• Published 11th Aug 2022
  • 395 Views, 22 Comments

The Neon Bat Pony - DeffBwade

A bat pony wakes up in a place completely unknown to him, devoid of any memories of who he used to be. Will he find out who he was? Or is this the start of a new life for Neon?

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Chapter 5: Blossom's Pizzeria

Cherry Blossom offers the newly named Neon a way to pay back his debt.


Cherry Blossom groaned under the covers as her crimson hoof shakily rose up to hit the button on her alarm clock, causing the annoying beeping to stop.

After a minute of just lying there, Cherry slowly sat up on her bed and yawned. After rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, she removed the covers and got out of bed.

A good stretching of her hooves later, she exited her room and out into the rest of her apartment.

It was a nice and standard apartment with a living room, a small kitchen, and a hallway that led to her bedroom and a bathroom.

She walked across the hallway and entered her bathroom, walking up to the mirror and staring at her reflection.

“Buck, I’m getting old,” she thought to herself before she did her daily routine of brushing her teeth and combing her mane.

Afterwards, Cherry exited the bathroom and proceeded to walk out of the hallway. Once she did, the first thing she did was glance to the side and saw her new bat pony roommate, Neon, sleeping on the couch, a blanket covering him up to his head which had a pillow beneath it. On the coffee table in front of the couch was Willow sleeping in a small cardboard box, one that Cherry may or may not have dug out of her trash, with a small towel lined up inside of it for comfort.

“Geez. It’s been a while since I’ve had company. Although I never expected said company to becoming a roommate,” Cherry before she let out a small smile, “Not that I mind, though. Just last night was enough to tell me that he’s a good kid.”

Neon was at first concerned that he would get her in trouble if he brought Willow into the apartment building, but Cherry assured him that as long as the bird doesn’t make a mess or make too much noise throughout the day, then the landlord would be fine with pets.

Still feeling tired, Cherry walked to her kitchen and did what she usually did the only thing to fully wake her up in the morning: make a cup of coffee.

After making the milky and energizing concoction, she used her magic to levitate two bowls and two spoons out of the cabinets before levitating a box of cereal and a gallon of milk.

“Hey kid. Wake up,” Neon heard as he felt tapping on his head.

Letting out a yawn, the bat pony rubbed his eyes. It took a second to remember where he was, as well as the events from last night. Getting out of that forest with Willow, meeting Cherry, learning that he’ll have to wait for his amnesia to recover, and adopting a new identity in the meantime.

“Well Neon. A new day, a new name,” he thought before looking up to see who was tapping him.

“Morning Cherry,” Neon said as he saw the crimson mare standing there with two bowls of cereal being levitated, one of which was given to him as he sat up, “Thanks.”

“Im surprised this kid doesn’t seem the least bit tired, considering the fact that he went to sleep at one in the morn—oh right. Bat ponies are nocturnal…I think,” Cherry thought as the bat pony seemed wide awake already.

“Don’t mention it,” the mare said as she sat down next to the bat pony, “So what’s the plan for today?”

“Well you said that you had something for me to do and that you were gonna tell me this morning,” Neon responded as Willow ate from his bowl.

“Oh right,” Cherry remembered as she ate.

“…So…what is it you want me to do? Help you clean the apartment? Go on a few errands?”

“I think it’s better if I just showed you. Later, though. Mama needs her cup of coffee,” the crimson mare said before taking a sip.

“Right. Got it,” Neon said before he continued eating, “…So what’s with the ass tattoos?”

As the Sun was shining bright above Equestria, many ponies spent their morning in one of Baltimare’s numerous parks. The various activities that took place included getting their daily exercise, having a picnic, or simply taking a walk and admiring the scenery.

Most conversations that took place were about the recent changeling invasion at Canterlot. After all, it was on front page of Baltimare Sun. Of course, the wedding between Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor was also talked about, but admittedly a race of shapeshifting creatures that apparently feasted on love invading Equestria’s capital was much more exciting.

