• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 490 Views, 8 Comments

Pupil of the Night - Echo-Web Productions

The introduction of my first MLP OC, Painted Night and her life as the forgotten student of Luna.

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Chapter 4 - Unprecedented Change

Author's Note:

Howdy hey ya'll! I'm finally back and I'm really excited to show what I've worked on not only for this story, but other stories that I will be releasing this year! :pinkiehappy:

Of course, I am very sorry for the wait with this chapter and story in general. I had many life and health issues that popped up and I started a creative studio, hence the name change, that took a lot of time to start and I'm still working on it. But I am back and, again, very excited to share the rest of this story and the others.

I still have no update schedule, simply due to my 2 jobs, but it will definitely have quicker updates than the time between Chapter 3 and 4!

Anyways, here is Chapter 4 of Pupil of the Night and I hope ya'll enjoy!

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Rhythmic beeping filled the area, quickly becoming irritating to anyone forced to listen to it. A soft groan was lost amongst the beeps, a mare opening her eyes as she became conscious once more. She winced at the bright lights above her, eyes shutting and a hoof coming up to cover them.

“What in Faust?”

Her voice was rough and quiet from her dry throat. Lowering her hoof, she slowly opened her eyes once more, greeted with the sight of a white ceiling. She looked around, noticing the white cot she was on and the identical ones spread out in the large room.

“The infirmary?”

“Ah, you’re awake. Good morning, Captain Snow Star.”

Snow Star looked to the new voice, eyeing the peach colored pegasus as she marked on the paper on her clipboard. Seemingly satisfied, the pegasus trotted over to Snow, her board being tucked under her wing.

“How are you feeling Captain?”

“Uh… Good. How…” Licking her dry lips, she tried again. “How did I end up here?”

“You collapsed on training field 3. Two fillies and Private Night Mist brought you here.”

Snow shot up in her cot, ignoring the pain that flared in her chest. The memories hit her all at once and she all but jumped out of the cot, looking for her armor. Startled, the pegasus nurse tried to calm the unicorn, attempting to get her back into her cot.

“Please Captain! You must rest and allow us to see what is wrong!”

“The two fillies, where are they?”

“With Lunar Private Night Mist and Solar Captain Sun Stone! Now please get back in the cot!”

The Captain stopped in her frantic search, taking a calming breath as she stared at the nurse. Taking another breath, she released it as a sigh, climbing back onto the cot.

“Apologies, Nurse..”

“Head Nurse, Solar Specter.”

“Apologies, Solar Specter, my worry for the fillies had over ridden my logic.”

Solar Specter chuckled softly, using her wing to pat Snow’s shoulder in comfort.

“Fear not, Captain, I have fillies of my own and completely understand. Now, if you are ready and don’t mind, could you tell me what happened?”

Pulling away, the pegasus took out her clipboard once more, quill in mouth as she waited for the unicorn to speak.

“Of course. I was training with the fillies and pushed myself past my limits. I haven’t slept much recently and all my free time was spent watching and training them. My shield wasn’t able to hold and I was hit by one of their spells. I believe that is what caused me to lose consciousness.”

Snow Star made sure to look sheepish, rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof and ensuring the nurse believed her story. After all, she couldn’t tell the truth without consulting the Princesses, she didn’t want to start a panic.

“Hm. You do have no visible injuries and your coat is dull, which is a sign of exhaustion, correct?”

The Lunar Captain nodded, forcing down the panic she felt swelling inside of her. She didn’t notice her coat being dull and that fact only solidified her fear.

“Then I believe all that is needed is some rest. I recommend a few days of bed rest and to have another guard help you with the fillies. Do you have any questions, Captain?”

“I do not.”

“Then you are free to go. Go check up on the fillies and head to your chambers for some rest, your armor is on the table.”

“I will. Thank you, Solar Specter.”

The two mares shared a nod and the pegasus left the room, clipboard tucked under her wing once more. Snow Star released the breath she was holding, slowly getting out of the cot. She flinched as her hoof met the floor, a loud clop sounding out. Tears sprang to her eyes, the unicorn already missing the familiar tink her crystalized coat made.

‘Focus, Snow Star. You are a captain and have responsibilities.’

