The Sole Survivor Needs Friendship.

by CommonDash

First published

Nora gave up. She lost her husband… she lost her son. The world had ended.

The sole survivor from fallout ends up in equestria. It might just be a little to peaceful for her tastes.


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Nora was called into the observation deck of the Prydwin the brotherhood was successful in destroying in the Railroad and the Institute. Nora during the institute’s final moments had made off with all of its server data safely stored in her head. Though, she also killed her Shaun. He may have been a monster, but he was her son.

Maxson must’ve had something important to say if he was interrupting her mourning. Everyone she loved seems to have died. Then Danse was a fake and not even human. She herself was a synth but that information was destroyed, it was the last thing her monster of a son had told her before she killed him.

Nora finally arrives on the observation deck to see the Elder already there standing with the silhouette of Boston behind him.

“Sentinel” Maxson says.

“Sir.” Nora says

“You’re wearing your old vault suit.” Maxson says

“I have been feeling a bit nostalgic recently.” Nora says

“So, Proctor Ingram went over the data you gave her from the institute.” Maxson says

Nora hears the tell tale sound of power armor walking behind her.

Turning around Nora can see the exit is blocked. The two Knights point their weapons at her.

“Elder Maxson what is the meaning of this?” Nora asks

“Tell me Synth. Why did you betray your creators?” Maxson asks

“What?” Nora asks genuinely confused they shouldn’t have known that.

“You didn’t even know? Nora did you honestly believe that you were from before the Great War?” Maxson asks

“Of course! I was frozen in a cryo chamber.” Nora says

There is a loud bang throughout the air ship as Nora takes a round to the shoulder.

“Tell me Sentinel why are you not bleeding red blood?” Maxson asks

Nora looks at her shoulder which isn’t bleeding at all.

“That’s actually a valid question.” Nora says even more confused her being the only Gen 4 she wasn’t sure what her internal structure was like. If she lived she would be going through that information later.

“Maybe you’re a lot more like Danse than you thought. I mean imagine my surprise when I found out. You didn’t kill him.” Maxson says

Nora at this point knows this is the end of the line.

“You killed him didn’t you.” Nora whispers trying not to cry.

“Of course we killed the abomination.” Maxson says

“On your Knees Sentinel.” Maxson orders.

Nora looks behind her too see a majority of the brotherhood there all of them are here for her execution.

“You don’t have to do this Maxson. The institute is destroyed, please.” Nora says

“Your knees.” Maxson says clenching his fist.

Nora’s life flashes before her eyes as she gets on her knees.

“Any last words?” Maxson asks

Nora of course responds by singing amazing grace. A slow beeping sound can be barely heard over her voice.

“What’s that beeping?” a knights asks

Nora smiles.

“It’s a Grenada! Shoot her!” Maxson shouts

“I’ll see you in hell Maxson!” Nora shouts as she takes a .308 round to the back of the head dying.

A second later the Nuka grenade goes off. igniting the hydrogen cells sending the airship up in a blaze of glory.

“My dear twilight, there is more to a young ponies life than studying. So I’m sending you to supervise preparations for the summer sun celebration… is that a pony falling from the sky?” Spike asks having stopped reading the letter.

“Oh my Celestia she is!” Twilight says turning around. To see a Dull metallic gray mare falling through the air.


In the Ponyville town square a pony crashes into the fountain destroying it, With a loud bang.

Mayor mare who is close by goes over to see what the damage was.

“Someone get Nurse Redheart!” A pony shouts as a crowd gathers around the crater.

The injured pony is wearing some sort of blue suit with a weird device strapped around her front left hoof.


A few hours later.

“Huh, rude much?” Spike asks

“Sorry spike, but I have to convince the Princess that nightmare moon is coming and we are running out of time.” Twilight says

“Didn’t you forget about the pony who fell from the sky too?” Spike asks

“We both saw her being carted off to the Ponyville clinic.” Twilight says

“Now, I just need to be alone so I can study with a bunch of crazy ponies trying to be friends all the time… where’s the light?” Twilight asks

The light suddenly turns on and twilight finds herself surrounded by said crazy ponies.


Off in the Ponyville clinic.

Nora groans feeling the pain settle in. The nuka grenade should’ve killed her yet here she was. The sole Survivor always continuing on.

“Wait.. I’m alive?” Nora asks aloud her voice coming out slightly distorted.

“Yes, yes you are. That was one nasty fall too. I also don’t think your armor helped much though it looks to be of good quality.”

