• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 512 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Shimmer's Saga: Call of the Force - Kenobiiii

When the Galactic Empire invades her home, Sunset Shimmer must forget everything she knows and learn the ways of the Force to become a Jedi.

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Chapter 5: A Day at the Mall

Canterlot City Mall
Food Court

Canterlot City Mall. A place of leisure for the inhabitants of the city to spend their free time shopping for whatever need or desire. Students from the city’s two largest schools, Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy who’d make up the majority of the city’s youth found the mall as a perfect place to hang out with their peers during their free time together. From catching up on the latest hits from Canterlot’s movie studios and catching up over drinks to getting one’s nails done over at the manicure or casual window shopping across the various shops in the mall, Canterlot Mall is considered an ideal spot for teens to be teens. In fact it was where Sunset Shimmer was currently with her six best friends, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy whom she considered her family in this world. They were at the mall’s food court having their lunch together following their weekly band practice. The Food Court had a large advertising screen where current hit albums from singers would be played to entertain patronts. At the moment, the screen was currently playing the hit album ‘True Original’ from pop music duo Postcrush (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJy0NY6ewCg&ab_channel=Letupita725HD%E2%98%85) [1]

While the rest of the girls munched about their burgers and chatted with each other about school life happily like normal adolescent teens, Sunset had been unusually quiet. Instead she had been indulging in her thoughts. The nightmares, they hadn’t stopped and instead have gotten far worse than the ones before. These visions, she had no idea what they meant but she can only figure a similar theme from each dream she’s been having at night. Anger, hate, suffering, fear , feelings she’s all too familiar with manifesting in these horrid dreams. ‘Why is this happening to her now, after all that has happened ?’ She wondered. There was also something else that was troubling her. Whenever these dreams manifested in her mind, she could feel something within her, something that was calling out to her. It was as if this thing was causing the nightmares but at the same time, it was repelling them away acting as some kind of check and balance. She could feel it flowing through her veins, reaching and touching every cell in her body. She thought at first this could be the Equestrian Magic within her. After all, coming from a world filled with mythical beasts and magic and being gifted with magic induced geodes to protect the city from any magical mishaps, this wouldn’t be uncommon for her.

Still, she had never felt this much magic flowing within her except for maybe that time she had turned into a raging she-demon. Sunset hated to think about the events of the Fall Formal or her mean-girl demeanor prior to that [2]. She was too ashamed of herself, of how cruel and mean she had acted not to her friends but to the other students of CHS. Sometimes she wished that she could just take it all back. Everyone else may have forgiven her for her past actions but not her, she couldn't. Back to the subject at hand, even at her lowest point of life, there was a causative link between the surge of magical energy flowing through her and her greed for unlimited power. This time there was no connection. As if this magic in her had awakened after laying dormant all this while. Pinkie Pie, known for her overly cheerful and hyper attitude and at the same time, observant with Pink coloured busy hair, as referenced in her first name noticed her bacon haired friend has not touched her food, simply twirling a fried potato stick over the sauce, bothered with her thoughts, something her stressed facial expression evidently gave out . “What’s the Matter Sunset Shimmer ?” Pinkie asked in her usual high tuned kidd but yet joyful voice.

Her innocent question distracted Sunset from her thoughts, pulling her back to reality for now. She rolled her eyes up to find the others looking at her before training her eyes towards the source of the question, Pinkie Pie, who was seated right beside her on the left with her usual happy-going carefree expression while enthusiastically waiting for an answer. “Nah, It's nothing.” She said in a cool voice hoping to brush off any further enquiries into the matter. However this failed to convince any of her friends, instead of just Pinkie Pie, all of them have now had their attention set on her and after being such close friends for a while now, they didn’t need magical geodes to know that something was troubling her. “Sunset darling you haven’t even touched your food.” Rarity pointed out in a cultivated and sophisticated accent, something she was known for, coming from an upper-class family. “Is everything alright, Sugarcube ?” came a much simpler voice with a thick countryside accent, not surprising considering Applejack was brought up in a farm after all. She had joined Rarity and Pinkie Pie in trying to figure out what was troubling their friend. It was clear enough that their questions had also drawn the interests of the others who had their eyes trained at Sunset with a concerned face, awaiting for what she had to say.

