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Power Pony Day

In Equestria, The Pony Six were having a Power Pony Day at the School of Friendship, where they and the students would dress up as Power Ponies. Most of them are dressed up the originals and some are dressed up as their own they made up.

"Happy Power Pony Day, students," Princess Twilight said on the P.A system. "Today we planned this special day for everypony to dress up as the Power Ponies to enjoy. We've noticed most of you have different costumes because that's part of our special event. By the end of the day, we will have a contest where students will make up their own Power Pony and vote for whoever they like the most. During the contest, I have a spell that will grant the new Power Ponies real superpowers. The winner will have their new hero added to the new Power Ponies comic book. So, turn in your ballots to vote for your favorite and have a nice day, Power Students!"

"Being in a comic book sounds amazing," Patty Peppermint commented.

"But do you know who I think should win," Berry Bliss asked. "One of Sandbar's friends."

"I think so too," Citrine Spark replied. "It would be more amazing if a non-pony hero would team up with the Power Ponies. I vote for Silverstream."

"Smolder," Patty Peppermint added.

"I'll try Gallus," Berry Bliss said.

In the teachers' lounge, Sunset Shimmer was with the Pony Six as they were waiting for the Human Six, who even have their own superhero egos of their own.

"I'm glad you girls came to join this day, Sunset," Princess Twilight said.

"Thanks, Twilight," Sunset replied. "You know, when you talked about getting sucked into an enchanted comic book, I didn't know they actually sell those either."

"And I know next time to check them," Dragon Spike said.

"So, what are their made-up heroes are going to be," Pony Rainbow Dash asked.

"We'll show you in a minute," Sunset replied. "Right now, they want to see the original Power Pony costumes would look in their animal forms."

As the Human Six came in as their animal forms, they were dressed as Sunset said. Pony Sci-Twi as Masked Matter-Horn, Rainbow Dragon as Zapp, Kanga Rare as Radiance, Appledog as Mistress Mare-velous, Pinkie Cat as Fili-Second and Flutterduck as Saddle Rager.

"I think you girls make them more marvelous," Pony Rarity comment.

"Thanks," Kanga Rare replied. "But wait till you see our new hero names."

"I'll go first," Pinkie Cat said as she and the other girl switch back to humans. She went behind a wardrobe screen to dress up. She came out in a new superhero outfit. "Call me Pink Rubber. I have rubber powers to stretch my body and can morph into different objects or my appearance. Thanks again for the spell, Twilight. It really works."

"I have it casted on your suits," Princess Twilight said. "So, you can use your new powers with your geode powers."

"Double the power," Rainbow Dash commented. "Sounds awesome. Do your rubber powers come with balloon powers too?"

"Way ahead of you," Pink Rubber replied as she can inflate her body into a ball and then float like a balloon. "Oh. And watch this." She stretches over to Pony Pinkie and expands her body around her like a suit.

"Hey," Pony Pinkie said. "Now we're much closer together."

"I'm next," Applejack said as she changes into her new outfit, giving her new powers. "I'm Lasso Mane. I can use my hair as a lasso as it stretches long."

"Now, that's my kind of power," Pony Applejack comment.

"Almost like I made Mistress Mare-velous a lot better," Lasso Mane replied as she demonstrates her hair lasso by twirling it. "You're up, Fluttershy."

A whisp of yellow mist appears and takes the form of Fluttershy, who is demonstrating her new powers to convert her body into mist. "That gives me the name Yellow Misty. Not only I can turn into mist, but I can also use it to make me big."

"Like Saddle Rager without getting angry," Pony Fluttershy comment.

"Here I come," Rarity called in her new suit. "The Rare Switcheroo. Because I'm getting more used to being Kanga Rare, it gave me the idea. I can use my roo legs for super high jumps."

"But your real powers," Pony Rarity asked. "Is you can switch other heroes' powers?"

"Not exactly," Rare Switcheroo replied. "I can actually copy their powers for a short while."

