• Published 5th May 2022
  • 298 Views, 2 Comments

What a lovely night for Lyra - Mr Mlp

Lyra goes down for her usual walk back home.

  • ...

A nice walk :)

Author's Note:

After my first fic I wanted to start working on stuff it lacked on. So I decided I wanted to work on my dialouge.

Lyra was taking her usual stroll down the same old path she had walked down countless of times. She had been going home from work, in the late evening. It was a path that she found no pony to ever travel across. Maybe a possible bystander, but the trees and foliage always made it difficult to find such a pathway. It was always so peaceful to just trot and think about the events of the day. Unfortunately this wouldn't be a time where she could just enjoy the way back home, for she had an angry marefriend to return back to.

With a sigh she continued trudging along looking through her surroundings, until she stopped. Right ahead in the distance was the loveable baby dragon spike. He seemed a bit scratched up and quite possibly a little lost. Plus, he was just standing there... menacingly. Lyra thought immediately snapping the comment out of her head to see what was going on with the baby dragon.

"Uhh, hey spike? What's going on with you?"

"Oh thank celestia! I thought I would never see anypony ever again! I was walking back to twilight's house after buying a new writing quill for her, but then a tripped on something and landed in some bushes. I didn't hurt to bad though. What did hurt was the 30 seconds of rolling down a hill after I stepped out from the bushes. I ended up here and I don't even know where here is!"

"Heh, don't I know how it feels to roll down for a good amount of time."

"Are you also stuck here?"

"Nah! I come here everyday! Come on spike I'll show you the way."

"Thank you so much lyra!"

A bit of time passed letting the inevitable moments of awkwardness and silence to come. Both of them looked ever which way, but themselves.

"Hey lyra?"

"Yeah spike?"

"Do you think I will grow manly pecks when I grow older?"

"What?! Well I mean you certainly have a lot of growing to do... celestia I cant even imagine you with pecks..."

"I can!"

Once again the looming silence took its opportunity to pounce. They still had a ways to go before they reached the end of the walk.

"How much longer until we get back home?"

"We still got at least 15-30 minutes left spike. Just enjoy the scenery and weather. Like rarity would say Enjoy the beauty of everything!" Lyra gave spike a playful hoofbump in the shoulder.

"Hehe... yeah. Rarity is pretty great like that."

"Exactly, now stop worrying about when we will get home and start worrying about chilling with me on this lovely evening."

"But I have stuff to do Lyra! I wanna get it down as soon as possible so I can have my own time to do other stuff."

"Oh yeah like what?"

"Like- you know... uhhhh... like... hmmmmmm. Stuff."

"Well I can't blame you. I got my own situations to worry about when I get home specifically with my mare friend."

"What's up with you guys?"

"I may have eaten a whole cake without her permission and she put me on a diet. It wasn't even my fault! That cake was begging to get in my belly!"

"I assume it was one of pinkie's cakes. Those things are heavenly."

"You betcha."

Another minute of soundless noise passes through the air.

"Hey Lyra? Remember that time Pinkie cloned herself with the mirror pool?"

"You mean that time I almost died by being run over by a million pinkie pies? Yeah that kinda sucked. How did you guys fix that anyway?"

"Well we gathered up all the pinkie pies and placed them in this room. We made them stare at a brick wall with paint on it. Whoever looked away from it was killed on the spot. We did finally exterminate all the clones and find the real pinkie pie... well at least I think we did."

Lyra stared at him blankly. "Your telling me you guys just straight up murdered some clones for not staring at a brick wall for long enough. Man you guys are more cold than I gave you credit for." Lyra chuckled.

"Hey! We did it to find the real pinkie pie! Besides we didn't really kill them. They got safely returned back to the mirror pool... or at least I think."

"Do you know anything for a fact?"

"The point is... do you believe there could have been a pinkie pie we missed or we killed the actual pinkie pie?"