Sunset could no longer dismiss it as nothing. Knowing her friends, they wouldn’t buy it. Heck, even she won’t buy it either. “ It’s just that I’ve been having these weird nightmares lately, terrible ones.” She conceded to them. “Oh dear, How bad are they ?” asked Fluttershy in a quiet and timid voice, expressing concern for Sunset’s nightmares. “I think she just told us that part, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy in her usual raspy and tomboyish voice, but this time there was concern and seriousness in her tone while munching her hamburger. “Do you know why this is happening to you ?” Twilight further asked with a nerdy voice with a hint of naivety in it, clearly concerned about Sunset, someone who was closest friend whom she owed a great amount of gratitude to. Twilight Sparkle is close with all of the other girls, but with Sunset, it felt she shared a special relationship with her, with each of them having a similar low point in their lives. Sunset had helped her a lot, from dealing with the immediate aftermath of the Friendship Games and helping her face her anxieties.[3] Sometimes Twilight wondered how she would have turned out if not for Sunset or any of the girls for that matter. Sunset didn't know how to answer Twilight. She was dealing with the same scarcity of information as her friends did . “I..” She stuttered for a moment, before continuing her sentence with “I don’t know”, resigning herself to the truth.

“Could this be related to that incident where our good memories of you were erased ?” [4] Fluttershy innocently theorized. The general mood around the table changed drastically when Fluttershy brought it up. The girls were deeply ashamed of how they behaved towards Sunset. Sunset may have been a big meanie in their memories that were retained, but it wasn’t cause for them to alienate her like that. Twilight finally decided to address it with a sense of ignominy in her naive tone. “If that’s the case, we can’t say how truly sorry we all are for treating you like that. It was just so wrong of us,” She apologized with her head down in shame. Sunset sensed that her friends are in deep distress over something that's not their fault. She placed her hand over Twilight’s shoulder in hopes of comforting her. “It wasn’t your fault Twi, or any of you girls. It was beyond your control and you girls deserved to treat me like that based on the memories that Wallflower retained when she used the memory stone.” Sunset said in a comforting soothing voice to her friends. The girls, Twilight in particular, found themselves soothed by Sunset’s calming voice which at times sounded like a descending angel. They still couldn't, however, get over their behavior of being unkind towards Sunset when she needed their help despite she being there for them through thick and thin.

Sunset however did not brush off Fluttershy’s theory instantly. She’ll admit, ever since that incident with the memory stone, one can say she had become paranoid. The fact that she could lose her friends, the very people she considered family with one wish scared her. Even though their good memories of her had been restored with the stone’s destruction having made amends with Wallflower, Sunset had developed a fear of losing them again. It was that fear that constantly gripped her heart whenever they were together. In her nightmares, the fear of losing those closest to you was a constant theme. So it was possible that the incident is related to her nightmares but she couldn’t tell that to them, especially when it was still fresh in their minds. They were already blaming themselves more than they needed to. Her thoughts were once again distrubed this time by Fluttershy. “Maybe you can write to Princess Twilight about this.” She said in reference to Twilight’s pony counterpart in Equestria. Whenever Sunset was at a roadblock, she often consulted with the Princess to get her views on how to proceed, especially when magic is involved. “I don’t want to disturb her from focusing on her responsibilities over a stupid nightmare,” Sunset replied to Fluttershy. Princess Twilight had more important matters to focus on rather than dealing with trivial issues like bad nightmares.

