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Castle-Mania/ Mobians in Manehattan

*Lillian's POV*

Twilight had gone through every book in her library to find any answers about the mysterious box she had gotten but wasn't able to find anything.

Sunset spoke "I think we're hit a dead end Twi."

Dusk was reading a book to Akari.

Twilight groans "Ugh!"

Twilight planted her face on her desk in frustration.

Sunset spoke "This is one time we can't ask Danyelle for help, we have to figure this out on our own."

But then Spike burped out a letter.

Sunset catches it with a quick hand before reading it.

Sunset asks "Up for a trip to the old castle?"

Twilight spoke "Really? But I haven’t been there since me and my friends first got the Elements of Harmony."

Sunset spoke "Might as well bring the kids along too."

Twilight spoke "But it might scare Akari and the others."

Silverstorm spoke "I'm not scared."

Dusk and Daylight spoke "Neither are we."

Flash spoke "I'll stay behind to look after Akari."

Twilight asks "Really, Flashy?"

Flash spoke "You got it, Twily."

Twilight nuzzled Flash Sentry.

Twilight spoke "You’re the best husband I could ever have."

Twilight then kissed Flash Sentry right on the lips, with Flash Sentry kissing her back, before they started hugging each other during their moment.

Dusk gags "eww...."

Daylight cuffed her brother on the head.

Daylight spoke "It’s really cute!"

But then Wendy flew in.

Wendy asks "Hey, guys! *Notice Twilight and Flash lost in their makeout* Am I interrupting something?"

Sunset spoke "*ahem*"

Twilight spoke "Oh sorry."

Spike spoke "H-hey Wendy."

Wendy asks "Is something going on?"

Sunset spoke "We're going to check out the old castle."

Wendy spoke "Can I come? Because if Spike’s going, then I’m going too."

Sunset asks "What do you think Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Hmm… Alright."

Card Trick shows up with his marefriend.

Trixie spoke "Count me and Card in too."

Twilight spoke "Oh. Okay."

Flash spoke "Don't worry Sparkles, Akari's a good girl."

Twilight asks "I know she is. And I know you’ll take good care of her. Maybe we can have some fun at a private place alone when we get back, Flash Bolt?"

Flash spoke "I thought you’d never ask, Twi Star."

Twilight and Flash looked at each other with half-lidded eyes before giving each other one last kiss on the lips.

Dusk groans "And here I thought my birth parents were just as lovey-dovey..."

Daylight cuffed Dusk on the back of his head again.

Daylight spoke "I still think it’s cute! Same with Uncle Spike and Auntie Wendy!"

A soft thump was heard since Scootaloo had bumped head first into the outer wall with a scroll in her mouth that was from Ginger Peach.

Twilight asks "Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo spoke "I got a letter from Aunt Ginger! It's about Relay! He got his cutie mark!"

Twilight spoke "That’s great, Scootaloo!"

But then Spike burped out a letter, and it was from an unknown pony.

Danyelle crashed into the side of the tree library.

Danyelle spoke "OW!"

"You alright?" I asked Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Speed burst... But I just sensed the magic of an unknown alicorn!"

I ask "Unknown alicorn?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but I have no idea who he... or she... is yet."

Twilight spoke "We should find the alicorn!"

Danyelle spoke "I have a general area of where this alicorn is but problem is, I can't take my Changelings to Manehatten."

I spoke "I don't know if the ponies of Manehatten are even aware of other Mobians... And I doubt they'll take kindly to Changelings either... And if I'm right, it's got to be Sally..."

Danyelle asks "Did the scroll mention anything about a name?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but it did mention Rover and Relay." I answered, before Scootaloo rushed towards me.

Danyelle slaps me upside the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "It's Rotor, not Rover."

"My bad." I apologized.

Scootaloo asks "Does it say something about my cousin?"

Twilight read the scroll.

Twilight spoke "it seems this Rotor fellow has found answer to Relay's paralysis."

That excited Scootaloo. "Really?! How?!"

