• Published 11th Aug 2022
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Resurrection: Isekai of Equestria - JackofEquestria

Having returned from his self-imposed exile, Jack Deleno Jager has vowed not to let his new friends suffer the fate of his old.

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Chapter 4: Fall Weather Friends (Last Edited 11/9/2022)

December 8, 2020

Fluttershy’s Cottage

Jack had been put in a wheelchair after he was discharged from the hospital. It was only a temporary measure until his body recovered from the blood rejection. For most, the near-death experience would prompt thoughts of how fragile one’s life is and how they could prevent a repeat incident. Not Jack though. He no longer cared much about self-preservation, but what he did care about was the safety of his friends. Friends he’d failed spectacularly.

Jack had done everything he could think of to keep what had happened to the Crusaders out of his mind and now he was resorting to reading the paper. After skimming past a piece on the drama between Cherry Berry and Cherry Jubilee, a bit on the Wonderbolts resuming performances after the recovery of Spitfire, and speculation about how much information on Canterlot’s attackers Prince Blue Blood might let slip in his upcoming trial, Jack found himself reading about Equestria’s industrial revolution.

Books from the Lowcountry had hit the Equestrian market in a storm and while the reverse engineering of human technology was proving to be a slow process, innovation was rapid nonetheless. Equestrian shipping had gone from sail to paddle steamer and the navy was experimenting with screw propellers and ironclad armor. In the army, crossbows had been adopted until supplies of gunpowder from the east could be secured enough to justify small firearms. Catapults were being replaced by cannons which had previously been used only by the Navy for combat and at parties for shooting confetti. In the sky, Zeppelins were becoming a common sight and experiments similar to the Wright Flyer were being conducted. Compound locomotives were replacing the likes of the Friendship Express which was more akin to the ones used at the time the Transcontinental Railroad was finished. Steam-powered tractors, rollers, and even cars were becoming a thing. (Though the latter was proving unreliable and unsafe.) Primitive light bulbs and telegraphs were being installed across the nation and there were even experiments involving television.

“You know nopony blames you for what happened, right?”

Putting the paper down Jack could see Fluttershy watching him from the kitchen.

“Yeah I’m sure Apple Jack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are real understanding after what happened to the Crusaders,” Jack said, rolling his eyes.

“Angel!” Fluttershy called. “I know you checked the mail for me today. There should’ve been a letter for Jack.”

The Bunny slumped over to a cabinet where he’d attempted to stash the letter.

“You know it’s not nice to hide pony’s mail,” Fluttershy scolded as Angel begrudgingly brought the letter to Jack. “You should open it now, Jack. I think it might be just what you need.”

Manipulating the plant matter in the envelope, Jack carefully extracted the contents.


Dear, Jack

While Discord played the rest of us like puppets on a string you took it upon yourself to fight back. You made mistakes, sure. We know you feel your entire life has been a series of those and we know you are having a hard time coping with those feelings. The Cutie Mark Crusaders have made a full recovery. Please understand that we are your friends no matter what. If you need to talk about something with any of us, you just need to ask. Friends are supposed to be open with and support each other through anything. You don’t need to give your life to protect us and you would have hurt us more in doing that than Discord could ever hope to.

Twilight Sparkle – Even if you didn’t win you were the only one of us Discord couldn’t corrupt

Rainbow Dash – Standing up to Discord on your own was Radical, dude!

Applejack - Rest up a bit, partner. We’ll have plenty for you to do at Sweet Apple Acres when you get better.

Rarity – It was truly noble of you to put your life on the line for us.

Pinkie Pie - There’s a get well soon party in your future, Jackie! There’s also Hearths Warming, and Your birthday is next month. Pinkie Promise me you’ll be here to enjoy them, ok.

Fluttershy – You’ll always be like a son to me. You can come to me with anything.

Spike – When you get better we should hang out.

Cutie Mark Crusaders – Looks like we saved this time.

“It’s the running of the leaves today,” Fluttershy said as Jack put the letter on the table. “I know you can’t really participate, but we’d all be happy if you decided to watch.”

