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Chapter 1

"FIRED?" Dr. Calamity asked fumingly, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I'M FIRED? I have been the head of Equestria's royal scientists for forty years and your FIRING ME?"

"Dr. Calamity," Princess Twilight sighed, "I said I was letting you go into retirement. I said nothing about firing you. Your work, as you said, has been top notch in the past. You've served Equestria well. However, your more recent experiments have been a bit...."

"Disastrous," Spike interjected.

"Much. I was going to use the word, much."

Spike and Princess Twilight exchanged glances as Dr. Calamity began to pace back and forth on the throne room floor clearly very upset.

"Princess Twilight, you must allow me to continue my experiments. I am working on a project right now that is sure to revolutionize science in all of Equestria."

"No, no, no, Dr. Calamity, that is quite alright," Princess Twilight said nervously, "I insist that you stop all science experiments immediately."

"So, that is it then? Forty years of dedication to science in Equestria, and I'm just expected to hang up my hat and stop all my work. I see how Equestria operates now, what with it now being under "new" management. Princess Celestia and Luna would never have done this to me. However, now that Equestria has the Princess of Friendship in charge, I guess everything is about to change, isn't it?"

"Hey," Spike spoke up frowning, "Princess Twilight has to do what is best for all Equestria, and this is nothing personal against you or your work, Dr. Calamity. Look, retirement won't be so bad, you can make friends, relax, and do all kinds of things."

"Just not...science. Am I right?" Dr. Calamity asked sounding sarcastic.

An awkward silence followed for a minute.

"FINE! I will just...go home and...throw my life's work in the garbage. Thank you Princess Twilight, for this most enlightening visit." Dr. Calamity's voiced cracked, a very hurt look on his face.

Dr. Calamity zapped himself away from the castle leaving Spike, Princess Twilight, and the royal guards alone.

"I don't know Twilight, I'm not sure Dr. Calamity is just going to give up his experiments. He seemed very upset."

Princess Twilight closes her eyes.

"Spike, would you mind going and talking to Stubbs? We had better be safe, than sorry on this one."

Spike nods to Princess Twilight and walks off out of the throne room.

Stubbs finished nailing the last of the new shingles to the roof.

"Phew," Stubbs thought to himself, "Finally. The house is fully repaired. Oof, my back is going to be aching for days after this."

Dr. Calamity appeared grumbling to himself and Stubbs watched the unicorn as he walks angrily into his house.

"Not so much as even a thank you or an acknowledgement of my existence," Stubbs muttered, "I seriously need to search for better employment at some point."


"Well, at least he acknowledges me when there is work to be done," Stubbs thought to himself as he flies down and lands with a thud at the front door.

Walking inside, Stubbs made his way through Dr. Calamity's house; walking across the kitchen, into the living room and down into the basement laboratory. Strange smells from past experiments lingered in the lab. Flies buzzed freely around and some of the more carnivorous plants were watching Stubbs hungrily from across the room. Stacks of test tubes, paperwork, old notes, and other scientific equipment were scattered around the lab. Dr. Calamity was muttering under his breath angrily as he stood by an old wood work desk with his back turned to Stubbs.

Stubbs, then noticed something was very off about this whole situation. Out of sight from where Stubbs stood, Dr. Calamity was giving his full attention to some object that on top of the desk, an object that was glowing.

"Dr. Calamity...are...you okay?" Stubbs asked unnerved.

"We are being let go, Stubbs, after forty years. I'm being forced into retirement."

"Oh, okay. Uhm...."

"After everything I've done for Equestria, Stubbs. What has it all amounted to? Nothing." Dr. Calamity slams his hoof down onto the table.

The object shakes on the table as a single magic spark flew up at hit the ceiling. Stubbs gulped, whatever that was, it was very dark and powerful magic.

"Dr. Calamity, what are you looking at? What is that on the on the desk?" Stubbs asked his feet shifting uncomfortably.

"I took something, Stubbs. I needed a power source for my latest experiment. An object that was extremely powerful. Princess Twilight won't stop me, I will make my mark in history! THIS IS EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE WORKED FOR AND I REFUSE TO LET ANYPONY TAKE IT FROM ME!"

Dr. Calamity turned around and all color drained from Stubbs's face. Fear gripped at Stubbs's core as Dr. Calamity shifted his distraught gaze from his assistant to the object he was holding. Dr. Calamity was holding Grogar's bell.

"It's time, Stubbs. For all of Equestria to see what I am truly capable of as a scientist. It's time to make my ultimate contribution."

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy chapter one. 😁

Hopefully the story makes sense and is good so far.