• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 512 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Shimmer's Saga: Call of the Force - Kenobiiii

When the Galactic Empire invades her home, Sunset Shimmer must forget everything she knows and learn the ways of the Force to become a Jedi.

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Chapter 9: Shroud of Darkness

The Core Worlds
Imperial Capital Planet

Coruscant, an ecumenopolis planet located in the Core Worlds, has played a major role in galactic history, being the capital of the Old Republic since its establishment more than 25000 years ago[1]. Although disputed, many historians and biologists generally hold Coruscant as the true homeworld of humanity. Due to its prime location being the confluence for major hyperspace routes, the planet is regarded as the heart of galactic culture, arts, politics and technology. It was for this reason it continued to serve as the Capital for the Empire and was referred to by the Imperials as the Imperial Center. Emerging from the vortex of hyperspace is an Imperial Lambda class shuttle carrying an important figure to the Empire as it heads towards the city wide planet.

Darth Vader stood on the bridge of the shuttle overlooking the planet as it descended into orbit. The Sith Lord was summoned back to the Core by his master for reasons he has yet to be aware of. But when his master calls, he answers it, with no questions asked. The two Imperial pilots that sat before him waited nervously for their Codes to be cleared by the Imperial Planetary Command. They could hear the intimidating heavy breathing coming from the mask that concealed his face, getting heavier with each passing minute they lingered in orbit. They didn’t want to keep him waiting as much as they could, after all they, like many other lower Imperial officers, were well familiar with the fate that befell those who had failed him. They quietly sighed in relief upon receiving the green light from Command. It appeared that luck was on their side, for now. As the shuttle entered the Coruscant atmosphere, The tall futuristic towers could be seen standing out from the evening clouds that covered the ground below. The shuttle descended further, going through the clouds, revealing the sprawling city below. The Shuttle headed to the Federal District of the city, where most of the Empire’s executive offices were based at, its destination being the focal point of the district, and perhaps the Empire as a whole, The Imperial Palace.

As the Shuttle headed towards the Hangar Bay where it prepared to land, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda [2] stood waiting to greet the Sith Lord, flanked by two Royal Guards, cladded in their signature blood red robes and scarlet mask which were featureless that served to conceal their faces[3]. They each wielded an electrostaff which they held upwards. The Shuttle finally made landfall in the Hangar bay. As the ramp extended downwards, Darth Vader walked down, making his appearance known and the cold feeling which followed him felt by everyone present in the hangar bay. “ Welcome Lord Vader,” He paused for a moment as he waited for him to finish walking down the ramp,“ He is expecting you.” The blue skinned Changrian male with blue eyes added in a booming voice, unfazed by the cold feeling that came about from the Dark Lord. Vader paid little to no regard to the Grand Vizier as he coldly walked past him and the two Royal Guards who proceeded to escort him and Ammeda.

Vader often felt inferior in the presence of the Grand Vizier, who held a staff which symbolized his political role and power. Vader’s disdain for him ran deep, he considered the Changrian nothing more than a relic from the corrupt Republic, one that served no usefulness in the Imperial Regime. It also further frustrates him that the Changrian had not even once shown him the respect he well deserved. Despite this and having the power to easily rectify and teach the arrogant Ammeda a lesson, Vader refrained himself from doing so, knowing well that his master would not be happy if he did. His only real purpose was to serve as the public face of the Imperial Administration, a purpose which his master was personally satisfied with. As they walked past the corridors of the Palace, hidden behind massive pillars decorated with a crimson red flag bearing the Imperial Insignia, with Royal Guards stationed at the gaps between the pillars, Vader recalled a time when these very corridors were once filled with Jedi Masters and their padawans who were either on their way to briefings, training or just catching with their fellow comrades and friends after being away in missions. Now it’s filled with high ranking Moffs, stormtroopers and Royal Guards,with the feeling of serenity that filled that air replaced with a sense of dullness and authoritarianism with traces connecting to the former Jedi religion erased.

