• Published 5th Aug 2022
  • 683 Views, 7 Comments

Distant Cherishes - ButterflyEclipse

  • ...

Love Close

She stretched her head back, feeling a satisfying release on her neck. Her right hand was ridiculously numb after an hour and a half of non-stop writing. This- this was one of the moments her career depended on the most. For tireless months, she had studied. Studied everything there is to know about veterinary medicine and all that it could possibly offer. The hard part was over. She already had handed in her exam packet to Professor Haven, now all she needed to do was wait for the handle of the sleek mounted clock to reach three. With less than two minutes until the bell would ring, the remaining students panicked. Fluttershy saw some of her collegemates struggling with the packet nearly crumpled in their unsteady hands. She knew that even if she wanted to help, she absolutely shouldn't, no matter how much some cried. Though, if it had been an exam related to anything else, she would certainly be in the same situation.

She heard them whine out in frustration, crying along the deafening sound of the bell ringing through the halls. Professor Haven stood up from his desk and announced, "Even if you have not completed it, please hand in what you have of your exam. I will send you the results through your student email in a few days. Remember that Monday is a professional development day, so do not come to school then. I wish you all a nice long weekend. Class dismissed."

"So, how'd you think you did?" Crimson Shard asked. Walking alongside each other, they stepped out of the building and into the vast student parking lot. She had opened her car trunk to place her study material which was not needed anymore, before shutting it down in a loud slam.

"Um, I think I did fairly well. I'm not so sure about what I put on the second to last page, though."

"You're basically an animal deity. You probably did fine. I'm the one you should be worried about. I studied everything just two days ago."

"You had all semester to study for this exam,"

"I know. Which will make it more impressive if I pass." Crimson laughed at her silly optimism and Fluttershy joined in with a giggle. "You going anywhere for the long weekend?"

"I might... I might go to Canterlot. I want to visit my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend? The long-distance one?"

"There's no other one."

Her friend let out a smirk, "I could never do long-distance. I'm not nearly enough patient to do that. But I mean, that just makes your relationship even more strong, right? I mean props to you two- I just personally can't find myself wanting that kind of obstacle in my relationship. If I ever have one that is, which is highly unlikely at this point."

"I'm sure the right person will come to you, Crimson. And I'll admit it. It's really hard sometimes. Long-distance is a burden. I can't remember the last time I've seen my girlfriend in person because it's been that long. I still do wonder if our relationship is worth the distance. But, when I do see her, immediately, every single time it is one of the most rewarding thing I could ever experience. Because we are always apart, it makes it so much easier to cherish every moment when we are together."

"Jeez, I'm jealous now. But, in a good way. Are you going to surprise her or something?"

"Do you think I should?"

"I mean, imagine the look on her face if you do. I can't, cause I don't know what the heck she looks like." Which led Fluttershy to seriously contemplate on the idea. Surprising Rainbow could definitely make the wait even more rewarding than it already is, but what if there are complications to this plan? Would it even be successful? She supposed that she already knows where her lover's dorm is, and it wouldn't be that difficult to pull of a surprise.

Crimson's words snapped Fluttershy back to the present, "Do you want me to drive you to the train station?"

"I have to pack first."

"Well duh. After that."

"Are you sure? I could always get a taxi."

"Yeah I'm sure. I have to pass by your place anyways in a few hours."

Fluttershy's face lit up and hugged Crimson tightly. "Thank you!"

"Right, hugs are a mandatory thing with you." She said as she hugged her back.

Whenever Fluttershy says she's in a long distance relationship, people always assume that her girlfriend- Rainbow- is all the way across the world or at the very least, at opposite sides of the continent. Reality is, is that it takes a ten hour train ride to get from one place to the other. There is no way to deny that it isn't a long time, it's just people don't seem to understand. Why endure suffering from a long-distance relationship when you are both somewhat close?

Fluttershy often got slightly frustrated by these questions. It seemed that these inquiries were undermining the relationship she has with Rainbow. The direct definition of long-distance relationship is a romantic or intimate relationship between two people who live far apart and so are unable to meet on a frequent basis- they match the meaning perfectly, yet people still try to debate on the matter. Fluttershy couldn't entirely fault them, though. Most of the questions people ask aren't ill-intended and are just curious about having a far-away lover.

To take her mind off, she started to fill a page in her scrapbook. In recent months, Fluttershy found the liberating outlet of scrapbooking her life in pretty perfect pages- even when her own life couldn't emulate them at all. She keeps a journal wherever she goes and always bring sufficient material to fill the pages. Whilst listening to some calming music, she ripped out some coloured paper and literature text to glue on. She also often had stickers she could decorate the margins with. Somehow, she found a hobby in creating something beautiful in her life. The more she thought about it, that was with most of her hobbies. Music, watercolour painting, and now scrapbooking allowed her to be free with the knowledge that there will be a pretty outcome. With music, she usually ends up with a couple harmonies or even full-on songs that her friends could sing her written lyrics to. Anything related to art like painting and scrapbooking lead to breathtaking results so long as she tries hard enough to reach them. There was a time when this applied to animals as well. She used to adore how happy she could make a creature with the right care and love. Seeing the animal at serene peace made the world seem like a much prettier place. But, a part of her thinks she lost that connection with caring for animals.

Of course, she loves animals and always will. But before college, loving and caring for animals were her favourite hobby and became her source of joy. Now, whenever she sees an animal she never fails to be reminded of the three tests and the two quizzes of that week and her final project on rare frogs. It was a classic case of a hobby that is trying to be a profession, but fails to keep the original significance of it. Despite it all, Fluttershy wouldn't trade it for the world, as there are some sacrifices you have to make in order for your dreams to come to fruition. In the meantime, she'll use scrapbooking as a substitute hobby.

By the third hour, Fluttershy had put away all of her materials and got out a blanket she brought for the journey. The darkness was powerfully bleeding in the night and the other passengers aboard were already fast asleep. Though she originally planned on devising a scheme to surprise Rainbow during the train ride there, her tiresome brain told her otherwise. It wouldn't have to be anything grand or fancy. All she needs to do is show up and display the biggest smile she could ever have. Then she would need to run up to Rainbow's arms and hug her until the time of the world pauses to envy their embrace.