"So, if any of us needs help and you can double team," Sunset comment.

"Does it work like this," Pink Rubber asked as she touches Rare Switcheroo. She can absorb Pink Rubber's powers and the diamonds of her cutie mark changes to her color.

"Yup," Rare Switcheroo said. "Just like that." Without warning, she stretches her legs up to the ceiling. "This could take some practice."

Pink Rubber stretches up to her too and said, "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it."

"Heads up," Rainbow Dash said as she jumps up from the screen in her new suit with rainbow wings. "I'm the Aurora Bird. My first choice was Color Bird, but this better."

"I think I get it," Pony Rainbow said. "Because you have different powers base on the rainbow colors."

"That's right," Aurora Bird replied. "And also..." She transforms into a real bird based on her suit.

"Now that's more awesome," Sunset comment. "But what are your other powers?"

"When I change into different colors," Aurora Bird explains and demonstrates. "Red gives me fire powers." She holds up a marshmallow on a stick, roasts it with fire breath and shares it to Pony Rainbow.

"That's totally hot," she comments.

Changing her color again, Aurora Bird said, "I have sound abilities with orange. Like echolocation, motion sensing and supersonic bird calls." She sends out a sonic screech to demonstrate, which sends Pink Rubber flying into the wall and bounces back to her. "Sorry."

"I didn't feel a thing," Pink Rubber replied. "Yellow next."

Changing to yellow, Aurora Bird started glowing. "Yellow for lightning and shine in darkness," she said. "Going green for nature powers." She demonstrates by making an apple tree grow. "Blue turns me into water." As said, she can also travel through any water source. "And last, purple makes me a good hider." She turns invisible.

"Amazing power," Princess Twilight said. "But what about other colors like black or white?"

"Not sure yet" Aurora Bird replied. "But I do know that white gives me ice and full rainbow connects me to each of you."

As she goes full rainbow color, her eyes started glowing and flies through the wall like she's a ghost. Suddenly, Sunset and the rest of the Human Six's eyes were glowing too. They find themselves outside the school, floating in mid-air over the water with Aurora Bird's reflection.

"She can allow to see what she sees," Sci-Twi said. "That's amazing!"

Aurora Bird flies back inside and said, "That's only the half of it." Her eyes flashes purple and suddenly Sci-Twi turned into a bird like her too. "So, we can all take our powers to new heights." She powers down, allowing Sci-Twi to change back.

"That'll come in handy," she said. "Now it my turn." She dresses up in her new suit. "Call me Time Star."

"That would mean you have time powers," Princess Twilight said.

"That's right," Time Star replied. "How they work is that I control the time around anyone or anything I aim at."

Suddenly, there was a loud smash. They see it was Puppy Spike, who accidentally knocked over a pedestal and smashed a bust. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I was practicing my fire breath when suddenly I teleported myself in here."

"That's ok, Spike," Time Star reassured. "I was about to test my time powers anyway."

She uses her new powers and reverses the damage her Spike made. Whatever time power she uses, a symbol is shown like the rewind symbol.

"Now you can clean mess so quickly," Puppy Spike replied.

"Of course, you know what other time powers there are," Time Star said. "Slow motion, pause and not only can fast forward stuff, but I can also send myself forward by a few moments." She disappears as the fast forward symbol is shown and reappears next to Princess Twilight. "Like super speed or teleporting where I'm always ahead of the action."

"You girls all have amazing powers," Princess Twilight comment.

"And thanks for making us suits too," Pony Applejack added dressing as Mistress Mare-velous. "But just not to get confused, we'll be the original Power Ponies."

"Good thinking, y'all," Lasso Mane said. "But what about you, Sunset?"

"I'll show you at the fashion show," Sunset explains. "Something I'm planning with Starlight and Pony Trixie."

Later, the contest was being hosted at the theater, where the Human Six and students show their suits and power in a fashion show. The Pony Six, dressed as the original Power Ponies, are judges while the Spikes sit together with Sandbar, Ocellus, and Yona.