On the other hand, Pinkie was getting restless over all this serious talk around the table. She can be serious when the occasion calls for it, but not forever. “Why the serious sulky face everyone ?” She said in trying to brighten up the mood around the table. It was a crucial part of her personality that nobody could deny. “ We haven’t even started discussing Sunset's surprise birthday party that we had planned for her this weekend !” she said, accidentally slipping up a secret that was clearly not meant for Sunset to hear. “My what ?” She exclaimed, surprised by Pinkie’s unexpected revelation. For a moment there, there was silence around the table as the others couldn't believe that Pinkie Pie had let slip a secret as important as that. They had been planning it as a way to make up for their mistakes. “PINKIE !!” the others shouted out loud towards their hyper bushy pink haired friend for a major slip up such as this. Pinkie loved surprise parties and seemed completely out of character for her to slip out the crucial element, what more for her best friend’s birthday. “You Blew it,” Rainbow sighed in a frustrated tone as she slammed her open palms on her face, feeling defeated that all the secrecy had come to nothing. “Oopsie” she chuckled a bit over her slip up , “I’m Sorry” Pinkie apologized in her usual childish voice. “Is it really that hard of you to keep a secret, Pinkie Pie ?” Rarity asked in a judgemental tone. Nobody could stay mad at Pinkie Pie forever, not even Pinkie Pie herself. As the others scratched heads to come with an explanation to Sunset, she decided to take matters into her own hands, quite literally. Utilizing her geode power of looking into a person’s immediate past, she grabed Pinkie’s hand to see what the surprise party that was supposed to be kept secret from her.

The moment she grabbed her hand, it triggered an empathy flash in which her eyes glow white as she saw into Pinkie’s mind. Instead of seeing Pinkie Pie’s memories, she finds herself in a completely different world, one which was shrouded by a dark mist. Sunset can feel that there’s something terrible behind the mist, the darkness it radiates makes her uneasy like never before . “Where am I ?” She asked herself. This certainly wasn't Pinkie’s mind and whatever this place was, she didn’t have a good feeling about it. Adrenaline spun through her entire bipedal body, in anticipation of whatever that was ahead. The dark mist started clearing itself up for reasons unknown, revealing a hallway with each side lined in what appeared to be green coloured lockers and a small in-built glass cabinet showcasing medals and a couple of trophies. Sunset instantly recognised this hallway. This was the school corridor that she walked through everyday to get to her classes. Everything in this vision was almost identical to the actual corridor at CHS. There was one major difference though, and it was one that sent a cold chill through her spine if there wasn’t already one. The hallway was filled with DEAD BODIES ! She was beyond horrified seeing the bodies of her peers with their blood splattered across the lockers. Sunset Shimmer and her friends had been through a lot of magical mishaps in the past, but she, nor her friends had never seen anything as brutal or gruesome as this. Heck, nobody had even remotely suffered, not even the perpetrators due to their extremely forgiving nature. She knelt down to examine one of the bodies, finding wounds which she had never seen before. The wounds appeared to have been cut horizontally across the torso which would have been the likely cause of death. Sunset felt like throwing up at all of this but she managed to hold it through when she then heard a loud scream coming from a soft voice, a voice which Sunset without difficulty recognised it to be Flutershy’s. The scream was coming from a room at the end of the hallway. She ran through the corridor, coordinating her hearing and visual senses to find the room where the scream had come from, fearing the worst had happened, or was about to.

At the end of the hallway, she found the room where the scream had come from. She turned the doorknob to open the door, revealing it to be the band room where the girls usually have their band practice at. The room was dark, with blood red light coming from the windows. She scans the room, finding Fluttershy and finds her together with the rest of her friends at the corner of the room, who were trembling and cowering in fear together. Sunset could feel it, fear in its most purest form possible. She had never felt fear like this before, what more coming from her own friends. They sat on the floor and as close to each other as possible with their heads down and as such, they didn’t see Sunset entering the room. What was it that was causing her friends to cower with so much fear in their hearts ? Sunset wondered. “Guys, what happened?” She called out to them, hoping to make her presence known. The girls looked up upon hearing her voice with tears flowing like a stream from their eyes. Instead of relief, she sensed even more fear coming from them. It was as if they feared her !. “Sunset please don’t do this,” Twilight cried out to her in distress. Sunset had never heard Twi’s voice filled with so much fear before. “ We’re your friends Sunny.” Rarity pleaded with tears flowing out of her eyes uncontrollably. “That’s not our Sunset Shimmer anymore girls,” Applejack told the others. She was trying to appear brave and strong to the others but she herself was on the verge of breaking down.

