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Princesses Twilight & Sunset

*Lillian's POV*

*Canterlot, 3 days after Twilight got her crown back*

Sunset had a hard time flying, as did Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "This is gonna take a while. Especially since I’m learning how to use magic."

Zoey crashed into a tree due to a sudden magic boost.

Zoey spoke "Ow! I have no control of my wings and magic!"

Korra spoke "Flying is hard...."

That made me giggle a bit. “Aren’t you good with airbending?”

Korra spoke "I meant with actual wings... Oh, hi Applejack."

Applejack asks "Howdy yerself, y’all. Somethin’ wrong?"

Korra spoke "Twilight, Zoey, Amethyst and I are having trouble flying plus Danyelle's having issues with magic."

“I’m sure everyone will get used to it.” I assured.

Rainbow spoke "Yeah! You’re all gonna be awesome!"

Danyelle sneezes, causing her to teleport suddenly before reappearing but she was shivering.

Danyelle stammers "So c-c-c-c-cold!!!"

Danyelle's eyes flash white, causing her to see two visions. One was the plundervines, the other was Tirek.

Putting up a sound proof barrier around herself and I so that the ponies couldn't hear, Danyelle spoke "L-Lilian.... I s-saw s-something.... Two th-things actually..."

“What is it?” I asked before Danyelle whispered them, making me turn pale. “Oh, Chaos no!”

Danyelle spoke "Yeah... If he finds out about the extra alicorns, he'll go after them..."

“Think Mobius is a good idea to hide them?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Since I'm one third unicorn, I'd have to hide as well. Plus with Celestia, Luna and Cadence, they'd be giving their magic to Twilight. But hiding the other 12 alicorns will be hard... Then there's also Zelestia, Zwilight and Zadence....."

“Definitely.” I agreed.

Danyelle spoke "With about 20 alicorns, Tirek might attack them all if they were in the same place... Plus Nightfall is pure magic.... If she loses her magic, she'll die...."

“And we DON’T want that to happen!” I added.

Danyelle spoke "But if the other alicorns avoid using their magic... Tirek can't find them. Plus I can send a letter to Zelestia to seal off the No Zone too. And in doing so, Mobius will become inaccessible while Tirek's on the loose."

Celestia, Pyre, Luna and Shirou soon go missing.

Carrying a pair of crying alicorn foals, one guard spoke "Princess Twilight, we have a problem..."

Twilight asks “What’s wrong?”

The guard spoke "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Shirou, Prince Pyre and Queen Leilani are all missing. Plus Moonlight Shadow and Evening Tides are both cranky."

Nyx spoke "Maybe me and Nightfall can help."

Nightfall asks "Why do I have to help?"

Nyx spoke "We’re the closest ponies related to Princess Luna right now, so we’re basically the babies’ cousins."

Nightfall scoffs "I was once part of Princess Luna though, that makes me more or less their older sister."

Nyx spoke "Good point..."

Twilight spoke "*ahem* Until the missing alicorns are found, Lillian and Danyelle will be looking after Moonlight and Evening. As well, double the search for the five."

Danyelle burped up a letter for Twilight.

Danyelle asks "Say Lillian, you know who "Weird Al" Yankovic is?"

That was such an obvious answer. "Of course I do."

Danyelle spoke "Daylight told me that she met the guy once before her and Henry's biological father passed away... Plus I heard rumor that a pony version of him will be showing up on Rainbow's birthday..."

That actually made me both giggle in excitement and shiver in fear. "And if he's anything like Pinkie..."

Danyelle spoke "Or the Tri-Pies...."

But then it hit me like a lightning bolt! “What if he’s…?”

Danyelle spoke "I saw him in a picture holding a crying Blueberry and Cherry Pie...."

I knew it! "Oh, Chaos..."

Danyelle spoke "We should keep it a secret from Pinkie though."

"Definitely." I agreed.

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Sumarda doesn't try to interfere..."

That left me confused. "Sumarda?"

Danyelle spoke "A cousin of Discord, and she took me and Ben to a tournament. So let's just say, what happened to me and my husband in her dimension will only be discussed in that dimension. Basically... What happened there, stays there."

Twilight spoke "Lillian, Danyelle, Zoey, Sunset, we're needed in Ponyville!"

"What's going on?" I asked in concern.

Twilight spoke "The Everfree Forest is on the fritz!"

Carrying Moonlight and Evening in the backpack, Danyelle heads to Ponyville while airlifting me as Twilight follows with Zoey and Sunset.

Zoey was carrying Nyx and Nightfall in her arms as she flew.

*In Ponyville,*

Clarity was holding her sword with her magic as she hacked away at the plundervines.

