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Species Switcheroo

In Equestria, Sci-Twi and Puppy Spike visits Princess Twilight and Dragon Spike, wanting to do more bonding with each other.

"I'm glad you decided to come see us again," Twilight said. "I bet you want get more use to your unicorn magic and form."

"Actually," Sci-Twi said. "I feel more comfortable with it and getting a lot better with some of the spells you taught me."

"And what about your crane form," Puppy Spike asked.

Sci-Twi used her diamond bracelet to transform into her Twi-crane form and said, "Doesn't feel so bad anymore. Besides, I only have wings when I pony up."

"And around here," Dragon Spike added. "Alicorn wings are earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed."

"Now I understand," Twi-crane said and shows a diamond fragment. "Also, we came because we found a couple extra pieces of the diamond."

"I'm using one to keep me as a dog," Puppy Spike said.

"And I thought of giving this one to your Spike," Twi-crane said.

"Good idea," Twilight said. "What do you think?"

"Well, what kind of animals would be," Dragon Spike asked. "I've already been a dog few times."

"What advice would you two have," Puppy Spike asked.

"We'll let you decide who," Twi-crane said. "We might have a few suggestions."

The two Spikes start thinking whose advice they should choose. Even Smolder, who was listening from the window.

Choose Princess Twilight

Turning their attention to Princess Twilight, she has them blindfolded and said, "I'm gonna activate the pieces for you and take off your blindfolds."

"Don't think of something silly," Dragon Spike said.

"Or something scary," Puppy Spike added.

"Of course not," Twilight replied.

She channels their bracelets' magic causing them to transform into different animals. She takes off their blindfolds as she shows them a mirror. Dragon Spike is now a pegasus pony and Puppy Spike a dragon like his counterpart except without wings. They both were amazed by their transformations.

"I just thought you should try as a dragon," Twilight said. "And you as a pony."

"Of course, I was living with ponies my whole life," Pony Spike said. "I guess I could try being a pony."

"And me in full dragon-up," Dragon Spike said. "But I don't mind for not having wings."

Pony Spike started flying with his new pegasus wings and takes Dragon Spike with him on his back.

"Remember when I tried helping you fly," Twilight asked. "And it wasn't working?"

"Because you were teaching to fly like a pony not a dragon," Pony Spike said. "Maybe it'll work this time."

"What was the difference," Dragon Spike asked.

"Well for starters," Pony Spike said. "Smolder told us dragon wings don't have feathers like pony wings."

Later, Pony Spike was able fly well in his pony form with Dragon Spike riding on his back. The Twilights watch as they enjoy themselves. "Probably reminds you before he got his wings," Sci-Twi comment.

"And I used to carry him," Twilight said.

Choose Sci-Twi

Turning their attention to Sci-Twi, she has Puppy Spike transform into a wolf and Dragon Spike a snake.

"What good is me being a wolf," Wolf Spike asked.

"They can have more speed than dogs," Sci-Twi said. "And I heard that they could see scent both by smell and sight as well as hear noises and feel vibrations in the ground beneath their paws."

"And me as a snake," Snake Spike asked.

"I was thinking if they could be stealthing," Sci-Twi said. "Like good with hiding and move through small spaces."

"How's about we take a test run," Wolf Spike asked.

In the forest, the two Spikes were trying out their forms. Wolf Spike was able to run faster and jump higher than before. Through his vision, his wolf sense can allow him see scents of other animals, hear everything that moves and feel the vibrations in the earth to sense the movements. "I bet I can find you, other me," he called.

"If you can," Snake Spike replied.

Wolf Spike followed his voice as he was nearby. Snake Spike was slithering through bushes, hiding, until he was caught.

"Found you," Wolf Spike said. "Guess I can feel your movement."

"Maybe these forms can be useful," Snake Spike said.

"Like how being a snake makes you a big eater," Wolf Spike asked as he pointed out a crystal-shape lump in his belly.

"What, I eat jewels," Snake Spike said. "Well, when you're a dragon."

"Maybe you're part dragon," Wolf Spike comment.

"Very funny," Snake Spike said.

Choose Smolder

Meeting with Smolder, they asked her what idea she has.

"What idea I would have," Smolder asked. "I think you both be better as dragons. Or what if you conjoin into one."

"A two-headed dragon," Puppy Spike asked. "Can that happen?"

"It happened with the human Crusaders," Smolder explained. "Sliverstream did talked about it when you touch each other if you're holding the diamond and thinking of the same thing."

The two Spikes hold each other and both active their bracelets. Conjoining together into a two-headed dragon. Puppy Spike still had his dog collar on his head.

"This is just like my Nightmare Night costume," Dragon Spike comment. "Except this time, it real."

"Have you even seen dragon with more than one head," Puppy Spike asked.

"Of course not," Dragon Spike said. "The only creatures here that do are hydras."

"And we did talk about that they don't compare to dragons," Smolder added. "Besides, with this form I think you can fly together."

"And you don't have to molt," Dragon Spike said. "It does make us smell bad to attract hydras."

Being merged into one body, they were able to fly and depended on each of their side of where to go. Even Smolder was impressed.

"This doesn't feel so bad," Puppy Spike said. "Like we're dragon buddies."

"I just hope we don't make other dragons join," Dragon Spike said.

"I'm sure that won't happen," Smolder said. "Cause they don't have these bracelets."

She touches one of their bracelets and actives it by accident. This causes her to merge with them, into a three-headed dragon.

"Unless they don't do yours," Smolder added.

They all share a laugh.

Author's Note:

You Are What You Wear will be next.