• ...

Chapter 3

After the meeting of the princesses, Dr. Calamity was given a room of his own to live within the Crystal Empire. The Princesses thought it would be good to take precaution as the other ponies of Equestria, especially Ponyville might not be so understanding given the circumstances of all the damages wrought by the doctor’s decisions. Both Princess Celestia and Luna returned to Twilight’s castle to share with her, the dream Dr. Calamity had of Grogar. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were very kind after the doctor had explained his reasons behind the incident and for the first time since his wife and daughter were lost, Dr. Calamity felt a small bit of peace. Dr. Calamity was busy folding some new clothes he had sent Stubbs to purchase from the market earlier. Stubbs sat on the doctor’s bed drinking a cup of coffee and reading the day’s newspaper. There was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” Dr. Calamity said as he turned in surprise to see Princess Cadance standing at the open doorway with, Princess Flurry Heart flying happily close by.

“Your majesty, I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon,” Stubbs stood up and put down everything he was holding, rushing to the doctor’s side as the two of them bowed in respect.

"It’s perfectly okay Dr. Calamity, you may stand,” Princess Cadance responded smiling. “I wanted to introduce you both to my daughter, Flurry Heart,” Princess Flurry accidently released a blast of magic in Dr. Calamity’s direction. The doctor ducked as it hit the nearby bed stand and destroyed it. Dr. Calamity stared admiringly at Princess Flurry, smiling back at her shining, happy face as she flew all around him excitedly.

“What an extraordinary feat of magic for such a little one. Bless my soul, I had heard tale of Flurry Heart’s power, but seeing it with my own eyes is a marvelous thing,” Dr. Calamity said in awe.

Shining Armor came running up from behind, “WHAT WAS THAT? What just happened?”

“It was nothing dear, though the doctor will need a replacement for a bed stand,” Princess Cadance said turning and kissing her husband on the cheek. Shining Armor looked at his daughter and then to the broken bed stand.

“Ooh. Sorry about that doc, with Flurry Heart around, that kind of stuff is normal. I’ll make sure you have a new bed stand by nightfall”

“No need to apologize, I find her quite delightful. She reminds me a little of my own daughter, Twinkle Star,” Dr. Calamity responded shaking his head. Princess Flurry became fascinated with Stubbs and started flying around him.

Princess Cadance laughed, smiling, “It’s just a dragon, sweetheart. You’ve seen Spike many times”

Stubbs flapped his wings and it made Princess Flurry laugh. “I can tell she is going to be a warrior just like her father with a heart full of love like her mother,” Stubbs said smiling.

“Why thank you!" Cadance said as a smile strewed across her face. "Come, Flurry, we need to go out to courtyard. It’s time for your teleportation practice. Flurry has started teleporting very recently and so I’ve been taking her out to the courtyard every day for practice. Pretty soon and she’ll be able to travel to who knows where in Equestria,” Princess Cadance explained as Princess Flurry zipped over close to her mother and waved at the doctor and Stubbs.

“That... is beyond impressive for a young one such as her,” Dr. Calamity said awestruck.

“Yeah, my two loves can be quite the hoof-ful sometimes, but I manage,” Shining Armor said teasingly.

“Oh, stop it Shining,” Princess Cadance said blushing slightly. “Dr. Calamity, Stubbs, you are more than welcome to join Shining Armor and I for dinner tonight”

“Stubbs and I would be honored to attend,” Dr. Calamity smiled. “Its been a while since Stubbs and I had a home cooked meal”

“Hey doc, why don’t you and Stubbs meet me in the library in about a half hour. I have a couple of ponies I want you to meet,” Shining Armor said kissing his wife on the cheek before she and Princess Flurry Heart walked away and out of sight.

“We will be there Captain Armor,” Dr. Calamity responded but Shining Armor shook his head. “No sir, you are now a guest of the Crystal Empire. I leave the formalities to my wife, so you can call me Shining. I'll leave you both to finish up getting settled in and meet you there”

Both Dr. Calamity and Stubbs nodded to Shining Armor and then he left, closing the door behind him. Stubbs returned to his coffee and newspaper and Dr. Calamity returned to folding his new clothes. Once they were done, Dr. Calamity and Stubbs made their way through the many halls of the empire and into the vast library of the Crystal Empire. Dr. Calamity and Stubbs gasped slightly, taken off guard as Shining Armor stood talking with Star Swirl the Bearded and Sunburst.

“Ah,” Star Swirl said as he laid eyes upon the doctor. “Dr. Calamity Twister I presume,” Shining Armor and Sunburst turn their attention Dr. Calamity and Stubbs. “Dr. Calamity, this is-,” Shining Armor began but Dr. Calamity cut him off.

“Star Swirl The Bearded and Sunburst. Stubbs and I have heard of you both. I take it you all want to discuss what happened," Dr. Calamity inquired.

“I have so many questions about your magic, Dr. Calamity!” Sunburst said excitedly.

