• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 1,265 Views, 8 Comments

Remember - Cxcd

Twilight is given a choice: live forever, or live with the one you love.

  • ...


Princess Celestia finished her song as white tendrils shot out from the void, grabbing and pulling Twilight upwards against her will. It would’ve felt comforting, if not for the fact that she didn’t know what was happening, and was immensely terrified at everything that was happening.

For the past five minutes, Princess Celestia sang about fulfilling her destiny. What that actually entailed, she had no idea. None of the magic in the air made sense to her. For all she knew, the magic was just entirely garbled static with no define meaning to it. It didn’t make any sense, and for all it was worth, it scared her.

Finally, the tendrils turned into a white cocoon as the bright light grew unbearable. Her body felt… strange. Like everything was being forcefully rearranged. It felt like blood poured into her hooves as every hair on her body became pins. She wasn’t entirely sure where anything was anymore. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it wasn’t comfortable either.

Then, just when the feeling got to it’s peak, a robotic voice spoke through the white mist.

Twilight Sparkle.” It said, sounding a lot like herself. “Do you accept your destiny?

It took a moment for Twilight to realize that, despite feeling like her molecules were spread across the continent, did still have a throat, and still could speak.

“W-What?” She asked, unsure. “What’s my destiny?” It wasn’t everyday Twilight had the opportunity to ask that question, and genuinely expect an answer. And an answer was what she got.

To ascend to the plane of Alicornhood.” It said, monotonously, as if this happened everyday. “Become one with your pupils, and eventually succeed them.

A lump formed in Twilight’s metaphorical throat.

“W-What does that mean?” She asked, unsure. “What will happen to me?”

You will gain the inherit magic of the three tribes. Strength, flight, and magic. You will become the most powerful pony in Equestria, and take the throne.

“Take the throne?” She said. “As in- Princess Celestia’s throne?”

Indeed.” It spoke. “You would gain immortality.



The sun shone through the purple curtains of the Golden Oaks Library. The small dog bed near the much larger bed had been deserted, the sounds of pots and pans clinking just below the floorboards in the story under.

The smell of freshly cooked pancakes wistfully glided through the air, landing on the muzzle of a particular unicorn. Her muzzle twitched, and her ears flopped. Slowly, she awoke from a deep slumber.

Although she wasn’t a morning pony, she would admit the fact that she never wanted this moment to end.

In between her hooves, wings pressed against her barrel, was a familiar Pegasus with a rainbow mane. She breathed lightly as her feathers twitched every so often. Twilight seemed to be entirely curled around the smaller Pegasus, her body slotting perfectly into the purple unicorn’s. She sighed, gripping the Pegasus tighter and pulling her body closer, setting her head into the crook of the rainbow maned Pegasus's neck. She breathed deeply.

Unfortunately, it was the Pegasus's turn to wake up.

Her eye twitched at the unexpected tightening sensation around her barrel. She opened her eyes, even slower than the unicorn’s, as she stared off into the empty, almost dark room. She looked to her side, seeing the unicorn.

“Umph…” She spoke gutterally. “T-Twilight, what time is it?”

“Does it matter?” Twilight muffled through the rainbow mane.

“Heh- I guess not.” Rainbow laid her head back onto the pillow, also closing her eyes. Then, she realized something, her eyes shooting back open. “Uhh- if you tell any pony I’m the little spoon, I will kill you.”

“Of course I wouldn’t tell.” She laughed, her eyes still closed. “I don’t think you’re big enough to be the big spoon.”

“I’m not that short.”

“Please, Rainbow. When you injured your wing, I had to pull the towels off of the drying rack. That was head-height.”

“T-That was different! My legs hurt from walking all day, and-”

“It’s okay, Rainbow.” She tightened her grip again. “I love you, and you’re shortness.”

“Humph…” Rainbow humphed. “I’m not short, I’m aerodynamic.

“Sure… Just- don’t get any taller, please. You’re the perfect cuddle bear.”

