• Published 8th Aug 2022
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Sunset Shimmer's Saga: Call of the Force - Kenobiiii

When the Galactic Empire invades her home, Sunset Shimmer must forget everything she knows and learn the ways of the Force to become a Jedi.

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Chapter 23: Ascension

The Gauntlet,

It was a somber and quiet flight back to the base. Sunset remained in the cockpit alongside R5, who was piloting the ship. Save for a few moments where some of the girls took turns in comforting her, Sunset was mostly left with her thoughts. The others knew best not to push further. After all, they didn’t know Kara as well enough as Sunset Shimmer did. A sense of guilt started creeping in. ‘ Was she responsible for Kara’s death ?’ Sunset wondered. Ultimately it was solely because of her that they went to Arkuntal in the first place. Had they not gone there, perhaps Vader would not have tracked them and Kara would still be alive and with them. It was even more painful to think that Kara was knighted just before her death. Sunset closed her eyes for a moment, hoping to close the floodgates of tears. “Why could it not have been me instead,” She muttered quietly to herself, quiet enough that even R5 did not pick it up. It was not like she had anything to contribute to the galaxy. Her friends would mourn for a while before they moved on with their families. She had long lost contact with her biological family in Equestria, so they won’t be missing her any much as anyone else. In other words, she was insignificant. Without a master, she was no more of a Jedi than she was before she met Kara. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by R5 informing her that they had reached the base. Outside, she found that there were significantly more people outside, mostly recognisable faces. It appeared that other residents of Canterlot City which they helped free earlier had found their way here. It was only possible because of Kara.

As R5 landed the Gauntlet, she noticed Zeko, Karl and Trixie waiting right in front of the ramp to greet them. ‘How was she going to tell them ?’ She won’t be surprised if they blame her. Sunset and R5 headed to the common area, where the other girls were and opened the ramp doors revealing the trio right outside to greet them. “ Took you guys long enough,” Karl remarked as they walked down the ramp onto the ground. “ While you guys were gone, the other residents of Canterlot found their way here. All of your families are with them,” Trixie said to the girls. A bright hopeful expression appeared on their faces upon hearing that their families had survived. Amongst the swarm of people, Applejack spotted her family. “There’s Granny Smith and Big Mac over there,” She pointed at them. “You kids better go see your families, they must be worried sick.” Zeko added. It didn’t take long before Karl noticed that the group was missing one member. “ Where’s Kara ?” He asked Sunset. The bright expression on the girls' faces quickly reversed as they turned to Sunset. They knew it was best to let her answer. “Kara’s gone,” She muttered with her face looking down. “Gone, what do you mean gone ? Like got captured ?” Karl asked incredulously but in a more serious manner. Sunset couldn’t take it anymore. She had tried her best to keep herself composed but she just couldn’t anymore. “No, She’s gone.” She yelled to their faces before she started crying again. R5 further affirmed Sunset’s claims. Karl and Zeko finally understood what she meant by ‘gone’ and instantly the expression on their faces dropped. Their crewmate, who in some ways has been part of a family, is no more. They were devastated. Using his four limbs, Zeko brought Karl and Sunset closer and the three of them shared an emotional hug. Although it was only a few seconds, Sunset felt like it was an eternity. Zeko and Karl knew Kara longer than she did and she knew how they would have felt. “How did it happen ?,” Karl asked in a despondent manner as the man shed a tear. “ Vader somehow tracked us to the temple. Kara sacrificed herself in order..in order….” Sunset stammered to get the words intended out, “For us to escape.” “Typical Kara alright, always being selfless in times like that,” Zeko intoned in a slightly lighter manner though it was clear he was mourning too. “It’s the Jedi way,” Sunset quietly added. “What do we do now ?” Karl asked. It was a difficult question to answer but Sunset knew what needed to be done first. “There’s one thing we must do first,” She said.

