• Member Since 25th Jun, 2018
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Non Uberis

These words were not written for you, but if they speak to you, they're yours to bear. (Patreon/Ko-Fi)

Comments ( 4 )

The darkly erotic tone of this story is excellent, even without much direct sex. Nightmare Moon feels incredibly dangerous without one iota of violence on her part, and you have nailed how she is dominating the room without going overboard. I'm not sure if Mac's flashback was due to direct mental invasion or just the sheer pressure of the situation demanded that release, but not knowing actually lends more power to her actions. I was, admittedly, wondering if Mac was going to get plumped up by NMoon as well, but I'm glad to see she's being written as having more creative variety in her punishments.

I also wonder if Dash was going to kill him, if NMoon hadn't stopped her; they seem to be part of the same conspiracy, and if she was still a guard in Stardust's position, it would have been easy to go "too far" during the interrogation, to make sure he didn't reveal any secrets.

I'm glad, that's pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. I wanted this to be a story more about the threat of sex than any sex that actually happens. I always want NMM to have an intense, dominating presence about her, so I thought that coupling that with constant arousal would be appropriate.

Rainbow's reaction was mostly born out of an obligation to stay true to her fabricated role as a supporter of NMM; as a loyalist, and especially as someone who was previously part of the Night Guard, Rainbow ought to be furious that a guard was killed. I don't think she would have killed Big Mac, especially not the way she is now (unless she really did try sitting on him), she just needed to demonstrate that she still had the appropriate fervor. It was always supposed to be implied that the whole situation was orchestrated by NMM, expecting that Rainbow would do something stupid that would be an excuse to punish her in front of Big Mac, but the idea that Rainbow was acting as a spy was only something that came up recently, and while I was writing I thought this would be a more appropriate angle to go with than the original idea that she just fucked up while cleaning something.

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