The two laid in silence, listening to the cooking downstairs and the breathing of one another. They didn’t want this to end. They never wanted this to end. They had kept their relationship secret for the better part of two years now. It started a short while after Twilight came to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration. Once Twilight learned compassion for one another, Rainbow practically oozed passion at the poor unicorn.

Twilight didn’t know anything about relationships, especially in public, and Rainbow didn’t want to be seen with an ‘egghead.’ So, they hid from the rest of their friends. And quite cleverly, too. They had rehearsed how to act around friends, having entire conversations planned out before hand to throw off any suspicion. They even managed to fool Applejack, the element of honesty herself. Or- they might have. They could never be too sure with her. Or Pinkie. She seemed to have a way of knowing everything.

“Twilight-” Rainbow started, taking a deep breath in. “I- I want you to promise me something.”

“Hmm?” Twilight raised her head off the pillow, recognizing the sudden shift in tone. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing- I just-” She sighed. “Never mind. It’s not important.”

“Rainbow- what’s wrong?”

“It’s not-”

“Please-” Twilight let go of her barrel, stroking Rainbow’s rainbow mane. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

“It’s just- some stupid foalish fear I have.” Upon not getting an answer, Rainbow turned her head to see Twilight patiently waiting for her. “It’s just- I’m-” She sighed again. “Are you ever scared of dying, Twilight?”

“Woah.” Twilight stopped stroking Rainbow’s mane. “Well- sometimes.”

“Well- I’m not.” She laid her head back down. “I’m okay with going over to the other side, whatever’s over there. It’s just- I’m scared of the legacy I’ll leave behind. Or- The legacy I won’t leave behind.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m scared of being forgotten, Twi.” Rainbow wiped her cheek, although they were dry. “I’m scared of one day, I’m going to look back, and realize no pony is gonna remember me. And- and maybe it’ll be too late to change that.” Twilight was now sitting all the way up on the bed. “Ya know- ponies still talk about the captains of the Wonderbolts. Even if some of them died hundreds of years ago.”


“I- I want you to promise me something.” She interrupted. “I want you to promise me that- if- if this doesn’t work out. Me and you. I want you to promise me. Promise me you’ll- you’ll never forget me.” Rainbow turned around, and her lips unexpectedly met Twilight’s. They both leaned into one another, closing their eyes as they took the moment in. Twilight was the first to break.

“I will never forget you. Even if I live to be a thousand. Never, ever will I forget you.”

“Pinkie promise?”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my- umph!” Rainbow suddenly tackled Twilight onto the bed, resuming the kissing.

They felt whole together. And nothing could break them.

Nothing- but a little purple and green dragon.

Eeew!” He shouted. “I was just gonna tell you the pancakes and eggs are done, but I think I’ll give you two a little privacy.” He closed the door. Rainbow looked up, still crouched on top of Twilight.

“First one down is a rotten egg!” Rainbow challenged.

“It’s on!” Twilight responded. Rainbow jumped off of the bed, flying-sprinting to the door as fast as possible. Twilight teleported. It was her house, after all.

She could never break a promise.

Even if the holder of the promises were buried a thousand years ago. What was her name again? Element of laughter? It doesn’t matter. Twilight walked up the trotted path towards the large tree on top of the hill, the sun setting behind it. She towered over any pony she came across, bowing before her as she approached the grave. The princess walking through a graveyard was an unusual sight.

Rainbow Dash.

The name stirred nothing in her. Her face didn’t even flash an emotion. She died a thousand years ago, almost to the day. Whatever emotional baggage she tied to Princess Twilight Sparkle, she felt nothing now. Her face was nothing more than a blur of events, tied loosely to her ascension as an Alicorn. She would have to look at a photograph to remember what she really even looked like.

But, a Princess has a kingdom to run. Revising old friend’s graves meant nothing to her now. It took so much time out of her schedule, after all. She turned away from the grave, marching back down the path for perhaps the last time.

On top the hill, the grave stayed the same. Just a memento for an era long-since-passed. It wouldn’t be much longer until even the name faded from the stone.