Danyelle spoke "Wait a minute, if Rotor's gonna do what I think he's gonna do, then..."

Twilight spoke "Surgery."

Scootaloo stutters "S-Surgery?!"

Danyelle spoke "It's not that kind of surgery. But it will make him like Bunnie."

Twilight stammers "B-but with Eggman still out there somewhere, he might turn Relay's mechanical parts against the poor colt..."

Danyelle spoke "That's why Bunnie offered to help us make the parts to put into the machine, that'll allow Relay's legs to be only his own legs."

Twilight asks "But wasn't this Sally person killed in the war that had happened on Danyelle's world?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but I think her case is like Maria. She's been reincarnated and remembers everything except her moment of death."

Twilight's left eye had turned red before Kurama started talking.

Kurama spoke "Make that three cases of soul reincarnation... Not counting Korra though.."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Scootaloo asks "But what's gonna happen to Relay?"

Kurama spoke "As far as I know, the half-pint should be able to walk properly without the need of a wheelchair."

Danyelle spoke "But his back legs will be morphed from flesh to metal."

Twilight spoke "exactly."

Scootaloo asks "Are you sure he'll be okay?"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe we can go check up on him then."

I spoke "Good idea Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Better to be safe than sorry."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

And so, Danyelle flew off to Manehattan with Scootaloo on her back and Sonic in her magic while five of the Mane Six and I head to the castle.

*In Manehattan*

*Scootaloo's POV*

Sonic spoke "*impressed whistle* This place would be more Sonia's style, she's used to high end places."

Danyelle spoke "But Sonia likes action every now and then, so maybe not."

Sonic spoke "That may be so."

Danyelle asks "Where should we go Scoots?"

I spoke "I don't know where my aunt Ginger's house is though."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe Babs might know."

“What makes you say that?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Because she’s right there."

I spoke "Babs!"

Babs turned around and noticed us. “Scootaloo!”

I climbed off Danyelle's back before flying over to Babs and hugging her.

Babs exclaims "Ah can’t believe yer in Manehattan!"

I spoke "I'm here to see my cousin though, the two Mobians are here because one of them had sensed another alicorn."

Babs spoke "Oh! You mean Relay? Ah can take ya to him."

I spoke "Oh! And guess what? I can fly now!"

Even Sonic was surprised at what I had said.

Babs spoke "Wowee, Scootaloo! Relay will be flapping his wings non-stop when he hears of this!"

Danyelle spoke "But we heard that Relay’s gonna be having a surgery."

A tan unicorn mare with a cream colored horn and muzzle trotted past but neither Sonic or Danyelle noticed.

the mare thinks "Good thing I'm hiding my wings with a jacket...."

Danyelle asks "Hey Babs, have you seen any unusual ponies?"

Babs spoke "Well, Ah did see a unicorn mare that was walking on her hind legs fer a moment, and she was wearin’ a blue jacket, or vest."

Sonic asks "Blue eyes?"

Babs spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "Red mane?"

Babs spoke "Yeah."

Sonic groans "By Amaterasu's light.... It can't be her...."

Danyelle spoke "We better find her, just to be sure."

The mare galloped off towards Ginger Peach's house.

I spoke "Follow that mare!"

I was on Danyelle's back as she flew after the mare while Sonic carried Babs in his arms.

The mare smirks before disappearing via teleportation.

Danyelle spoke "Clever mare..."

The mare reappears at Ginger's place.

The mare spoke "Rotor! I need to talk to you!"

Rotor asks "Sally?! You’re alive?!"

Sally spoke "Never mind that! I saw a blue hedgehog not long ago! He was with a female... she looked like a feline version of Tails..."

Rotor asks "Sonic and Danyelle are here?!"

Sally spoke "Yeah... But Danyelle isn't as you remember her though."

Ginger spoke "I bet they came here with Scootaloo."

Rotor spoke "Well, it’s a good thing we’re using this machine for the right reason."

Sally spoke "But Eggman's still out there..."

