• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 561 Views, 6 Comments

The Last Gala - TalB

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A night to remember

It was another day at the ranch for Megan, Danny, and Molly Williams until they got a visit from Twilight Sparkle who mentioned to them, "Princesses Celestia and Luna are hosting one last gala over at Canterlot Castle, and you three are invited to come."

"Why is it that we're invited to come as well even though we aren't citizens of Equestria itself?" asked Megan.

"It's because you are very special friends to them, and it would be an honor for you three to come." replied Twilight.

After hearing that Megan then said, "Alright, we'll come back to Equestria, but we should probably check with my dad first to see if he will let us."

Megan turned to her dad and asked, "Would be alright with you if me, Danny, and Molly went with Twilight and her friends to attend a gala that the princesses are hosting, plus you can come with us if you want to?"

Their dad answered, "You three can go, but I won't since it was meant for you due to your history with those ponies."

"Thanks!" replied each of the Williams siblings as they went through the portal with Twilight to meet the rest so that can get ready for the gala.

As they met the rest of the Mane 7, Twilight mentioned, "We need to get ready for the gala. Megan and Molly, you two should go with Rarity over to the Carousel Boutique so that she can design dresses for you. Danny, you go with me and Spike to get a tuxedo."

"Have you ever made dresses for humans let alone creatures that weren't ponies before?" asked Megan.

"There is a first time for everything" answered Rarity as she levitated measuring tape along with other fabric and accessories that she needed to help make their dresses.

"I hope you know what you are doing." added Molly.

"This is why I'm measuring both of you, Darlings." replied Rarity.

After getting their waistlines, Rarity then went over to make their dresses to have Megan and Molly put them on and have them walk on the runway to test them out.

Meanwhile, Spike took out a suit for Danny to wear and he mentioned to him, "Spike, how exactly am I supposed to wear this when it looks pretty small, plus there isn't any pants for it?"

Spike then answered, "That's why Twilight is here so that she can make it into your size as well as include pants for you with her magic."

Danny then claimed, "I don't see why I just couldn't go with my sisters over to Rarity to help design clothing for me."

Twilight explained, "Her store is usually for the mares, which is why you will usually see dresses there."

"Didn't she just design clothing that Megan wears not that long ago?" asked Danny.

"It's still women's clothing even if it doesn't involve a dress or skirt." replied Twilight.

After that explanation, Twilight then used her magic to make the tuxedo fit for Danny as well include pants that allowed for him to put it on and walk around with it a bit to make sure that she got everything right.

After that, the rest of the Mane 7 along with Danny went over to the Carousel Boutique to meet Megan, Molly, and Rarity as well as get their dresses, and left to go to the gala.

"You three look so awesome!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Those dresses look very nice on two" mentioned Fluttershy.

"I'm glad that everything got settled on having good clothes for the gala." stated Applejack.

"Let's get ready to party!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

The group then headed over to Canterlot Castle as they were ready to attend the gala. Twilight gave all of their invitations to the guards as they were allowed to enter the castle. The group then proceeded towards the grand hall to get a big announcement from the Royal Sisters.

Celestia introduced herself and said, "I'm glad that you are all here for this gala as this will be the last one my sister and I will be hosting as we will soon be stepping down so that Twilight Sparkle will become the new ruler of Equestria."

Luna added, "Both me and my sister will miss a lot of you when we finally step down, and I'm sure a lot of you will miss us as well."

The group then walked around the grand hall to enjoy the food as well as have conversations with the other ponies that were there as well. They then walked towards the stained-glass window that had Megan to notice a good crowd looking at it and even complimented Megan for all her achievements. However, not everyone was impressed by what they saw.

"I don't see why this creature known as Megan Williams deserves to have a stained-glass window in this castle." said Chancellor Neighsay.

"Is there something wrong with that?" asked Twilight.

Neighsay answered, "I know that Megan means a lot to you Twilight, but I feel there is always something about meeting your heroes. Sometimes, they're not always who they turn out to be. I'm sure that Megan has some dark secrets that make you wish that you never met her let alone have her come back here."

Twilight stated, "What are you talking about? Exactly what has Megan done wrong? Do you have something against her? It would be interesting to know what is that you have against her."

Neighsay mentioned, "Ever since she has returned, you treat her as if she is someone special when in reality the only reason, she knows about our kind is due to being dragged into a battle that she probably wasn't supposed to be part of to begin with."