“No.” Twilight said simply.

No?” It responded.

“No.” She said, almost becoming angry. If she still had a hoof, she would stomp it. “I won’t break a promise.” Her teeth would’ve gritted.

If that is your wish…” Twilight felt her muscles reconnecting, her body slowly forming back into one cohesive shape that felt incredibly familiar to her. “Then that is your wish.” Her hooves once again hit solid ground as the white light started to blind her. “Have a good life, Twilight Sparkle. I wish you the best of care.

To her, nothing had happened. The light cut away, and she was laying on the ground. The sky was dark, and the moon was roughly in the same position when she left. She thought to what had just happened. Her friends helped her complete a spell, Princess Celestia sang a song, and a disembodied voice offered her immortality.

Twilight looked at her back, finding the same familiar purple fur across her back. No feathers. She sighed with relief.

Then, a very familiar sound filled her ears. The sound of wing beats. Very, very frantic wing beats.

Twwwiiiillight!” Rainbow’s voice increased in volume. In less than a second, Twilight found herself being hit in the side by a bullet faster than any pony could run, or even faster than she could charge a teleport. The two ponies rolled on the grass for a few meters before eventually coming to a stop. The small Pegasus clung to her neck, sobbing like a filly.

“R-Rainbow?” Twilight asked, pushing Rainbow away and looking at her face. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Her eyes were entirely blood-shot red, fur matted with tears. Her look at Rainbow’s face lasted a total of two seconds, before Rainbow shoved her hoof out of the way and clung to her neck even harder.

“I-I’m so sorry!” She shouted. “I- I thought- I thought I killed you!”

“What?” Twilight asked, now wrapping her hooves around Rainbow.

“T-The elements! We- We finished the spell- and- and there was just a stain where you were!”

“Oh.” Twilight held Rainbow closer. “It’s okay. I’m here now.” Suddenly, Rainbow weakly punched Twilight in the chest.

“Don’t do that to me again!” She yelled. “Please!”

“I won’t.” She cooed. “It’s okay.”

The two sat in silence, only interrupted by Rainbow’s racking sobs as Twilight held onto Rainbow. Soon, Twilight saw the silhouette of four ponies galloping towards the two. It just dawned on Twilight on how fast Rainbow must’ve flown to be that far ahead of her friends. Even Applejack, who could easily keep up with Rainbow.

“Twilight?” Applejack spoke. “Ya’ll okay?”

“Oh dear, that light was quite bright.” Rarity said, looking up. “It came from- that star?” She pointed a hoof. “Oh, no- that star. Or, was it that one?”

“S-Sorry for almost blowing you up.” Fluttershy apologized. “I- I didn’t know how to control my element, and-”

“I’m just happy Twilight’s okay!” Pinkie interrupted.

“Ah’m more than happy Twilight’s okay.” Applejack said. “That means Rainbow’s okay, too. When Twilight disappeared, Ah don’t think a single pony could calm that Pegasus down.” Applejack shuddered at the recent memory. “By the way, I have to know- what’s this all about?”

“Oh- umm-” Rainbow turned around, looking at the four surprised ponies with red eyes. “Uhm- surprise?”

“Surprise?” Pinkie shouted. “My favorite!”

“Surprise what?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m sorry. I’m just confused.”

“Is this what ah think it is?” Applejack asked. “Ah’ knew somethin’ was up with the two of ya!”

“Really?” Twilight asked. “I thought we hid it pretty well.”

“Remember. Element of honesty here.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Ya’ll aint that good at hiding anythin’.”

“Wait, wait!” Rarity trotted close to the two ponies, putting her face two inches away from the pair’s own. “You don’t mean to tell me you two have been- secretly dating?” The two leaned away from the unicorn, the two trying their hardest to put on a poker face, and failing spectacularly.

“Like Rainbow said- surprise?”

“You two- ugh!” Rarity took a step back, slamming her foot down in disgust. “I can’t believe you two!”