Star Swirl The Bearded moved forward and stood directly in front of Dr. Calamity. “I have been briefed on your situation, Dr. Calamity, we want to know everything that went on inside that house“

“Dr. Calamity,” Stubbs began as he took flight and hovered at eye level. “We need your help. There is a major problem happening in Equestria”

Dr. Calamity turned his back to them all, closing his eyes. “I’m listening, what is happening?”

Sunburst relays the information concerning the strength of magic in Equestria contributing to the incident which Dr. Calamity had caused. Dr. Calamity turned back around to face them.

“I knew by my scientific experiments that magic in Equestria is continuously growing. All magic is tied to Harmony. Perfect harmony means that magic in Equestria has become as thick and wide spread as the oxygen we breathe. Perfect harmony in our time was achieved the moment Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis were turned into stone. Which is why I knew if ever there was a time in which I could achieve my goals, it was now. It was my time to restore the harmony of my own family. I just needed the perfect catalyst, a source of ancient magic that would amplify my own and together I could open the time dimensional rift and save my family. After I witnessed all of what Grogar's bell could do, I knew that bell was the perfect catalyst. When I performed my experiment, it was the most emotional moment of my life. I thought about my wife and daughter, my desire to save them, the journey that led me to that moment, and used those emotions as my strength. Sending forth all the magic within me and striking the bell. At first nothing happened, then the bell activated and exploded in a massive magic beam, obliterating my house and soaring into the sky. For a mere fraction of a second, as I laid on the ground, collapsed, I gazed up at the sky and saw my experiment had worked. A time dimensional rift had opened for just a moment and then shut before my eyes. I then fell unconscious and when I awoke, I realized my horn was broken and so was my heart”

The room fell silent as the doctor's explanation came to an end. Shinning armor then approached the doctor and laid a hoof on his shoulder. “Dr. Calamity, you are truly remarkable and I really do hope you are reunited with your family someday soon. Now, everypony, we need to ensure that what happened yesterday, doesn’t happen again,” Shining Armor responded with a smile.

“You mean find and possibly destroy Grogar's bell before it can be used again by some other threat,” Dr. Calamity said.

"Perhaps," Shining Armor replied. "However, we don't know the implications of what destroying the bell would do. It could cause even worse problems for Equestria"

"The thing is," Stubbs said looking puzzled. "We have no idea what happened to the bell after you fell unconscious Dr. Calamity. It disappeared without a trace"

Sunburst stood thoughtfully for a moment, “Since magic is tied to harmony, what would happen if no pony got along in Equestria?”

"Sunburst, I believe we have more pressing matters than to discu--" Star Swirl the Bearded began but was cut off.

“That’s simple. No harmony, no friendship, no magic. You could see a whole generation of ponies being raised up who think magic is just a myth,” Dr. Calamity moved forward and sat by Stubbs.

“That sounds like a nightmare of questions, confusion and chaos,” Stubbs said stretching.

“At least we know everypony is safe for now,” Shining Armor sounded very relieved. “Doctor, I know your family means everything to you. We will help you any way we can to find your family and bring them home. In the meantime, anypony got an idea for where to look for Grogar's Bell?”

Star Swirl the Bearded stepped up to Dr. Calamity "Tell me of this dream you had of Grogar, perhaps there is a clue within your dream that can help us”

As evening drew near, the guards at the front gates of Canterlot stood guard tiredly. Suddenly one of the guards spotted something headed on the path towards them.

“Is that a... ram?” The guard asked.

Grogar stopped, his red eyes glaring at the guards. Without warning, Grogar’s horns began to glow and he blasted the entrance of Canterlot, exploding the drawbridge. The guards barely had enough time to react to avoid the explosion.

“SOUND THE ALARM! SEND FOR PRINCESS TWILIGHT! CANTERLOT IS UNDER ATTACK!” Once the order was given, more guards came running out of the gate.

“Ponies of Canterlot, resistance is futile,” Grogar began using his magic to make all ponies in Canterlot hear him clearly. “I am going to do exactly what I should have done from the beginning, exterminate you all"

The unicorn royal guards of Canterlot came rushing out of the gate, lining up, their horns glowing ready to attack.

“READY EVERYPONY? ATTACK!” Ordered a lead guard. Everypony unleashed their magic blasts, at Grogar causing a giant dust cloud rise up and engulf the ram. After a few moments everypony stopped.

“Did we stop him?” One of the guards asked.

"Move forward in formation," The lead guards ordered as his troop walked behind him in a defensive line.

Grogar leapt out from the cloud and shot a magic blast directly at the lead guard. The lead guard dodged the attack as everypony in his troop spread out evasively and shot a counter attack of magic blasts at Grogar. Grogar dodged several of the blasts but the last three struck the old ram knocking him to his knees. Grogar stood back up angrily, his bell glowing green. The magic from Grogar’s bell came out in a blaze of green lightning and struck the ground a few feet from the entrance of Canterlot. The ground turned black where the magic of the bell had struck, and it began to spread towards the city. Out of the blackened earth, droves of ponies made of shadow emerged. The radiance of their eyes set ablaze with bright crimson.