“…and the queen of the changelings actually managed to take down Princess Celestia.”

“No way. Our beloved princess that has lived for centuries? Defeated? You’re lying.”

“I swear I’m not! I saw it myself.”

“…That’s just…wow. I’m shocked. But if that’s the case, then how did the changelings get defeated?”

“You know those six mares that defeated Nightmare Moon?”

“Yeah? Why? Did they defeat the change—“

“Watch out!” a voice shouted as a speeding pegasus passed between the two ponies, nearly knocking them over.

“HEY! Watch where you’re going!” one of them shouted angrily as they recovered their balance.

“Sorry!” the pegasus shouted as he continued to fly through the park, warning other ponies to get out of the way.

The wind blew through his arctic blue medium length, stylized mane and tail, as well as his cerulean blue fur as he continued to flap his wings. His cutie mark of a white snowflake with white wings seemed to shine under the sun. His eyes, which were also arctic blue in color, paid close attention for any objects and unsuspecting ponies that he could potentially crash into.

He always loved going out for a flight in the park. Not only does he get his daily exercise and get a chance to just appreciate the park’s beauty such as the trees and critters, but also at this time in the morning is usually when he gets to see the…other type of beauty.

“Speaking of…” the pegasus thought with a smile as he saw a pair of mares up ahead jogging towards him.

“Why hello ladies! Mind if I accompany such fine mares on such a lovely morn—“ he tried to greet, only for one of the mares to lightly scoff and roll their eyes as the pair just kept on jogging, “Welp…their loss.”

It wasn’t the first time a mare just outright rejected him like that. He was used to it.

“Not everypony can fall for my dashing good looks and charming personality,” he shrugged as he continued on his flight, but not before he took a quick glance back at the pair of mares.

He smiled in a giddy way.

The one that scoffed at him had quite a nice ass.

Back in the metropolitan part of Baltimare, a lone mare was walking down the street, minding her own business with a bit of a sour expression on her face. It wasn't that she was in a bad mood or anything.

It's just how she always is.

She was an earth pony with dark gray fur. Her emo-styled mane was black with dark violet highlights and covered one of her dark violet eyes. She also had a tail that had the same color palette as her mane. The cutie mark of a dark violet raven with a thick, black outline rested on the flanks of her lithe body. In addition, she also had black eye liner, skull piercings on her ears, a piercing ring on her bottom lip, and a black beanie.

As she was walking down the street, she had on black headphones and listening to some music, varying from rock songs to outright depressing-sounding ones that could ruin a pony's entire good mood.

In other words, her favorite type of songs.

A lot of ponies would question her taste in music, but she would just simply say that she just likes it. And then there were times where some would keep pestering her about it, then she would tell them to buck off and mind their own Celestia damned business.

As the mare continued to walk down the street, she happened to pass by an alleyway where a couple of punk looking stallions were hanging out in.

"Hello~ gorgeous," one of the stallions whistled as he saw the earth pony...only for her to just walk pass them.

The two stallions glanced at each other as they weren't sure if the mare's music was simply too loud for her to hear anything, or she just outright ignored them.

Unbeknownst to them, however, it was the latter.

Regardless, the pair continued their efforts and walked in front of the mare, stopping her in her tracks.

"Hey, no need to give us the cold shoulder," the stallion that whistled at her said with a cocky smile on his face, "I was just wondering if—"

"Not interested," the mare interrupted in a quiet tone, a bit of annoyance evident in her voice as she walked past the two stallions. She already knew where they were going with their pathetic attempts to flirt with her. She had somewhere she had to be and she couldn't waste time talking to some random stallions on the street.

Unfortunately, the stallions, mainly the one that tried to talk to her, didn't take to kindly to her attitude as his eyes narrowed in anger and he gritted his teeth.

"Hey! That's not the kind of attitude you should have with me!" he yelled, only for the mare to ignore him and continue walking, "Hey, don't ignore me!"