“Guys, it’s still the same old me!!” Sunset shouted out to her friends. She was confused and angry at the same time. Confused as to why her friends were fearing her and angry at whatever it was that’s causing them to fear her. There was also a third emotion developing with her, fear. She feared being seen as the old Sunset Shimmer, and this fear was materializing at this very moment. Just then, she felt a cold presence behind her, not like anything she had felt before. There was something, or someone behind her. She could hear heavy breathing coming down from behind her. It was not like anything she has ever heard of. The breathing was like it was being filtered through some kind of machine. It sounded like someone who was suffering from breathing difficulties and at the same time, chillingly menacing. The coldness the figure was emitting made her stand still in fear. “You have done well,” Said the figure in a deep raspy voice that sounded ashmatic but yet enough to give anyone a fright for their lives[5]. She then felt both of her arms, swaying upwards, as if it was positioning itself to strike on the girls, who were trembling on their feet. Her hands weren’t under control, not anymore. She suddenly felt her fight hand holding some sort of cylindrical metallic object. Rising from this object was some sort of bright energy sword. It was similar to the one she saw in her dreams, the only difference being that it was illuminating a red aura, perhaps to symbolize the darkness within, she thought. She could then hear cracking noises, getting louder and louder as if something was breaking. Her eyes glanced towards the windows, not even a small crack. The noises were coming from below her feet, it appeared that the floor was cracking. Before she could even figure out how that was even possible, her arms suddenly swung downwards towards her pleading friends swiftly but before the blade could make contact with Applejack, the ground gave in, shattering like a breaking glass causing Sunset and the rest of her friends to fall to whatever that lies below.

Sunset thought this was the end for her, the day she would finally meet her maker. She shut her eyes as tight as possible bracing herself for a hard impact. She hit the ground, but not as hard as she had expected it to be, only suffering from a bad body ache that resulted from the impact. She slightly struggled to pull herself up, only to recognise the world she had fallen into, Equestria. Confused more than ever, Sunset found that she was still in her bipedal form, still possessing an upward torso with limbs instead of hooves, her true form whenever she set foot in Equestria. She looked around, trying to find her friends who fell with her but instead she found Equestria’s capital city in flames, with death and destruction rampant around her and the smoke from the fire that covered the once clear blue skies. Her friends were nowhere at sight, but She found hundreds if not thousands of slaughtered ponies lying across the blazing city. Sunset felt like just collapsing onto the ground in agony upon witnessing the death and destruction, but the ordeal was far from over. Over at the horizon, Sunset found the Royal Castle which was built on the side of a cliff, raging in fire, releasing thick black smoke. The fire was in the process of consuming the once elegant architectural structure and everything within it. Without thinking twice, Sunset dashed towards the burning castle as if by instinct to save her mentor, Princess Celestia and the pony Twilight, if they’re still alive. She hoped so.

As she entered through the palace gates she found the Royal guards, all of them who lay dead on the ground with the same slash marks she found on her peers back in the school.They must have valiantly put up a fight whatever it was, but it was too much for them to hold their ground. Her hopes slowly started to fade as she found more dead ponies inside the palace. The more bodies she found, the more she lost hope that the pony Twilight and her mentor survived. She made her way to the Throne Room, which she found blazing in flames. The stained glass windows which surrounded the throne room were broken, revealing the burning city below and the smoke shrouded skies. For Sunset, it appeared that a final stand must have been taken at the throne room, because she could see countless dead ponies lying around more than she had seen earlier. She finally spotted Princess Celestia across the sea of dead ponies closer towards the Throne. “Princess Celestia “ !! she cried out loud but it was too late, the alicorn laid lifeless on the floor with the same slash mark as the others. Sunset could not believe it, her mentor and perhaps the most powerful being she knew of laid on the floor, dead. Just then, Sunset heard some cough noises coming from the rumbles of a destroyed pillar. “I’m Coming !” She screamed to the potential survivor as she headed towards the rumbles only to find the survivor to be no other than the pony Twilight herself, who is pinned against the floor by the collapsed pillar. She was fatally injured and was on the verge of dying. Sunset rushed to her side, hoping to lift up the pillar to save her friend. “Don’t worry Twilight, I’ll get you out of this,” She said frantically as she attempted to lift up the pillar. Unlike Applejack she wasn’t gifted with super strength and had to rely on her own muscles to lift it up, which was proving impossible but Sunset wasn’t going to give up.

