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Pinkie Pride/ Farewell Tri-Pies

*Blueberry's POV*

Shortly after I woke up, I realized that today was the day my father was coming to town but my sisters and I had to keep it a secret from mom.

“Cherry, Ras, wake up!” I said.

Cherry yawns "What....?"

“Todays the day!” I explained, waking my other two triplet sisters wide awake.

Cherry spoke "Oh right!"

A loud rooster call was heard from Danyelle, jolting Pinkie awake.

I chuckle "That's one way of waking her up."

Pibby was yawning as she entered the bakery.

Pibby spoke "Coffee please...."

It was clear to Mrs Cake that the half blind alicorn was sleep deprived due to terrible nightmares.

Cherry spoke "Man, Pibby looks totally sleep deprived."

Raspberry spoke "She did come from an alternate universe where her friends were... Well, you know."

"Maybe Princess Luna can help." I suggested.

Pibby downs the coffee before heading out.

Mrs Cake spoke "The poor dear's been through so much according to Cam. I don't think a party can cheer her back up."

“Yeah, me and my sisters were afraid of that. But maybe Princess Luna could help her feel better.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "she's got depression though, a severe case of it too..."

Lillian spoke "But depression and despair can be fatal for one’s psyche and health."

Danyelle spoke "I'll write a letter to Luna about it."

After writing the letter, Danyelle sends it off with her fire breath.

*In Canterlot*

Luna was reading the letter she had just gotten.

Luna spoke "Huh, seems like a troubled mare has problems sleeping...."

Sumarda spoke "Not just any troubled mare, Luna."

Luna spoke "I'm afraid I can't help her though. According to Danyelle's letter, this Pibby comes from a war torn world where she has to fight to survive... If the corruption makes its way here, we don't have that sort of experience to help her."

Silver spoke "Then maybe I can help."

Luna asks "How?"

Silver spoke "It's because I kinda understand how she feels."

Luna spoke "Oh right, you came from a war torn era."

Silver spoke "Not to mention I went back in time and saved the future."

Luna spoke "Maybe you can help her."

Silver spoke "It will take both of us to help Pibby heal."

Luna spoke "I know but she's been through a lot more than my sister and I had gone through."

*Back in Ponyville*

Daylight spoke "You've got to be kidding me! A pony that sounds just like Weird Al Yankovic just arrived in town!"

Danyelle spoke "I never would have imagined..."

Pibby was wary of the others since she was having trouble fitting in.

Pibby thinks "I must protect this prime universe. But I need to find some way to destroy the corruption."

Danyelle asks "Uh, you okay?"

The skittish mare got jump scared when Danyelle asked her a question.

Pibby was now in a tree since she was spooked.

Pibby groans "Don't scare me like that!"

Danyelle spoke "S-Sorry. I was just asking if something was wrong."

Pibby spoke "I've been so stressed out that I've had little sleep...."

Danyelle calls Rarity over.

Danyelle asks "Could you help her out Rarity?"

Rarity spoke "Of course."

Pibby groans "I don't have time to relax though...."

Underneath the bandages on Pibby's right foreleg was a bit of infection since she had been hurt by the corruption.

Danyelle spoke "You seriously need help though."

Danyelle calls Ashley over.

Ashley spoke "Man, to think you have some of it. Cam can help get rid of that infection though."

Pibby spoke "It's not bothering me though."

Ashley spoke "Best be safe than sorry."

Pibby scoffs "Tch...."

Cam trotted over to Ashley before nuzzling her.

Ashley spoke "Save it for tonight, when we’re privately alone, lover boy. *Purrs lustfully*"

Pibby spoke "But if your parents find out.... It won't be pretty..."

Ashley spoke "I know, but I’m a grown mare."

Pibby spoke "That may be so but you've got lots of friends to help you out... I don't...."

Cam spoke "But you have us though Pibby."

Pibby spoke "No, no I don't..."

The light blue alicorn trotted away to be alone.

Cam spoke "That alicorn needs some serious help."

Pibby flopped down in some shade, unaware that Pinkie was nearby.

Pibby asks "What's with you?"

Pinkie spoke "Oh! Uh, nothing's wrong. *Nervous chuckle*"

Pibby spoke "The new guy may be a party pony but you're Ponyville's permanent party pony and don't you forget that."

Pinkie spoke "You're right!"

Pibby then found herself in a bear hug from Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie spoke "Thank you so much! I’ll throw a party for you tomorrow!"

Pibby soon broke down into tears.

Pibby cries "N-nobody's thrown me a party.... not since my world fell to darkness...."