"Alright team! Decent practice out there, but you all need to remember that this is a team sport! There is no reason for you to hog the ball and never pass. As for everyone else, you all must get open, or the person withthe ball won't be able pass in the first place. Honestly, this is basic-ass level stuff!" Rainbow groaned.

"Why the hell should we listen to you?" Lemon Drop said sourly. Though they're on the same team, they are each other's biggest rival. It doesn't help that they are nearly equal in skill and talent out on the field. Rainbow would be lying if she said she didn't feel intimidated by her, but she refused to ever let it show.

"Because, Lemon Drop, I'm the captain of this team. If you have a problem with that-"

"Oh, I have a problem. It's just maybe if someone else was in charge- maybe someone more qualified, then we could actually win a game against Crystal Academy for once."

"Need I remind you that I am the most qualified person here? I was the captain of every single sports team in my high school."

"Yeah, well in high school you competed against other schools. This is the big league. I've been captain for one before."

"Oh and what place did your team win?"


"Exactly. When it counts the most, I bring this team to victory. Now, respectfully, shut your mouth."

Rainbow and the rest of the team headed to the locker room to shower. Some talked whilst cleansing their hair, but Rainbow rarely spoke a word to her teammates. Her body grew ridiculously tense from Lemon Drop's comments. How dare she question her authority? She thought to herself.

Once she was done, she walked out of the insanely steamy room. Her mind relaxed, breathing in sharply when welcoming the cold air that was filling up her desperate lungs. She decided to buy something from the vending machine that would serve as her dinner for now. When she got a granola bar out of the slot, Coach Arrow came up to her. His figure was always strangely stiff which unsettled Rainbow everytime she saw him. She once had a dream that a huge watermelon hit him in the head and still he didn't move a damn muscle.

"Rainbow Dash... Lemon Drop talked to me today."

"Great. What did she say?"

"She's questioning your position as her captain."

"I know, she's been doing it for months now."

"She convinced some higher status people to agree to a deal she suggested. If you do not bring victory to Monday's game, then your position will be rebuked. Then she will have a chance to claim position as captain of the team."

"What?! She can do that?"

"Turns out her parents are involved with S-"

"Okay, I don't need to know the details."

"I just thought you ought know. Have a good weekend Dash. I know you can pull through and keep your team regardless of what Lemon Drop does to you."

"Thank you, Coach Arrow."

She jumped to her bed, face planted to her firm pillow. On the other side of the room, her roommate was already in bed sleeping. Or supposedly, because after a few short moments, she spoke abruptly. "What's the problem today?"

"Lemon Drop."



"What did she do this time?"

"She's made a deal with higher-ups that if my team doesn't win on Monday, then I can't be captain anymore."

"Wait what?" She gave herself time to process the information before saying, "But, doesn't that mean the team could do really bad on purpose just so that you don't get to be captain the next time?"

"Yeah. It doesn't even matter if I trymy hardest to carry us to victory. All it takes is one person on my team to sabotage and then I'm done."

"You could always console your imaginary girlfriend you always talk about."

"Fluttershy's real. How many times do I gotta tell you?"

"I mean, you can't blame me. You're you and you're expecting me to believe someone described so perfect as Fluttershy just happens to date you? And the fact that it's long distance is awfully convenient." In response, Rainbow threw her pillow at her face. She immediately claimed the pillow and refused to give it back until Rainbow had to wrestle her for it back. Obviously, she won and went back to her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I'd probably not believe me too if I talked non-stop about someone like her. I don't know what I gotta do to prove your dim-witted brain that I do have girlfriend and that she's real, but I'll find a way eventually."

Coral Trail yawned before rolling to her side, facing away from Rainbow whilst muttering, "Where is she supposedly again?"

"She's up North at some college I forgot the name of. I think SVU was the name."

"Veterinary school, right? Stardome Veterinary University?"

"Wow, you actually listen to my ramblings?" Rainbow was left genuinely stunned.

"What can I say? I'm a great friend. Now shut up and let me sleep."

"Sure..." Coral turned off the light beside her and dozed off. But if there's anything Rainbow's terrible at, it's letting her body rest when it needs to. With the stress from maintaining a solid GPA to uphold her scholarship, her upcoming science test, and additionally, the match on Monday, her brain found too many excuses not to sleep. "Have you fed Tank yet? Does he have enough water? I'm gonna go fill up his bowl from the water fountain downstairs."

Whether Coral was too tired to say anything or she didn't care, she nodded in her sleep and closed her eyes shut. Quietly, Rainbow gently knocked on Tank's shell, then quickly realized he was asleep as well. "Whoops, sorry buddy. Go back to sleep, I'm sorry for waking you up." She whispered softly. There were weird pet regulations in their dorms. Dogs, spiders and birds were prohibited, but the tortoise got the stamp of approval. Perhaps it was the fact he made less noise... and crawled less, but regardless, Rainbow was thankful to have her best friend by her side.

She knew she wouldn't have time to do it in the morning so she brought Tank's food and water bowl down to the lobby. The dorms were basically one small apartment that everyone shared the services to. The compact cafeteria was squished between the laundry room and the lobby. No one was present, of course no one was- it was nearly eleven in the night. All of the food and drinks were averagely priced, but water was free unless it's with ice. With her coins, Rainbow put them in this contraption that highly resembles a gumball machine. She inserts a dollar and fifty in the coin slot, turns the handle and pet food comes out. The other machine is filled with kibble for cats which used to be the only one installed, but a few months ago, Rainbow managed to request one for Tank. Tortoise food pellets came spilling out. When she turned around, she let out a surprised yelp when she saw someone closely behind her.

"Sweet mother of glory jesus, Soarin! Let a person know when you enter a room without giving them a damn heart attack."

"Sorry, Dash. I just needed a snack." He reached over the counter to get a banana and put a dollar bill in place of it. "I heard you're leading the soccer team to the leagues Monday."

"It might also be the last time. LemonDrop is currently succeeding in trying to kick me off of my position as team captain."


"Cause she hates me. And to make matters worse, the rest of the team likes her more than me, mostly. So I might as well say goodbye to being captain, I can't fucking wait to be a disappointment to everyone. Doesn't help that I'm seriously struggling to keep up with all of my other classes. I mean if I focus all my time on the game on Monday, I won't be able to study for the science test that day too! If I don't do too well with my academics then I better say bye to my scholarship as well! Like why does this have to be so fucking hard?!" She set the food bowl on the table and buried her face in her hands.

