• Published 11th Aug 2022
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Resurrection: Isekai of Equestria - JackofEquestria

Having returned from his self-imposed exile, Jack Deleno Jager has vowed not to let his new friends suffer the fate of his old.

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Chapter 1: Return (Last Edited: 8/11/2022)

June 5, 2014

Edisto River

When Jack was still a child his parents would take him and the Circle of Bros tubing down the Edisto River at least once a year. The Edisto wasn’t a tidal river, so it always flowed in the same direction. So, his mom would leave her car parked downstream and his dad would take everyone to the landing they’d put in at.

“So how are the turtle eggs doing?” Jack asked Chase as they lazily floated down the river in their tubes. “Think they might hatch soon?”

“It’s been almost three months since she laid them,” Chase said. “Should be any day now.”

“Cool!” Jack exclaimed. “Think you might give me one of the hatchlings?”

“Yeah, bro,” Chase answered, ripples flowing from his tube as he gave Jack a fist bump. “You guys want some?” he called to Bryce and Shawn.

“I don’t think so,” Shawn said. “Between the science kits, the stuff I use to fix game consoles, and the exercise equipment, I don’t have anywhere to put an aquarium.”

“My parents won’t even feed me more than they have to,” Bryce scoffed. “Not a chance in Hell they’d buy a fish tank for an apostate like me.”

“Oh,” Jack said, a twinge of guilt in his voice.

“Well, this conversation is a fowner!” Chase interrupted.

“A what?” Jack asked.

“A Fuckin downer!” Chase answered.

“Language!” Jack’s mother called from behind them.

“Why don’t we play the Awkward Question game?” Shawn asked trying to change the topic. “Hey, Jack. I saw you talking with that Yuri girl from the grade above us.” Waggling his eyebrows, he asked. “What’s that about?”

Jack’s face went red as a cherry. “Well, uh, she just wanted to know if I could watch her dog next week.”

“Oh?” Bryce asked with a skeptical smirk. “You sure there’s nothing else going on?”

“I only wish I could say there was,” Jack answered.

“Weak, bro!” Chase sneered. “I got a better one. If all of us were drowning and you could only save one of us, who’d you pick?”

“I uh…” Jack started. “That’s a tough one… I guess I’d try to save all of you?”

“Lame!” Chase snorted.

“Why do you always have to be so honest with these?” Shawn asked.

“Yeah,” Bryce chuckled. “I mean if you said you wouldn’t save any of us, we’d know you were joking.”

“I just don’t feel comfortable joking like that,” Jack said, awkwardly shifting his eyes away from his friends. “I don’t want any of you to die. When I say I’d try to save all of you I mean it.”

“What a stand-up guy!” Shawn laughed.

“I don’t know, Shawn,” Chase smirked. “He’s doing that weird thing where he looks the other direction while talking again. Maybe he would let us all drown!”

“I would not!” Jack whined as his friends continued cracking jokes at his expense.

December 5, 2020

Lowcountry: Mayfield Park

Jack looked solemnly at the graves he’d made for his friends and family. He’d gone so long clinging to the hope he’d see them again. That he could make amends. But that hope was long gone. All he could do now was say his final goodbyes in front of the ornate gravestones he’d carved with his magic.

Larissa Margaret Jager

September 3, 1963-June 2, 2020

“I’m sorry you never got to see me and Mark get along,” Jack said sniffing as he held back a sob. Pulling out a photograph of him next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa he said, “I know you wanted to see pictures of my trip, so I printed these out and had them laminated.” Jack chuckled as he placed the photo next to the grave. “I had to break into the ranger’s office at Colonial Dorchester, though.”

Steven Baines Jager

June 18, 1965-June 2, 2020

“I never did end up making something of myself,” Jack said, his eyes watering. “Sorry, dad.”

Marcus Fitzgerald Jager

January 23, 2001-June 2, 2020

“I was never the big brother you needed,” Jack said, a single tear falling from his left eye. “Worse than that I was nothing more than a bully to you. You probably would have gotten over the rejection if I’d left you alone.”

Yuri Kagura Fujioka

March 5, 1998-June 2, 2020

“I never did get over you,” Jack said. “Well not until recently, but I don’t think that worked out for me any better.” Wiping his eyes he continued, “I understand why you spread those rumors about me. I didn’t kill your dog directly, but if I had just used a leash he wouldn’t have been run over.”