"Fight these intruders with everything you have everypony!" The lead guard commanded. The shadow ponies charged at the guards attacking them as more guard reinforcements from the city arrived. Grogar and the lead guard locked eyes. "Toss me a spear," The lead guard ordered as one of the guards threw him one their spear and he caught it. Grogar charged at the lead guard, his horns glowing once more. Grogar shot a magic blast, the lead guard dodged. Grogar used his dodge as a distraction to try and bash him with his horns. However, the guard skillfully, at the last moment, shot a magic blast striking Grogar's eyes to blind his opponent and then used the spear to trip the ram causing him to tumble forward and crash land dazed. The lead guard smirked as he turned to face Grogar again.

"So, what was that about us ponies not standing a chance?" The lead guard said smugly. Grogar disappeared and the lead guard looked around not realizing that Grogar had reappeared right behind him. Grogar blasted the guard in the back with a magic ray attack and the guard dropped his spear. The guard fell to his knees. Grogar walked up close enough to whisper into the guard's ear.

"Your combat skills surprise me pony. So, as your reward, I am going to let you live to fight another day. You actually managed hurt me in that attack and I am impressed. However, I cannot waste my time with you any longer. The Princess and I have much to discuss," Grogar's horns began to illuminate.

"NO!" The lead guard yelled as he stood back up and drew his sword. Grogar disappeared again and as five shadow ponies rushed the lead guard and he was thrust back into combat.

Grogar reemerged on the steps of Canterlot Castle. Grogar closed his eyes, his horns still glowing, and he shot forth a blast of magic, incinerating the massive front doors. Guards immediately appeared into the foyer as Grogar entered the castle.

“WHO ARE YOU?” A guard yelled.

“Identify yourself!” Yelled another guard.

“Grogar, the rightful King of Ponyland, come to throw the Princess of Friendship off her throne,” Grogar smiled as the royal guards exchanged nervous glances. Fifteen shadow ponies entered the castle and stood guard beside Grogar. The sounds of screaming, explosions, and cries for help filtered into the room from the city of Canterlot below.

"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" One of the guards yelled, "Grogar is a myth! A fable told to scare kids around campfires! Discord, if this is another one of your tricks..."

"SILENCE!" Grogar snapped back and his voice echoed through the foyer. His shadow ponies spread out in defensive positions, "I am no fable! I am no myth! I, Grogar, have returned to do what I should have done from the beginning! I have come to take back the land which rightfully belongs to me and eradicate the filth of ponykind from existence!"

Princess Twilight limped down the stairs from the second story and stood at the top of the steps leading down to the foyer floor, directly in front of Grogar. Grogar could tell Princess Twilight was very sore.

“What is going on? I heard explosions and screa-,” Princess Twilight stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Grogar and the Shadow Ponies standing there.

“Defeat the guards and seize the castle, but leave the Princess to me,” Grogar instructed the shadow ponies as they began advancing on the royal guards. All but two of the royal guards drew their swords and charged forward to clash with the shadow ponies in battle. Two of the guards moved in defensive positions beside Princess Twilight and drew their swords. "Well Princess Twilight, are you as clueless as the rest of them to who I am?" Grogar asked as he raised an eyebrow at the sight of the royal guards bravery.

Princess Twilight’s horn glowed, “Grogar..."

"Finally, somepony whom I don't have to make introductions with..." Grogar said sounding relieved. "So the rumors are true," Princess Twilight went on. "Well whatever it is your planning, you won't get away with this! You will never defeat the citizens of Equestria! We are united by The Power of Friendship”

“Oh, Princess Twilight,” Grogar laughed heartily as he began to approach the stairs leading up to where Princess Twilight stood. “I was there when the first concept of friendship was born into this world. I was there when magic first appeared and was used by your kind. I know all about the power you wield... and I know its weaknesses. With your friends, your strong, sure, nopony is denying that. On your own, though? Tell me Princess Twilight, how many times have you successfully defeated your foes on your own using your Friendship Magic?”

Princess Twilight was silent but held herself firm as Grogar began to walk up the stairs towards her.

Grogar continued, “If you think me so dumb as to not having put an enchantment spell upon this castle the moment I stepped hoof in it, your sorely mistaken. It will bar all your friends and companions entry, Princess Twilight. Now, Princess Twilight, it's time for you to relieve yourself of your Alicorn Magic”

"If you want it..." The guards beside Twilight readied their swords. "...Then you'll have to take it," Princess Twilight firmly stated as Grogar stood inches away from her face.

“Well you're in luck, because that is my purpose for being here," Grogar smiled. "To remove you from the throne of Equestria permanently," Grogar’s horns and his bell began to glow.

"NOT ON OUR WATCH!" One of the two guards at Princess Twilight's side yelled.

"GET OUT OF OUR CASTLE FLEE BITTEN GOAT!" The other guard yelled. The two guards slash attacked Grogar. Grogar dodged and head butted one of the guards who fainted but failed to dodge the attack of the other and was shoved backwards falling down the stairs. Princess Twilight immediately took action and used her magic to ray attack Grogar.