"Hey," Soarin threw his banana peel in the compost before hugging Rainbow. "I know you won't believe me right away, but I know you're strong enough to get through this. You'll find a way to come out stronger. But in the meantime, I could always be someone who will be there to help you. If you need it."


"Do you want me to help you with your science test? We could go to the library and do some sort of study date. We can hang out at my place like we did a while ago with Spitfire. But this time it can maybe be just the... two of us?"

Rainbow stepped back shocked. Did he just say date? She wasn't sure if she heard him correctly, but the girl in the other room did. Lemon Drop was picking up her laundry from the day before. When she heard Rainbow say her name, she was immediately intrigued, but left at the first mention of possible romance. She didn't stay to hear what else Rainbow had to say, nor did she want to.

"Study date? Like platonically or?"

"Whatever you need it to be. But, I am more leaning towards another option."

"Soarin, you know I'm... not into guys, right?"

His face went blank. He instantly appeared awfully pale and said, "Oh my, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know. Sorry-"

"It's okay. You didn't know. Which is actually quite surprising cause I thought it was obvious, but that's fine too."

"I'm sorry. Forget that this happened. Anyways, regardless of my stupidity, I'm still here for you, if you need it. Platonically, that is."

"It's cool that you backed off right away. Some guys keep persisting even though I said plently of times that I prefer girls."

"I mean, of course I'm cool with it. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cause sometimes people suck."

"Well, there's no denying that." Soarin sat down at one of the cafeteria tables and leaned back in attempt to disguise his shame. "My offer of science tutor still stands."

"No offense, but are you actually much better at science than I am? Professor Catalyst hates you."

"I got 78% on my last test. As long as it's above 75% it's good."

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna pass for now. If I still need some help I'll come and bother you."

By the time she came back to her dorm, the room was darker than ever. She carefully placed the bowls outside of Tank's makeshift hobbit hole.

She struggled to sleep right away, but soon enough she found a reason to surrender to slumber. Because closer it is to next month, the closer it is for her to be able to see and surprise Fluttershy. She waited all year for a chance to see her girlfriend again, but both were extremely busy. They weren't even able to call at all the past month with occasional plain text messages. Rainbow was now quite desperate to find something good in her life and was reaching for the light and hopethat was in the sweet form of Fluttershy.

When she knocked on the door and it flew open, she was surprised that the person standing there wasn't the rainbow-haired girl she knew so well. Instead, stood a girl with coily long hair, almost resembling a beautiful coral beneath the aquamarine ocean. "Can I help you?" She asked softly.

"Yes, I'm here to see Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh my god. It's you!"

Fluttershy immediately got drowned in a sea of confusion, "Sorry?"

"You're- hold on." She turned around to leave to the other room and picked up a picture frame from Rainbow's bedside table, "That's you. You're Fluttershy."

She looked at the photo. It was a picture someone in their friend group took after they were all trapped in that all-white room at Equestria Land theme park. They were both on stage after their musical performance had ended. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile happily from looking at that moment. They weren't even together then, but in Rainbow's direct words, that was when things really started to happen romantically. Only two weeks later they had their first kiss.

"Yep, that's me. And you're Rainbow's new roommate right? Coral Trail?"

"Yeah, that's my name, but just Coral is fine. Come in!" She closed the door behind her and brought her over to the couch. The dorms couldn't ever be described as spacious. There were three tiny rooms in all. The main living room area, the bedroom and the bathroom. The living room couldn't fit more than a couch, a desk and a mini-fridge. The bathroom was so small Rainbow often takes her showers elsewhere. For what the space offered though, both Coral and Rainbow made personal miniscule touches to make their dorm lively.

"Please, don't take this wrong way, but I really thought you weren't real."

Fluttershy's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"I just had a conversation about it with Rainbow just last night. But basically Rainbow talks non-stop about you. A lot of my past friends would often make up a love life for some motive they stand by. It got to a point where I half thought Rainbow was in this intricate scheme where she has an imaginary perfect girlfriend to make her a lot cooler- I'm sorry. Saying this out loud makes me sound really rude."

"No, I mean sure it is... a bit weird, but I understand it. I know some classmates who will do anything for attention and pride."

"Now I know that the reason Rainbow talks about you constantly is because she is too in love with you to talk about literally anything else."

Fluttershy blushed before she asked, "Speaking of which, where is Rainbow? I sort of wanted to surprise her by showing up."

"Well, you certainly surprised me. You also just missed her. She goes to the gym for two hours every Saturday. By the time she comes home, she also takes an hour in a cold bath. I mean she alternates with baths and showers, but recently she's been using the bathtub a lot more. I suggest that if you want to surprise her, come here again in like three or four hours."

"Oh, well thank you Coral. I heard from Rainbow that you were a pretty cool roommate."

"She said that? Well I'll definitely ask about that later. Sorry, I also sort of have to go."

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry for barging in like this."

"It's not a problem. It was nice finally meeting you. I'm sure when Rainbow sees you, she'd drop everything she's doing. Do you need me to direct you to a library or some other place?"

"Um, actually I was hoping to see someone else in the meantime..."

"Hi, how may I take your order?"

"Strawberry lemonade, please." Fluttershy gave the cashier her money and waited for her drink. According to Coral, the old friend she's looking for often hangs around here while finishing up homework. Minutes later when the barista called out her name, she picked the her drink up and sat at a lonely table. Every time the door opened, she looked from her place and saw some stranger in place of her hope. It was when she stopped paying attention that she entered the cafe.

"Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that really y'all?" Fluttershy already knew from the accent, but still looked directly in her eyes to make sure. She jumped up from her seat to hug her friend tightly. The sweet smell of apples always pervaded off of her clothes, and she was relieved to sense the comfort of familiarity. Applejack went to order herself a drink before sitting down across from Fluttershy.

"So how are ya, Fluttershy? It's been a while."

"Nearly a year. I just finished a big exam yesterday. Veterinary medicine is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but it's still quite tolerable. How are you?"

"I mean all my classes are pretty difficult. One of my big engineering projects is due next week, so I'm stressed about that all the time. Apple Bloom is also transitioning to junior back in Canterlot High. Now the family's a little stressed for her since her grades need to be best they can be for her applications."

"Is she planning to come here as well?"

"I mean, USC is a good university regardless. There are good programs for everyone and such. The problem is, is that the rest of the CMC might drift apart cause they all want to go to different colleges, but stay together- which is impossible at this point."