Shawn Gordon Habbers

April 5, 2000-June 2, 2020

“I never really felt I wronged you in any way, Shawn,” Jack said, wiping a bubble of snot from his nose. “Not in the way I wronged the others anyway. I was always jealous though… that you were the one Yuri ended up going out with and not me. So, I am sorry for that.”

Bryce Gunther Durkheim

November 26, 1998-June 2, 2020

Jack couldn’t hold the tears back anymore. They flowed like a waterfall. “If-if I hadn’t pushed into going behind yo-your parent’s backs you wouldn’t have b-been kicked out. I n-never know when to leave well enough alone!” Breathing heavily and wiping his face clean he said, “I failed all of you. Just like I failed Chase and for that I’m sorry.”

Jack made his way to the parking lot where he’d parked a John Deere Gator 4x2, he’d ‘borrowed’ from the state park.

He’d been using it to move around since he’d begun his self-imposed exile and naturally the back was filled with his provisions. Canned food, bug spray, a gas can, and a suitcase.

Turning the key, shifting gears, and releasing the parking brake, he raced up the hill. Looking behind him one last time he vowed. “I’ll never fail anyone again.

Summerville Airport

Jack’s Gator rolled onto the runway where a Royal Guard chariot awaited him. The sun was setting over the horizon as Jack stepped onto the cold asphalt.

“President Celestia has requested a briefing,” said the guard. “Should you not be opposed that is.”

“I have nothing to say to her,” Jack answered indignantly.

“She thought you might say that,” the guard said. “Should you change your mind she only asks you have Spike inform her.”

“Just take me to Ponyville!” Jack snapped.

“As you wish, Corporal Jager,” the guard complied.

Jack grunted as he moved his baggage from the Gator to the chariot.

December 6, 2020

Ponyville Town Square

After the Battle of Canterlot, a casualty list was sent out to each city town, and village in Equestria. Jack had been listed as injured and was reportedly bedridden in the Royal Canterlot Hospital. Until today that is. Though Jack’s position in the E.U.P was still a secret, the newly formed Department of Defense had seen fit he’d been injured protecting four of his classmates who’d snuck into the Gala without permission.

Despite it being a Sunday Cheerilee had assigned her students to make welcome home cards and asked the parents to send their foals to welcome Jack home as a class. Some were less than pleased.

“I can’t believe Daddy made me come here for that ape!” Diamond Tiara sneered.

“My daddy says it would look bad for the family if I wasn’t there to welcome the little war hero home,” Silver Spoon said, her eyes rolling like a pair of dice.

“Gross!” they exclaimed together.

While Jack had been listed as injured, another student had been listed among the dead.

“It’s hard to believe she’s gone,” Featherweight sighed.

“I won’t accept it!” Rumble growled. “It’s his fault!”

“Uh, what’s who’s fault,” Snails asked dopily.

“It’s Jack’s fault Sakura is dead!” Snips answered angrily.

“I don’t know, maybe we could listen to his side of the story?” Pip asked.

Yet others were elated to have Jack home.

“Thith could be your chanth, Apple Bloom,” Twist said excitedly.

“Ah don’ know, Twist,” Apple Bloom said. “What if he don’ feel the same?”

“You’ll never know if you don’t athk!” Twist chided. “If you don’t Thweetie Belle or Thootaloo might athk firtht.”

Apple Bloom looked to where her two best friends were arguing.

“When Jack gets back we can do some real hardcore crusading!” Scootaloo exclaimed with vigor.

“Don’t you think we should give him more time to rest?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“He’s had plenty of time!” Scootaloo yelled. “He went back to the Low….”

Sweetie Belle swiftly plugged Scootaloo’s mouth with a hoof. “We aren’t supposed to talk about you know where,” she cautioned.

Scootaloo spat her friend’s hoof out. “Oh yeah. Sorry.”

“Attention, everypony!” Cheerilee called. “If you look above you’ll see, Jack’s carriage approaching the town. Fluttershy and her friends have asked for ten minutes before we go see him so we’ll wait here for now.”

Ponyville Clock Tower

There was a field by the clock tower, just large enough for a chariot to land. No sooner had he landed, did Fluttershy body slam him into her embrace. Not that Jack wasn’t expecting it.

“I missed you so much!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“I missed you too, mother,” Jack said brushing his hand through her mane.

“You missed us too, right?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“You know it, Dash!” Jack exclaimed, bumping his fist against her hoof as he wriggled free from Fluttershy’s grip.

“I managed to get your TV and Game consoles working while you were gone,” Twilight said. “Perhaps you’d like to show me how they work sometime?”