"How dare you come into my castle," Princess Twilight said firmly as her ray bore into Grogar. "Attack my kingdom, and think that you can take my Alicorn Magic! I may be weakened, but if it's a fight you want Grogar, then I am ready for it!" Grogar's bell glowed green as more green lightning shot out, striking the stairs and started turning black. Princess Twilight was momentarily caught off-guard. "What is that?" Princess Twilight began just as more shadow ponies began coming out from the blacked stairs. The darkness on the floor began to spread. Grogar used this opportunity grab up a sword off the ground nearby, rush up the stairs, slashing at Princess Twilight. Princess Twilight leapt backwards to avoid being hit and Grogar embedded the blade in a stone pillar. Grogar yanked the blade back out of the pillar and then rounded on Princess Twilight once more.

"Now, where were we Princess?" Grogar asked coldly. A sinister grin forming on his face, driving Twilight into a cold sweat.

"PRINCESS, CATCH!" One of the royal guards threw Princess Twilight a sword and she caught just in time to block another slash attack from Grogar. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," Grogar grinned. Princess Twilight's eyebrows narrowed.

Dr. Calamity and Stubbs sat eating at the royal dinner table of the Crystal Empire with Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Princess Flurry Heart.

“So, Dr. Calamity,” Princess Cadance began. “What else can you tell us about your wife and daughter? What were they like if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Cadance, I’m not sure Dr. Calamity wishes to talk about his family at the moment,” Shining Armor said as he helped Princess Flurry Heart with cutting up her food, making it easier for her to eat. Dr. Calamity took a drink and spoke softly.

“My wife Sapphire Snow wrote poetry of the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter; and she loved reading books. I’ve never met a mare before who loved to consume information from books more than my dearest Sapphire”

“Heh, my sister Twili is like that, she’s always reading several books at a time,” Shining Armor interjected glancing at the Doctor.

“My daughter," Dr. Calamity went on. "Twinkle Star, she is usually very timid and struggles with making friends," The doctor looked down at his plate as he shifted his fork about the food. "I would take my daughter out at night and together we would star gaze and try to see who could spot the most constellations before bed. It was our favorite game to play together. Twinkle is the brightest, kindest star in all of existence. I ...," In that moment, he stopped the motions of his fork and simply stared at the food as a sorrowful look fell upon his eyes. "...I miss my family so much...” A tear silently fell down Dr. Calamity’s cheek. Stubbs caringly gave him a tissue and Dr. Calamity gladly received it, drying his eyes. The room fell silent, and even Princess Flurry Heart took notice of the doctor’s downcast stature. “Would you like me to regale you with my favorite of Sapphire's poetry, Princess Cadance?” Dr. Calamity asked sniffing as he raised his head up towards The Princess.

“I would be honored Dr. Calamity,” Princess Cadance nodded. Shining Armor put down Princess Flurry Heart’s food to give the doctor his full attention.

“We would all be honored if you would share that with us," Shining Armor seconded.

A Winter’s Journey

By: Sapphire Snow

The World Is White & Glistening

The Air Is Frigid, The Barren Trees Are Listening

Like Little Blessings From Above

The Beauty Of Snow Falls Like Love.

Frost Covered Wilderness In Its Frozen Glory

Testify Of Life’s Endurance Story

While Warm Kindred Hearts Gather To Share

Testaments Of Friendship, Love, & Care.

Winter Storms Are Misunderstood By All

They Are Nature’s Nurturing Call

There Is A Time To Gather & A Time To Rest

Winter Storms Lovingly Tell Us When It Is Best.

When The Dawn Comes & Winter Fades

Snow Turns To Water, Barren Trees Return To Their Shade

Winter Is Never Over & Done, She Hibernates Joyfully.

Winter’s Love Is Never Gone, She Awaits To Bless Us Loyally.

A calm sense of ease filled the air as Dr. Calamity finished reciting Sapphire's Poem. Everypony remained silent for a prolonged moment before one of them spoke up.

“That was beautiful Dr. Calamity, I look forward to meeting your wife and daughter one day,” Princess Cadance said encouragingly.

"Your wife is a very talented poet," Shining Armor added. Princess Flurry Heart teleported to Dr. Calamity and gave him a hug.

“You both certainly do have a wonderful child Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, you’ve made my day Princess Flurry,” Dr. Calamity smiled. "Your family is truly a blessing to all of Equestria"

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor looked at each other when Star Swirl the Bearded barged in the room.

“PRINCESS TWILIGHT IS IN GRAVE DANGER!" Star Swirl exclaimed. "What Dr. Calamity saw in his dreams is true! Grogar has returned and he is attacking Canterlot with an army of shadow ponies from the Realm of Darkness”

“I’m coming Twili! Guards!” Shining Armor leapt into action immediately rushing out of the room to gather his soldiers.

“Stubbs,” Princess Cadance said staring at the dragon. “I have to go help Princess Twilight, will you please watch Flurry Heart for me while I’m gone?”

“Yes, your majesty!” Stubbs replied. “I can do that. I’m sure Princess Flurry Heart and I will get along great!”

“Thank you," Princess Cadance then turned to faced the doctor. "Dr. Calamity, will you please come with us? We could use a stallion of your wisdom," Princess Cadance asked looking urgently at Dr. Calamity.

