• Published 24th Sep 2012
  • 1,244 Views, 30 Comments

Attack of OC man - Chuckward

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Twilight sparklw was walking to the growshury store in a very out of character and misspelled way when Rainbow Dash showed up and then immediately left!YEAH!!!

Suddenly a big giant huge loarge enormous meteor flew down from space and killed pip.

"Well that was bound to happen eventually," sed twilight sparkle!!!!!!~!~!!~

Disregarding Pip's untimely demise, Twilight collected her weekly provisions and sauntered back to her home, while singing about how she was the best unicorn in Equestria.

After arriving she threw the jar of pickles she had bought at Spike's head rendering him unconcious.

"Oh sleeping on the job are we? What a bad dragon,"she shook him awake and when he opened his eyes she screamed nonsense words at him, and then chucked him at a nearby bookshelf which caused a collision that knocked every single book down to the ground.
"Well,"Twilight said expectantly.

"What,"replied a dizzy spike.

"CLEAN IT UP BITCH!!!twilight lovingly said.

Spike threw up on owlicious and then proceeded to pick up the books, until he came across one he did not recognize. It was old and dusty with a faded teal cover. The title simply read "The Element of Hate".He walked over to Twilight and showed it to her.

"When did you get this book twilight?"

"I-I didn't," she stammered.

She picked it up with her magic and opened it.

Suddenly a bright red light emanated from the book and engulfed the entire room. Twilight lifted Spike in front of her face to sheild herself from the light while simultaneously forcing Spike to keep his eyes open with her magic. Eventually the light faded and when the dust settled a hologram of WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus was floating above the book.

"Oy, don't look in this book, it contains an evil secret kept by Celestia, unlocking it could destroy the credibility of bronykind."

Then Sheamus disappeared, leaving Twilight sitting there looking very confused.She picked up the book and looked at it.

"Twilight,"Spike protested,"didn't you hear Sheamus? That book could destroy all of bronykind!"

"What the hell is a brony,"Twilight inquired.

Spike simply shut his mouth and let Twilight continue. She flipped through the pages and began to read what appeared to be some horrible story about a Red and Black Alicorn that went by the name Evil Shadow Fire.

"My Celestia what a horribly unoriginal name. It's so bad I feel like throwing up,"Twilight thought to herself,"Plus the whole storyline is stupid and rediculous, this is the first time I've read a story like this and the entire concept already feels overly exhausted. Besides that color design. It's as though Some fat loser was sitting at home writing a fanfiction, and he suddenly thought to himself "Red and Black are cool colors,I'll use Red and Black" and this character is retardedly strong, in fact I'd say that this alicorn is more overpowered than any given Sonic OC."

Suddenly, upon thinking that last sentence Twilight felt a disturbance in the pony force.

"Spike,"Twilight said worriedly.