“Woah, woah!” Applejack turned to face Rarity. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with datin’ a mare!”

“What?” Rarity arched an eyebrow. “Oh, no, darling. It’s just- I missed out on designing matching dresses for the two dears! Through Equestria’s biggest fashion booms since last century!” She reapproached the two ponies. “And you two didn’t think to tell me?!”

“...Surprise?” Rainbow squeaked out, her voice properly ruined by the intense tears that had started drying by now.

“Ooh, ooh!” Pinkie bounced next. “Who’s the big spoon?”

“ME!” Rainbow shouted, suddenly standing up. “It’s definitely me!” Twilight blushed in the background, trying her best to hide her face with a conveniently placed hoof.

“You?” Applejack asked. “Ya’ll ain’t any taller than a school filly. You cain’t fit around Twilight. You’re definitely the lil’ spoon.”

“I’m- I’m not that short!” Rainbow sputtered. “Why does every pony think I’m short? I’m not! You’re all just- super tall!”

“The only tall one here is Fluttershy.” She nodded towards the Pegasus, who suddenly shrinked away at the gazes of the other ponies. “Her and me, really. I jus’ think you’re short.”

“Hey!” Twilight was the one to speak up this time. “Rainbow is not short, she’s aerodynamic.

“Yeah, that’s right!” Rainbow wrapped a hoof around Twilight’s neck. Which, Twilight was still sitting on the ground, and Rainbow was standing up. “Aerodynamic!

The six laughed into the night sky. Even Rainbow wasn’t taking it seriously, even though she was a little hurt on the inside. Twilight never got a moment to mention what happened while she was comatose. Perhaps it didn’t matter. Perhaps it was better if she never did mention what had happened in there.

She only cared for one simple fact. That face, of course, being that life had just started. And she couldn’t wait to grow old with Rainbow.

Author's Note:

Up on a cloud, a couple hundred feet in the air, a certain princess sat in said cloud. Originally, she was going to wait for the right moment to intervene, and give yet another speech about how great Twilight was, and how far she’d come.

Instead, she stared, slack-jawed at what had just happened. She let out an un-princess-like whinny.

“Fuck.” She said. “I just want to retire.”

Comments ( 8 )

No yeah, even without the added layer of TwiDash, immortality is a huge deal. Reading about how she answered that question... it was very lovely. To grow old with the ones you love.

But way to spin it tho! Rainbow Dash is the loyalty embodiment, so the TwiDash was the perfect way to turn it around in a form of symbolism in that. Great story.

While I'm always happy to read a new TwiDash, I have to say... this was beautiful. There are so many stories about the implications of immortality on this site, and yet this still felt unique. And like the comment below said, while in a lot of shipping stories the plot ends up being superfluous, this actually needed to be a TwiDash in order to work. Oh, and not only did the ending avoid one of my pet peeves about the series finale, but it was also funny as heck.

Have a Derpy:derpytongue2:

very bad

Well… can’t win them all.

:moustache: After they exploded you
:ajsleepy: We had Spike set fire to the crime scene
:duck: and dug you a shallow grave in Fluttershys reserve
:fluttercry: But now you're back we have a problem
:pinkiesmile: You are a direct witness to attempted homicide and capital arson
:rainbowhuh: So we have to rub you out, Call your marker, Make you sleep with the fishes,
:facehoof: I felt better as a smoking smudge on the floor
:rainbowlaugh: That's the Twi I know!
:trollestia: What's Twilights library doing on my face?

Up on a cloud, a couple of hundred feet in the air, a certain princess sat on a cloud. Initially, she was going to wait for the right moment to intervene and give yet another speech about how great Twilight was, and how far she’d come.

:trollestia::trollestia: :facehoof::facehoof::rainbowhuh:


Man... the first ending got me good...

I'm almost a bit disappointing in the "alternate" ending at the end. It kind of robbed me of the effect of the first.
But it was hard-hitting while it lasted, good job.

I can probably change it to the authors note like I did with Lunas ending. I’ll do it when I get home later tonight.

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