Nora looks over to see a pony wearing a nurse hat.

“You okay dear? What’s your name?”

‘Ah, when I told Maxson I’d see him in hell. I didn’t know hell would be talking horses. They look familiar… might aswell start searching the memory bank.’ Nora thinks starting the search process knowing it would take a while.

“Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” Nora asks

“Oh, yes that would be proper behavior. I am Nurse Redheart.” Redheart says

“I am… I can’t remember.” Nora says

“Hmm, could I get you to follow the light for a second?” Redheart says holding a flashlight and moving it around in front of Nora’s eyes.

“Hmm doesn’t appear to be any brain damage. I could get a unicorn down here in a day or two to do a scan on you if you wish so?” Redheart says

“Not today?” Nora asks

“No it’s the summer sun eve so no one will be available tomorrow and it’s too late.” Redheart says

“Okay, well I think I’m good thank you.” Nora says

“Okay, that’s good. If you want we can go to the summer sun festival together.” Redheart says

“I actually think I’m gonna walk around town for a bit. I’ll catch up to you later.” Nora says

“If you’re sure dear. I mean that fall would’ve crippled any other earth pony.” Redheart says

Taking stock.

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The town seemed empty empty empty…

“Where the buck am I?” Nora asks looking at the moon.

“Why is there a unicorn shadow on the moon? Why does it remind me of a comic book I read as a kid? Well it’s just more parameters for the search.” Nora says as the moon suddenly flashes and it disappears.

“Okay, checking my weapons.” Nora says pulling up the Pip-Boy as time seems to freeze.

Being a hoarder with a maxed out Strong back perk meant being over encumbered did nothing to her.

The amount of units in weight she is carrying is nearing the 5th digit mark. To say she was carrying a small armory’s worth of ammo would be a lie, small was the wrong word for it, especially since she converted the mechaninists lair into an ammo factory. She could do so again here once she got her base up and working.

“I am literally missing nothing. Wait is my power armor stored in here!” Nora says in wonder before noticing something off.

Flipping back to the stats page she notices her name is no longer Nora but Steel Gem.

“Well, that’s off. But it will probably fit in better than Nora.” Steel gem says

Looking at her equipped armor would show you how she survived the fall. With her free fall legs equipped.

Steel Gem looks up from the Pip-Boy to see a bright light flash from what according to her map is town hall.

“Let’s go see what that is.” Steel says making her way over

Steel opens the door in time to hear a lavender pony shout something about a nightmare.

“Well well well, somepony remembers me. Then you also know what I’m here to do.” A clearly evil villain says

“Oh no, this is the my little pony comic book world isn’t it. I’ll remember what I can the search is still going to take a bit.” Steel says before smiling. She always loved those comics as a kid. And she is a comic book hero.


Twilight was panicking.
“You’re here too, too.”

“Seize her! She knows where the Princess is!” Mayor Mare shouts

A few Pegasus of the royal guards decide to take their chances against the evil alicorn.

“Stay back you Foals!” Nightmare moon shouts before hitting them with lightning.

The mare laughs evilly before a fog starts to roll in behind her. Suddenly all throughout the town hall coming from every direction music can be heard.

“The silver shroud is confused as to why the wrong introduction has played! But it matters not!”
Out of the smoke wonders a mare wearing tench coat and Fedora. With a scarf covering her face.

“Who are you?” Nightmare moon asks a little surprised.

“Beware Evil Doer for I am the silver shroud!” The mysterious mare shouts pointing a weird contraption at Nightmare moon.

Suddenly there are several loud bangs followed by bright flashes as nightmare moon barely escapes being riddled with holes by turning into her Smokey form and escaping.

“You can run evildoer however you can not hide! For the shroud shall bring you to justice!”

Twilight turns back around to see that the mare who chased off nightmare moon was gone.

“What they hay was that and why was it so loud?” AppleJack asks

Twilight suddenly realizes there is still hope and runs back to the library to find out what the elements of harmony are.

At full sprint she runs through the town hall doors directly into a mare wearing a blue suit and some sort of green armor.

“Owww.” Twilight says

“Sorry? Are you okay? I was just coming over to see what the excitement was it sounded loud.” Steel says

“Yes sorry got to run bye!” Twilight shouts getting up and continuing her run.

‘ So, that’s Twilight… I am totally going to call her lavender every now and then to mess with her. If I remember correctly shes probably going to deal with that nightmare character. I mean she’s the main character if this is following the same style as the pre war cartoons and comics.’ Steel Gem thinks.