“I guess I have nothing better to do,” Jack sighed emotionlessly.

“Oh wonderful!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “I just need to feed the chinchillas real fast and we can go.”

Jack waited until he was absolutely sure Fluttershy was gone before pulling out his lighter and joint.

Just because you can control your high, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to smoke three times a day,” Emerald Jack lectured, once Jack inhaled.

Gonna call the cops, dad?” Jack asked.

I’m just asking you to practice moderation,” Emerald Jack sighed. “As far as coping mechanisms this is better than alcohol or cigarettes, but this is my body too, and you are damaging yourself.

“Whatever,” Jack coughed, pulling a bag of chocolate chips off the top shelf with his magic.

Don’t you think it’s degrading to use your power for something so petty?” Emerald Jack asked.

I’m going to get hungry soon enough,” Jack retorted. “If I can manipulate the plant matter in the chocolate to solve that problem, why shouldn’t I?

“You ready?” Fluttershy called.

Dowsing his joint and pocketing it, Jack called back. “Yep!”

White Tail Woods

“Welcome to the annual Running of the Leaves!” Pinkie Pie called from Twilight’s Balloon. “This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye-in-the-sky announcer.”

Fluttershy spotted Rarity and the Crusaders on the sidelines and wheeled Jack over.

“As we all know the Running of the leaves was postponed last month because we needed to be sure we’d be safe from those mean old terrorists who attacked the Gala,” Pinkie Pie explained. “But the leaves must fall and today is the day to make that happen!”

“Hello Fluttershy,” Rarity greeted. “Hello, Jack.”

“Hey, Rare,” Jack said weakly.

“How’re ya doin’?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I should be asking you that,” Jack said glancing at the other two Crusaders. “All three of you. I…” he choked. “I almost got you killed.”

“We’re all fine, Jack,” Sweetie Belle said. “We were worried about you, though.”

“Don’t ever do that again!” Scootaloo scolded, kicking Jack’s left thigh to get her point across.

“Ow! Ok, ok, I get it,” Jack said. “Never again.”

“Promise?” Scootaloo asked.

“I promise,” Jack agreed patting her head.

The ponies running formed up at the starting line. Jack wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash among them. Though they seemed to be having somewhat of a disagreement.

“Racers! Please take your positions!” Pinkie Pie called.

As Pinkie continued announcing Spike made his way up to the balloon.

“Um... Pinkie Pie?” he asked.

“Hey, Spike!” Pinkie greeted. “What's up? Oh wait, it's me! I'm up!” she giggled at her joke.

“Uh, yeah. I know you're doing the announcing today and stuff and...” Spike looked for a way to word his thoughts. “I'm sure you're gonna do a great job and all, but... I was just wondering....”

“What?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Aw... forget it,” Spike sighed.

“Spike, would you like to be my co-reporter?” Pinkie Pie asked. “We could comment on the action together.”

“We could?” Spike asked hopefully.

“Climb on up!” Pinkie said cheerfully.

To Jack’s surprise, Twilight made her way up to the starting line rather than joining him in the stands. “She’s not going to race, is she?” he wondered. “AAAH!” he gasped as a sharp pain shot through his head.

There are things you need to see.

It was as if Jack had been whisked away to another location. The residents of Ponyville had disappeared instead he saw a group of five ponies surrounding a small filly crying her eyes out. He recognized two of them. Morte’s corpse-like body was unmistakable and the filly crying her eyes out in the center was nonother than Oni-Hime.

What is this?” Jack wondered as he faded back to reality.

“All right, ponies, are you ready?!!” Pinkie asked.

“Get set!” Spike added.

The bell rang and the racers stormed from the starting line.

“And they're off!” Pinkie announced. “Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves! You know, Spike, despite its name, the leaves don't do any of the actual running….”

“God damnit, Pinks,” Jack muttered as he faded out of consciousness again.

The image before Jack was of a large urban park thrown to chaos by Oni-Hime as she lunged at an orange filly.

