• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 319 Views, 0 Comments

The Wacky And Uncharacteristic Adventures of Circadian - PearlyDoesStuff

[EqG] My name is Circadian Bedside — welcome to my crappy life.

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Introductions to Yours Truly

Welcome, one and all, to my ever-unforgiving life! My name is Circadian Bedside, and you found my diary. I'd suggest you skip most of the deadpan snark I threw at everyone before High School and my first year, because boy does stuff happen!

Here's the rundown. I'm CHS' notoriously lazy and no-nonsense in-over-his-own-head guy. Oh, did I mention I'm very nocturnal? Turns out even the VP doesn't beat my insane night runs... Anyhow, let me tell you an average day for me, at least before a certain bacon-haired megalomaniac turned into a raging She-Demon... (Her words — not mine!)

I washed my face in the sink with cold water, just to get my head out of the clouds. Turns out being awake all night does that. I brush my white hair so it doesn't look like a messy disaster, get some breakfast, and walk all the way to school. Of course, I'm barely on time, and even I confuse myself on how I pull that off. Anyhow, I walk in, and oh boy, let the shenanigans start.

Renember that girl that turned into a raging she demon? Well, she's here to try to blackmail me - I swear she has something on everyone, but not on me, so I can tell from game set and match she probably made this up. We get into the nitty gritty, and wow. She claims I kick cats for laughs. She does realise that i don't get out of my house if I can avoid it, and I live in a tacky commie block with nothing to offer strays, right?

"Wow, Shimmer. Another made-up ""secret""." I roll my eyes for extra effect.

Sunset is visibly angry, and I can tell she's about to try and sock me for the mocking comment. I promptly turn tail and give her the finger for good measure. She deserves it for making everyone's life hell.

The bell rings, and I just get my ass to class. A few boring lessons (which I end up sleeping through - mind you!), and that wacky Science teacher who looks like a clown and I swear could make a bomb if he wanted to later, and I head back home, walking a half hour back home, not before stopping at my aunt's place to catch a snack. Really nice place, although they're all from Brayzil (no offense.), and well, that's about the day for me. If you wanna keep reading this, I think you might have a problem.


P.S. Tell Shimmer to shove it up hers, if you know what I mean!

Author's Note:

This story isn't going to update very commonly — writing the most flanderized snarky version of myself takes quite the damn bit of my soul to even try. Yes, Circadian is a self-insert.