"Oh, I know how that feels. From what I've heard of USC, though it is a great post-secondary school, it takes a lot of your time outside of your classes."

"I mean I suppose every university is like that, but yeah, students here are the most busy with what I've seen." Applejack heard the barista call out her name, and left her seat momentarily. When she came back, she went right to the point, "How was Rainbow's reaction to seeing you here? I bet she was happier than a pig rolling in mud bath."

"S-She hasn't seen me yet. I still want to surprise her, but earlier I dropped by her dorm and her roommate said she left already."

"Typical Dash. She's never in one place for too long."

"If you don't mind me asking Applejack, but why aren't you roommates with Rainbow anymore?"

"It's just those situations where good friends thought it'd be the most genious idea to be roommates together. Next thing ya know, we can't stand each other being in the same dorm within the first week. We'd be screamin' and shoutin' louder than ever. The reasons for us fighting also became more and more stupid. At one point I'm pretty sure we fought about forks and that ended up being real intense. We both knew that for the sake of our friendship that we had to stop living in the same place. But, honestly, I think that did us so much good than otherwise."

Fluttershy let the words sink in before confessing, "I'm scared. What if that happens with Rainbow and I?"

"Ah, Sugarcube, why in the world would you think that?"

"I mean, we've been long distance for nearly two years now. We've gotten so used to being apart, what if that's all we can do? What if actually being near each other is going to harm our relationship instead?"

"Fluttershy, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know the first thing about long-distance relationships. But, I know, and the whole universe knows that you two love each other and are meant for each other like two birds on the same branch. I think you may be overthinking this a bit. You haven't seen the girl yet, and you're already stressing about the possibility that you'd get sick of each other. Rainbow has been waiting everydaysince you went to separate colleges to see you again. I think for now at least, you've got nothing to worry about."

By the time Rainbow had finished drying her hair, she heard the light knock on the door. Coral was still out, so she expected for it to be her on the other side of the door. Maybe she forgot to bring her keys with her again and got locked out. Happened more than once and Rainbow had to annoyingly fetch her all of those times. When she unlocked and opened the door, she felt nothing of it, this was all ordinary for her.

It was when she saw her, that her whole body shut down. It felt like her body system got rushed by adrenaline in the form of shock and bliss. Her jaw let loose, dropping her mouth wide open. She felt bolts of electricity and pure happiness tickle her legs and arms. It was scary how the world just slipped away the second she saw her. Everything else in the entire universe seemed miniscule compared to the slightly shorter girl she loved so much. There was nothing else she could focus on, even if her life depended on it.

"Hi Dashie." The girl in front of her whispered. Rainbow forced herself to blink- she pinched herself painfully to ensure the fact that she was there right in front of her. Once it fully registered to her head that Fluttershy wasn't a figment of her imagination, she immediately hugged her. She picked her up and spun her around while tightening her grip with each passing second. Fluttershy's legs instinctively wrapped around Rainbow's torso, bringing them the closest they have ever been in too long.

"What a-are you doing here?" Rainbow stammered, never letting go of her girlfriend. She smiled ridiculously and tried to hide her ecstatic face in Fluttershy's soft hair. "Hey, no fair! I was going to surprise you like this next month!"

"Too bad I beat you to it."

They both had been waiting an entire year for this exact moment. They breathed each other in, taking in their scent and loving kisses. Still being in each other's grasp, they leaned in so that their foreheads rested against the other. For the first time in what could have been a millennia, both Fluttershy's and Rainbow's breathing synchronized, and it seemed that there was absolutely nothing else that could disturb their love. Well, 'seemed' being a key word there.

It was only when Rainbow looked up, over Fluttershy's shoulder, that she saw Applejack filming their cherished moment. "Hey! Were you filming the entire time?"

"Just your reaction." Applejack let out a smug grin. "I'll send it to y'all later. Have fun you two." She closed the door for them as she slyly left the building.

In any other situation, Rainbow would've stormed off, in search of Applejack and tackled her for filming, but with Fluttershy deep in her arms, she couldn't find it in herself to. Any other feelings melted away, as if Fluttershy's very touch could absorb her problems away. Rainbow loved this. She loved how easy it is for her to let go of her endless stress when she was around. She loved that the only thing Rainbow needed to worry about in that moment was not to let her girlfriend to fade away to her world of imagination and convince herself that this moment was real, because it was. It was so easy for her to prove this moment was real as well, with every fibre of her being desperate for a longing kiss and pleasing these demands every time. Both were so deprived of love and tried to satisfy their growing need to be even closer after numerous tedious months of being apart.

"Oh, thank god you're here." Rainbow muttered, "I've had a shit couple of months and I seriously needed something good to come into my life for once."

Fluttershy frowned at that statement and brought them over to the couch. She then had Rainbow tell her about everything that was going on with her life currently. Rainbow didn't think twice about pouring her constrained feelings out freely with Fluttershy. She finally felt that she was able to vent and release some tension through some words. "And then, you came into my life and made it a whole lot better." She concluded with a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek.

"I don't like the sound of Lemon Drop. She doesn't seem the nicest."

"Well, duh. If only she didn't take up half of my problems."

"Then we can deal with each problem one at a time. I'll help you through all of it and the whole process,"

"You don't need to, Flutters. I just want you here and to spend time with you."

"I should have known surprising you like this wasn't the best. Just because I have a break from school and stress, doesn't mean you do. You have a life too, and you still need to study and practice. Regardless, I want to help you in any way that I can."

"You being here is enough."

Fluttershy kindly ignored the sentiment and reached over to grab Rainbow's school bag. "Which subjects are you most struggling with?"

"...science and math probably. Mostly science though."

"What kind of science?"

"Biology. I feel so stupid at it too. All of my classmates gloat on how easy it is for them to understand it all. I can't comprehend or memorize half of the material. At least with physics, there is some kind of logic to it."

"How do you do in physics?"

"Surprisingly, pretty well considering how dumb I am."

Her girlfriend frowned and immediately stated, "Rainbow, you're not dumb. You're actually really smart. Smarter than most."

"How in the world do you get that from me?"

"I mean you said it yourself. You're saying you're doing well in physics, while maybe not as well as biology. Normally it's the other way around,"

"So, you're saying I'm doing terribly in reverse?" She laughed it off, but Fluttershy's efforts persisted.