Suddenly her Pip-Boy dings alerting her to a quest completed and a new one being available.

“Hmm, investigate the ruins in the Everfree forest? I guess the omnipotent steel box has spoken.” Steel says aloud heading off in the direction of her marker.

Meanwhile the Mane 6 have met at Twilights house.

“Elements elements! How can I stop nightmare moon without the elements of harmony!” Twilight says frantically looking through her collection.
“Just what are the elements of harmony!? And how did you know about night mare moon huh!? ARE YOU A SPY!” Rainbow shouts, now staring Twilight down.

“Simmer down sally!” Applejack says pulling on Rainbows tail

“She ain’t no spy but she does know what’s going on.” Applejack says

"I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the elements of harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I don't know where they are, where to find them, I don't even know what they do!" Twilight explains.

"The elements of harmony, a reference guide." Pinkie says while reading the title of the shelved book in question.

Twilight rushes over, shoving Pinkie out of the way. "How did you find that!?" Twilight exclaims.

"It was under Eeee~." Pinkie says as she hops back to the rest of the group.


Steel gem cracks her neck getting up from the ground.

Her once pristine vault suit is covered in blood and dirt.

A song plays from her Pip-Boy as she continues walking through the forest leaving behind a tail of carnage.

“To think manticores could only scratch my armor. Though taking the hit hurt.” Steel says

Manticores were met with cold hard lead, the Timberwolfs met with the flamenwerfer, that weird chicken thing took a super sledge.

In truth the Cockatrice had a rude awakening trying to turn a partially organic being to stone.

Atom bomb baby.

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Steel Gem found a castle before her marker disappeared.
The newest objective in her quest chain was to wait till something happened involving some sort of elements of harmony and somepony.

“Some pony?” Steel asks aloud while continuing to explore the castle.

“What does some pony mean? Is it like someone?” Steel asks herself finding a good perch that will give her a perfect view into a room which according to her Pip-Boy will have the final battle in it.

“Let’s see how that shadow horse likes the power of the sun.” Steel mutters pulling out a Fat man launcher.

There was a blinding flash of light as the shadowy mare and Lavender both appeared.

Steel watches as the lavender pony gives challenge to the much bigger one. Her horn glowing bright white.

“Your kidding right? Your kidding right?”

The two charge at each other at what is rather impressive speed before the Twilight disappears and reappears behind the shadowy mare at the MacGuffin.

That was when Steel’s Pip-Boy breaks the silence.

“Atom bomb baby loaded with power
Radioactive as a TV tower
A nuclear fission in her soul
Loves with electronic control”

The radio cuts off again.

“What!” Nightmare moon shouts before the whistling of a mini nuke is all Steel can hear.

“Taste the power of the sun!” Steel shouts equipping some welding goggles. As a blinding light forms at the side of Nightmare moon knocking her into the wall.

Besides being knocked to the side. The mare in question tanked the shot rather well.

“Durability of a behemoth? I mean that maybe did half her health.” Steel asks sitting down while storing away the catapult. Her chameleon legendary takes effect as she goes invisible right as the pair of angry eyes sweep over her location.

Lavender suddenly had her magic back fire and got knocked backwards. By the elements, in truth Steel only slightly remembered the story line. As a synth she could explore her own memories fairly easily, so that was something to do later.

Nightmare moon who was scanning for Steel had to give up and return to taunting Twilight.

She destroyed the petrified elements of harmony while laughing maniacally.

“You foal! Did you really think you could defeat me! The night will last forever!” Nightmare moon shouts wincing in pain from the nuke.

“You think you can destroy the elements of harmony just like that! Well your wrong because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right here!” Lavender/ Twilight shouts

‘Oh my god is she monologuing.’ Steel thinks

“What?” Nightmare moon asks letting her continue.

“Applejack who reassured me while I was in doubt represents the spirit of honesty! Fluttershy who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents Kindness! Pinkie pie who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents laughter! Rarity who calmed a sorrowful serpent with her gift represents the spirit of generosity! Rainbowdash who could not abandon her friends for her own hearts desire represents Loyalty!” Twilight shouts

‘She’s literally monologuing and charging an ultimate attack. And that bad guy is just letting it happen? The comics weren’t this bad were they?’ Steel thinks in wonder.

“The spirits of these 5 ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!” Twilight announces

“You still don’t have the sixth elements the spark didn’t work!” Nightmare shouts

“But it did. A different kind of spark.” Twilight says turning around

“I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you all.” Twilight says

Steel pulls out a syringer rifle and looks through her darts really quickly.