In an attempt the forcibly stop the mare, the stallion ran up to her and...pulled on her tail.

Oh what a grave mistake he just made.

Gritting her teeth in anger, the mare did the only natural thing a pony does when a stranger pulls hard on their tail.

They buck them harder in the face.

The mare quickly bucked her hind hooves back with great force, directly hitting the stallion right in the muzzle. The stallion then fell to the ground, clutching his muzzle with his hooves as it started to bleed.

"OW! AH BUCK! MY NOSE! YOU BROKE MY BUCKING NOSE! AHHHH! BUCKING GET HER, MAN!" the stallion commanded loudly as he looked at his friend, who then shook his head after the initial shock.

"Oh you're gonna get it now!" he said as he charged at the mare.

Needless to say...the fight didn't last more than 10 seconds as the mare went on her merry way, jamming out to her tunes, and leaving behind two injured stallions on the ground. One with a broken nose and the other with a black eye.

And if anypony asks, she could just play it off as self defense.


No response.


Still nothing.


She was starting to get impatient now.


"Come on!" she said.

Silence...except for the sound of her brother's snoring and video game noises on the other side of the door.

The unicorn mare groaned loudly out of annoyance.

She was all prepped and ready for the day.

Her sky magenta fur with a cutie mark of a shooting star has been brushed, her golden poppy mane and tail have been combed, with her mane being tied up into its usual perky pony style, and her shimmering blush colored glasses have been cleaned and placed over her golden poppy eyes.

And she has yet to see her lazy brother this morning.

"This is getting ridiculous," she sighed heavily before opening the door and peering into the room.

As expected, she saw her brother not on his bed, but rather asleep on the floor with his NES (Neightendo Entertainment System) left on, a controller at his hooves, a couple of empty soda cans lying next to him, and a half eaten bag of chips.

Her brother had a fur color of maximum purple, a messy yellow-orange mane and tail, orange-yellow eyes that were currently closed, and a cutie mark of a bluish-white crescent moon with a golden star next to it.

Seeing the sight of her brother sleeping made the mare grunt in disappointment. Living in a suburban part of Baltimare meant that they had to leave a little early in order to get to work on time. Luckily, she knew of a way to wake him up.

With a smirk on her face, her horn shined a golden aura before she pulled the curtains wide open.

The effect was immediate.

"EEEEEEEE!" the stallion hissed as he tried to shield his eyes with his hooves, "BRIGHT LIGHT! BRIGHT LIGHT!"

Once his eyes finally adjusted to the sudden brightness of the room, he glanced over and glared at his sister.

"What the heck was that for?!" he demanded an answer.

"We're going to be late for work if you don't get up right now! That's what the heck that was for!" the mare answered, "Were you up all night playing video games? Again?"

"...No," the stallion lied as he shifted his eyes back and forth, to which his sister sighed.

"'Blossom's Pizzeria?'" Neon read as he looked at the building right in front of him.

He, Cherry, and Willow were now a few blocks away from where the apartment was. In front of them was a corner restaurant with a row of windows next to the door. On the wall around the corner was a smaller set of windows. Hanging above was a large sign with the same design Neon recalls seeing on that pizza box from last night.

“Do you own this place?” the bat pony asked.

“Heh. What gave it away?” Cherry laughed, “Is it the fact that it’s so magnificent looking like moi? If that’s the case, then thank you.”

“No, it’s the fact that your last name is in the title.”

“…Right…Yeah…,” Cherry shrugged off as she used a key to unlock the doors.

As Neon was about to enter, however, Cherry held out a hoof and stopped him.

“Wait. Hold on. I’m sorry kid, but Willow is gonna have to wait outside,” she said as she pointed at the bird.

“Wait what? Why? Willow has been a good bird so far. It’s not like he’s gonna poop everywhere,” he tried to reason as Willow chirped in protest.