“Why..why did you do this?” the Princess struggled to say to Sunset Shimmer in her dying breath, leaving her more confused and terrified than ever. She did all of this ? Sunset could not believe it. Even at her lowest points, she had never envisioned her home being razed to the ground with thousands of its inhabitants dead. “Me ?”I Couldn't have done any of this,” Sunset said, disoriented and confused. Just then, she heard a glass shatter behind her. She turned around to find a large shattered piece of glass that had fallen from the remaining stained glass windows hanging on where the windows used to be. On the shattered piece, she saw a reflection of herself, but it wasn't her she was seeing. Her reflection had the same skin and hair color as her but her hair length was significantly shorter. Her reflection had burning red eyes filled with anger and hate, similar to the burning yellow eyes the man in her dreams had. This reflection of her also donned some sort of dark black suit with a strange insignia on her shoulder pads. This other her, she was filled with greed, hate and anger. It could not possibly be her. She had reformed for the better. Sunset looked down at her hands only to find herself wearing the same black gloves her reflection was wearing ! The reflection was her ! Sunset could not believe it. This wasn't possible. She was not like that anymore, she was a changed person. This had to do with some kind of Dark Magic. Just as things could not get any worse, the reflection, as if it had a mind of its own, uttered the words “Embrace Yourself” to Sunset. She couldn’t take it anymore. This dark personality of hers was telling that she was capable of all the death and destruction she had just witnessed and deep down inside her, she knew she could. This frightened her beyond anything. “NO !!!!!!!!!!” She screamed out loud in response to her reflection, instantaneously drawing her out from her vision and back to reality, where her friends and everyone present were startled by her frightened scream. Sunset had just gone through a great amount of ordeal and had no more energy after that. Her mind just needed to rest. She collapsed onto the ground, with her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. The last images she saw were her friends tending towards her, all them appearing concerned and shocked as to what had happened. “Sunset, are you alright there ?” She could hear Applejack frantically calling out but her voice was getting deeper and deeper until vision finally went pitch black as she passed out completely.

Sunset Shimmer’s Apartment

In her dreams, Sunset found herself for some reason to be at peace. There was a sense of tranquility around her. She then heard a calm voice coming from a mysterious whom she deduced to belong to a much older man. “The Force is what gives a Jedi its power. It’s an energy field created by all living things, it surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together,” [6] The voice said, filled with serenity. Sunset then had a vision of some sort of ancient structure in the woods. It was the last thing she saw in her dreams as her eyelids slowly became lighter and lighter, allowing her to open her eyes, albeit steadily. She found herself staring at a familiar blue ceiling she instantly recognised to be her room ceiling and that she was lying on her bed. From her second story bed, she found her friends below in the living room, except for Applejack and Twilight. Rarity seemed to be sitting on her bean bag chair, preoccupied with her cell phone while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were using her gaming console for a multiplayer match. Based on her looks, Rainbow Dash was clearly not happy losing to Fluttershy, of all people who seemed to be immersed in the game. Pinkie Pie on the other hand was at the sidelines, cheering for both of her friends. Fluttershy managed to beat Rainbow by a large margin, which frustrated her even more. “How is it that I lost to you ?”[7] she grumbled as she slammed the controller onto the couch. “Don’t take it so hard, Dashie.” Fluttershy comforts her friend, “You still played very well,” she said as she places her arms around Rainbow who cooled down and accepted her defeat to Fluttershy as a sign of sportsmanship, putting it all behind her as friendship mattered more than some simple ego. “ Guys ! She’s awake,” Sunset could hear Twilight’s voice from behind calling out to her friends. She turned and found her nerdy looking friend sitting at the edge of the bed all along with her eyes fixated on her.