"Not counting the mirror pool accident i have not seen more than one pinkie at a time in my life. There's no way a random pinkie pie clone is just out there in the middle of Equestria doing celestia knows what."

"I heard rainbow dash and applejack say something along the lines of seeing a suspicious looking mare in a coat in manehatten that looked identical to pinkie pie."

"Could have been Halloween."

"It was a couple of weeks ago. It's august!"

"Someponies are crazy spike and like to dress up as anything they like."

"Like humans?"

"What's a human?" Spike gave a puzzled look, but then shrugged it off.

"Oh nothing. But seriously though! What could happen if there is actually a second pinkie out there? What if there is more?"

"What? You scared two pinkies in the world at the same time are gonna cause the destruction of the earth?"

"No! ... Well maybe."

"Yeah, this clone pinkie will find her way back to ponyville and cause a interdimensional rift by touching pinkie pie leading to some sort of weird dimension like that human world."


"Spike what is with you and humans?"

Their walk continued and after finally sparking up a decently lengthy conversation they could practically smell thier homes from here. However fate was not in their favor, for the many trees that surrounded them one was destined to fall.

"Spike I think we're almost outta here. I can see the annual boulder landmark."

"Yessss! Finally-" CRACK! BOOOM!

"Holy crap that's a humongous tree. Spike I don't think we can make it past this tree."

"Sure we can, I'll just breathe my fire..."

"NO! You'll burn down the whole forest! As much as I don't wanna do this, we are going to have to walk alll the way back and take a different way home."

"Your kidding right?"

"I wish, anyway lets get started."

Lyra and Spike were about to start their journey back down the path, but to their surprise a second tree fell down almost crushing one of them.

"Remember what I said about walking back?"

"Are we trapped here?! Twilight is going to be furious!"

"Oh you think Twilight is going to be mad, Bon Bon is already angry with me, so she'll be 10 times more mad than Twilight."

"What are we going to do Lyra?!"

"Relax Spike I've been down here many times before and in my expertise I know that there are ponies that clear the way of any trees or branches in the morning, so we just gotta wait until then."

"Does that mean..."

"Yep, we gotta camp here for the night."

A few hours have passed and Lyra and Spike having calmed down (mostly Spike) and are sitting as comfortingly as they can on the hard dirt and grass. Thankfully the moon shines brightly during this specific night so they could see perfectly fine. They sped up the time, by playing games with sticks, talking about more random stuff, and just generally doing nothing.

"Do you have any interesting stories to tell Lyra?"

"I'll have to think for a bit on that one Spike."

"Oh come on! Surely you have a story the you love to tell to everypony. Probably something about Bon Bon."

"Well I do have a pretty cool spy story to tell."

Spike sat up with enthusiasm awaiting, in his eyes the inevitable masterpiece of a tale told by Lyra.

"About 4 months ago me and Lyra- er I mean Bon Bon, were chilling and watching TV on the sofa when suddenly this random pony comes bursting through the door shouting for agent sweetie drops. Naturally I was extremely confused, but Bon Bon reacted on a dime bucking the pony in the mussel! They got into a pretty serious fight and I got to watch the whole thing. There were portals and swords and a butload of magic! It was truly a spectacle. Eventually Bon Bon won and sent him back to her secret agent headquarters. And it turns out Bon Bon got this sweet new ability of super smell. I gotta tell you spike I loved every second of it."

"Didn't you get to at least participate in the battle?"

"Oh-ho-ho yeah. Bon Bon held him down and I got to punch him a few times."

"Hm. Yeah, that's pretty cool Lyra."

"Isn't it!"

"It's amazing having a spy as a marefriend! I mean she learns all these secrets about Equestria and gets to kick everyponys faces! Just the other day...

Many more agonizing minuets passed as Lyra went into excruciating detail describing everything that went into the job of being a secret agent. Although spike hated every second of it, a question went through his mind that he just had to ask.

"Sooooo... If Bon Bon learns all this top secret stuff about Equestria... do you think she knows about the pinkie pie clones?"