Prior to the days of the Empire, the Palace was known throughout the planet and the galaxy as the Jedi Temple, the home base of the Order itself. Any and all Jedi would have come to this sacred temple at some point of their lives, with most of them having grown up within its walls. When walking past these corridors, Vader could feel a sense of dreadedness rising inside of him. He dreaded this place as it brought back memories from his days as a Jedi Knight, an era which he didn’t like being constantly reminded of. This place also brought back memories of a time when he was nothing more than a helpless young boy taken from his mother and raised behind the tall intimidating walls. He had done all he could to keep memories about his former life locked away from distracting him but being in a place where he had spent much of his childhood growing up and has a personal touch to it doesn’t help. Publicly, his master cited the lack of available space on Coruscant for a new structure to be constructed from scratch, when he had chosen the former Temple as his official residence. But Vader knew better. He knew one of the reasons his master had chosen this place to be his Palace was to desecrate the extinct religion. Nothing can be more humiliating to the Jedi when their most sacred Temple in the galaxy is turned to a Palace by the very architect of their destruction. It was the ultimate triumph.

There was also another reason, one known to a very few who knew the Emperor’s secret identity. Located below the Temple, was an ancient Sith shrine built over a thousand years ago. The Jedi had constructed their Temple over this shrine in hopes to neutralize the Dark Energy emitted by the shrine. However it is said that the malevolent energy of the forgotten shrine had slowly permeated the collective use of the Force by the Jedi for over a millenia, contributing to their eventual fall and extinction. Choosing the former Temple as a Palace would grant his master access to the Dark Energy permeated by the shrine deep within. [4] Vader followed the Grand Vizier with his Royal Guard escort over to the Royal War Room. As the metallic doors of the elevator slid open, revealing two more Royal Guards standing beside the elevator and the War Room itself, a large formal Military Command room with a large window behind that opened out into the Coruscant Skyline, where light from its Sun provided luminosity to the room. Vader and Mas Ammeda took a few steps up above the floor in which the elevator laid to the floor where the rest of the Room laid level.

Ahead, Emperor Palpatine could be seen standing beside a large black holographic table, overseeing a hologram of a planet of some sort. The Emperor, dressed with heavy robes with a dark cowl that only partially covered his head, revealed his severely disfigured face with his striking bright yellow eyes. Vader knelt before him with his head down. “ You summoned me, my master ?” He said in his deep cold heavily modulated voice. The Emperor turned his head over to his apprentice, “ Ahh, yes Lord Vader, I’ve been expecting you.” He said in a raspy papery somehow like a rustling of ancient parchment of a voice that would send shivers down a person’s spine by merely hearing it, “ Join us, please.” He invited his Chief Executioner. He was not alone. Joining them in through hologram was an older human male who had gray auburn hair and stood at 1.85 meters in height. His face gave off a sense of ruthlessness. Vader instantly recognised him as Grand Moff Tarkin, the merciless Governor of the Outer Rim Territories and one of the Emperor’s closest military advisors. He had seemed to have been advising his master on an important matter before he was abruptly interrupted by his entry. Vader followed through his master’s invitation, joining them by the holotable. The Grand Vizier also did the same, with the two Royal Guards standing by the short stairs.

“ Before we proceed, what is the status of the Jedi insurgency in the Lothal Sector ?” the Emperor asked Vader. “ The Inquisitorious have reported that they have tracked the insurgents to the port system of Garel where the Phoenix Rebel Cell has been in refuge. They’re in the midst of launching an assault on the planet to crush them and capture the rogue Jedi.” [5] Vader answered, his voice laced with a subservient tone. The Emperor was the only person in the Imperial Hierarchy he would blindly take orders from. A grin smile appeared on the Emperor’s face as he absorbed the news given to him. “ Good. Soon we shall have our key to destroying the Jedi once and for all,” He sinisterly remarked. “Glad you could join us, Lord Vader.” Intoned Tarkin. Vader merely nodded in return to the Grand Moff. Tarkin was perhaps one of the very few high ranking military leaders in the Empire he had grown to respect. He found his ruthlessness, intelligence and authoritative demeanor a trait that rightfully deserved commendation. Vader had often agreed with many military decisions undertaken by Tarkin, seeing that only swift and relentless military tactics without mercy would bring about victory for the Empire. He was also a strong proponent of the doctrine of fear, a doctrine that Vader equally strongly emphasized on. In other words, the two strongmen of the Empire shared mutual respect for each other, being very similar in terms of opinions and tactics.