“To see you! How much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me. When I realized that you all are my friends!” Twilight announces

‘She’s actually going for friendship triumphs over all.’ Steel thinks trying harder to remember the story line but for some reason can only Think of Q from space treck 2000.

Suddenly a bright light appears above lavender and Steel is happy to be wearing the welding goggles.

“You see nightmare moon when those elements are ignited by the… the spark that is inside us all. It creates the sixth element. The element of magic!” Lavender announces as all of the ponies start to float in the air.

Nightmare moon is suddenly blasted with a massive rainbow.

“She actually was bucking improvising at the end. This is exactly like a prewar cartoon comic.” Steel mutters

“Gee twilight, I thought you were just spouting a lot of who-we. But now I reckon we really do represents the elements of friendship.” Applejack says

Steels invisibility glimmers as the sun rises behind her.

“Indeed you do.” A voice says

Suddenly another bright light appears and Steel is happy she has yet to remove the welding goggles.

A white horse appears and all of the other smaller horses bow to her.

“Princess Celestia!” Lavender shouts

‘Ah that’s why they are bowing. Wasn’t her name Sunbutt or something though?’ Steel thinks

“Twilight Sparkle! My faithful student.” Celestia says

‘So that was lavenders name. Though I’m a keep Callin her lavender.’ Steel thinks

The two nuzzle when suddenly there is a loud cough.

Celestia stops her lesson looking over to see her sister on the ground coughing up blood with early onset radiation sickness.

“Lulu?” Celestia asks worried

“S-sister I’m sorry, help.” Luna says quietly.

Steel makes the call shooting Lulu with radaway and a stimpack healing her.

The small Princess suddenly gasps for breath as she begins to heal visibly.
“I feel better thank you.” Best pony Says

Celestia stands up and looks in the direction that the darts had come from.

“Reveal yourself!” Celestia shouts looking directly at Steel.

Steel feeling funny points at herself while still in stealth.

“Yes you.” Celestia says

Steel exits stealth while pushing up her welding goggles.

“How did you see me?” Steel asks

“… who are you?”

“I’m not on the list and I’m not a storm cloak so you don’t need to worry.” Steel says jumping out of the window behind her.

“Maybe she was just trying to cross the border and got caught in an ambush?” Pinkie asks

“Anyways, I knew you could do it all along my faithful student.” Celestia says

“I thought you said the mare in the moon was an old ponies tale.” Twilight says

“I said you should make some friends… even if some of them are weird.” Celestia says glancing at Pinkie.

“I think this calls for a party every pony!” Pinkie shouts


Back with Steel Gem a message has appeared on the Pip-Boy.

*player home unlocked. Cavern under the castle of the two princesses.*


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Steel Gem had unequipped her vault suit. The clothing item has taken a bit too much damage for her taste. And considering she was covered in fur. She only really needed the armor.

“So, I got a place to base at… it’s pretty far from town.” Steel says wondering around the cave the massive crystal tree lighting up the dwelling.

“I have a feeling I shouldn’t touch that. However I think I should get to work.” Steel says

A chemistry station is the first thing to be placed down quickly followed by an armor worm bench and a Power Armor station.

The first thing Steel did was to summon her old brotherhood knight armor followed by her Paladin and Sentinel armor.

“Those were pony-fied too.” Steel murmurs as the a power armor jet pack clatters to the ground much bigger than the armor.

Steel stares at the jet pack her idea for prosthetic wings going through her head again.

“I mean, it should be possible.” Steel says gabbing the Jetpack.

== ==================
Luna and Celestia are riding the chariot back to Canterlot.

“Sister? Who was that pony?” Luna asks

“I don’t know, though her eyes were interesting.” Celestia says with some amusement.

“They were glowing blue sister. Eyes don’t normally glow. On top of that she kept turning invisible.” Luna says

“Enchantment magic has improved a lot over the years.” Celestia admits nonchalantly.

In truth the sun goddess has no clue what was happening either.

“I trust my student to become friends with her.” Celestia says smugly Twilight had this.

“Sister she hit me with a miniature sun.” Luna whispers.

The sound of a record scratching is heard as Celestia turns to look at Luna.

“T-that’s a joke right? I mean an earth pony using solar magic?” Celestia says uncertainly.

“She might be a Pegasus I mean she was wearing that weird blue jumpsuit and goggles.” Luna says

“Luna, you didn’t say you were joking.” Celestia says

Luna just looks up at Celestia before shaking her head.