Pushing it down, Snow made her way off the cot, shakily standing and walking towards the table with her armor. She looked up at her horn, praying to the moon that she could still use her magic. Her horn flickered for a few seconds before it was encompassed in a bright yellow glow. Nothing but relief filled her as she went through the familiar motions of dressing, mane once more tied high.

‘Alright, time to get back to Dusk and Painted.’

An hour. A whole bucking hour and she finally stood in front of the shared captain’s quarters. Exhaustion pressed heavily on her body and soul, begging for her to lay down and rest, but she couldn’t, not until Painted and Dusk were back in her care. Snow Star took a moment to regain her breath and fix her posture, looking untouched and every bit the Lunar Captain she was.


The door had barely creaked open and suddenly Snow was sent stumbling back, a small, silver figure latching onto her legs and wetting her coat with tears. Snow looked down at her quivering daughter, ears perking as her weeping finally registered.

“Momma! Momma, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you! I didn’t know you wouldn’t be able to block it! Da said you’d be fine, but you wouldn’t wake up! And then those nurse ponies took you away and I’m sorry, momma!”

Wrapping a hoof around the filly, Snow Star pulled her close, hugging her tightly as Dusk sobbed into her chest plate.

“Shush, Dusk, I’m here. It’s not your fault my love. I’m okay.”

Rubbing Dusk’s back, the captain looked up, gaze meeting with teary teal colored eyes. A soft smile stretched her muzzle and she dipped her head, this time prepared for the collision of another small body. The two fillies hugged her tightly and she continued to shush and comfort them.

“Captain Snow Star.”

Upon hearing the familiar words and professional tone, Snow forced her attention to the two ponies still within the room. Her golden eyes roamed their figures, the all consuming black of her private’s coat a stark contrast to the pearly white of the Solar Captain. They were complete opposites, from their looks to their personalities and it showed as she noted how they regarded her.

“I’m glad to see you are doing better. We were all worried when we heard the fillies screaming and found you unconscious on the field.”

Captain Sun Stone gave her a soft smile, care and worry evident in his tone as he spoke, his leathery wings twitching as he ached to embrace his fellow captain, his beloved wife, and ensure she was okay, but he couldn’t, they were working right now. He settled for shooting her a concerned glance, one she responded to with a flick of her right ear. Later, she would tell him later.

“I apologize for the inconvenience and disturbing your rest, Captain Sun Stone. I am extremely grateful for you and private Night Mist for taking care of the fillies during my absence.”

Bowing her head over the two fillies, she gave a grateful nod to the contrasting thestrals.

“Of course, it was no issue. Now that everything seems to be in order, I will retire to my bed for the night, but I do expect a copy of the report, Captain Snow Star.”

“Of course, Captain Sun Stone. I shall see you during Rising Dawn. May the night provide the most pleasant of dreams.”

The two share a final bow and Sun Stone takes his leave, retreating to the bedroom found further into the Captains’ Quarters. The shutting of a door echoed in the quiet room and Snow Star was left with her cold and quiet Private, to whom she addressed.

“Thank you as well, Night Mist, you have my immense gratitude. When you return to your position, tell your superior that I kept you and that you are not to be punished, understood?”

Night Mist bowed his head in understanding and respect, icy blue meeting warm gold as he looked up at his captain. He was quick to look away, body turning as he stepped past her. Snow withheld her sigh, used to the silence often displayed by the other. Turning to lift the half asleep fillies at her feet, she was startled by a soft voice shattering the silence.

“You should be more careful, Captain Snow Star. You are the most important of the Lunar Guard and Princess Luna’s personal protector, not to mention the filly you were entrusted with while the princesses are away. If something happens to you… Nevermind, forgive me and enjoy your night, Captain.”

Watching as the dark thestral turned the corner, Snow ignored the sudden chill that washed down her back. His words were ominous and they left Snow with a bad feeling, but she knew he was right, she was, for lack of better words, the first and last line of defense for the night and their goddess and should she fall, many would follow her. So with a soft sigh, Snow Star gently picked up the fillies and laid them on her back, making her way to the safest place in the castle, the bedroom of their princess, where they all could rest under the moon’s watchful eye.