Twilight claimed, "Even if that was the case, that still didn't change who she became to us ponies, plus I was sort of a hero by accident as well, but unlike Megan, I chose to fight by choice, though my friends only came with me after claiming to me it was too dangerous for me to go at it alone."

Neighsay then stated, "There's a lot more than just that and even the stain-glass window in that matter. I don't see why the history books need to be revised to include her along with the history of Ponyland. Better yet, I never even got why Equestria must now celebrate the day she came to this world for the first time known as Megan Williams Day."

Twilight stated back in response, "Why should her legacy be forgotten or even buried in a lost book? I will admit that until I found that book, I never heard of myself, but reading about her got me very interested and made me want to actually meet her and bring her back. After I found out that me and my friends were descendants of ponies that she once knew, it was almost as if it was destiny to meet with her."

Neighsay then started to claim, "I'm surprised that she was never brought up for her crime of desertion especially when Ponyland needed her the most. Then again, she probably got pardoned by the princesses the moment she came back as if they probably thought that her long absence was punishment enough. In a way, I could never understand Equestria can appreciate such a bad leader who allowed for destruction of Ponyland and didn't even bother to try to help them in their time of need."

"I never gave Megan a pardon because she didn't commit such a crime, plus it's not desertion if she didn't know about it first." replied Celestia.

"Any claim that she did such was found to be false and just use a claim for vindication, plus she didn't even know about that event until only returning recently, so you can't blame this on her hence having no case against her." added Luna.

Neighsay stated, "If Megan was really a good leader, she would have helped those ponies whether or not they would have let her be there, plus I doubt that the claim that she didn't know would hold."

"It would hold because she would be telling the truth." replied Celestia.

After hearing that argument, Megan then left the group with Danny and Molly following her.

"This is why you can't trust humans as they will always runaway and turn their backs on you." stated Neighsay.

"That was highly uncalled for!" shouted Celestia.

Twilight mentioned, "I will go check up on Megan and see what is wrong with her."

As she got to the balcony, she saw the Willaims siblings and wanted to know what was going on.

Molly stated, "That pony said very mean things about Megan which caused her to head out here."

Danny added, "I don't understand what he has against Megan."

Twilight responded, "Neighsay is nothing but a jerk and a bully, and what he said was both wrong and false about Megan."

"In a way he could be right about what he said about me not being there, because if I was, I probably could have at least given them a fighting chance to stop Grogar." said Megan sulking about it.

Twilight then stated, "He isn't right about that. You knew exactly why you weren't there once you found out about it. More importantly, those ponies never wanted you to be a leader for them, but rather a good friend that will be there for them when they needed you. Now, I suggest that you three head back down to the gala."

Megan then approached Neighsay and said, "Although it's true I wasn't there for that battle, it didn't mean that I deserted them. In reality, those ponies knew that battle wasn't winnable and having me there would only be placing me into harm's way. Thanks to Zecora, I learned from those ponies that they would never ask for me to join them in a battle if meant having to sacrifice myself especially when they knew I wasn't from their world making it hard to explain my death if that was to happen. More importantly, if you think I didn't care about all the ponies and other creatures that lost their lives that day, you are sadly mistaken on that."

Neighsay then started to claim, "In other words, they believe it was more important for you to stay alive and be with us ponies now despite not doing time in Tartarus for the crime you should be charged for."

Luna then jumped in and stated, "If anyone should be spending time in Tartarus for the crimes they committed, it should be me especially for everything I did as Nightmare Moon. Let's not forget how I almost succeeded in killing my own sister. Now that I confessed that I was that vicious monster, I should probably turn myself in for that."

Celestia replied, "Sister, you have already learned your lesson from your actions, plus the time you had to spend on the moon was more than enough punishment for you."

King Thorax overheard the conversation and mentioned, "Maybe I should be doing time for all the time I spend with Queen Chrysalis."

Starlight Glimmer weighed in and mentioned, "Perhaps I should be doing time for when I took cutie marks from other ponies or even tried to mess up the timeline."

Discord asked, "Do you think I should be doing time for all the chaos I caused or even almost putting all of Equestria into harm's way when the Legion of Doom had Grogar's bell."

Tempest Shadow added, "Seeing that I was aiding the Storm King when he came here to conquer Equestria, maybe I should be doing time for that."

Even Sunset Shimmer came up and stated, "You probably think I should be doing time after taking Twilight's crown into a different universe."

