then, suddenly snuffing itself out as magical exertion hit her. She wouldn’t be able to do much more than a simple shield if this creature attacked her, but she had to continue one, she needed to make sure her Princess’s room was safe for when she returned.

Stopping in the doorway, the crying was louder, confirming to the filly that it was indeed something crying. Her gaze landed on a lump on the bed, the origin of the crying. She leaned forward, trying to determine what it was without drawing closer, but the creature fell still, its crying coming to an abrupt halt. Suddenly, large bat-like wings sprouted from the creature and it uncurled, body now facing her. Its eyes snapped open, revealing slitted, teal eyes, eyes that immediately landed on Painted Night.

The filly could only stare and shake in fear, taking a step back as her and the creature stared at each other. Her horn sparked and it was then she could see the creature's shocked expression. Its jet black fur covered a rather equine face, though its cheeks were obviously dampened by tears. More tears built in its teal eyes and Painted Night could only stare. Its eyes seemed so familiar to her… A gasp escaped her and her mouth opened as she spoke, voice nothing more than a soft whisper.

“Princess Luna…?”