“I’ll send some guards to search for her then…” Celestia says now wishing to talk to the mysterious pony.

“So sister who is the silver shroud?” Luna asks

“The Who?” Celestia asks

“The silver shroud?” Luna asks unsure of what is going on.


Steel was looking at her makeshift prosthetic Thestral wings.

The jet engines fire off some flames producing an asymmetrical amount of thrust for their size.

Max armor Smith, max robotics expert, and max Science! allowed her to make something amazing. The prosthetic bat like wings had very fine control and generated sufficient lift. Not to mention they matched her fur.

“Is it time to go to town?” Steel mutters throwing on a minute man hat.

“Actually I should probably plant my plants first.” Steel mutters hoping to have the materials to produce her chems and stimpacks not so far in the future.

Could she start making ammunition for her guns. Yes she found the contraptions workshop magazine and could build the ammunition plant.

In truth this player home was a temporary base. She planned on building a hidden vault.

On her way out to the fields she trips over a secret hatch.

“Ooohh!? Secret tunnel!” Steel sings
Applejack and Twilight were carrying baskets of apples on their backs having just harvested them.

“We missed lunch.” Spike says digging through the Apple baskets.

“Spike, you can’t just BOOM!” Twilight was interrupted by a loud boom in the distance.

What followed was most of the windows in Ponyville shattering.

Twilight looks up to see a dark grey Pegasus flying away on fire?

“What in Tarnation!” Applejack shouts her hat knocked off by the wind.

“What?!” spike asks

A few ear drums may have been blown.

“Who is that?” Twilight asks

Spike promptly burps out green flames and a letter.

Meanwhile up above Steel was having a fun time. Breaking the sound barrier it was an experience. Though the handling of the wings left much to be desired. It was worse than an SB2C on take off without proper flap settings.

“I can always try to fix it later.” Steel mutters lightly flaring her wings to slow down.

It took a full lap of the town to slow down to a safe landing speed and even then she risked stalling on final approach.

The rainbow maned pegasus didn’t go unnoticed however Steel needed to focus on hitting the ground running.

Rainbow Dash was half asleep half awake resting. Sure there was a storm scheduled for later in the day but as the fastest flier in Ponyville she could handle the weather easily.

That was until her cloud was evaporated by a sound wave.

“W-what the Hay? Bat pony?” Dash says utterly confused

Dash looks over and see’s the clouds had been pushed away much like they did during her sonic rainboom.

“Is she? Yeah she’s shaking like she’s hitting some major turbulence. I should probably go help.” Dash says ignoring the fact that the air around the pony was glowing orange.

The bat pony hits the ground skidding for a while before backfliping and stoping right in front of sugar cube corner. It was a maneuver which could put ditzy to shame.

“I knew my Twitchy tail meant something?”

Rainbow lands not far behind the panting pony.

“You okay there miss???” Rainbow Dash asks

“Ah, it’s Steel Gem.” Steel says smiling.

“Y-you have fangs!” Dash shouts a little scared.

“Fangs? Pfft sure I do!” Steel says sarcastically before laughing.

Because who calls K9 teeth fangs.

“Is everyone okay!” Is shouted from the distance.

As lavender runs up with applejack behind her.

“… my hat! Has anyone seen my hat?” Steel asks looking around for her minutemen hat.

“Is this your hat?” A pink pony asks before gasping and pronking several feet in the air before disappearing.

The hat floating a bit before it slowly falls to the ground.

“… my laws of physics…” Steel says completely dumbfounded.

“It’s best not to question Pinkie.” Twilight says helping steel up.

The hat is held in purple magic and out onto Steel’s head.

Ticket master?

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At the golden oak library
Steel was telling the amazing story of how she arrived. The reason it’s so amazing though was because the entire thing was told in half truths and vaguely glossed over enough to fool Applejack.
“Hey Twilight?” Spike asks having not read the letter that was received earlier.

“Not now Spike.” Twilight says fully captured by the story.

“Right, so that is why I’m here.” Steel says

“Hold on… that?” Applejack asks her hoofs on her head. The element of honesty was giving her a mighty headache.

“So where is this place? It sounds like Tartarus.” Twilight asks

“Its not hell, it’s my home… was my home. I’ve got no clue where I am now. My home was next to the glowing sea if that helps.” Steel says

“Glowing sea?” Twilight asks her horn glowing.

“Yeah?” Steel says confused

“What’s the glowing sea?” Rainbow dash asks

Twilight meanwhile was at a book shelf skimming through books.