"No. Did you know over sixty percent of students are close to failing physics? When people are asked what's the most difficult science class to get through, nearly none of them even mention biology. They all chose physics and chemistry, with physics being almost twice the amount as the latter."

"Wait, why? Doesn't physics make the most sense? Like it makes sense that a shining light would refract the equivalent degrees when it hits a flat surface. That applies when you kick a soccer ball at an angle like that as well."

"I guess you're just too smart." Fluttershy let out a small smirk. "And because biology is easier than physics, you'll be like the science master once you understand them all."

"With your help, right?"

"Of course."

"Wait, what do you get on average? It's not that I don't trust you or anything, but I'm just curious."

"Like 97%? I have to get good marks especially with biology. Veterinary school requires near perfect grades for them."

"Oh yeah, I trust you so much more than the last person who asked to be my science tutor. I like you a lot more than them as well." Rainbow pulled Fluttershy in to give a short sweet kiss. Once they separated, Fluttershy gently kissed her girlfriend's forehead before opening the hefty science text book on her lap.

"You didn't have to come to my practice, Flutters. You already helped me a ton by teaching me science better than any of my teachers can."

"Nonsense. I'm here because of you, so I'm going to spend my time with you. I also haven't seen you play in a while. I missed seeing you perform."

"Yeah. It's still weird playing without you watching in the stands. I actually convinced myself that in the first couple of months- even now sometimes, that you're always there- cheering me on, even when I knew you weren't. Pretty sure that helped me win a couple rounds."

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't there. I had a lot of tests and homework-"

"Hey, that's just what comes with the long-distance package, right? And I don'tfault you for anything."

"Still, I wish we didn't have so many missed moments together."

Rainbow in reponse, took Fluttershy's hand, comforting both of them, "Looks like we'll just have to make up for lost time," and they walked the rest of the way to the vast field. The rest of the team was already there, starting with some stretches. Some even waved as the couple walked towards them.

"Hey coach! Who's this? Is this a new team member cause we already have max number of players. Unless she's trying out to be a substitute for game day."

"No, this is Fluttershy. She's my..." Only then she realized not all of them knew she was out yet. After her encounter with Soarin, she knew there were probably a lot more people who don't know. It wasn't like she kept it a secret. Both her and Fluttershy were comfortable with their sexuality and preferences. However, they both decided they would tell the people that matter most, like their best friends and family- then the rest could fall into place. A few of her teammates already knew. At least three of them know she isn't straight.

Even though it might be her last time, Rainbow held her breath and continued to trust the team with this vulnerable part of herself. "She's my girlfriend."

Some were evidently shocked, but a vast majority of them didn't react in any loud way. Rainbow continued before any of them could mumble a possible protest, "She wanted to watch us practice, so I hope that's fine."

"I mean, yeah of course." One of them said with a kind smile. They started by running laps around the four-hundred meter track with Fluttershy watching from the bleachers. After a five minute water break, they started practice. With eleven players in total amongst them, they had separated in two and played against each other. To make teams fair, Rainbow was in the group of five whilst the other with six players. Still, the team with six players kept losing. After a roaring score of 6-2, Rainbow shouted directions and how to get better for the other team. She soon grew to be frustrated and went to the other team altogether, switching with another team member. Her being on that team helped immensely, bringing the score to 8-6.

Fluttershy is far from being a soccer player, however, she is still a good observer. She has watched Rainbow play since they were nine, she was bound to learn about the techniques and rules eventually. Years that bled to a decade of watching Rainbow made her notice all the small details that makes her overall performance soar. Fluttershy took note of some key actions and movements that Rainbow does that no one else in the crowd seemed to notice. When there was a small break between the games, she walked over to some players and suggested to make some changes to their play moves. They were all skeptical- rightfully questioning her authority, but knew they had to try if they wanted a chance of winning their game on Monday.

The next set of games were in motion. Fluttershy was carefully watching each player, feeling some sort of pressure placed on her. Her legs kept shaking, regardless of how much she tried to control it. Rainbow was shocked at the outcomes. 12-10, even when she wasn't on the team, they scored points gradually. She couldn't be more happier with losing at this moment. As long as the scores remained fairly even, she knew they could genuinely have a chance for once. Even when half of the team members were switched, the scores stayed close to each other.

Lemon Drop was certainly frustrated by these results. She wanted to be captain for so long, and hated the fact that under Rainbow's tireless control the team was succeeding. There had to be a reason that this turnout happened so abruptly. Throughout the game, she kept eyeing Fluttershy, staring at her whilst she was examining the other players. When she kept hearing her teammates boast about how Fluttershy's advice helped them, Lemon Drop knew what she had to do. It was one game after all. They could handle one lost. They've lost before- it wasn't like it would be that big of a deal to anyone else except the captain. Because after that, Rainbow can't keep her beloved position, and she could takeher place.

When they all had another break, the grand majority of the team went to Fluttershy to hopefully receive some advice and soft critism. Lemon Drop gestured them all away like a flock of birds so she could be the only one in front of her. "Hi, my name is Lemon Drop." She reached out her hand.

Fluttershy knew that despite what she heard from Rainbow, she should still treat Lemon Drop with decent respect and good morality. It's the kindest thing to do. She shook her hand and nodded. "Your performance out there was quite great actually. I don't think there's a lot you need to work on, except maybe be more enthusiatic. I know it's just practice, but when you're actually playing against another team you should be more engaged and energized."

"Thank you, but I don't need your advice. I just want to talk to you. Just one-on-one." Fluttershy knew she had to get away from the situation, but she saw Lemon Drop's piercing eyes. They were ruthless; the kind that makes you know perfectly that if there is something that she wants, she'll get it. And what she wanted was a chat that could destroy her- not a lot, just enough to make her leave. But she needed to start innocently, "I've never- I don't think I've ever seen Rainbow Dash like that. Throughout the entire game she'd look over to you. It was like whenever she became frustrated with the incompetence of the team, she'd just took a glance at you and calmed right down. Certainly wish I had a stress reducer like that."

Fluttershy couldn't bring herself to say anything. She just hoped that whatever this was, that it would be over soon. It was then that Rainbow saw the two talking at the bleachers. She immediately knew that Lemon Drop wasn't up to no good- however, she was across the giant field and she didn't have her geode with her. She had to get to them the slow way. Luckily, even without her unnatural ability of super speed, she was still the quickest girl on the field by far lengths.