“Your majesty, I highly doubt with the doctor’s broken horn-,” Star Swirl began.

“I will gladly do what I can to help, your majesty,” Dr. Calamity said firmly, interrupting Star Swirl as the two of them exchanged glances.

“Then we three haven’t a moment to lose! Star Swirl, help teleport Dr. Calamity with us. We must find out what is going on!” Princess Cadance said as she stood up.

Back at Canterlot, Twilight struggled to maintain her defense against the continuous strikes from the opposing sword. She tried to maintain her balance. Although, Twilight is not at all skillful with a sword and with her injuries, she won't last much longer in this up close encounter. All she could do was block Grogar's onslaught of attacks with the sword she held in her hoof. Three of the princesses guards fended off a group of shadow ponies and then leapt into action as they charged at Grogar. Grogar barely dodged out of the way of their attacks.

"RUN YOUR MAJESTY!" One of the guards yelled. Without hesitation, Princess Twilight limped back up the stairs as fast as she could and made her way through the castle to the Throne Room. She limped through the door of The Throne Room quickly and sealed off the entrance with magic barring anypony entrance. Shadow ponies rammed themselves against the closed doors of the throne room, trying their best to gain entrance.

"There is no place you can hide princess," Grogar's voice resounded through the room. Princess Twilight searched frantically around her surroundings trying to locate Grogar. “Behind you, Princess Twilight,” Grogar said and Princess Twilight turned to see the old goat sitting on her throne. “Oh, how I’ve seen this tired game of cat and mouse so many times, Princess. I can sense that even now, your friends have come to save you. They’ll try and fight their way into this kingdom that you ponies call 'Canterlot'. I am counting on them to do this, I want as many of your friends present to witness what is to come. The moon will be high in the sky tonight, soon it will be high enough for me to bridge the gaps between the Realm of Darkness and the Realm of Light”

“Whatever your plan, your wrong about my friends! Our friendship is stronger than you’ll ever be. If you think you can trap us in the Realm of Darkness...” Princess Twilight retorted readying her sword to defend herself.

“You naïve soul, I am not going to take you to the Realm of Darkness. I’m unleashing my pet into into the realm of light to devour you all. I haven’t come to make you my slaves, I’ve come to annihilate all of Ponykind,” Grogar said as he leapt off the throne gripping his sword tightly.

"Equestrians have defeated you before, we will do it again, Grogar!" Princess Twilight responded firmly.

"You mean... Gusty the Great?" Grogar chuckled and began stepping down from the throne and approaching Twilight. "Hnhnhn... Allow me to set the record straight, Princess, there is so much more to that tale than the history books say," Princess Twilight's surroundings faded into darkness and she found herself on a cloud in Cloudsdale, but the world around her was in hues of gray. In the distance in front of her, a much younger version of Grogar stood facing off against a fearsome mare and a crowd of unicorns behind her. The older Grogar Princess Twilight had fought appeared beside her and gazed at his younger self.

"What is this?" Princess Twilight asked. "I am showing you my memories of that day, Twilight," As the older Grogar spoke, the crowd of unicorns unleashed their magic using it to hold down the younger Grogar. "Your history books are correct that Gusty held me down, took my bell, and hid it away in an enchanted cave atop Mount Everhoof. What your history books won't say is that before she hid the bell away, Gusty tried to use my bewitching bell against me, thinking it would stop me forever from returning to Equestria," Grogar closed his eyes. Princess Twilight watched as the fearsome mare pointed the bell at Grogar, its green magic striking the ram and also latching onto Gusty's forehooves as well. "The bewitching bell cursed us both that day, binding our fates together forever. Out of every generation of Ponykind that would follow after Gusty, a select few of you little ponies would be gifted with her spirit of courage to stand against the forces of evil that would come. My true power was stunted by the curse and will not return to me until I have conquered all of Ponyland, thus defeating the spirit of Gusty the Great forevermore. I was banished by the bewitching bell that day to the Realm of Darkness along with my home, the Kingdom of Tambelon. There I remained waiting for the day I could take my revenge. The curse that bound our fates afterwards transformed itself into a new bell, the Bell of Freedom," Grogar went on as their surroundings changed, "If I returned to Ponyland and if one were to ring the Bell of Freedom before I could defeat all of ponykind, I would be banished again to the Realm of Darkness," Princess Twilight and the older Grogar stood on a balcony overlooking the courtyard of Tambelon. Another Grogar, one appearing slightly older than the younger version, stood blasting his magic at ponies down below.

"It was five hundred years following Gusty before I would be able to return to Ponyland. In those five hundred years of waiting, I had managed to forge a temporary replacement of my bewitching bell from dark magical items I had acquired and used it to return to Ponyland. Unfortunately, the Bell of Freedom also came to Ponyland with me, and I made the terrible mistake not protecting it from you ponies," At that moment, they heard the bell rung and the Grogar of this time period turned towards the sound.