“Yeah I know,” Cherry sighed, “But regardless on whether he poops everywhere or not, having an animal in here is apparently…a ‘health code violation under section’…I don’t know, I didn’t pay attention for most of the what the health inspector said.”

"I...I don't know whether or not to be concerned."

"Well, the restaurant isn't closed, right?"

"...I suppose so," Neon lightly sighed before looking up at his bird friend, "Willow, you mind...?"

Willow hung his head in defeat in response before flying up onto a nearby rooftop.

"Sorry Willow. I'll call for you as soon we're done here," Neon proclaimed, "You just...do bird things."

He then turned and entered the restaurant.

It was a pretty basic looking and small restaurant, having a rectangular shape to it.

Clean oak wood floors laid across the place, while there was also walls made up of bricks. The ceiling was made of a darker shade of wood with a few lights and a couple of fans hanging off of them.

Half a dozen or so tables with chairs sat all over the middle of the room, while booths were aligned along the wall that had the long row of windows, as well as the wall opposite that, with there being a split in the middle of the booths due to two doors for what Neon assumed to be the bathrooms.

Over at the wall on the opposite side of the door was a register sitting on a counter that was made up of the same oak wood as the floor. Behind that was a window looking into what’s obviously the kitchen, with the entrance to it being next to the counter.

“Nice place,” Neon commented.

“Thanks,” Cherry said before heading towards the kitchen, “Come on. I’ll take you to my office.”

“You know, you’d think that with a cutie mark of a cherry blossom, you’re career would have to do with something…I don’t know. Not pizza related. N-no offense or anything,” Neon said, having learned from Cherry that cutie marks, or ‘ass tattoos’ as he referred them as, are essentially symbols that represent a pony’s special talent.

What his cutie mark represented, he had no idea.

“Hehe. Yeah,” Cherry chuckled before a small frown formed on her face, unbeknownst to the bat pony, ”…Yeah.”

The kitchen was exactly what one would expect it to look like. White tiled floors, concrete walls, and all the usual steel appliances such as a table, a sink, a refrigerator, and of course, a couple of pizza ovens.

Neon followed the crimson mare through the kitchen and into her office, which had oak wood floors and ceiling, dark wood walls, and a large desk with one chair behind it and two more in front of it.

“Ahh,” Cherry sighed in comfort as she sat down at her desk, slouching down on the chair “I’m so glad I invested in this chair. It’s so comfy.”

“Um…why are we here exactly?” Neon asked after a few seconds of silence.

“Hmm? Oh right,” Cherry sat up, “Kid, how would you feel if I offered you a job here?”

“Wait, what?” Neon asked, surprise evident on his face.

“You wanted to do something for me in exchange for a roof over your head. Right?” the mare asked with a shrug, “Well, this is your chance. You work here and you can stay with me until your memories come back. It’s as simple as that. So…are you in?”

“B-b-but…r-really? Just like that? Don’t I have to have an interview or fill out some sort of application?”

“Kid, let’s be honest. We both know you won’t be able to do either of that stuff.”

“Can I at least get the details on the job before I say my answer?”

“It’s quite simple. Everyday from 10:00 AM to 7:30 PM, except on Sundays and holidays because that’s when the restaurant is closed.”

“Okay…but what will I do exactly?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“…Will I at least get paid?”

“Of course you will. It would be illegal not to pay you. Although since you’re living with me, I was hoping you would be alright with having it reduced. Think of it as your rent.”

“That depends, how reduced will it be?”

“Hmm…how would you feel about a…35% cut?”

“20%. 35% sounds too much.”


“25%. Take it or leave it.”

“Heh. You drive a hard bargain, kid. Alright, 25%,” Cherry declared before she held a hoof out, “So it’s a deal?”

Neon thought about it for a few seconds. Not only was this a way to repay his debt to Cherry, but he would also be getting paid as well. It was a win-win.

“Deal,” Neon said with a smile as he shook Cherry’s hand.