“Please continue, Governor.” Palpatine said to Tarkin with his raspy voice. Tarkin nodded at the Emperor’s request and followed through with it, “ As I’ve stated earlier, our scout droids have provided us with a preliminary scan of the new planet bordering Wild Space known as Utthar.” As Tarkin spoke, a holographic image of the said planet was projected by the holotable, with details of scan further provided below it. “ It’s a cool and temperate world with a Type 1 atmosphere located about 3 parsecs away from the Mon Calamari System, shrouded behind the once impenetrable Calamari Maelstrom [6]. Thanks to our navigation technology, we have managed to plot a safe hyperspace route bypassing the Maelstrom to our concealed planet.” Tarkin highlighted a route through the Calamari Maelstrom in the hologram. Just then, the hologram shifted to an image of human-like beings with varied skin color and hair color. “ As you can see here, the native sentient inhabitants of this world, while human-like in nature, have unique skin colors that differ completely from each individual based on what our scout droids reported. There is no coherency in their unique skin and hair color, perhaps something that is determined by their genetics. Based on what we have gathered, they are a primitive race that has yet to develop deep- space travel.” Based on what Tarkin had described so far, Vader found nothing of great significance that warranted his presence here. This was more of a job for the Imperial Exploratory Corps, not a Sith lord like him. But fact is, his master wanted him here to hear out what the Grand Moff had to say whether he liked it or not. His master had some sort of an interest in this particular world that Vader has yet to see.

“ What value or usefulness does this world bring to the Empire ?” Vader asked. Even a non Force user could tell that he was getting restless based on how he had expressed his question. Palpatine turned to his apprentice, “ Patience my old friend.” He said in a slightly more humble tone but yet filled with his papery sinister voice before allowing Tarkin to continue his analysis of the planet.“ The value this world brings about to our Empire comes in the form of its natural resources. Soil samples taken by the probes reveal that the planet’s core is rich with natural resources, various types of metals, a large stash of coaxium and rydhonium fuel. The natives have no idea the amount of resources beneath them.” Tarkin further added “ So I suppose these resources can be used to fund our expanding Naval fleet ?” Ammeda intoned. “ That could be the case, Grand Vizier but there’s something else beneath the surface, something far more valuable to the Empire than the other resources combined.” Tarkin stated as holotable projects a holographic image of a large crystal that Vader and his master recognised almost instantly. “ The Core of the planet has a high deposit of Kyber Crystals, one that rivals the deposits seen in Illum or any other planet with Kyber deposits.[7] Tapping into these deposits would guarantee an almost constant supply of fuel for Project Stardust.”[8] The room was briefly filled with silence the moment Tarkin had mentioned Stardust. A grin smile shot across Palpatine’s face, as if he had heard the news he had been longing to hear. “ Interesting, What does Director Krennic have to say about this ?” “It was his opinion that I shared with you, Your Majesty.” Tarkin continued, “ While I usually do not see eye to eye with Orson Krennic [9], I must concur with his view on the tremendous benefits this planet brings about to Stardust.” Vader could only offer silence as he listened to his master and Tarkin discuss their pet project. While he did not express it, Vader personally detested the project. He felt that investing large amounts of resources and time towards a massive superweapon in hopes that it would be a testament of the Empire’s strength wouldn't be militarily strategic and could easily backfire . On the other hand, pouring in the same amount of resources into developing more advanced TIE fighters and star destroyers would do well for the Empire in the long run. However, it was not his place to voice an opinion, let alone have one. He couldn’t imagine the brutal consequences that would befall him if he had told his master that his pet project wasn’t a sound strategy.

