• Published 11th Oct 2022
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The Sole Survivor Needs Friendship. - CommonDash

Nora gave up. She lost her husband… she lost her son. The world had ended.

  • ...

Meeting the princesses

Steel Gem was going through the library books trying to learn as much as she could from the history of equestria. Though it was already differing wildly from Celestia’s personal diary.

“Say Lavender do you have any other books that aren’t so… altered?” Steel asks

From Tia’s personal diary she lost herself to her nightmare after she found out she was tricked into banishing her sister. Day Breaker cleaned out the nobility permanently, several families going extinct. The Griffin’s sensing weakness decided to make pony the next popular dish and most of the Griffin isles were glasses by solar flares for the transgression. It took the princess several decades to calm down and come back to herself…
The book mentioned none of that saying several of the noble families of the time had gotten ill from their bad habits and died while the Griffins accidentally firebombed themselves into the Stone Age and became friends with equestria when they sent the relief efforts. While in truth the fried chickens know well enough to leave the ponies alone now.

“Altered? That is the official book written by princess Celestia herself!” Twilight says

“… yeah well history didn’t go down like this. I should know I remember it.” Steel says

“Maybe your memory is slipping?” Twilight suggests as nicely as she could.

“Why how dare you.” Steel says

The two are interrupted by knocking on the door.

“Twilight I am respecting your privacy by knocking but as your teacher I am coming in anyways!” Celestia shouts from outside as the door bursts open.

“Tia… well at least you finally have learned to knock.” Steel says

“… sister doth she actually know us?” Luna asks walking in behind the solar monarch.

“Really Lulu. I mean I get you were gone for a while but how could you forget me? What would Lauren think.” Steel says squinting at the two.

“You two have grown a lot.” Steel says looking at up them.

“… why can’t I remember you my little pony?” Celestia asks looking at the glowing blue eyes.

“I would blame day breaker afterall I think I disappeared during her reign.” Steel says

Celestia freezes while Luna mouths the words Day Breaker while looking at her sister questioningly.

Steel flaps her wings.

“Tho art one of my subjects?” Luna asks seeing that steel is a bat pony.

“Do neither of you really remember me? I though I would’ve made a bigger hoof print than that.” Steel says sitting down pretending to be disappointed.

“I mean I remember when Luna sent Tia’s hairbrush to the moon as a prank… it’s still up there isn’t it?” Steel asks with a smile.

“… only a singular guard pony was there for that…” Luna whispers

“Luna that was two hundred years before your banishment.” Celestia says in shock.

“Why are you still alive?” Luna asks

“Awe, Lulu you could never get rid of your foal sitter.” Steel says with a smirk.

Luna’s gaping fish impression was rather funny.

“Luna never had a foal sitter.” Celestia says

“I mean I guess that’s technically true. Faust assigned me to guard from the shadows.” Steel says crouching and Chameleon activates making her go invisible.

“Your the one that hit me with the… how did you put it? Power of the sun?” Luna asks

“Yep, I tried to knock some sense into you.” Steel says shamelessly.

“What was that whole thing about Storm Cloak? I mean it’s obvious you weren’t a gryphon.” Celestia asks

“I had to deal with some racism in the past since I’m not one of the normal ponies. That and once you live for so long your memories kinda get a bit loopy. Especially around high amounts of radiation.” Steel Gem says

“Pray tell why would thee be around high amounts of radiation?” Luna asks

“Glowing Sea.” Steel Gem stated flatly looking at Celestia.

“That… would certainly do it.” Celestia mutters

“Would thee like to join our night guard?” Luna asks

Celestia still staring at Steel had something click in her head. She couldn’t feel Steel’s magic.

“If you would have my Luna, I shall be by your side for centuries.” Steel says Luna was best pony afterall.

“Huzzah!” Luna shouts happily.

Steel Gem just smiles happy to get away from the main plot.