Lemon Drop continued, "You and Dash seem like such a good couple. I mean wow, long-distance. You must have all the faith in her. I know way too many girls who have lovers across seas only to discover they've been cheating the entire time. But, I'm sure Dash isn't that kind of girl."

"Lemon Drop, what the hell are you doing?" Rainbow yelled from still a far distance away.

"Just having a chat with your pretty girlfriend. Is it so wrong for me to talk to her?"

"Talking about what, exactly?"

"Geez, possessive much?" Lemon rolled her eyes before she continued, "Now that I think about it. She may not be as resistant to the painful fate of long-distance relationships as I originally thought."

"W-What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious? Long-distance relationships never work because one or both become so desperate for lust and romance. A lover that is so distant will always give insufficient love, no matter how hard they try. That is also in the small case where they do actually try. It's just so easy to pretend that you don't even have a girlfriend or boyfriend when they're so far away. Almost in every long-distance scenario is one cheating or one wanting to cheat but needs to break up on their current five thousand miles away partner. And, honestly? It's unfair on both parts, cause you two are deliberately setting up for a harsh breakup while having this blurred mentality that everything will work out because you two love each other. And then not even a couple months in, the long-distance just drives you crazy or numb. Crazy or numb to the point where the love dies. So I understand that even Rainbow Dash can be unfaithful at some times."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Rainbow demanded. The rest of the team were now intensely intrigued by the conversation and couldn't help but overhear.

"I'm just telling Fluttershy what she deserves to know. Recently I overheard Rainbow and this guy talk. Soarin, I think his name was? He's the one on the boys basketball team. Anyways, they were pretty intense intheir conversation. They also seemed awfully close. Then, how could I forget when you two were planning a second date together?"

"I-I what? I didn't even-" She stopped when she saw Fluttershy. Her face was crushed. In all of the years she had known her, she had never seen her like this. It felt like something had stomped on her heart and Rainbow was a front-row seat witness. Lemon Drop was twistedly pleased with the results. Part of her did genuinely feel bad for what she was doing, but the other part of her- the more competitive side was much stronger and drowned her guilt.

"Aw, I'm sorry Fluttershy," Lemon Drop used her pity voice and wrapped her arms around her. "I know it's hard to accept, but you deserve better. I thought they were genuinely and guilt freely dating because when someone acts like that with another person, how could you ignore the obvious signs? So when I heard that Rainbow actually had a girlfriend the entire time, I knew the right thing to do was tell you what she couldn't."

Fluttershy couldn't take it anymore. She had to leave so she escaped from Lemon's grasp and ran away with escaped tears running down her eyes. "Fluttershy!" Rainbow called out. She was so ready to pounce on Lemon Drop and make her pay for what she said to Fluttershy through some scars. But, despite her anger, she knew what was more important. Her love for Fluttershy was vastly greater than her hatred for Lemon Drop. So, she flipped Lemon's smug face before running after the heartbroken Fluttershy.

When both eventually ran out of breath, they were at a remote park a few blocks away from the field. They were both panting, gasping for air as Rainbow sat on the edge of the water fountain. "You know, you should really consider taking track and field or something. You got potential if you run like that." Fluttershy regrettably smiled at that. She was sat on a bench, facing across from Rainbow.

They both took another minute, waiting and listening for each other's breathing to come back to normal. Rainbow then stood up and crouched so that her magenta eyes were directly in front of Fluttershy's. "Before we actually break up, please listen to me. Yesterday, as I told you, I had a really shitty day. I-I couldn't sleep because I couldn't bear the thought of tomorrow's problems coming along. So to take my mind away for just a bit, I went down to refill Tank's food bowl. Soarin was there too. He had asked me about the soccer league and one thing led to another. I kept venting to him about anything that was on my mind and told him everything I told you this morning. Somehow I guess Lemon Drop heard our conversation, but left before she could hear me further. That or she left out that part out on purpose." Rainbow knew she was quickly missing the point so she shook her head and continued, "When I told him that I was struggling academically, he offered to help me study. Then he proposed the idea of study date. Before then, Spitfire and I had this study session that we worked on at Soarin's place. That's why Lemon Drop said second date, which is completely untrue because the first one wasn't even remotely a date. Okay, back to Soarin- yesterday he was very flirtatious and bold, and basically, he asked me out. And, I will admit it. I didn't say anything immediately. For a long time actually. I really wish I didn't. I was just so shocked that he said such a thing that I forgot to say a damn word. But after it was fully processed in my slow-ass brain, I quickly turned the idea down because I will forever like women more."

Rainbow smiled when that comment made Fluttershy giggle. She took her lover's hand and caressed her fingers, kissed them before saying, "I promise you, this is all a big misunderstanding. I'd never cheat on you. I love you too much to do that."

She didn't know what she expected Fluttershy to do, but it was certainly not this. Fluttershy sighed and sat down on the pavement so that her and Rainbow were at the same level. She brought Rainbow's hand to her forehead, letting her burdens lean against Rainbow's fingers. Rainbow recognized that this was a way to soothe her nerves as her legs shook less after. Shelet Fluttershy use her touch as a way to calm herself down as they sat in welcomed silence.

"I'm so stupid." Fluttershy uttered.

"Hey, have you met yourself? You are so far from stupid."

"I just let Lemon Drop use my insecurities and... f-feelings against me." She shuddered half-way through her sentence. "I'm so sorry I believed her."

"So you don't think I cheated?"

"No. Now, I think about it- of course not. First of all, you're actually the embodiment of loyalty. If there was anyone who was not going to cheat on their lover, it's you, even if it's long-distance. And second, you're just not that kind of person. I know you. I know you wouldn't hurt anyone like that. Well, intentionally at least."

Rainbow felt at ease. Fluttershy knew she would never ever do something so cruel despite everyone else telling them otherwise. Rainbow cupped her cheek and Fluttershy leaned in to it. Even when she confessed to this, Rainbow knew something was still bothering her. After knowing her for so long, she has now been able to recognize any sign of the slightest inconvenience on her girlfriend's stunning face. "What's wrong?"

"It's- It's nothing."

"Flutters. Please tell me. I want to do everything I can for us to stay together. So if there's anything wrong between us, I want to at the very least try to fix it. Our relationship is worth fighting for."