“ I trust in your judgment, Grand Moff.” Palpatine continued, “ We must annex the planet and secure its resources. Can it be done ?” Tarkin gave a good look at the holographic image of the planet as he massaged his chin, giving the Emperor’s question a good thought before answering, “Judging from their primitive state, a simple fleet of Star Destroyers would suffice. Fear of our technological might will have them submit to us.” The Emperor contemplated what Tarkin had said. As he indulged in his thoughts, the rest could do nothing but wait for his decision. “ Very Well, Moff Tarkin. Do what must be done.” Palpatine concurred. “ Mas Amedda however, didn’t seem too happy with his decision. “ Your Majesty, might I point out that the legal issues surrounding this invasion will not go unnoticed in the Imperial Senate.” Governor Tarkin’s brow furrowed, “With all due respect Grand Vizier, military matters such as this fall under my purview as Governor of the Outer Rim. I’m answerable only to the Emperor. The Senate has no jurisdiction here.” Amedda was about to protest when Palpatine lifted his hand at his deputy and he fell silent, retracting whatever it is he wanted to voice out. “ It is of no concern, Vizier Amedda. They will be taken care of.” Palpatine said, his voice simmering with nothing short of wickedness. “ Governor Tarkin, oversee preparations for the annexation fleet.” He said before addressing the Grand Moff and Amedda together. “ I would like to be left alone to discuss some other matters with Lord Vader.”

“ As you command, My Emperor.” Tarkin bowed to Palpatine as a final show of respect as his holographic image soon dissipated. The Vizier acted similarly, bowing his head before he left the room, followed by the Royal Guards. Now left alone in the room with his loyal apprentice, Palpatine turned to Vader,“ Walk with me.” Vader did as his master wished, walking beside him as they both headed towards his private elevator located at the other end of the War Room. “ I sense something more to this meeting.” Vader said in a subservient tone. Palpatine turned to Vader with a grin over his disfigured face. “ Your insights serve you well, Lord Vader, despite your apparent injuries.” Palpatine subtly mocked Vader, who could do nothing but put his head down and offer no reply. Vader was cursed into wearing the damned cybortic suit for the rest of his life after a fated duel with his old master that left him severely scarred and injured, the breathing suit being his only way of living. He swore vengeance against his old master for that day. It was moments like this where Palpatine’s secret identity, the nefarious Sith Lord Darth Sidious would be revealed.Only very handful knew of this, and Vader was one of them, being his apprentice. It was the only rule of the Sith, there is always two, a master and an apprentice, no more, no less.

“ There’s been an awakening on Utthar, coming from a nexus point of the Force which has long been dormant.” Sidious mentioned his apprentice. “ Who could have caused such tremor ?” Vader asked. He had expected that to cause ripples in the Force with such magnitude, it had to be a Jedi, perhaps it could be his old master finally emerging from the shadows. “ It was by a girl, called Sunset Shimmer, who had just discovered her newfound Force abilities which caused the nexus point to have awakened in the first place.” Palpatine intoned. “Is she a Jedi ?” Vader queried further, his interest on the matter gaining. “ No, But the Dark Side is strong with her. I could feel it running through her blood when I felt her presence awakening the nexus point. I conjured up an illusion of her worst fears to assess her strength in the Dark Side and it calls to her. Jealousy, greed, anger, it's all within her, waiting to be unleashed with the slightest push.” He gave an answer to Vader. Palpatine was a master of manipulation, having orchestrated an entire war, playing both sides to achieve ultimate power. Vader knew it well, himself being a product of his manipulation. But why his master was interested in this particular girl eluded him. Sure she was strong in the Force, in the Dark Side especially, but nothing exceptional. At best, she has the qualities worthy to become an Inquisitor, after a course of intense torture and being made aware of her place by him.