"There goes the bell, the ponies sung, we won the fight! Ring out the song of victory tonight! Oh, what joy the dawn will bring, let the Bell of Freedom ring! Let the Bell of Freedom ring!" Their surroundings returned to Princess Twilight's Throne Room. "The Bell of Freedom rang, my temporary bewitching bell was destroyed, and I was sent back with my kingdom to the Realm of Darkness yet again. Ever since, I have watched every generation of your kind Princess Twilight, waiting for my time to return. And so... my time has finally come. Do you wish to know the best part about all this, Princess?," Grogar grinned sinisterly. "The Bell Of Freedom still remains within The Realm Of Darkness"

Twilight's eyes broadened at Grogar's statement.

"Which means... you have no way of sending me back this time. I ... Am Here To Stay"

"Then we will find another way to defeat you!" Princess Twilight said determinedly. "The power of friendship will prevail over everything you try to do to us Grogar!"

"Oh, is that so?" Grogar readied his sword. "Tell me, Princess, how well is the power of friendship helping you at this very moment?" Princess Twilight’s eyebrows narrowed and she shot a ray blast at Grogar. Grogar dodged and Princess Twilight’s throne was incinerated. A new found determination soared through Princess Twilight as she ignored the pain in her limp. Princess Twilight ducked as Grogar swiped at her head and then ray blasted the ram into one of the marble pillars behind him. After a moment of being blasted by the Princess's magic ray, Grogar disappeared and the pillar crumbled to the floor.

"ENOUGH HIDING, GROGAR!" Princess Twilight yelled out angrily, "COME ON! SHOW YOURSELF AND LET'S FINISH THIS!" Grogar reappeared hovering in the air in the middle of room, his eyes glowing red and glaring coldly down at Princess Twilight. Princess Twilight shot forth her ray attack and Grogar followed with his own, the ends of their magic rays colliding in a bright light. Princess Twilight's nostrils flared as she planted her hooves firmly on the ground and fought with all the strength she had to push her magic ray forward. Her magic ray overcame Grogar and exploded in his face knocking him to the ground.

“I admire you Princess Twilight," Grogar said as he stumbled to his hooves, "Even in your weakened condition, your willing to fight until your last breath," Grogar's bell began to glow and a sudden chill swept through the room.

Princess Twilight shuddered and took a step back. "You can tear this castle apart, Grogar, but you will never have my Alicorn Magic!" Grogar's Bell pointed itself at Twilight, those green strands of magic appearing from its base and stretching themselves out towards the Princess. Grogar smiled as a twinge of fear flickered across Princess Twilight's face at the sight of the green strands.

Princess Twilight narrowly escaped the strands as she retreated towards the exit of the Throne Room. She used her magic to break open the doors and lunged herself through. From then, she began to navigate through the halls, away from Grogar. Every now and again, she would have to double back and take a different route as she encountered more shadow ponies fighting the royal guards. Finally Princess Twilight made her way up the spiral staircase of the tallest tower and sealed off the door with magic. Out onto the balcony, Princess Twilight looked at the city below and seeing the battle raging onward. Tears dripped down Princess Twilight's cheeks at the sight of her beloved city now under siege.

"I know your pain," Grogar's voice rang in Twilight's ears. "To see everything you love, everything you've spent your whole life working towards, crumble before your very eyes"

"It's quite the opposite, Grogar! What you will see is the citizens of Equestria rise up and defeat you by their shared bond of friendship," Princess Twilight responded firmly. "Everything I've always believed in and worked everyday for are the friends and family I have. You greatly underestimate the Power of Friendship and it will always be stronger than anything you can do against us"

"THEN PROVE TO ME THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP IS STRONGER THAN I AND DEFEAT ME IF YOU CAN!!!!!" Grogar voice shouted in Twilight's ears just as the entire top of the tower exploded and fell down in broken chunks to the ground far below. Princess Twilight nearly toppled over the side of the balcony from the force of the blast but managed to keep herself doing so.

However, the sword of which the Princess of Friendship held slipped out of her hoof, fell off the balcony, and down into the city below. Princess Twilight turned around as Grogar stood a few feet away staring at her.

Grogar had watched Twilight's blade fall off the balcony and he gazed down at his own sword thoughtfully, "Perhaps... swords are rudimentary weapons, too unbefitting for the defeat of royalty," Grogar tossed his sword off the side of tower. "The battle between the King of Tambelon and the Princess of Friendship should have the respect it deserves. You've earned my respect as an enemy, Twilight. So, I will take your Alicorn Magic not with the thrust of a common sword, but rather with all the powerful magic I possess. A Princess of your stature deserves that much"

Grogar's horns begin to glow a bright crimson whilst emanating a charging hum. Twilight realized in that instance that Grogar was about to unleash a power blast emission. Despite the pain in her body, she rose up firmly and planted her hooves into the ground, facing the ancient ram with an unwavering gaze. Magic began gathering from within her horn, what little there was anyway. Her horn sparking and slowly illuminating the balcony.