"I just- Lemon Drop wasn't wrong about one thing. About the long-distance relationships in general. And I guess I'm... scared of it. What a surprise, right?"

"What did she say exactly?"

"That long-distance rarely work. There are too many countering factors that will eventually make the love die. She also said that it isn't fair for either of us to be so deprived of love. And, I love you, Rainbow. I love you so much. That's why I'm so scared that this long-distance will ruin us like it does with every other relationship. I thought I got passed my silly fears, but obviously not. Not only am I worrying about what would happen if we stay apart for so long, I'm also worrying about what might happen if we abruptly be together all the time. Maybe because we are so used to the distance between us, there's no way for us to work. What if we're hopeless?" Fluttershy hid her face in shame behind the back of Rainbow's hands she still clutched dearly onto. Every so often, she would squeeze her lover's hand, trying to reassure herself that Rainbow stayed there. For now at this very moment, at least.

Quite suddenly, Rainbow pulled Fluttershy closer. Fluttershy yelped as she brought herself on her girlfriend's lap as Rainbow wrapped her arms around her. Rainbow refused to speak for a moment. The only thing both needed were each other. Whether that be in complete silent or not. Rainbow laid a kiss on her cheek, prolonged the gesture for both their sake. When she pulled away from the kiss, Fluttershy whimpered as she wiped away some threatening tears.

"Do you remember the promise?" Rainbow whispered, loud enough for Fluttershy to hear clearly. "The one we made after you told me you got into SVU?"

Fluttershy nodded before she croaked, "That we would not let distance be the reason our years of friendship and love fade."

"That's right." Rainbow tucked a loose strand of Fluttershy's hair behind her ear before continuing, "College has nothing against us. It's what? Four years of college against like fifteen years of awesome. Those are good odds to have."

"Fifteen? I'm pretty sure it's been about twelve years."

"It's still 300% more than what college is trying to put against us. Okay, the point that I'm trying to make is that we've been through so much in the past decade together. Even before we started dating we still stuck beside each other against everyone else who tried to hurt us. Despite all of the bullies, parents, and even each other at miniscule times, we're still together. That's worth noting. Nothing really changed. It's just now that the thing trying threaten us, is this long-distance relationship. But, we'll get through it. Like we did every other time for the past decade. And like hell I'm going to accept that this stupid long-distance will win. We're stronger than that. And I can't help but say that Lemon Drop is wrong, again. I am never deprived of love from or for you. I'm going to be a hundred percent honest. I'm scared. I'm scared of the fact that I love you so much. I'm scared that this can be over at any time. Whenever I'm having a shitty day, week or month, a lot of times the only thing that makes me feel better is you. I'm not about to let that go."

Fluttershy couldn't help but gleam with a sweet smile, "When did you become so sappy? I thought you hated those kind of people."

"Well I guess I finally met someone who is totally worth being ridiculously in love for. I never understood those simps until I fell in love with you."

"I love you, Rainbow."

"I love you too, Flutters." Fluttershy closed the gap between them, and breathed into this kiss. She let all of her fears fade, like Rainbow's lips were a gateway to her happiness. Which it probably was. She didn't want to let go. She didn't want such a perfect thing to ever end, but, Rainbow was right. They had been through much worse. The obstacles were pitiful against their relationship.

When they separated, they both gasped for air. Fluttershy stood up as she said, "W-We should go back. Your team might be looking for us."

Rainbow nodded and stood up as well. When Fluttershy started to leave towards the field, Rainbow grasped onto her arm and pulled her back. "R-Rainbow? what are you doing?"

She didn't explain anything. All she did was hug her. Her face nuzzles into Fluttershy's neck to the point where she could smell her sweet fragrance bounce off her rose pink hair. "Not yet. The world can wait for us. Right now I just need you here."

When Rainbow and Fluttershy came back to the field, the team was already starting with new rounds. Lemon Drop was the first to spot them and yelled out, "Oh, we didn't think you'd come back. So, we started without you, I hope that's okay."

"No, that's fine." Rainbow said. The current game paused and they all circled around their captain. "Listen up, our game on Monday will demonstrate our capability to strive as a team. We have work to do if we want to make the cut and even get to the next round."

"Um, I apologize for intruding, I know it's not my place, however I can't help but be curious on your status with Fluttershy. How are you two?" Lemon Drop stated as she crossed her arms. Rainbow smirked as she noticed some teammates roll their eyes. Even they were getting tired of her antics.

As a response, Rainbow turned to Fluttershy and kissed her dramatically in front of everyone. Fluttershy yelped at first, but eventually kissed her back. When they separated, Rainbow faced Lemon Drop, "Does that answer your question?" Lemon huffed in defeat. Her efforts to drive Fluttershy away were crushed. Part of her was glad it was a fail, because she did genuinely feel bad.

"Is there a problem, Lemon Drop?" Rainbow asked as more of a demand than anything else. "Or are you going to be the reason our team loses on Monday?"

"I doubt I'd be in control of the game then. It's your responsibility-"

"No, cut that bullcrap. We all know that you just want me kicked out so that you can be captain. You're selfish, Lemon Drop. You're willing to sabotage your entire team's tireless efforts that could bring home a win to their first ever league for your personal gain. Those actions could never comply for you to become a leader. A captain should never fulfill such a greedy motive at the cost of their own team- the people that you should always have their back and expect that they'll do the same for you."

Fluttershy was first to stand tallbehind Rainbow, showing that she is and always will be in support of Rainbow, and gradually the rest of the team did as well. Rainbow smiled at her girlfriend and her team before facing Lemon Drop once again. "It isn't hard to admit that you're a good player. Despite how stubborn I can be, you are undoubtedly one of the better ones. Which is why despite everything you did in spite of me, I need you to play your best on Monday. Because at the end of the day, we're not each other's opponents. It's the other team- them versus us. You and I, Lemon Drop, we're part of a team, it's about damn time we acted like it." Rainbow knew she might regret it, but she held out a hand to Lemon Drop.