“Glowing sea glowing sea…!” Twilight says opening a book before throwing it with her magic. After doing that a few times she stops on a book about fairy tails and children’s stories. “Found it!”

“The glowing sea was a large body of water which was in the center of what is now called the badlands. It disappeared centuries ago and no one really knows why.” Twilight says

“… I mean. What year did you say it was?” Steel asks her wings stretching slightly.




“Steel? How old are you?” Twilight asks

“I don’t know the exact number. Codsworth said he wasn’t able to continue counting after I had passed 200. I tried to keep track while looking for my son however my baby was an old stallion on deaths bed when I found him.” Steel says playing on their misunderstanding.

Being a Gen 4 synth gave her physical immortality. She could still be killed with a lot of work however she wouldn’t die of old age.

“Princess Celestia. I need to write her a letter.” Twilight mutters.

“Twilight, I’ve been trying to tell you! A letter came from the Princess.” Spike says

“Did you say Princess Celestia? As in Tia? Is Lulu there too?” Steel asks remembering the diaries she found in the secret tunnel.

“You know the Princess?” Twilight asks

Steel giggles a little.

“Well, tell her I wanted to ask how Faust is doing.” Steel says with a smile.

“Who?” Twilight asks

Steel just smiles. Mentioning Fausticorn would really throw Celestia off balance. The two mentioned their mother in the book.

“Spike Take a letter.” Twilight says

“Um, Twilight she sent two tickets to the grand galloping gala.” Spike says

The Applejack and Rainbow Dash perk up upon hearing about the Gala.

“Two? Isn’t their 6 of you? Ask her if your friends are gonna get their own, Tickets too.” Steel says

“That’s actually a good idea! I can do that.” Twilight says giving a pen to Spike.

Celestia was drinking her tea before day court started when she got a letter from her student.

“Twilight certainly solved the problem faster than I thought she would.” Celestia murmurs opening the letter with her magic.

‘A Thestral how intriguing.’ Celestia thinks
Taking a sip of her Tea she continues to read the letter before doing a successful spit take on the parchment.

“Steel Gem? Why can’t I remember her? Yet she is asking how mother is doing. No pony alive today knows about mother.” Celestia says shocked

“Cancel day court! I have a prior arrangement I just remembered and I am running late for!” Celestia announces evacuating the room with due haste.

The solar guards in the room are shocked none having seen their Princess act like that before.

Luna’s room in the castle.

The Princess of the Night had just fallen asleep after lowering the moon. And for the first time in a millennium she was having a good dream.

That is until a loud bang awakens her from her sleep.

“Luna! Something has come up we must go!” Celestia announces with a smirk.

“Tia, we art sleeping.” Luna says opening her eyes.

The sight she is greeted with is her sister’s glowing horn as the two teleport to just outside of Ponyville.

There is a dull thud as Luna lands on the dirt giving the alicorn a rather rude awakening.

“Sister! What hast thou done this for!” Luna shouts

Pinkie meanwhile was planning her surprise party. It was the first time she’s seen a bat pony it has to be perfect.

“The Library! It should have books on what they like!” Pinkie says in an ah ha! Moment.

Steel however was having her own memories answer to her.
It took her awhile considering her hybrid Synth brain could store a few hundred Zettabytes and she’s never attempted to defragment the memories it took awhile for the search to turn up anything.

Steel smiles looking at the Mare’s infront of her.
“Friendship is Magic.”
Steel now had all the data on the show comic books and games.
It was going to be interesting.

Meeting the princesses

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Steel Gem was going through the library books trying to learn as much as she could from the history of equestria. Though it was already differing wildly from Celestia’s personal diary.

“Say Lavender do you have any other books that aren’t so… altered?” Steel asks

From Tia’s personal diary she lost herself to her nightmare after she found out she was tricked into banishing her sister. Day Breaker cleaned out the nobility permanently, several families going extinct. The Griffin’s sensing weakness decided to make pony the next popular dish and most of the Griffin isles were glasses by solar flares for the transgression. It took the princess several decades to calm down and come back to herself…
The book mentioned none of that saying several of the noble families of the time had gotten ill from their bad habits and died while the Griffins accidentally firebombed themselves into the Stone Age and became friends with equestria when they sent the relief efforts. While in truth the fried chickens know well enough to leave the ponies alone now.

“Altered? That is the official book written by princess Celestia herself!” Twilight says

“… yeah well history didn’t go down like this. I should know I remember it.” Steel says

“Maybe your memory is slipping?” Twilight suggests as nicely as she could.