Neighsay then started to make another claim, "It's not as if Megan is still useful today as her recent visits feels as if she just agreed to return even though she didn't have to."

Luna mentioned, "Thanks to Megan, I didn't have to feel afraid to come out and apologize for everything I did as my dark side and seek forgiveness from that. Before that, I always felt that I would be ridiculed if I ever did this, which is why it was kept a secret for my sake. However, it was Megan that helped me get over that."

Celestia stated, "If not for Megan, much of the cake you see here would have been gone by now as I would have eaten so much of it, but thanks to her, that is no longer the case."

Scootaloo flew up to Neighsay and said, "Megan actually gave me the confidence to help me fly."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both added in by saying, "Because of Megan we now understand what it means to responsible especially when we get older."

Even Princess Cadence weighed in by saying, "I was glad that Megan was there to help baby sit Flurry Heart when nobody else was available to do so."

Both of the Royal Sisters then stated, "Megan is the very reason we even have the names we were given, because it was her that gave it to us in the first place and we kept those names ever since."

Twilight mentioned, "When we spent time on Earth with Megan and her siblings, she actually came up with a name for me and my friends known as the Mane 6, which we wound up keeping all because it had a nice ring to it."

Megan concluded it all by saying, "You can see that I don't need adventures to be useful in that I can help in other ways as well."

Twilight then added in, "As a matter of fact, I will even have Megan herself hand me the crown when my coronation comes, because I would find it a huge honor to have it be given by the original savior of Ponyland."

Megan stated back, "I don't think I should be accepting this."

Twilight mentioned in response, "You do deserve this, and I really do want you there, because I don't just want you at my coronation, I want you to be part of it."

Neighsay then tried to claim, "It still doesn't give you the right to keep the locket known as the Rainbow of Light, which is an Equestrian artifact that belongs here with us."

"The locket rightfully belongs to me now as it did then, plus I'm pretty much the only one who can really use it due to the kind of magic it's known for, plus if it wasn't left with me all this time, it probably would either been destroyed in that said battle or lost forever, so be glad that I have kept it all this time." replied Megan.

As the argument ended everyone else applauded Megan and those who stood by her. The gala resumed through the night. Once it ended, the Williams siblings went back home to tell their dad what they saw there as they went to bed afterwards.

Comments ( 6 )

That guy was always a brat. You really want to insult a hero in a public place where all her fans can hear you and end up hating on you.

After what he said, Megan and a good number of the ponies did put him in his place in response to that.

I find myself very confused after reading this. The way you went on and on about Megan, I was expecting it to be the setup to some kind of joke, but then it all turned out to be serious. Am I missing something? Is this a sequel that references the events in another story? Coupled with the pacing issues and the mechanical errors, I find it hard to say anything good about this story.

First of all, I happen to be a Megan fan, so she is in my fanfics. Also, she isn't an OC, she is from G1, though I still don't get why it still needs to be a crossover despite being from the same franchise even though she is from a different generation. BTW, she is pictured on the cover art by being the girl on the left while Molly, her younger sister is the one on the right. If you read, Helping Megan Fit In, you would have read in the first chapter that a stained-glass window of her was placed over at Canterlot Castle to honor her and show that she is no longer forgotten. In reading Royal Origins, it was originally Sombra who tried to make the claim that Megan was both a traitor and a deserter as Neighsay believed that in the present. As for those who stood by Megan towards the end, what they said was in some of the previous fanfics I did.

I am aware of who Megan is; I know she is not an OC. I was confused because this story is a sequel to some of your other stories, but it is not referred to as such in the description. I would recommend that you use the built-in sequel/prequel function in the fimfic story editor to clear this up, or at least make it clear in the description that this is a sequel.

This isn't really a sequel. However, I do make my fanfics sort of interconnected just like the latest Marvel movies. If you didn't understand some of the quotes, then going to one of the earlier fanfics will give a better understanding of where that came from. However, these fanfics are part of a series that I'm making known as "The Return of Megan Williams" as what it would be like from my perspective of what it would have been like if she was in it from my perspective, though the one I use is the one from G1 and is almost an adult, and her relationship with the Mane 6 is mainly due to them being descendants of ponies she once knew, while she knows the Royal Sisters because she originally saw them as fillies as was even responsible to giving them their names. On a side note, I'm one of those who did feel as if it was a missed opportunity to not adapt her for G4, but I will be happy if G5 or later generations will do that.

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