• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 345 Views, 4 Comments

Out of the Mirror, into the Fire - Moonbeam Thought Writes

Twilight Sparkle should have known better than to fall for two different Pinkies. But she does. And hides their romance from the other. Isn’t she supposed to be the smart one?

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The Heart Wants What It Wants

It was a little known fact that Twilight Sparkle feared quesadillas above most else. It was even less known that she was prone to fainting when under significant mental duress. Only a select few, like her brother, Spike, Cadence and her parents, knew this was even a problem for her. Celestia, having been her primary caregiver and teacher for a number of years, had also known about it, as her fainting spells had been quite pronounced through her years of magic tutelage, due to both assignments and various crushes on mares and stallions alike.

It was now, in the night-cast Everfree forest, that another came to Twilight’s rescue, as she slid, lifeless, towards the frigid waters of the pond. Rarity burst from her cover in the dark growth of the woods to catch the alicorn before she slipped into the cold embrace of the water. Rarity’s horn lit up with brilliant blue light, mirroring the glowing aura that wrapped itself around Twilight, pulling her back from the edge.

Of course, Twilight wasn’t aware of any of this. For all she knew, Pinkie had finally found her, and was about to confront her for running away from spin the bottle. And thus, her brain had malfunctioned.

Rarity’s magic gently lifted Twilight onto a patch of dry grass, well away from the edge of the pond. She took a few steps closer to her unconscious friend, concern written clearly across her face.


When she didn’t respond, Rarity decided to take things to the next logical step: shrieking and violently shaking Twilight’s shoulders, in a slightly-misinformed attempt at waking her up. When her eyes finally fluttered open, widening first in alarm at the visage of the stark white figure of Rarity against the starry void of the night sky above, before she realised who it was, and calmed slightly.

For a few blissful minutes, Twilight was at peace. It was so quiet, so serene, and the only things she was aware of was the beautiful speckling of stars adorning the sky, the bright light of the moon, the somewhat hazy figure of Rarity, and her own, comparably loud, breathing. There was no Pinkie Pie, least of all two of them, to complicate things. There was no stress of saving Equus, no way-of-life ending threat to deal with or villainous spell to put a stop to. For a few minutes, she had a reprieve from everything. And of course, like all good things, it had to end.

“Darling, are you quite alright? You could have drowned, Twilight! I was ever so worried about you.” Rarity’s voice cut through the near-perfect silence like a hot knife through icing.

Twilight’s eyes drifted slowly to her. It took some prompting in the form of Rarity nodding earnestly at her for Twilight to finally collect her scattered thoughts, and answer her.

“Y-yes. I’m fine. Wha… what h-happened to me?” She asked tentatively.

“It was simply terrible! You fainted- Celestia knows why -and I had to stop you from falling into the lake! I do think you’re not quite ‘fine’, darling” Rarity exclaimed.

Twilight gave her a half-hearted smile. So she had fainted then. That made one more creature who knew about her little problem with fainting. Ah well, she trusted Rarity, and there was one more thing she wanted to get off her chest. Rarity was probably the most experienced in matters of the heart, when it came to their friends, and she would probably understand, or at least help Twilight understand what in Celestia was going on in her love life.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Twilight gathered the courage to speak up.

“Rarity, can I run something by you?” She said quietly.

“Mm? What was that darling? Do you mind saying it again?”

Twilight took a deep breath and tried again, louder this time.

“Rarity, can I run something by you?”

“Sure, dear. What do you want to talk about?” Rarity replied.

This was it. She was going to tell Rarity the problems weighing down on her heart. She was going to confide in her friend about the kiss she had shared with human Pinkie Pie. She was going to talk about how the equine Pinkie Pie made her feel. About who her heart yearned for, about who she could feel a yearning for in that very moment. But something made her pause. Rarity, sensing her hesitation, lay down on the grass beside her. Staring up at the stars and moon above, she made a guess.

“Is it Pinkie Pie?”

Twilight let out a deep sigh, before turning her head to look at Rarity. Had it been that obvious?