Clarity snarls "Okay! That settles it! The Everfree Forest is worse than Tartarus can ever be when it goes out of control!"

Four blasts of fire push the vines back.

Zoey yowls "HELP IS ON THE WAY!!!"

Clarity spoke "Oh, thank Faust! Talk about perfect timing!"

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth to push the vines back.

Danyelle sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q46xYqUwZQ as she flew about with me as she flings fire at the vines while I slice them up with air blades.

Clarity asks "Why is this even happening?"

Athena drags Discord over by the ear.

Athena spoke "Perhaps my son can explain it..."

Twilight asks "Wait, son?!"

Athena spoke "Yes, I was in disguise when we first met but I decided not to hide my true self anymore."

But then everyone saw Zecora walking through Ponyville with her belongings.

Danyelle asks "Zecora, what happened?"

Zecora spoke "When the Everfree Forest was becoming too free, I knew it was too dangerous, even for me."

Danyelle growls "Plundervines no doubt..."

Twilight asks "But do you know how this happened?"

Zecora spoke "No, but another solution is a peek, for it can help you find the answers you seek."

Zecora brought out a pink elixir.

Zecora spoke "This elixir should do the trick, all it needs now is alicorn magic."

Zoey asks "Would it react to the magic of a half alicorn?"

Zecora spoke "Hmm... No one has ever attempted it, neither have I. But you are certainly welcome to try.*

Zoey's claws glow vivid pink as she turned the elixir from pink to white.

Danyelle asks "So, who's gonna take a sip of it?"

I spoke "You're the one with clairvoancy, you do it."

Danyelle spoke "Very well then...."

Danyelle picked up the bottle before taking a sip of the elixir.

Danyelle's eyes glowed completely white.

Danyelle sees why Luna was banished.

Danyelle thinks "Need to go back further, need the reason why the Everfree Forest is on the fritz..."

Discord spoke "I was actually hoping Twilight would drink the elixir."

Danyelle spoke "Oh, quiet you."

Danyelle took another sip, causing her eyes to glow white again.

Danyelle thinks "Got it! The tree of Harmony!"

Danyelle snaps back to normal.

Nazuna asks "See anything?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but Twilight and her friends aren't going to like what I'm about to say..."

Twilight spoke "If it's to help save Equestria, we'll do it!"

Danyelle spoke "We have to give up the elements of Harmony... It's the only way to restore the Tree of Harmony...."

None of us could believe our ears, except Athena.

Crosswind asks "But how are we gonna rein in Discord if we don't have the elements?"

Athena spoke "*Ahem!*"

Everyone looked at Athena, getting their answer.

Danyelle spoke "Oh right..."

*After the Tree of Harmony was restored,*

Danyelle notices something on the tree that was between the elements of Loyalty and Generosity.

Danyelle asks "Hey Twilight, has that always been there?"

Twilight asks "No, it hasn't. Why?"

Danyelle spoke "I think there are two new elements.... Bravery and Empathy..."

But then the element of Empathy started floating towards Amethyst.

Sunset asks "What the floppa?"

Danyelle spoke "The element of Empathy, I think it's choosing you, Sunset."

But the Element of Empathy went back to the tree shortly after.

The five piles of vines disappear, revealing the missing alicorns.

Twilight spoke "Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!"

Nazuna exclaims "Shirou!"

Michiru spoke "You're back!"

I spot a strange box.

"Hey, guys." I called out, getting everyone else's attention.

Twilight spoke "Eight locks, eight keys...."

Celestia spoke "I do not know where they are. But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone."

"Yeah, you'll have all of us and your friends to help you, Twilight." I agreed.

Sunset spoke "Yeah."

A young draconequus female tackle hugs Discord.

The young draconequus spoke "Daddy!"

“Daddy?!” I asked in shock?!

Twilight spoke "Looks like Discord has some explaining to do..."

Danyelle spoke "Spill it before I burn your beard off Discord."

A slender yet beautiful Draconequus female spoke "Maybe I can explain in my Dissy’s place."

All of us then saw a beautiful female Draconequus.

Pandora spoke "I’m known as Pandora, spirit of disaster and calamity, and Discord’s wife."

Yui tackle hugged her mother.

Pandora spoke "I was on a little inter dimensional mother-daughter cruise with Yui here, and I found out Dissy’s been turned to stone, freed, turned to stone again, freed again and on the path to redemption. You nasty mixed devil, you. Rawr!"

Pandora coiled around Discord in a lustful manner.

Fluttershy faints.

Discord spoke "Not in front of the ponies Panny."

Pandora spoke "Of course, Dissy."

Zoey was a bit jealous since she was still single.

Zoey groans "Ugh... I hate being single..."

A masculine yowl rings loud.