“Why how dare you.” Steel says

The two are interrupted by knocking on the door.

“Twilight I am respecting your privacy by knocking but as your teacher I am coming in anyways!” Celestia shouts from outside as the door bursts open.

“Tia… well at least you finally have learned to knock.” Steel says

“… sister doth she actually know us?” Luna asks walking in behind the solar monarch.

“Really Lulu. I mean I get you were gone for a while but how could you forget me? What would Lauren think.” Steel says squinting at the two.

“You two have grown a lot.” Steel says looking at up them.

“… why can’t I remember you my little pony?” Celestia asks looking at the glowing blue eyes.

“I would blame day breaker afterall I think I disappeared during her reign.” Steel says

Celestia freezes while Luna mouths the words Day Breaker while looking at her sister questioningly.

Steel flaps her wings.

“Tho art one of my subjects?” Luna asks seeing that steel is a bat pony.

“Do neither of you really remember me? I though I would’ve made a bigger hoof print than that.” Steel says sitting down pretending to be disappointed.

“I mean I remember when Luna sent Tia’s hairbrush to the moon as a prank… it’s still up there isn’t it?” Steel asks with a smile.

“… only a singular guard pony was there for that…” Luna whispers

“Luna that was two hundred years before your banishment.” Celestia says in shock.

“Why are you still alive?” Luna asks

“Awe, Lulu you could never get rid of your foal sitter.” Steel says with a smirk.

Luna’s gaping fish impression was rather funny.

“Luna never had a foal sitter.” Celestia says

“I mean I guess that’s technically true. Faust assigned me to guard from the shadows.” Steel says crouching and Chameleon activates making her go invisible.

“Your the one that hit me with the… how did you put it? Power of the sun?” Luna asks

“Yep, I tried to knock some sense into you.” Steel says shamelessly.

“What was that whole thing about Storm Cloak? I mean it’s obvious you weren’t a gryphon.” Celestia asks

“I had to deal with some racism in the past since I’m not one of the normal ponies. That and once you live for so long your memories kinda get a bit loopy. Especially around high amounts of radiation.” Steel Gem says

“Pray tell why would thee be around high amounts of radiation?” Luna asks

“Glowing Sea.” Steel Gem stated flatly looking at Celestia.

“That… would certainly do it.” Celestia mutters

“Would thee like to join our night guard?” Luna asks

Celestia still staring at Steel had something click in her head. She couldn’t feel Steel’s magic.

“If you would have my Luna, I shall be by your side for centuries.” Steel says Luna was best pony afterall.

“Huzzah!” Luna shouts happily.

Steel Gem just smiles happy to get away from the main plot.

Touring the Garden.

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Steel hadn’t slept for a few days and to the amusement of the two alicorns Steel passed out in the carriage on the way to Canterlot directly under Celestia’s sun.

“Doth thou truly not remember her either Tia.” Luna asks

Celestia shakes her head.

Celestia’s horn lights up and Steel’s upper lip is lifted showing her K9 teeth.

“She certainly a Thestral.” Luna mutters

Celestia nods wishing she knew where the rest of them went. Luna’s subject’s had disappeared after Luna’s banishment. One showed up every now and then like Steel however there must be more of them somewhere.

“Do you think she knows where the other ones went?” Celestia asks

“Probably not… she appears to be out of time dear sister.” Luna says
Steel woke up in the dead of night.
The grey pony was under a tree while the moon light lit up a massive and beautiful garden.

“Well, this is a lovely place. It reminds me of the prewar gardens some families had.” Steel says

“That it was, I am certain Tia built it like that on purpose. It reminds me of Princess Platinum’s old garden.” Luna says

“I can see that.” Steel says

“Doth thou wishth a tour?” Luna asks
Steel nods in response.

“Follow me then my little Steel Wing.” Luna says

“It’s Gem lady Luna. Steel Gem.” Steel corrects following the princess through the hedge maze.

The two walk and talk for a bit before they exit the hedge maze.

“Is that Discord the Chaos Communist?” Steel asks

The air seems to still as even the being trapped in the statue is dumbfounded by that statement.

The What!” Luna shouts in Royal caps lock.

“Chaos Communist?” Steel asks unsure of what is going on.

“Chaos Communist?” Luna says back as she develops into giggles.

“Was it not our Chaos comrade?” Steel asks mimicking the draqoness, trying to get clarification.