“I… Yes. I think- no, I know I’m in love with her. But not just her. It- it’s her human counterpart from beyond the mirror. Me and her, her and me, we… We kissed. I love her, Rarity. But I can’t help my feelings… I feel something for Pinkie Pie- equestrian Pinkie Pie- as well. What do I do? I love them, both of them, and it just feels. So. Complicated! Argh!” She finally answered. It felt so good to get it of her chest, but Rarity did love to gossip. Was this such a good idea? She could only hope so.

“Can I give you a little advice, darling? The heart wants what it wants, you can’t deny it, but I think you should tell our Pinkie that you love her. The other Pinkie obviously know you have feelings for her. And if it worked out well for the other one, maybe it’ll work out even better with our one. In truth, I don’t really know what to tell you. I’ve never faced an extra-dimensional love triangle, Twi. But I think you and Pinkie Pie, the one from our world, have a chance. More than a chance, even. Darling, you simply must give it a go before you decide one way or another. At least it’s not any worse than anything you’ve already faced down. You have that to be glad about, at the very least.” Rarity finally answered. She wasn’t looking over at Twilight, but rather, up at the night sky.

“Thanks Rarity. I appreciate your honesty, even if you don’t exactly know what to do. Do you want to talk about your troubles? I noticed you and Flut-” Rarity cut her off brusquely. “No, no darling. There is nothing besides my dear Sweetie Belle troubling me right now. Thank you for your concern, but I’m afraid we must be getting back to the others as of now. They were so terribly worried at your departure!”

Twilight blinked in confusion, before shaking her head and pushing herself up off the ground. She offered a hoof to Rarity, which the fashionista took gratefully.

“And, Twilight? If you ever have any more romantic drama you need my advice on, don’t hesitate to run it by your friend Rarity! And, I recognise that look in your eyes, don’t fret, not a word of this will reach anyone else unless I have your permission. Oh don’t give me that face, I can keep a secret!”

Once the pair were ready to head off, Twilight lit her horn, which emitted a wide beam of magenta-tinted light, similar to a torch, illuminating the forest in front of them. Once they really started to look for the clearing, it was quite easy to see the light and hear the muted sound of music drifting mirthfully through the forlorn trees.

After a few minutes of wandering through the dark woodland, the two finally made through a break in the trees and safely back to the clearing. It was safe to say the party was well and truly dead at that point. Rainbow Dash was passed out on the ground next to the refreshments table, apple cider still in hoof, Fluttershy was talking tiredly to a small bat hanging off a nearby tree, and Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Spike must still have been out there looking for her. She mentally apologised to an image of the three conjured in her thoughts.

The sudden alarmed squawking of a bat drew her attention to where Fluttershy had been standing. A drunken Rainbow was now over with her, trying to serenade the mortified other pegasus, who just kept a forced smile on her face, though her eyes were wide in alarm. A few of Rainbow’s heavily slurred words reached Twilight’s ears, much to her wishing the contrary.

“One *hic* miiiiiiile to every inch *hic* of
Youuuuuurrrrr skin like *hic* porceliaaaaaan
One pairrrrr of *hic* candy hips no that’s *hic* not right ergh whateverrr
Youuuurrrrr bub- bubblegummmm toungue *hic*
And if you *hic* waaaaaaaannnt loooooove-“

Oh by Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Faust this had to stop. Poor Fluttershy looked just about ready to let the ground swallow her up. No-one (except Rainbow Dash perhaps, but she was a little too drunk to complain) protested in the slightest when Rarity stepped in, guiding Rainbow gently away from Fluttershy, who smiled gratefully at the unicorn.

“Oh, there you are Twilight! We’ve been looking all over for you!” A voice chirped from behind Twilight.

She slowly turned to look. Her fears were, unfortunately, confirmed. Behind her stood a party consisting of one joy-filled poofy-haired pink pony, a tired-looking orange one, and a young drake, excited to be allowed up past his bedtime, despite the deep shadows under his eyes.

Twilight sighed deeply, Rarity’s advice in mind. Time to face the music.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed, wonderful anonymous ponies of the internet. This one strayed far from my original framework, but I have it in my mind that this was even better than intended.
Cheers to all of you for reading this and cheers to my Mum and my friends for supporting me.
Love yourselves! Glory to The Moon Queen!