The scene changed briefly to several ponies in lab coats surrounding a cylindrical metal object before he slowly faded back into consciousness.

“I don't believe it!” Spike announced. “After a huge setback, Applejack is back at the front of the pack.”

“She's the head of the pack, all right,” Pinkie agreed. “The pick of the litter! The cat's pajamas! Oh wait, why would Applejack take some poor kitty's PJs? That's not very sporting of her.”

“Oookay....” Spike replied awkwardly. “Let's get back to the race.”

Slowly Jack faded out once again.

Before him was a green-coated stallion with a crossed hooves cutie mark being led away in chains by an escort of Royal Guards.

The scene changed to Apple Bloom looking in horror at a fireplace in an abandoned cabin and then to a burning church.

Fading back to reality he found the race was still ongoing.

“Welcome back, Ponyvillians, it's me, Pinkie Pie,” Pinkie announced.

“And Spike,” Spike added. “Looks like Rainbow is doing her best to catch up.”

“I'm not sure how ketchup is going to help her in this contest,” Pinkie replied. “Now, in a hot dog eating contest it can make them doggies nice and slippery, but personally, I prefer mustard. How about you, Spike?”

Jack didn’t even get a chance to curse at Pinkie before he faded out again.

The scene in front of him was of Little Strongheart weeping in an empty camp, but this soon changed to himself staring in horror at a figure in a graveyard.

Finally, he saw a red bow next to the clay cross he’d received at confirmation surrounded in a sea of fire before he woke.

“Once again, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are neck and neck, jockeying for position,” Pinkie announced. “Applejack inches ahead, now it's Rainbow, it's Applejack, it's Rainbow Dash, it's Applejack....”

Jack rubbed his head, groaning from the steady ache as he watched Applejack tackle Rainbow Dash across the finish line. “What just happened?”

“They both lost,” Apple Bloom answered.

“I call shenanigans!” Scootaloo complained. “It had to be rigged! There’s no way Rainbow Dash could have lost to Twilight!”

“Lost?” Jack asked. “It’s only been a few minutes; it can’t be over yet!”

The Crusaders looked at Jack as if he’d just claimed the earth was hollow.

“What?” Jack asked, unnerved by the looks on his friend's faces.

“It’s been two hours, Jack,” Sweetie Belle answered.

Jack’s face paled, frantically looking toward the finish line he saw the bruised visages of Rainbow Dash and Applejack talking to Twilight who was wearing a medal indicating she’d finished in the top five. “What? How? When?” Jack didn’t even give his friends a second glance. “I-I need to go,” he stuttered, pushing his way out of the crowd and ignoring protests from ponies in his way.

Deeper in the woods

“I need answers!” Jack declared. “I need answers. I need answers. I need answers now!”

He ripped another joint from his pocket, lit it, shoved it in his mouth, and inhaled over the course of only five seconds.

Another one already?” Emerald Jack asked.

Shut up and give me answers!


Those visions!” Jack snapped. “Was that you, the weed, or Jade Jack?

None of the above,” Emerald Jack answered. “When we first spoke, I told you I was a gift. Naturally for me to be a gift there has to be a gift giver, yes?”

Is it necessary for you to word it like a piece of apologetics?” Jack asked. “Wait who is this gift giver and what do they have to do with the visions.”

I won’t say who he is, but I assume he wanted to warn you about something,” Emerald Jack said. “Perhaps you should ask Zecora about what you saw. She seems the type to decipher visions.”

Author's Note:

I'll be honest I've been seriously lacking in motivation this go-round and I know it reflects. I'll fix it at some point, but I have a lot going on right now. I had an interview for a full-time ranger position at another park (I'm only an assistant ranger right now) but I didn't get the job. My Uncle died last weekend and now I have his funeral to go to next Wednesday. I also have another interview for a full-time ranger position coming up at the park I currently work at. Midterms went better than I was expecting so I guess that's good. I live in Georgia though, so I'll have to vote in the run-off.
Next Time: Jack goes to Zecora about his vision, and after he's whisked away for special training by a secret agent and an eccentric scientist.