"Spike I'm going to smack you if you mention the pinkie pies again."

"I'm serious Lyra! Me and the twilight's friends go on all sorts of adventures together and believe me when I tell you, this could be a dangerous threat."

"Mhm, yes. An army of pinkie pies destroying Equestria. Why would they even do that?"

"I don't know... maybe for pastries... or a misunderstood way of spreading joy across Equestria."

"I'm going to ask Bon Bon about it next time I see her and save everypony."

"Sure spike."

Another fit of missing noise envelops the two. Neither of them want to sleep, due to the unfortunate circumstances, but since they were technically camping Lyra had an idea.

"Spike I just had a great idea."

"You don't mean..."

"Oh I mean..."


"What the heck? No I mean't campfire stories."

"Oh, my bad."

"Well spike? Do you have any scary stories to tell? Something that isn't about Pinkie Pies."

"I was kinda hoping you had a story, I'm not to good with making up stories."

"Except with lying."


"Oh, nothing. I do have the perfect story. Just like the first it is absolutely magnificent."

"Actually you know what I think I'm going to tell the scary story."

"Alright fine, what you got for me spike?"

"We open up the story to two stallions chilling out in a cabin, just having a grand old time."

"Is this going to be a cliche murder tale?"

"Shut up! So they are sitting on the couch watching TV, when suddenly they hear tapping at the window, but nopony was there. "

"Heh, turns out it's just a tree branch."

"Are you going to let me tell my story?"

"Yeah yeah, go ahead."

"They shrug it off and continue having fun and chilling like two bros. They noises continue however sending the two stallions into paranoia. It gets so bad that they eventually turn on each other, thinking that one of them are causing the noises. They both took one another out, but it turns out that the one making the sounds was the tree branch the whole time!"


"Are you scared yet?"

"Spike... you sweet soul... never tell a scary story again."

"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad!"

"I would tell a story as well, but honestly I'm getting kind of tired. I'm going to bed spike."

"Right now?! We are in the middle of the forest!"

"No, we are stuck on a alternate footpath in ponyville. I'll see you in the morning spike."

"Can you please stay awake Lyra? I don't wanna be alone at this time in the cold."

"You'll be fine spike."

"What if I'm hungry?"

"Eat a rock, they taste good."

"Fine, go to sleep then."

Spike took a seat on the ground and gazed up at the starts until he got sick of it. This was certainty a boring predicament to be in, but one he was forced to go through. At least an hour had gone away and still no sign of the sun showed its head. He also began to get sleepy, but still persisted to stay awake and kicking.

"What to do.... well there's a stick right there. And there is dirt all around us. Maybe I can draw something? Nah, I'm not good at drawing."

He then picked the stick up tossing it around playfully. He kept it up for a bit, but then he threw up to high and the stick ended up bonking him in the head. He put the stick down and began looking for another activity to occupy himself with.

"What else is there to do... just more dirt and grass."

Spike scooped up a handful of dirt and placed it in a specific spot on the ground. He then crafted the pile in the shape of a ball. He took two more scoops of dirt and repeated his action. Each ball of dirt was expertly made, putting the most amount of detail into his creation. The grass was next and with a pluck spike stuck grass into the three balls of dirt each having their own size and flavor. The amount of time he spent making his magnum opus felt like an eternity. When he was finally done he took a step back to admire his work... of a dirt snowman.

"Well that took forever." But in reality it only took about 5 minutes.

After all that hard work spike was really staring to feel the effects of no sleep. He eyes were struggling to stay open. Eventually, in the most graceful way he could he had fallen asleep.

Lyra awoke with a pep in her step. Just moments ago there was the sound of a twig snap from the depths of the trees. Lyra tried to go back to her sleep, but sadly that was not the case. So instead she resorted to talking to herself, but this time in a whisper that spike had neglected to do.