Sunset could hear the footsteps of the others running up her narrow stairs to come to her side. While she wouldn’t admit it, a small part of herself was glad that her friends are concerned for her wellbeing the same way she was for them. “Sunset dear, how are you feeling ?” Fluttershy asked with an anxious tone. “ Okay, I guess,” She answered. To be honest, Sunset didn’t know if she was actually okay. All that she knew is that she had a striking headache and had no recollection of what happened in the mall after that nightmare or how she had appeared in her apartment. “I just have this striking headache and I don’t exactly remember what happened in the mall,” She said. “ You placed your hand on me, then your eyes went all glowy and a few seconds later you screamed ‘NO’ out loud and suddenly fainted, causing a scene at the mall. Applejack carried you on her back to her van and then we all drove to your place where we placed you on your bed and here we are.” Pinkie, in her usual hyperactive voice, summarized to Sunset, recalling the events that had occurred. “That’s basically what happened.” came Rainbow’s typical tomboying voice, alluding to Pinkie’s quick but specifically accurate recollection of events.

It was too much for Sunset to take it in all at once. She then heard another pair of footsteps coming up. It was Applejack, who was carrying a glass of some orange coloured drink on her left hand. “ Let’s give Sunset some space to breathe everyone,” She said with a rational level minded tone as she climbed up the stairs. Applejack was perhaps the most level minded person in their group, always coming up with logical solutions in tense situations. Once she was up, she approached Sunset and extended her hand holding the drink towards Sunset. “ Here, have some homemade Apple Cider, Sugarcube. It should help soothe that headache of yours.” Applejack offered her signature Apple Family cider to Sunset who took a big sip off the glass offered to her. The drink did indeed help bring down her bad headache. ‘Applejack wasn’t exaggerating alright’, she thought. In fact, she couldn’t think of a time when she had even remotely lied or stretched the truth. “ Thanks AJ,” Sunset appreciated the effort taken by her friend. “Ah don’t mention honey. It's the least I could do.” Applejack refused the credit.“ What happened back there Sunset ?” Twilight asked with a bothered look on her face. A face shared by the others too, including Pinkie Pie an uncommon sight for an always cheerful girl.

A part of Sunset wanted to tell them the truth, but how could she ? How could she look into their innocent souls and say to them that they were killed with her own hands ? ‘No,’ she told herself. She won’t tell them what she saw, and that’s final. This was something for her alone to deal with. But still, she had to cook up an explanation to satisfy their curiosity. “ I’m fine guys, really. I guess I’m just a little stressed up with how frequent magical mishaps that have been happening around us this past year and what’s ahead .Maybe my geode felt that and got a little too supercharged for me to handle.” Sunset speculated. “I thought that our geodes were sort of connected. How come ours didn’t super charge ?” [8] Rainbow Dash questioned. “Perhaps it's because her geode powers are more psychological in nature compared to ours.” Twilight theorized on her behalf. She could always count on her geeky friend to have her back whenever she found it hard to explain things. “We’re always here to listen if you feel you need to let some steam out darling,” Rarity added. “If there’s anyone I need to talk things to, it will surely be you guys,” Sunset assured them. She then remembered the talk that led to her using her geode powers in the first place, a surprise birthday planned for her by them. “ First subject that we need to talk about is the surprise birthday y’all have planned for me..”