Grogar takes note of Twilight as she gathers her magic in attempts to retaliate the upcoming attack. "Hmph, how admirable... even know you're scrounging up all you have just to remain," Grogar grins at Twilight as the magic from within his horn reach its peak. "Yet... it's futile"

In that moment, Grogar unleashes a large crimson magical blast towards Twilight. Twilight grits her teeth and rears up, then slams her hooves back down to the ground as she unleashes her own blast emission. The purple hue of her blast lighting up the balcony even more. With full force, both blast collide within the middle, creating a powerful shockwave that shook the tower. The two powerful individuals stood their ground as their beams maintained their force upon each other in the center between them. Twilight, gritting her teeth and unleashing everything she has left into this blast. Meanwhile, Grogar himself seems almost unphased. Twilight's pain in her body rose the more she unleashed, but she was not about to give up. Her friends, her family, All Of Equestria was depending on her. Even with this in mind, she felt the feeling in her legs swiftly slip away, causing her to kneel slightly. Grogar's beam began to overpower hers, pushing the purple beam back. Grogar began taking steps forward to close the gap between them. Twilight's eyes broaden as she realized that her magic is fleeting. Her body had grown numb and her horn's magic flickered as Grogar's beam inched closer. In one last attempt at retaliation, she stood up from her kneel and unleashed everything she had into one last burst of magic. Impacting the center of the magical collision. Grogar stopped in his tracks as this happened, taking a moment to gaze at the rebellious Princess. It was as clear as Grogar's vision that Twilight had already lost. Twilight's eyes grew dim as she could no longer take the pain. Her eyes shut in that moment as Grogar's beam had reached her horn, followed by an explosion of bright crimson.

Twilight flew backwards through the balcony railings, breaking them. She began to plummet from the tower towards the depth below. In that instance before she could plummet too far, several green strands shoot down from the balcony and latch on you her body. Grogar, stepping to the edge of the balcony, gazed down Twilight as she appears unconscious. The green strands coming from his bell hold her firmly suspended below.

"Most admirable, Princess. However, I'm not letting you go until I have what's rightfully mine," Grogar spoke to the unconscious Princess.

As their battle reaches its conclusion, Princess Cadance, Dr. Calamity, and Star Swirl the Bearded had arrived by the gates of Canterlot. They stood watching the devastation befalling the kingdom from afar.

“Princess Cadance! Star Swirl! YOU'RE HERE!” Came the voice of Spike as he flew down. “Oh, thank goodness! Twilight and Grogar are fighting and the shadow ponies are everywhere. There is no way to get inside the castle to help Princess Twilight though, Grogar has some sort of magic shield barring anypony entrance”

Dr. Calamity's eyes opened widely, "That can't be good!"

All of them looked to towards the tallest tower of Canterlot Castle where Grogar stood at the edge of the balcony. Below him, Twilight can be seen dangling whilst constricted by Grogar's green magic strands.

Shock took hold of Princess Cadance in that moment, once she spots the devastating situation Twilight is currently in. "Twilight!" Cadance shouted over.

Grogar began pulling up Twilight from below, raising her up to eye level with the old ram.

"Rise and shine, Princess," Spoke Grogar to Twilight's face in a sinister tone. "Wouldn't want you to miss out on what comes next"

Twilight's eyes began to slowly open as she groans from the pain. Her eyes, shaky and dim, struggling to focus as her vision is blurred. Grogar brings a hoof to lift her head to help her focus her sight on his eyes.

"Good, you're still with us," He smiles.

"Wha... What are you d-..," Twilight tries to speak but can't properly muster any words. Her horn, heavily singed from the explosion. Ash, dirt, and dust covered most of her face. More importantly her cheeks wet from the tears she had let out prior.

"I want you to be the first to witness the very moment I reclaim my rightful place in this world," Grogar grinned.

Twilight struggled to break free from the constricting strands, but it was in vain.

"I'll have to hand it to you Twilight, you did much better than Discord. That old fool thought burying me was enough to stop me. As if!" Grogar said as the strands began to turn Twilight around completely and angle her up to look into the sky. "Look up Princess, the moon is high in the sky and your Alicorn Magic is mine!" Grogar spoke softly beside Twilight's right ear.

"No..." Twilight weakly uttered in despair. Her eyes locked onto the rising moon.

As the moon reaches it highest point, the light from above shines directly down upon the two. Twilight's eyes widen and her jaw drops as she feels an intense sensation stun her body from horn to hoof. The green strands begin to emit a brighter glow as bright purple magic begins to leave Twilight's horn and into the strands. As the magic flows through the strands, Grogar shuts his eyes. Twilight's Alicorn Magic being siphoned from her body and into Grogar's bell. Twilight can feel all of her strength now completely leave her body and all she can do now is go limp from having nothing left in her. Once all the magic enters Grogar's bell, it flows throughout his body. Grogar takes a deep breath inwards as the magic reaches his head. Thus the magical transfer was complete. Grogar opened his eyes, revealing that one of his eyes now glow a bright purple while the other remained its incandescent red.

"Hrrrrghh...," Grogar let out a chilling exhale as he laid eyes upon Twilight once more. The green strands turn Twilight around for her to face Grogar. The old ram gazed at the defeated Princess, now laying limply within his constricting hold.