She hesitated. She looked up and saw the team with pleading looks in their eyes. Their careers depended on the game. Earlier, Lemon Drop hadn't taken account that it was a league game. She had gotten so carried away that she forgot what the team was fighting and training for. The very opportunity was one in a thousand. Lemon Drop knew that even though she wouldn't admit it, that Rainbow was right. A true captain would not do that to her own team, regardless if the captain was her or not. So, Lemon Drop showed a smile and she shook Rainbow's hand. "Before we start, though. I owe everyone here an apology. I'm not going to stand here and pretend I'm not disappointed- cause I really am. I wanted to be captain for so long, but I let that intefere with all of you, and that is really unfair of me. So, I'm sorry I tried hijack this game. I promise I'll play my best on Monday and make it up to you all."

Lemon Drop then turned to face Fluttershy who was before eclipsed by Rainbow. "I owe you an apology as well. I knew using you to get Rainbow away was wrong of me. Even when I had a good reason to- I genuinely thought Rainbow cheated on you and I thought that if I told you the truth, some good might have turned up- my intentions weren't at all great. So, I'm sorry for that too."

"Thank you for your apology, Lemon Drop," Fluttershy spoke with a kind smile, "Though it's obscure and wasn't entirely genuine, I do appreciate that you tried to tell me that Rainbow might have- done that. It's just fortunate that in this case, it was a really big misunderstanding."

Lemon Drop guiltly turned to Rainbow again, "Right, so. I can't change what I already did. I wish I could, but it's already took a lot of convincing for the deal to come up- there is no way for me to stop it from happening."

"Then, I guess we'll just have to win." Rainbow spoke with a smirk. Lemon Drop let out a sigh of relief and smiled back. The team cheered and started practice right away. It didn't take a while for the team to finally improve. Fluttershy continued to suggest adjustments and the players continued to prevail everytime. With the team finally being able to trust and listen to each other, the scores skyrocketed. There was no doubt that each member was devoted to give it their all.

Dear students of SVU,

I wish you all the loveliest of long weekends. I deeply apologize for not giving out your exam scores sooner as there were some difficulties in regards of marking. I understand that this may have caused some of you and your family to panic, and I am severely sorry for any stress or alarm I have caused on any of you. All results have been sent so please check your student email. If you did not receive an email or forgot the password to get into your email account, please contact the school office. I hope to see you all well tomorrow.

Professor Haven

Fluttershy rose up from the bed when she heared the doorknob turn. Before she knew it, Rainbow threw herself onto the bed, the quiet girl yelping as a response. Fluttershy brought herself close to her girlfriend and kissed her before asking, "how was class today?"

"Boring. I wish we could just lay in bed allday and nap together." Rainbow whined. "Oh wait. We already did that yesterday."

Fluttershy chuckled, "Oh, guess what?"


"I got 98% on my final exam!"

"Holy sh- smoke." Rainbow stopped herself before swearing once again. It was a constant habit, but she knew Fluttershy never liked it, so she tried her best to control her words. "How the heck are you so smart?" She hugged her closer so that her lips pressed against her cheek. "I always knew you were amazing at everything. This just proves it."

"How'd you do with that science test today?"

"Well, normally we get the results the next day, but our teacher felt extra nice today so he marked them already. I got 83%! I mean it's not nearly as impressive as yours-"

"No, that's really good! By the time the next test comes, you're going to get in the A range for sure."

"Thanks Flutters. I probably would have gotten a 60% or lower without you."

"Give yourself some credit, Dashie. You're a lot smarter than you think."

"Thank you for always believing in me. Even when I don't." Rainbow pulled Fluttershy even closer somehow, closing any gap that threatened to tear them apart. "I can't believe you can just do that."

"Do what?"

"Just come into my life and solve literally every problem I have. On Saturday I had a whole list of things that were going terribly wrong for so long. Lemon Drop and the rest of the soccer team, my science grades, and my life in general really. Then you show up on my doorstep and so effortlessly resolve every single one of them like you did some bibbidi bobbidi boo magic."

"I have to make up for loss time somehow. Oh, and about the soccer game today, I really wish I didn't, but I have to miss it. My train leaves in really soon."

"Can't you maybe stay for another hour?"

"If I go at 4, and take the ten hour train, I'd get back at my place at 2 AM. If I stayed for another hour it'd be 3 AM. I wish I didn't have college tomorrow, but I still have classes- I'm sorry Dashie. I really wish I could watch you and your team playing at the real leagues."

"There is nothing to be sorry for. You should've honestly left yesterday. That way you didn't have to arrive at such a late time."

"But if I left earlier we would've lost a couple moments."

Rainbow cupped her cheek and stared at her admiringly. "And I'll cherish every second of it." They both leaned in and kissed sweetly.

"Are you able to call me tomorrow? I want to hear you boast about the game after you obviously win."

"Of course. I'll set aside three hours if I have to." Rainbow muttered. They should get going now, but both of their bodies resisted in separating.

Instead, they both leaned closer, taking in every touch, smell and feeling because in a few moments, their love will be distant. But, that never stops them in cherishing every last ounce of their time together, craving for the next chance they can love close again.

Author's Note:

I don't know much about soccer matches, games or leagues. I sort of made up as I went. I didn't want to extend it more than it already is and I didn't feel the need to further write when the only thing left was the game. Spoiler alert: they make the cut and are able to play for the next round! Rainbow stays captain like she was always meant to be.

Also if I have to say something negative about writing gay love stories, are the pronouns. Because I use she/her pronouns for both Fluttershy and Rainbow, it's hard to know which character I'm referring to. Even I don't know at times. ex. "When she pulled away from the kiss, Fluttershy whimpered as she wiped away some threatening tears. " like who pulled away from the kiss? who wiped fluttershy's tears? like i don't know anymore, it's hard to tell.

being a writer is hard.
also, after I post this, it might be hard for me to write because right now I'm on vacation and start of school is soon as well. It isn't like I post often, but those factors will make it hard to even write which will probably delay stories for a bit<3

Comments ( 7 )

Not a bad fan fiction, I'm glad that people still like the flutterdash ship, which is why I see new fan fiction for this ship. Good job.

thank you much! yes I've realized like a few months ago that I could never stop loving flutterdash even years after.

I'm also the kind of person who won't stop loving Flutterdash, in fact I like it more than FlutterCord. So I hope to see even more fanfiction on these two characters.

I know it's a bit controversial but I never liked fluttercord as a ship, but I respect it. flutterdash though has always been my first ship that I ever loved:heart:

I understand and respect you for that.

This made my day i honestly almost cried it's so hard to find good flutterdash fics these days lol

For real, we need more of those
It's sad all the OG FlutterDash writers are no longer active that much

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