• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 340 Views, 4 Comments

Out of the Mirror, into the Fire - Moonbeam Thought Writes

Twilight Sparkle should have known better than to fall for two different Pinkies. But she does. And hides their romance from the other. Isn’t she supposed to be the smart one?

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Brillo Del Lago

Twilight’s eyes tracked the movement of the green bottle as it spun, the lights from around the clearing reflected and distorted in it’s emerald glass. The bottle spun once, twice, three times more, losing vigour with each spin. Eventually, it slowed down. Fourteen eyes were trained on it, as it completed one last turn, landing between-

“Fluttershy? Oh but darling, I simply couldn’t! I heard you were dating Rainbow! It would be most insípida of me to, well, kiss you.”

Fluttershy let out a small meep.

“Where did you hear that? Never mind. Uhm, Rarity, if you don’t want to, you know, then it’s fine. But I’m not- we aren’t- it’s not official that Rainbow and I are together.” Fluttershy’s cheeks were getting redder by the minute, a light pink blush quickly turning the colour of strawberries, then to a rich ruby red.

“Uhhh, well… if Fluttershy’s OK with it… I can look the other way. It is spin the bottle after all. I should have been prepared for something like this.” Rainbow Dash said quickly, a light pink spreading across her face.

“Well, if it’s in the rules, I guess…” A bright scarlet-hued Fluttershy replied softly, before leaning in to brush lips with Rarity. The pair pulled away after barely touching each other, eyes still locked in what would have looked like a staring contest, under any other circumstance. Fluttershy was the first one to look away, muttering apologies to Rarity.

“Dreadfully sorry about that, Rainbow. What terrible luck for the bottle to land between me and Fluttershy dearest.” Rarity said, her voice just a few octaves above a faint murmur.

Pinkie shook her head amusedly, before setting the bottle spinning once more. The warm amber light of the fireflies flitting about the clearing and the clear light of the speckling of stars above seemed to catch in the glass, spinning with the bottle and drawing the eyes of all present. For a minute, the only noises to be heard was the far-away noises of cicadas, the odd rustle in the bushes or the quiet whooshing of wind blowing through the trees around the group. The bottle spun once. The bottle spun twice. It made it through one last, dizzyingly slow rotation, before stopping between who else but Rainbow Dash and-

“Oh no. Tartarus no. Ya want me, to smooch, HER?! Sorry Dash, but I just ain’t gonna do it. Ya dating Flutters here anyway, ain’t ya? Fluttershy, back me up ‘ere! There’s no way in Tartarus I’m kissing Rainbow!”

The technicolor-maned mare in question wasn’t answering, instead just staring incredulously at the green bottle in front of her. The green bottle indicating that she should currently be kissing her friend, Applejack. Rainbow snapped herself out of it, before shaking her head and grumbling about her luck.

“Yeah whatever. This was a stupid game anyway. Stupid game. Stupid bottle. Don’t worry AJ, I’m not going to kiss you. I wouldn’t want to anyway. Have fun with your stupid game, guys. I’ll be over there, helping myself to the snacks, far away from any of that bottle nonsense.” Rainbow’s voice was at a noticeably odd pitch, which, paired with her wide eyes and rose-coloured face, made Rarity snicker slightly.

Applejack’s face was largely obscured by her hat, but that did a poor job of hiding the fact a small smile had crept onto her face.

Pinkie was quick to grab the bottle, and send it into another spin. With one less player in the game, the bottle almost seemed to spin even faster. Emerald glass spun around and around and around, before finally, finally pointing squarely at the empty space between one shockingly purple, winged unicorn princess, and the one and only pink party pony herself. Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.
Twilight could feel Pinkie’s enchanting, sky-blue eyes on her, and did the temperature just raise a little, or was it just her? She muttered a hail Celestia under her breath, before turning to face that gorgeous, vivaciously pink mare. Oh, wow, had she always been sitting so close to Pinkie? Twilight could feel a small bead of sweat trickle down the side of her forehead.

“Twilight? Pinkie? You’re up. I had my turn, now it’s yours, darlings. Don’t keep us here all night, really.” Rarity sounded so far away, like she was a kilometre away instead of mere metres.