“Few things would make me happier right now, Twi,” Jack said. “Just give me a date and time and I’ll be there!”

“Ah hope yer ready tuh do sum work,” Applejack said. “There’s another leak in the barn roof an’ ah think Big Mac would appreciate the help.”

“Any time, AJ!” Jack agreed. “In fact…” Jack walked over to the back of the chariot and magically untwisted a few vines he’d used to strap the gator to his ride back. “I’ve brought something I think will help on the farm.”

“Ah’m not sure what that is, but if ya say it’ll help, then Ah believe ya!” Applejack said.

“I hope you’ll be willing to try the ensembles I’ve made for you while you were away,” Rarity said.

“Honestly I think I could use some new clothes,” Jack said. “Thanks, Rare. Where’s Pinks…. AHHHH!” Jack shouted as he was peppered with confetti.


“I’m sure it will, Pinks,” Jack said, his right eye twitching slightly as he smiled artificially. Knowing his anger was about to get the better of him, he looked around and saw Spike.

“Long time no see, purple dinosaur!” Jack exclaimed.

“I’ve told you a million times, I’m a dragon!” Spike whined.

“I know that!” Jack chuckled. “I’m just messing with you.”

When the 10 minutes were up Cheerilee’s class arrived to present their cards. Having taken his Zippo to the less pleasant cards while Cheerilee’s back was turned Jack was happy to receive cards from his friends.

“I s’pose I owe you an apology, Sweets,” Jack said. “Or at least a thanks.”

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“You figured out Sakura’s secret,” Jack said. “Even the no one else believed you, you still did everything you could to stop her! You must really care about me.”

“Well… I… um...” Sweetie Belle stammered. “We’re friends, right?”

“Of course, we are, Sweets,” Jack chuckled.

“I’ll bet you learned all sorts of cool moves with your magic!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“In fact…” Jack answered. “I did, Scoots. Ooh, how about you gather everyone by the clock tower and I’ll show you!”

“Awesome!” Scootaloo agreed.

When everyone was gathered in place, Jack focused on a nearby tree. Placing a hand to the ground he shouted, “ROOT BIND!!” five thick roots burst from the ground like a kraken around the tree, curling up and binding the trunk with an inescapable grip.

“COOOL!” Scootaloo gasped.

“There’s more where that came from!” Jack boasted. “Splinter!!!!” he cried as the trunk exploded into chunks of bark and pulp.

“Radical!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“But wait there’s more!” Jack bragged. “Wood Skin!” sure enough the texture and color of his skin changed to match that of a tree. “Apart from fire attacks, this move provides an excellent defense!”

“Fascinating!” Twilight called.

“But that’s not all!” Jack gloated. “Spore!!!!” thousands of tiny spores plumed from Jack’s mouth forming a cloud around him. “Just one of these spores could kill a mouse. This many could kill two ponies.”

“That’s kinda scary,” Fluttershy commented.

The Spores lit like a dry palm frawn as Jack flicked on his Zippo. “Also, highly flammable.”

As Jack walked back to his friends and classmates he saw Apple Bloom bringing her card.

“Good to see you, Bloom,” Jack said.

“Go for it!” Twist mouthed from afar.

“Ah, um…” Apple Bloom gulped. “Ah have somethin’ tuh tell ya.”

“Oh,” Jack gulped, sweating slightly. “Let’s hear it.”

“Ah… Ah… you…” Apple Bloom gulped again. “Ya got here jus’ in tahm fer our field trip to Canterlot Castle.”

Twist slammed a hoof into her face.

“On,” Jack said with a sigh of relief. “Well, I can’t wait then!”

Pinkie threw her party immediately after and by the time that was over Jack was ready to go to bed.

Fluttershy’s Cottage: Jack’s Room

As Jack sat in his bed he fished in his suitcase and pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper with a leafy green substance wrapped inside. Laying back and sticking one end in his mouth he lit the other end and inhaled the earthy flavor of his kush.

“You know that’s not good for you, right?” Emerald Jack asked.

“Are you going to lecture me every time I smoke?” Jack countered. “Does it look like I care?”

“You should,” Emerald Jack said.

“It keeps me calm and it keeps Jade Jack away,” Jack grunted. “What more do you want?”

“For you to find an actual solution to your problems for once,” Emerald Jack answered.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. It's sequel time!
Next Time: On their trip to Canterlot Castle, the Cutie Mark Crusaders accidentally release an ancient evil on Equestria. One who's more than familiar with humans and their magic.