“And thus the Princess of Friendship has been ... dethroned,” Grogar said, grinning with satisfaction at the sight of Twilight's disheveled state. "Now then... You've served your purpose here, Twilight. Any final words?"

"Hhrrh...you..," Twilight mustered up words quietly.

"Hmm? Say again? I can't quite hear you," Grogar puts a hoof to his right ear and turns his head to face his ear towards her. He leans in to be able to hear her speak.

"You.... Will Never... Defeat.... Equestria...," Twilight weakly utters. "I may fall here.... but... there... will always... be others. My Friends Will Stop You," Twilight raises her head up with her last bit of strength and musters up the will to look Grogar in the eyes with an intimidating gaze.

"The Ponies Of Equestria Will Never Bow To A False King," Bespoke The Princess Of Friendship before going limp once more and shutting her eyes. Appearing lifeless before the ancient ram's magical grasp.

Grogar watched Twilight as she went still, feeling a tinge of anger at her words. He growled at the Princess. "Hrgh, how pathetic. Weak, insolent little ponies could never hope to defeat one such as me. As evident by you, Twilight. Now then... Farwell, Princess," Grogar releases Twilight from his magical constrictions. Twilight's lifeless body plummets down into the depths of the city below, out of sight from Grogar's eyes.

Down by the entrance of Canterlot, Princess Cadance bared witness to Twilight plummeting into the city.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Cadance yelled in anguish.

Grogar took a moment to relish in his victory as he gaze up towards the moon. Soon after, Grogar rose into the air, having a newfound strength and clarity of the mind, magic coursing through his body. The sky began to blackened and massive gusts of wind raced by. A large tear within the sky formulates, spreading across for what seems like miles. In this very moment, Grogar had succeeded in his actions; a massive time dimensional rift appeared over the city of Canterlot.

Then Grogar spoke, his voice booming over the masses, “MAY ALL OF PONYLAND BE SUCCUMB TO FEAR!”

A deafening roar rang out through the city below.


Everypony in the city stopped and starred upwards as two scaly hands with claws appeared through the rift.


Out of the rift flew a massive dragon of shadows with blackened smoke and ash flowing from its body. The dragon was hardly able to fit through the opening of the time dimensional rift. Droves of shadow ponies flew through the dimensional rift, following the dragon and set about with an aerial assault of the city. After flying through, the dragon flew over Canterlot setting it ablaze in fire and landed with booming thud inside the city walls to join in the fight. The time dimensional rift slowly closed and Grogar landed back down atop the tower. Grogar returned his gaze out to the land of Equestria

"Soon, all Alicorn Magic will be mine! There is nothing anypony can do to stop me...," Grogar turned his head northwest of his position and took note of a tall, crystalline tower in the far distance. "Hmm, I had heard tale of a Crystal Empire close by. It seems that empire is now my next target. Hahahahahahahaaa...," Grogar let out a sinister laugh that echoed across the kingdom.

Dr. Calamity watched, his eyes widening as the dragon emerge and flew over Canterlot along with all the shadow ponies.

“First the real Grogar shows up, then shadow ponies, and NOW A SHADOW DRAGON?!” Spike remarked shaking his head.

“Where is Princess Celestia and Luna?” Star Swirl the Bearded asked. “Shining Armor is coming with the army of the Crystal Empire. However, it may take a few minutes for them to arrive”

“I don’t think we have a few minutes. Princess Celestia and Luna are no where to be found. We haven’t seen either of them since they left to question Dr. Calamity,” Spike responded.

Star Swirl turned to Princess Cadance, “Do you think they were intercepted by Grogar before they could warn Princess Twilight?”

Princess Cadance kept her gaze towards where Twilight fell, fearing that she may indeed have been defeated.

"Princess," Star Swirl calls her name.

“We can worry about Princess Celestia and Luna later. I'm sure the two princesses will be fine. Right now... We need to find a way into the castle and fast. Twilight NEEDS us. Spike, does Grogar have his bell?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Uhh, I don't know. But if Twilight is in serious trouble then most likely he does,” Spike responded, looking nervously up at the castle.

“Princess Cadance, I have a plan for getting into that castle, let me handle getting that enchantment taken down, you handle rescuing Princess Twilight afterwards,” Dr. Calamity said and after a moment of silence, Princess Cadance nodded.

“Great, Spike your with me, now hurry!” Dr. Calamity went on as he and Spike left the group and began to make their way through Canterlot heading for the castle.

“Uhh okay, BUT WHAT IS THE PLAN?” Spike responded.

“No time to explain, we have got to get to that castle NOW!” Dr. Calamity went on as the two of them took off running towards the castle, "Come Spike, Princess Twilight’s life is at stake! We haven’t a..." Dr. Calamity stopped running for a moment as he felt something hard hit his head and fall to the ground. Looking down, Dr. Calamity's eyes grew wide as he lifted up a diamond necklace in the shape of a star.

In a gentle voice, he quietly uttered. "Twinkle Star..."


Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated as a gift to my friend SnivyG.Absol for his birthday!

Happy birthday Snivy! Your awesome!!!! Thank you for all your support.

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