• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 345 Views, 4 Comments

Out of the Mirror, into the Fire - Moonbeam Thought Writes

Twilight Sparkle should have known better than to fall for two different Pinkies. But she does. And hides their romance from the other. Isn’t she supposed to be the smart one?

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Forest Picnic

A picnic in an idyllic Everfree meadow. That’s what Twilight was expecting. A sunny, wildflower-lined dirt path through the majestic woods. That’s what Twilight was expecting. A rough trek through unyielding woods because she and Spike were horrendously, hopelessly lost? That’s what Twilight should’ve expected.

She slumped forward onto the ground with a sigh. They’d never get to the party at this rate. Foreboding trees surrounded them on all sides, and the forest was slowly growing darker, thanks to the day almost being over and the sun finally starting to slip over the horizon. Spike had their only non-magical source of light, in the form of an oil lamp carried in one claw.

“Hey Twilight?” He stepped over her to look at the map still floating in her magic. “Maybe give me a look at that map?”

“Yeah, sure, knock yourself out.” She grumbled.

Spike examined the map closely, before letting out a triumphant ‘aha’.

“Twilight, I have it! The map was upside down!” He declared.

Twilight looked up incredulously, only to facehoof when she, too, made that realisation. Just how lost were they? Pulling herself up off the earth, the lavender alicorn groaned and took yet another look at the map. Yeah, she definitely had it the wrong way around.

At this point, the thick gloom of night was descending on the woods around them, making it hard to see a mere few hooves in front of her, so Twilight ignited her horn, the unnatural magenta glow providing a tiny bit more light. Thick, dark, tree trunks loomed forlornly in the darkness, and strange sounds echoed around the pair. Twilight’s nerves were frayed enough as it was, even without the Everfree by night to add to that.

“Uhh, Spike, are there any shortcuts, or other ways to get to the spot Pinkie chose for the party?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Hmm? Oh wait a sec, if we cut through here… and then make a right turn, and then a left one… Yeah, we should be able to make it there.” He mused.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, and with Spike’s guidance, trekked on through the forest. There was a point where a thick mist rolled in, obscuring most of the way ahead, and a point were she was sure that was poison ivy Spike had stepped in, or when she ran straight into a huge spiderweb. One hoof in front of the other, she continually reminded herself. One hoof in front of the other and it would be just fine.

Pinkie Pie was a little concerned. Sure, she was mostly focused on the party, or on one of Rarity’s cider-fuelled tales, but she couldn’t help but be concerned. It was night already, and the clearing was illuminated partially by the peaceful glow of the crescent moon above, but mostly by the strings of fairy lights thrown haphazardly on the surrounding trees, or the fireflies Fluttershy had called in for a bit of light. And Twilight Sparkle still hadn’t shown up. She had RSVP’d alright, but there was still no Twilight. And no Spike either, for that matter, but he was probably with Twilight. Hmm, it was unlikely but there was the possibility the two could’ve been eaten by cragodiles, which would be pretty awful.

There was a rustle a thicket off to her right. The leaves jostled violently, before an equine shape pulled herself through. The pony was covered in leaves, the odd scratch, and a large spiderweb was strewn in her mane. A smaller, more draconian figure pushed through the thicket just behind her, looking just as worse for wear. But most importantly, it was-

“Twilight! Spike!” The gathered ponies exclaimed upon seeing her.

“Darlings wherever have you been! You two look simply awful! And your mane is atrocious!”

“What took you so long? We were waiting like, forever!”

“Twilight! Spike! Are you ok? You were gone for so long!”

“Heya Twi, you ok sugarcube? You took a long while ta get here. And Spike, you good?”

“You came! I was worried you wouldn’t come but you RSVP’d yes and I was waiting for so long but it turns out you weren’t eaten by cragodiles sooooooooooo everything’s ok!”

Pinkie beamed at the bemused pair. In any case they were here now, despite the delay, and the night was young! It was time to have some fun!

Pinkie bounced over to the victrola Rarity had brought, and set a record spinning. Oooh, this one was a classic! The gramophone-like contraption started up, and began belting out the words of the song.

A true, true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there to help them see-

With the music sorted, and the food already out on the picnic rug, all that was left was games! Up first on Pinkie’s list was spin the bottle! There was no way this could possibly go wrong!

Author's Note:

Another day, another chapter, and this one was a little late, so sorry about that.
Cheers to my friends and family for their support and cheers to you for making it this far.
Glory to Queen Luna!