A Few Moments Later,

Sunset Shimmer, Karl, Zeko, Trixie and the rest of the people of Canterlot City gathered by river banks not far from the base to pay their last respects to Kara Antra. In her hands, Sunset held a circular shaped flower bouquet. The bouquet has some sharp twigs but it was the best Flutttershy could put together given such short notice . In the middle of the bouquet was a small holoprojector which displayed a holographic image of Kara during…happier times, courtesy of Karl. It was the best Sunset could come up with for a proper send off given that her master’s body was most likely stuck beneath piles of debris. As her apprentice, she was given the honor of holding the bouquet and placing it on the calm waters of the river. As it floated away upon being left to the water, a sense of sorrow befell the crowd, particularly Karl, Zeko and Sunset as it was their final goodbye to a fellow crewmate, master, friend and in some ways, a fellow family member. R5 extended his metallic hands and proceeded to hold Sunset’s hand while beeping sadly at the same time. Sunset leaned her head on Karl’s shoulders, her heart filled with sadness as the bouquet went with the river stream and it was soon out of sight. (Nobody More Than Kanan | Star Wars: Rebels Season 4 OST) [1]

After the funeral, Sunset excused herself to her quarters on the Gauntlet to spend some time alone. The girls, despite feeling that they should be by her side in times like this, did not protest her decision. She needed the time alone to reflect on her thoughts .”What will I do without you, Kara ?” She whimpered to herself. Despite only knowing her for a little more than 3 months, she had come to trust Kara more than anything. She may have been her master, but she certainly didn’t behave that way. Instead their relationship resembled more of an older/younger sibling relationship. She always lended a hand to Sunset to pull her back up when she’s down and always valued her opinions. Sunset considered Kara more of a mentor and teacher than Princess Celestia ever was. She would consider her an older sister to her. But she was gone now, and it was all her fault.

Just then, she heard her door knock. “Come in,” She said to whoever it was that was outside. The door slides open, revealing it to be Karl who was carrying a box with both of his hands as he entered. “ What’s this ?” She asked him as she wiped the tears off her face. “ It’s all of Kara’s former Jedi stuff. Figured that you might wanna have it.” He said as he handed to Sunset the box which contained training sabers and the orb which Sunset had trained to master her lightsaber skills during their time on Ajan Kloss. There was also other stuff which was new to Sunset but one which got her attention was a cube-shaped object that fitted on the palm of her hand and it was drawing her to open it. What intrigued her is that there was no opening of sorts to unlock this cube. “What is this thing ?” She asked Karl, hoping that he may have the answer. Karl looked at the cube and recognised it after a couple of seconds, “ It’s a Jedi Holocron I believe. Kara said they are used to store information.” He said in a non chahant manner. “ How do you open it ?” She further asked. “ She said only a Jedi can access its contents.” Karl answered before he got up and headed towards the door. Before he left the room, he turned to face Sunset, “ You may not know it but, Kara always saw you as more than just her apprentice. She saw you as her younger self and felt responsible for you.” Karl added before he left, leaving Sunset alone again in her quarters. She didn’t doubt what Karl had said. She always saw Kara as more than her master. Somehow she always understood how she felt and knew how to comfort her. Her attention then soon turned towards the holocron which was now glowing and it was calling her to open it. But there was no possible way of opening it. ‘Karl said only a Jedi could open it,’ She thought to herself. ‘It must be through the Force,’ She figured. Giving it a chance, she closed her eyes and called upon the Force to unlock the holocron. The holocron soon levitated into the air and opened up, to which a holographic recording of a middle-aged man with blond hair and beard dressed in some kind of robes. Sunset recognised as the same middle aged man from her dreams some time back. He sounded sad initially but as he went on, a sense of hopefulness appeared in his tone.

This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with dark shadows of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder to any surviving Jedi. Trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple, that time has passed and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged, our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.” [2]

The recording soon ended and the holocron closed itself. Sunset deduced that this recording must have been made a long time ago when the Order fell and this Kenobi guy must be long dead, but yet what he said had never been more true in the current context. After all, her future as well as her friends are uncertain and there are far greater challenges ahead. But as Master Kenobi said, they must carry on, no matter what lies ahead. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by some commotion happening outside. She quickly placed the holocron back in the box and headed out. Perhaps their challenge had come too soon ?

Author's Note:

Kara's gone, and Sunset Shimmer is now left rudderless, with her future now uncertain. How is she going to be a Jedi now ? This short chapter largely focuses on the aftermath of Kara's passing with a funeral for her and Sunset coping with the lost of someone she considered more like an older sister than a mentor. I would love to include the other Gauntlet crew members dealing with the loss of their friend but I felt like it would deviate too much from the story so I just settled with a few liners. Now onto the easter eggs,
[1] The soundtrack used in this scene is the same used in the Rebels s4 episode DUME in which the Spectres mourn the death of a beloved member.
[2] This message/warning by Obi Wan Kenobi was first seen off screen in Revenge of the Sith and made its full screen appearance in the Rebels pilot episode Spark of Rebellion.
Sunset's thought were quickly interrupted by the commotion coming from outside. Has the Empire tracked them to their place, or is it someone else ?