"I forgot to show who I am as their sidekick," Puppy Spike said. "I was thinking Second Hand, because my Twilight is a time hero. With her powers, we both share an ability that we see into the future. Forsee what will happen next."

"Very cleaver," Dragon Spike comment. "And what did the three of you think of them?"

"Yona liked Lasso Mane," she replied.

"The Rare Switcheroo is like what we changelings can do," Ocellus comment. "Except we don't copy powers by touching."

"Yellow Misty has powers compared to mine," Sandbar said. "In case you missed our performances, I'm called Sandstorm with sand powers."

"Blue Stinger," Ocellus explains. "But this stinger is not harmful, I have to power to put others to sleep. Even with pollen I can sprinkle from my hooves."

"Yona called Steel Yak," she said. "And Steel Yak becomes metal and wrecking ball."

"And wait until you see the other three," Sandstorm said. "They're up after Sunset."

"And for the last three ponies," Masked Matter-Horn announced. "They're a trio of unicorns who call themselves the Freedom Three. First up, a pony who has the power to travel by shadow is Starlight Glimmer as Shadow Horn."

Starlight Glimmer appears on stage coming using her shadow powers and said, "Next is who can project holographic illusions and can conjure any object if need. Trixie as the Masked Magician."

Pony Trixie, as her new ego, walks on stage and a second Trixie appears by Starlight. It wasn't Human Trixie, but a hologram of herself. "And for the leader," she said. "With the power to generate heat. Sunset Shimmer as the Lavacorn."

On cue, Sunset appears as her new hero and demonstrates her heat powers by melting a metal block with her hooves into a sculpture of her cutie mark. She and her team take a bow as the audience applauded.

Masked Matter-Horn flies up on stage and makes her announcement, "And now for our contest. We have seen such amazing new heroes our students have come up with and you have turned in you votes of your favorites. According to your ballots, a lot of you have been voting for the creature students. Suggesting that the Power Ponies would ally with a non-pony hero, like a changeling hero or yak hero." She was referring to Blue Stinger and Steel Yak as they give a wave. "We have a top three that almost became a tie." There are silhouettes of Smolder, Gallus and Silverstream, who are behind the curtains.

"Glad it wasn't," Gallus whispered to his friends.

"Me too," Silverstream added. "Good luck to you guys."

"May the best hero wins," Smolder replied.

Masked Matter-Horn presents a large box and explains, "The comic writers have sent us a supply of the new comic with the winning hero added, who will be revealed."

The top three get excited as she opens the box to reveal the winner.

Choose Smolder

Masked Matter-Horn tallies the votes to match the cover of the comic.

"And the winner and new ally of the Power Ponies," she announced. "Smolder as Fire Ruby!"

Smolder flies out of the curtains as her new superhero ego. "Named after my favorite jewel," she explains. "One of my abilities makes me fireproof. Meaning I can attract and absorb any fire attack. Spike, hit me with yours."

Dragon Spike is surprised by this request as he said, "Um, ok." Taking a deep breath, he breathes his fire breath at Fire Ruby. Suddenly, his fire gets absorbed into her body, completely unharmed. "That's so cool!"

"But that's not all," Fire Ruby said. "My real power is this." She breathes a special fire breath, which allows her to breathe jewels.

"Something me and Twilight have too," Shadow Horn comment. "You can use that to trap and capture you enemies."

"Just a quick question," Dragon Spike said. "Are the rubies on your suit supposed to look like hearts?"

"I asked Miss Rarity if she had any," Fire Ruby explain. "And the only one she had, and duplicated was one you gave her."

"Indeed," Radiance replied. "Thought maybe she'd like one from you too. Showing how generous you were to me."

"Good for you," Fire Ruby said as she gives him a pat on the back. Too hard that he accidentally shoots a fire ball at Radiance. Luckly, it gets absorbed by her fire ruby, completely unharmed. "Sorry."