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat, as Pinkie shuffled forward slightly, getting that much closer to Twilight. Sweet Celestia her eyes were so absolutely stunning up close. She could feel warmth radiating off the pink mare’s beautiful cotton-candy coloured coat. She could feel herself move unconsciously closer, closer to that gorgeous, intoxicatingly amazing pony. Pinkie leaned in, tilting her head to the side, and before she could stop herself, Twilight did the same.

Centimetres. Mere centimetres. That beautiful, stunning mare was mere centimetres away and Twilight’s mind had to ruin it. Thoughts about the last kiss she had shared. Thoughts about who her heart yearned for with ever passing hour. Thoughts about the human Pinkie Pie. Thoughts that ruined her perfect, beautiful moment with the pony Pinkie Pie.

Twilight jerked apart from Pinkie, stumbling to her hooves. She turned and ran. Away from her friends, from Pinkie Pie. Into the cold, dark and unforgiving Everfree Forest.

Her head was filled with thoughts of that night. It wasn’t so long ago now. That night, alone with the human Pinkie Pie, where the two of them had-


She crashed headfirst into a tree. Oof that was a concern for tomorrow, Twilight hastily decided. Backing up a bit, and now more aware of her surroundings, however dimly lit those may be, a glint of light through the trees grabbed her attention. Moving cautiously towards the light, Twilight soon found herself in a miniature glade, in the middle of which sat a clear pool, catching the bright moonlight on it’s surface. The glade was near-silent, and the pool was almost a perfect mirror of the marvellous night sky above. Comets, galaxies and Luna’s bright moon were only disrupted slightly by the odd ripple or minor disturbance on the, well it was more of a pond or a really small lake, in actuality, and Twilight doubted it would be warm enough to justify swimming, henceforth, not a pool.

She made her way to the edge of the pond, eyes transfixed on it, but mind lost in an ocean of never-ending thoughts. Thoughts that kept coming back to, time and time again, that just kept coming back to who else but Pinkie Pie.
The way her smile lit up the world around her. The way she burst into melodious, beautiful song at the drop of a hat. Her crazy, but endearing way of justifying the madness around her. All the little ways she managed to make Twilight smile, without even noticing it herself.
And most of all, those sparkling, enchanting, incredible sky-hued eyes filled with warmth and laughter. Oh, Twilight could get lost in those eyes. She actually had, on a few occasions.

The voices of her friends searching for her sounded so far away. She had, after all, run away into the dark, foreboding woods, and there was at least going to be more than one worried pony hot on her trail. And that probably also meant Pinkie Pie. Well, maybe she could stay here a little longer, Twilight mused. After all, going back to her friends would be so complicated after she had run off. She sat down at the edge of the pool very small lake and sighed deeply. Since when had romance become so Celestia-darned complicated?!

On a whim, Twilight looked back, over her shoulder at the gloom of the forest. The darkly verdant leaves and deep shadows surrounded her on all sides. Suddenly, a flash of light caught her gaze (again). Was that..? Oh Celestia. A pair of all too familiar sky-blue eyes pierced the darkness.

That was probably about when Twilight’s brain stopped working. She slumped forward onto the ground, unresponsive. The sky-blue eyes widened in shock, and the pony they belonged to rushed forward to help her.

Pinkie Pie didn’t like dark forests. She didn’t like getting lost in them, and absolutely hated it when dark forests swallowed up lavender alicorn friends. To be fair, she didn’t blame Twilight, she just blamed the forest for eating her alive. Meanie-pants forest.

As her body traipsed through the thick tangle of trees and bushes, her mind returned to just before Twilight ran away. Whose idea was it to play spin the bottle anyway? Certainly not Pinkie’s. Where was Twilight? Why had she run away just as they were about to-

Oh. Well, that certainly brought a small, hopeful smile to Pinkie’s face. She had been about to kiss one of the most spectacular, adoration-worthy ponies she had ever met! Too bad she ran off though. A small glint of light attracted her gaze through the trees. She shook her head and moved on. It was probably just a puddle or something.

Where could Twilight possibly be?!

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. I had to deal with some personal stuff. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the latest chapter of this gay disaster. Thanks for reading this far, and for bothering to read this fanfic at all. Cheers to my friends for being my friends even though I’m writing pony romance on the internet, and cheers to all of you.
Glory to Queen Luna,