Then Pinkie let out a big gasp! “What?! Then I’ll throw you the biggest! Party! EVER!!!”

Cherry exclaims "Hey mom! I have an idea! Why don't we combine the two parties together!?"

Raspberry spoke "Yeah! With Rainbow Dash’s Birthiversary!"

“That way, it’ll definitely be the biggest party ever!” I added, before mom hugged me and my sisters like a vice, with me and my sisters return the hug with our own vice-grip hug.

Wings flailing, Pibby spoke "Ch-choking.... n-not breathing!"

“Oopsies!” Me, my sisters and mom said in unison before we let go.

Pibby groans "That was scary...."

Sumarda spoke "Heh. You call that a vice-grip hug? I’ve had hugs tighter than that."

Pibby groans "I'm not used to hugs that tight....I nearly had my ribs crushed....."

Cronile spoke "The tightest hugs me and Sumy had was so tight that our bones could crack, but also so soft that we nearly went to sleep from the hug."

Sumarda spoke "Definitely, Crocy."

Pibby's neck hair bristled up suddenly.

Pibby spoke "I hear something...."

Twilight was heard snarling since she was shouting at a pair of older demonic Pegasi.

Ashley groans "Oh, come on…"

Cam makes a beep sound.


A skeletal goat Mobian spoke "Finally… I’ve found you. Now you’ll understand the pain of what your daughter did to me!"

We looked up and saw a clothed goat with curved horns, but he was just bones.

Twilight snarls "Back off mister! These two want Cam dead!"

Cam exclaims "Huh?!"

Ashley exclaims "Oh no…! Tabi?!"

Pibby threw an anvil down on Tabi, pinning him down.

Tabi growls "What are you doing?!"

Pibby snaps "You ruined a birthday party!"

An upset Rainbow was glaring at Tabi.

My sisters and I were hiding behind our mother.

Even Cheese Sandwich was upset.

Tabi suddenly chuckled darkly, before bringing out a device. Cam saw it and threw his mic at the device, destroying it.

Tabi spoke "No! RARGH! I’m doing the world a favor by getting rid of Ashley and her family!"

A cat-taur asks "Tabi, don’t you think that’s enough? Can’t you let this grudge go?"

We looked behind us, seeing a brown-coated cat-taur with brunette hair.

Tabi spoke "Ayana-!"

Ayana spoke "Please! Enough is enough. This can’t be worth it."

Tabi scoffs "Tch…"

The Mobian guard and their families surround Ashley and Cam in a protective manner.

Yuki hisses "You're making a big mistake!"

Ayana spoke "Listen, I can explain."

A mare spoke "Maybe all three of us should, Ayana."

We saw a brown-coated unicorn mare with a spiky brunette mane and tail.

Tabi asks "Dalia, you too?"

Dalia spoke "Sorry Tab, but I think this is going too far."

Twilight growls "What?"

Ayana spoke "We can explain everything."


Cheese spoke "Pinkie, I'm sorry for taking your place as the best party pony."

Pinkie asks "Huh?"

Cheese spoke "I just wanted to show you how much of a great party pony I am."

Pinkie asks "But why?"

I spoke "For the love of...."

I pulled out a photo from my mane and gave it to mom.

I spoke "Here's me and my sisters as young foals...."

Mom was really shocked, so much, her jaw actually dropped to the ground.

Cheese asks "Uh, is something wrong Pink-"

When dad saw the picture, his jaw dropped straight to the ground, just like mom did.

Pibby burst out laughing.

Pibby laughs "I so did NOT see that coming!"

But suddenly, me and my sisters saw mom and dad’s tails between their hind legs, with their faces blushing apple-red.

Pibby was on her stomach while laughing.

Twilight chuckles "You have to admit, that is funny."

But the next thing everyone knew, mom and dad were gone, leaving only dust clouds shaped like them in their place.

My sisters and I were glowing suddenly.

I spoke "Guess it's time for us to go."

Twilight asks "Wait! What’s happening to you three?!"

Raspberry spoke "Well, this isn’t goodbye."

Cherry spoke "We’re just heading back to our time."

Me, and my other two triplet sisters, Raspberry and Cherry, the Tri-Pies, gave them one last send-off. “So until we meet again!”

Natsu and Lucy shot off their respective magic as their way of saying "Until we meet again."

Even Pibby shot off a bolt of magic into to the sky as well.

Korra, Zoey and Danyelle shot off bolts of magic too.

I spoke with tears in my eyes. "We will never forget you!!"

A quartet of howls ring out as Renee, Gadget, Juvia and Gray wave farewell. Even a howl was heard from Myuri.

With that, my sisters and I return to our time.
