• Published 3rd Aug 2022
  • 119 Views, 3 Comments

Not even close - AppleLauda99942

Silverstream and Rainbow Dash are racing. Can a hippogriff beat the fastest flyer in Equestria? But there's a twist: there are GT3 cars involved

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not even close

Author's Note:

The first half of this story is inspired by a race RDGamer321 and I had on GT Sport. It was super intense!!!! The second half is inspired by me beating Ayrton Senna at Belgium (I cracked his 1988 Belgium pole lap by about 3 tenths of a second."

July 6th 2022. Silverstream and Rainbow Dash are going to face each other in a 5 lap race at Laguna Seca.
"So, are you ready to go Silverstream?" Rainbow Dash asks.
"I am ready indeed!!!" Silverstream answers in a cheerful voice.
"there will be a 5 minute qualifying. good luck you two." Twilight Sparkle says.
Then, the qualifying begins and Rainbow Dash backs off to make sure that no one's getting blocked by each other. A lap later, Silverstream sets her first lap time of 1:22.4 and starts laughing. After a little moment, Rainbow Dash crosses the line but she's 0.655 seconds slower. "That was just my first lap!!!" Rainbow Dash says.
"Be careful what you say Rainbow..." Applejack says.
At the end of the qualifying when Silverstream crosses the finish line, she knows that Rainbow Dash could improve her lap time. "If you're improving your lap time, then I have a huge problem..." Silverstream says.
"It's not going to improve" Rainbow Dash settles down Silverstream. An reliefed exhale came out of Silverstream.

Then, the race starts and Silverstream gets nervous because she sees the Walkenhorst BMW right in her mirror. both get an good start but a few corners later, Silverstream spins out. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOO!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!" the hippogriff shouts. "okay this is war!!! this is war!!!!"
Rainbow Dash just starts laughing. As the race progresses, Silverstream slowly but surely catches up to Rainbow Dash.
"I'm going to catch you!!!" Silverstream says as she blasts through the corners and sets one fastest lap after another one.
"we will see about that" Rainbow Dash says in laughter as she cruises through the corners.
"wait what?! I'M 5 SECONDS Behind!!!!!" Silverstream realized. What followed was a series of fastest laps but Rainbow Dash wasn't so concerned about the fact that there's a desperate hippogriff to catch her.

In lap 4, Silverstream closed the gap from 5.8 seconds during lap 1 all the way down to 2.4 seconds.
"Final lap Silverstream!!!" Applejack shouts. Silverstream knew that she can win this race if she maximum attacks this lap.
But things came different... as Silverstream progresses through the final lap, she doesn't get any purple sector what makes her realize that the chances are slim to still win the race despite the spin in the opening lap.

Before the corkscrew, Silverstream gets very close to Rainbow Dash's Walkenhorst BMW. "Sweet Celestia!!!!" Rainbow Dash says in shock. "That number went down pretty quickly!!!"
"COME HERE!!!!" Silverstream shouts. All comes down to the final corner. Who's going to win this race?
Rainbow Dash and Silverstream are approaching the final corner. Rainbow Dash nearly spins the car but manages to catch it. "Oh god..." Rainbow Dash says as Silverstream almost spins her BMW as well. "NO!!!" the hippogriff yells. But Silverstream manages to catch her car quicker than Rainbow Dash. "

COME ON, COME ON, COME ON, COME ON!!!!" the hippogriff shouts as she tries to pass Rainbow Dash. A few seconds later, it's all over. Silverstream manages to beat Rainbow Dash by just 0.065 seconds. "NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY!!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!" Silverstream shouts as Rainbow Dash starts laughing as well as Silverstream does. "SILVERSTREAM NEVER DIES!!!!"

Applejack and Twilight are completely stunned. What they witnessed was probably the greatest comeback in Equestria's racing history. "How the heck did she manage to catch up?!" Applejack asks.
"I don't know Applejack... That was an historical race though..." Twilight Sparkle answers.
When Silverstream and Rainbow Dash came back into the pits, they were still laughing. Of course it's evil to steal someone's win but that happens sometimes in sports.

"that was very close there Silverstream." Twilight Sparkle said.
"no it was not even close" Silverstream joked.
"if I had regained control of my car quicker aaagh... I hate BMW's from now" Rainbow Dash said in a sarcastic tone.
"well looks like Silverstream has beaten you Rainbow Dash..." Applejack says.
"at least we had the fun of our lives though." Silverstream says in laughter.

As Rainbow Dash, Silverstream, Applejack and Twilight returned to Ponyville, better said to the School of Friendship, they hear somepony cheering.
"is that Apple Lauda cheering?" Rainbow Dash asks.
"yes, let's take a look at it" Silverstream suggests.

Silverstream, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight entered the room.
Gallus explains what happened. "Apple Lauda... well... He has beaten Alain Prost's pole lap from Belgium 1985" the griffin says.
"no he didn't..." Applejack contradicts. But soon she sees Apple Lauda's lap time: it's a 1:54.7
"there's no way!!! He was cheating!!!" Applejack accuses.
"I did check everything and everything was fine" Sandbar says.
"How did he do that?!?!?!" Rainbow Dash asks in shock. "He has beaten Prost by 6 tenths of a second!!! He's literally Ayrton Senna!!!!"
"I think it's the way Apple Lauda applies the throttle. Instead of progressively opening the input, he immediately starts stabbing at it" Ocellus explains.
"Okay that's shocking... He might even go quicker. Maybe he's even going quicker than Ayrton Senna in 1988!!!" Twilight says.

Rainbow Dash starts laughing. "Him quicker than Ayrton?! There's no way!!!" the cyan pegasus says.
"I would not be that sure Rainbow... Apple Lauda has proven many things... But now he's quicker than Alain Prost... I can't believe to witness that." Twilight says in shock.
"There's no way he can go quicker than Ayrton Senna on Spa Franchorchamps!!!" Applejack says.
"to be honest... He might actually do it... If he gets a faster exit..." Silverstream explains.
"That's true but that means he needs to go full throttle way earlier..." Rainbow Dash says.
"I believe in him" Silverstream says. "I know that he will do it. He will beat Ayrton Senna da Silva."
"Oh wait... I just realized that Apple Lauda is also stabbing the throttle. He applied Senna's driving style in order to be even quicker. He actually might be the Ayrton Senna of modern times." Twilight says.
"I just hope he doesn't die at the attempt of beating Senna." Rainbow Dash says. "he's our friend. And I couldn't imagine that he's just gone in the next split second." the cyan pegasus adds in a worried voice.
"If he severely crashes, then I want to be with him until the end." Silverstream says with a sad voice.

Only time will tell what will happen during the attempt

Comments ( 2 )

Did not expect Silverstream to win

I know, right? Silverstream's situation is the same as mine was. I went on the outside curb, spun, hit the wall, did an insane charge and won the race by 0.065 seconds.

I felt like: "write a story about it" and here it is xD

I admit that I'm stabbing the throttle upon cornering

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