"That alright," Radiance replied. "I guess the real fire rubies do have the same ability."

"Now I'm gladder to give it to you," Dragon Spike added.

Choose Gallus

Tallying the votes, Masked Matter-Horn announced, "It sounds to me the winner is a team leader to his. Gallus as Captain Arrow-Wing."

Gallus presents himself to the audience as his new superhero ego. "I guess my name gives away what my powers are," he said.

"Because you can turn the feathers of your wings into arrows," Zapp asked.

"And they have special abilities," Captain Arrow-Wing added. He demonstrates by summoning an arrow from his wings and shoots a target from his gloves, which have a retractable bow. The arrow vanishes as the target gets covers in a blue spreading. "Net arrows. Creates an expandable net that traps anything they hit, immobilizing them. Completely harmless." He rips a piece of the net off the target. "As it peels right off."

"At least they don't turn make statues out of ponies," Fili-Second comment.

"Thought maybe if you can shoot arrows from your wings," Zapp added.

"Exactly," he replied. He fires more arrow from his wings and hits the wall. Just then, they magically open an instant hole until it closes again. "The hidden bow is for sniping. Also, something Applejack's character can do."

"Psychic connection like my lasso," Mistress Mare-velous asked.

"By doing this." he added as he makes an eagle call. This summons a flying arrow from his head feathers. He makes it fly around the audience until he lands it on the judges' table.

"Amazing powers you have," Masked Matter-Horn said.

"Can I keep this arrow," Fili-Second asked about the flying arrow.

"Wait, don't touch it," Captain Arrow-Wing warned.

But too late, Fili-Second touched the arrow on the table, and it disappeared into her body. Turning her into a clock.

"Didn't mean for that to happen," he said.

"No problem," Masked Matter-Horn reassured. "I guess this transformation magic is getting popular."

"I would say it needs a time out," Pinkie Clock humored.

They shared a laugh about it.

Choose Silverstream

Tallying the votes, Masked Matter-Horn announced, "The winning new hero and ally is Silverstream as Waterspout."

As her new ego, Silverstream flies out of the curtains using a small tornado around her. Allowing her to fly without her wings.

"That means you have wind powers," Saddle Rager comments.

"That's right," Waterspout replied. "I still use my wing because the twister makes my dizzy. Keeps me more stable. But the wind powers are used for my hippogriff form."

"And when you're a seapony," Fili-Second asked.

Waterspout changes into her seapony form and hovers with an actual waterspout. "Same thing with water," she explains. "Even create whirlpools."

"I'm surprised how that's keeping your hydrated," Shadow Horn said recalling how she was seapony with special gills.

"Well, of course, it's a twister with water," Waterspout replied as she switches back.

"I could've used those powers when I had trouble with Lightning Dust," Zapp said.

"Me, too," Scootaloo agreed from the audience.

"We've also learned how most of our powers can combined with hers," Sandstorm explains.

He demonstrates by sending sand from his hooves and into her tornado, creating a dust devil. She sends it to a target, burying it in a pile of sand.

"Power combo," Lavacorn replied. "I'm impressed."

"But we're still helping her working on that," Blue Stinger said.

"Like making a sleepnado may be too effective," Waterspout added.

"Well, I'm sure it'll give ponies a good nap when they can't sleep," Fili-Second said as she wraps her hoof around her. But Blue Stinger's pollen gets on her, putting her to sleep.

"And I need to work on this too," Blue Stinger comment.

They all share a laugh as the short ends.

Author's Note:

This may be longer than usual because I was explaining more of the new superheroes.

End of the series.

Thanks for reading.

Comments ( 4 )

What a fun way to end this series.

A great way to end it. 😊

True, though Magic Shorts and CYOE could have more episodes where Puppy Spike can use his magical geode abilities to help the Human Mane Six out.

Blog post listings the profiles of the Equestria Girls' superhero forms from Power Pony Day: Dupontsimon's Equestria Girls superhero profiles

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