“ I don’t think it’s a surprise party now thanks to Pinkie Pie.” Applejacks added it with a stare directed towards a cheeky Pinkie. “Guys, you don’t have to waste any effort on planning a surprise birthday party for me. I’m just happy to spend my birthday with my best friends,” Sunset tried to reason with them, however based on their expressions, none of them seem reasoned, especially Pinkie Pie, who seemed more furious than ever, “Preposterous I say !! This Party is happening and that’s final !” She declared out loud. No one could argue with Pinkie at this point. Once she’s set her mind to it, there’s nothing to stop her. “ Darling it's the least we could do to you as your friends.” Rarity added. Sunset gave up in attempting to convince the girls not to throw her a party. She would have said the same things Rarity said if it was her who told her not to throw a surprise party. Sunset took a peek through the window from her bed to notice that it's already dusk outside. Her friends' families would be looking for them if they weren’t not back soon. They were preoccupied with Sunset’s well-being to not notice the evening sky getting darker outside till Rainbow Dash also notices the sky getting darker outside, “It’s getting dark soon. We’ll need to be at our homes soon or our families will be worried.” She said while looking at the time on her phone. “We ain’t leaving anywhere till Sunset Shimmer here is feeling better. I’m sure our families can understand that,” Applejack shot back. “I think you guys should listen to Rainbow Dash on this.” Sunset said to her friends, “ I don’t want you to keep your families waiting because of me.”. “But what about you ?” Fluttershy voiced out. “I’ll be fine. I just need to sleep this through for the night.” She assured her.

Fortunately for her, her friends were convinced that Sunset was alright. They began heading down the stairs where the door was. Sunset followed them down to the door. They exchanged goodbyes with Sunset promising to call them first thing in the morning to update on how she's doing as she shows them the way out. However, being the last person to leave, Twilight stopped by at the door, not entirely convinced of Sunset’s assurance. “ You sure you’ll be alright Sunset ?” She asked with a slightly skeptical tone. “ I’m fine Twilight. You don’t have to worry about me.” She answered her queries. “If that’s what you say, Sunset.” Twilight said, despite she being not fully convinced that she’ll indeed be okay. “ Call any of us if you need anything.” She quickly added as she closed the door behind her. With the door shut, Sunset is now alone in her apartment with her thoughts. Sunset hated lying to her friends but she did it to protect them with whatever that’s she was about to face. That ancient structure in the woods that one she saw in her dreams, it was out there, she knew it. She could feel it calling out to her. “Maybe if I find this place, I can get some answers.” She muttered to herself while looking at the sun setting over the horizon. It was decided, She was going to find this place in the forest, and seek the answers to the nightmares and visions that have been plaguing her. It was time to face her inner demons.

Author's Note:

Well, that's an end to chapter 5. This chapter focused primarily on Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the human mane seven reestablishing their relationship (not like it needed to be in the first place,) and sought to build up on Sunset's recurring nightmares and visions, leading up to her visions of a destroyed Equestria and the murder of everyone she knew and cared with her bare hands. Are these visions a premonition of what's to come ? Who's causing them ? All of which will be answered in the following chapter, maybe ? Till then, a little heads up that this story will predominantly focus on Sunset Shimmer. That isn't to say that the rest of the girls won't be appearing in future chapters. Being central figures of Sunset's life, they'll play a big part in influencing her decisions and the overall story but Sunset is the main protagonist in the story. Onto the easter eggs.
[1] A very obvious reference to the events of the EQG Special: Sunset's Backstage Pass where the song was first introduced.
[2] Another obvious reference to the first Equestria Girls movie
[3] A reference to the Friendship Games movie but most importantly, NO SHIPPING ! This story is primarily focused on Sunset's spiritual journey so they'll be no shipping between any characters, let alone flirting. Period.
[4] Another reference to Forgotten Friendship. As stated earlier, the events in that special play a big part in this story and is the main cause of Sunset's anxieties and paranoia.
[5] I could say who it is but it spoil the fun of guessing. You'll just have to wait and see
[6] A reference to Obi Wan's (Alec Guiness) famous first description of the Force in A New Hope. Simple but yet mysterious at the same time. Just imagine the voice saying this as Alec Guiness's voice.
[7] A nice reference to the EQG webseries Better Together (Season 2 Episode 7: Game stream)
[8] Another reference to the Better Together web series (Season 1Episode 6: Overcharged)
That's all on the easter eggs. This chapter contained a lot of callbacks to previous events seen in EQQ shows and movies. Do leave your comments down and Check out the next chapter to see what happens.