“There’s something more to her, something far more valuable.” Palpatine said to his apprentice. “What could that be, my master ?” Vader asked as they approached the elevator at the end of the room. Just before entering the elevator, which had both of its metallic slide doors open, Palpatine stopped and turned over to his apprentice who kept his head down like a loyal dog. “ She contains knowledge, Lord Vader, knowledge about a world that is not located in any star charts. Sith legend, one passed down from my master Darth Plagueis and from his master before him as I’m to you right now, tells of a world shrouded from the rest of the galaxy, one which contains raw untamed power never before seen in the galaxy.” Sidious described. “ The Force must be strong with this world.” Vader intoned. It wasn’t the first time he had heard of such places. “Indeed it is my apprentice.” Palpatine paused for a moment, “ The Force runs very deeply in the veins of the natives, with most if not all of them being Force users of unimaginable power. Ms Shimmer is a former inhabitant of this world, having made her way to Utthar through an ancient pathway between the worlds.” Vader had never heard of a channel between worlds before. He admitted his knowledge about the Cosmic Force is limited but to think it could create bridges connecting two separate worlds, Vader could have never thought of such. Just how much more wonders of the Force is his master hiding from him ? Maybe the power to revive the one he had ever truly loved ?

“How is this possible ?” He asked. “ The Force is indeed filled with mysteries, my friend. Some that cannot be easily explained. The power in this world must be subdued to our cause, for which I can command an army of Force Wielders, one that answers only to the Sith.” Palpatine said with a wicked tone. “ No one will question your rule, my master. You shall reign supreme.” Vader sang praises to his master’s plan. “ Indeed, those who dare resist my rule, shall suffer in the hands of the Sith army.” Palpatine said in a more papery voice, simmering with pure evil as he entered into his personal elevator. Vader did not join him, having stood his ground just a step away from the elevator. “ Go with Governor Tarkin to the Utthar system, and bring me the girl. Through me, she will give in to the Darkness within her and reveal the location of the hidden world and how to get to it.” “ As you wish, Lord Sidious.” Vader said as he bowed in respect to his master as the sliding metallic doors of the elevator came between them and closed, leaving a wicked grin on Palpatine’s disfigured face, the last expression of his master Vader saw before the doors closed, cutting both master and apprentice apart. Lord Vader heads back to the other side of the room where his elevator awaits, with a new will to execute.

Author's Note:

Finally the antagonists are introduced and it is no other than Darth Vader himself other than Grand Moff Tarkin (however he's not the main villain in the story). If you don't know who Vader is then I seriously recommend you read up on pop culture a bit. The Emperor also makes an an appearance in this chapter and is the big bad guy overall (As in other Star Wars content) but don't expect him to appear very often. Now onto the easter eggs/references,
[1] The estimated age of the Old Republic, according to Wookieepedia.
[3] https://www.starwars.com/databank/imperial-royal-guard
[4] In the aftermath of Order 66, the self proclaimed Emperor Palpatine chose the former Jedi Temple as his new Imperial Palace, as a final way to desecrate the Jedi and to gain access the ancient Sith Shrine that was built underneath the temple ages ago. You can read more about this in wookieepedia. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Shrine_in_the_Depths
[5] A reference to the impending attack on Garel seen in the Rebels season 2 episode 11 Legacy.
[6] A more detailed geographic location of Utthar as promised.The Mon Calamari System is located at the fringes of the Outer Rim, with Utthar located just 3 parsecs away in Wild Space but isolated due to the Calamari Maelstrom. you can view the the galactic map on this website http://www.swgalaxymap.com/ for you guys to know more or less get a better understanding of its location.
[7] https://www.starwars.com/databank/lightsaber-crystal.
[8] The secret codename for the Empire's ultimate super weapon, one designed to bring fear and submission. I'm pretty sure you guys know what it is. It appears that Utthar has the necessary materials needed for the Emperor's pet project.
[9] The Main antagonist in Rogue One, who was tasked with the completion of Stardust. https://www.starwars.com/databank/director-orson-krennic.
Unfortunately, Utthar has attracted the attention of the Empire for its rich resources, well needed to complete its super weapon, with Sunset Shimmer especially attracting the Emperor's attention who has dispatched his apprentice to bring her to him. In the meantime, The next chapter will focus on our protagonists mission to free the Wookiee slaves.