Rotor spoke "Which is why I put in the self-destruct system in case Eggman tries to get his hands on it."

Sally spoke "Smart thinking Rotor."

Rotor asks "Yep. Ginger, is Relay ready?"

Relay spoke "As I'll ever be...."

I call out "Aunty Ginger!"

Ginger asks "Scootaloo?"

Rotor spoke "Okay. Here we go. On the back legs."

Then a yellow light beamed on Relay’s hind legs, before they started looking more metallic and mechanical.

I spoke "I brought a couple of my Mobian friends with me!"

Sonic asks "Sally? You in here?"

Danyelle asks "Sally?"

Sally had turned herself invisible since she didn't want Sonic to see her as an alicorn.

Rotor spoke "It's good to see you again Sonic and Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "We heard about Relay having his back legs roboticized in order to walk again."

Rotor spoke "Yeah but the main problem is his lower spine."

“Huh?” I asked.

Rotor spoke "So his lower back was also roboticized."

Danyelle growls suddenly as the fur on her neck and tails fluff up.

Rotor spoke "Please, calm down, Danyelle."

Danyelle growls "Don't you hear screaming?"

Sonic spoke "I hear it.. Oh great... Eggman's back..."

But then Relay's lower back somehow opened up, raising some sort of cannon.

Danyelle spoke "No Relay, Eggman is one baddie you can't win against."

Sonic spoke "Exactly but you can protect Scootaloo and Babs from getting hurt."

The two zoom off.

Sonic spoke "That's far enough Eggman!"

Danyelle snarls "Yeah!"

Eggman scoffs "I'll be taking back my Roboticizer now!"

Sonic and Danyelle spoke "But we have something to say to you! TILL EQUESTRIA ENDS...!"

Ben, Yuki and Knuckles shout "MOBIAN GUARD DEFENDS!!!"

The rest of the Mobian Guard shows up on Toto's back.

Ben spoke "Sorry we're late Dany! But we're here now!"

Danyelle spoke "Your timing couldn't have been any better!"

Ben glares at Eggman.

Ben spoke "You don't belong here!"

Ben roars loud, sending Eggman flying far away.

Eggman shouts as he was sent flying far away. "You have gotta be kidding meeeeeeeee...!!!"

Danyelle spoke "That was awesome-sauce Ben!"

Ben spoke "*chuckle* Thanks Dany."

Various Manehattanites were cheering.

Danyelle spoke "Anyway Ben, Relay got his cutie mark and now he's a bit like Bunnie."

Ben spoke "Cool."

A random Manehattanite asks "Who was that weirdo?"

Sonic spoke "An old enemy of mine, he and I have been fighting for years. All he wants is to ruin the lives of others."

Danyelle spoke "It's about the gist of it, but he actually wants to take over the world and build his Eggmanland."

Yuki spoke "Regardless of who gets in his way. But as long as the Mobian Guard is around, we'll stop him every time!"

Sonic spoke "You got that right Yuki."

Then Danyelle and Ben started kissing each other on the lips.

Yuki spoke "*ahem* Anyways, it would be wise that you leave Eggman and his cronies to the six of us though since we're more combat ready."

Toto caws in agreement.

Knuckles spoke "Exactly."

*Back at Relay's house*

A still invisible Sally asks "Hey Rotor, what's the Mobian Guard?"

Rotor spoke "You really missed a lot, Sally."

Sally asks "Mind telling me more about the Mobian Guard and who the current group is then?"

The five Mobians were busy with the clean up.

Rotor spoke "It's hard to explain since I have no idea who the other two are."

Danyelle soon came to get me before heading back to Ponyville.

I spoke "Bye Relay!"

Relay spoke "See ya the next time I'm in Ponyville. But I wanna surprise the rest of the Crusaders, so don't tell them about my cutie mark or new parts."

I spoke "I won't tell them but knowing the Tri-Pies, they'll find out somehow."

And so, the Mobian Guard and I head back to Ponyville but what we didn't know, Sally decided to follow us.