"I bet the sound was only a animal. Spike would probably blame it on Pinkies somehow... he looks so peacefully sleeping. I should probably fight back the urge to scare him awake. It must be getting light soon now... right-"


"Oh cool, another twig crunch. You know I'm not a cartoon. I'm not going to be screaming my head off 10 minutes later, because of random sounds in the middle of the night."


"OooOOo! That's some chilly wind."


"Well I've haven't heard a noise like that yet."

Crunchy crack!

"What kind of crunching sound was that?"

Splurry splinch a kracka tooey!

"Ok, this is getting dumb"

Lyra was not feeling the comedic effect of the sounds playing around her, but there was one sort of spectacle that reached her ears that did set off a certain alarm.


"Woah... wait a minute... that sounded like Bon Bon!"

This line of dialogue however was not in a whisper, so naturally spike was awoken from his nap.

"Are we getting saved now?"

"No, I just thought I heard something. It was nothing though. Go back to-"

"Lyraaaaaaaaaa... I caaan heartbreaking youuuuu"

"What was that lyra?"

"Uhhhh, it's probably just the wind?"

"I'mmmm not thee winded lyrraaaaa... idiot."

"Uh, spike we might wanna find a way out of here quickly..."

"I'm on it! I'll try snd scratch the wood down!"

"That's not gonna do anything! Here I'll use my horn to split the wood!"

"Like that's any better?!"

"Shush keep chipping away!"

"That won't workkkk lyrraaaaaaa."

"How do you know my name!"

"How woullldn'ttt iii knooowww?"

"Who are you! How'd did you get here!"

"Thattssss not importannnt rigghttt now... youuu areee in sooo much troubblleeee."

"Come any closer and I'll throw a rock at you! How did you find us!"

"I found you because..."



Both spike and Lyra shriveled back in terror staring at the gruesome beast that came to greet them. It was horrid! It was menacing! It was...






Lyra frightened out of her mind scooped up a near by rock and bonked her on the head. She hadn't really been thinking when she did that, but she was knocked unconscious and they were safe.

"Did you just bonk Bon Bon in the head lyra?"

"I told you she was going to be furious. Look at it this way spike, no one got hurt, Bon Bon surprise attacking us has shown us a way to get outta here, and I don't have to worry about dying tonight."

"You know what, I'm not going to question any of that"

"Great! Now let's go pick Bon Bon up and hope we don't look like murders!"

It was now the next day in ponyville and Lyra, as well as spike had survived a terrible night outside. Spike went home to his loveable twilight and Lyra awaited the time Bon Bon would wake up from her nap and hopefully not get walloped as soon as she saw her.

"Ughh, my head."

"Hi Bon Bon..."

"What happened last night?"

"Oh uh, you tripped on the stairs and hit your head on it."

"We don't have stairs lyra."

"I meant floor."

"You didn't do anything wrong last night, did you?"

"Nope been here the whole time. What did you do last night?"

"Hmmm... all I remember is searching for something outside then getting lost. I remember a lot of anger to..."

"Intresting. Must have been a dream. Wanna a slice of cake?"

"For breakfast?"


"Didn't we run out of cake."

"Oh yeah, we did didn't we?"

"Your getting a slap for that."

But the slap did not matter. Lyra has not only gotten through a night without a comfortable bed, but somehow she had gotten Bon Bon completely off her back with her fuming anger. She was truly safe this time and you better believe that Lyra would be sleeping good that night.

Comments ( 2 )

This is a fairly good dialogue piece. I feel like you've got a good grasp of characterization, although I think you still might need to work on the specifics of your dialogue. I also found certain things a bit confusing, such as why Spike would bring up the Pinkie thing or why the two would get stuck out in the woods, but for a story like this, I can overlook stuff like that. Keep working on your dialogue and try to avoid grammar/punctuation mistakes and I'd imagine you could get out some pretty good stories soon.

What a lovely Story of lyra! Bon Bon's rage surprised me though. And nice spongebob reference

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