Luna is suddenly in full blow laughter rolling on the ground.

“Oh the old Draqouness would blow a gasket!” Luna says

“So he wasn’t an Anarcho-communist?” Steel asks

“Dear Faust no, PFFT. he was just crazy and chaotic.” Luna says laughing

“So… just to be clear. He won’t one day break out wear a ushanka. Paint everything red and start drinking vodka while calling everyone comrade?” Steel asks as her plot takes a seat on the grass.

“… that’s very oddly specific. Yet knowing discord I can not say with certainty that he wouldn’t do that.” Luna clarifies.

“So, he is a communist then.” Steel says laying down.

“He very well could be.” Luna confirms realizing she isn’t going to win this argument.

“So, what shall I be doing for you princess?” Steel asks

“As the captain of the night guard, you shall be guarding the castle at night, and when morning comes report to my chambers.” Luna says

“Yes Princess.” Steel says giving a salute.

“Great! Now follow me it is time to go to night court.” Luna says smiling.

The two slowly make their ways to night court.

“Hey Steel how doth thou feel about violence?” Luna suddenly asks

“Yes!” Steel replies enthusiastically.

Luna stills in the hallway. The two guards tailing them stop and hide not knowing their cover was already blown.

“You think violence is the answer?” Luna asks genuinely concerned for the pony next to her.

“Answer? Princess Luna, violence is never the answer.” Steel says trotting fowards

“That is good thou had me worried.” Luna replies

“It is a question, and the answer, is Yes.” Steel says running ahead of the princess who is now chasing after her.

The two guards now break into a gallop trying to catch up to the two bolting mares.

The First Night Court

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Cherry Bunny had seen the 3 month wait for day court and found out she could get into night court that very night instead. The guard hadn’t been able to help her. Hopefully princess Luna was as nice and kind as the legends.

The pony didn’t expect to be in a completely empty throne room.

“I’m starting to think I’ve been pranked.” Cherry says to herself.


A Thestral came tumbling through the door and tumbled down the stairs followed by princess Luna who gracefully flew when she hit the drop.

“Ah! I win!” Steel announces in delight.

“How could you possibly be that fast!?” Luna shouts in shock.

“Science!” Steel replies not missing a beat.

The two are broken from their banter with a cough.

“Oh, hello my little pony how can I help?” Luna asks

“Princess Luna.” Cherry says with a bow.
Luna just had a most fun chase with her head guard. The fact her guard was able to help her make it to court in record time was amazing aswell.

Luna watches as the pony bowing to her breaks out into tears.

“They took my son!” The pony shouts bawling

“Who is dying this night?” Steel growls

Surprising just about everyone in the room.

“They took him because he is a unicorn and I am not! My parents foal napped him.” The earth pony mare says crying.

A quiet ding could be heard.

Luna looked at Steel who had briefly checked her hoof.

“Steel?” Luna asks out loud.

“I’ll be right back.” Steel says with a rather angry look on her muzzle.

There is a shimmer as the mare disappears.

A second later the windows higher up in the throne room blast open with a crash.

“Who was that?” The earth pony mare asks

“The head of the night guard… her son was taken from her aswell so. I believe she took your case rather personally.” Luna states

“I don’t even know where to find my son through? My family has multiple manors. I just manage a farm.” The mare states.

“She is a Theastral… her tracking skills are sometimes else.” Luna says unsure of what steel was doing.

“I get that but there is tracking then there is whatever she’s doing. I mean she had a plan right?” Cherry asks

The doors to the room open back up.

“Of course I had a plan! And no pony even got hurt this go around.” Steel says with a smile.

The two mares look over at the entrance to see Steel sauntering in with a Foal on her back.


“Bright Horn!” Cherry shouts happy to see her son.

Luna just smiles as Steel places the foal down with her wing.

“You know you’ll have to go arrest them in the morning?” Luna says


“Steel?” Luna asks

“Fine, but I want a reward. I’m also dragging Day Guard along. Seeing as I am the only current member of the night guard I need to push the paperwork off onto someone else.” Steel says

“Could thou not do it yourself?” Luna asks

“I could easily do it. I would just rather not. Especially since my hoof writing skills leave much to be desired.” Steel says

“That is true. Most ponies write with their mouths these days.” Luna considers with a nod.

“The night is young Luna. What comes next?” Steel asks

“We need to keep this mare and her son safe tonight.” Luna says

“Hey! You two! Front and center!” Steel shouts in a way that would’ve made her drill sergeant proud.

The members of Celestia’s guard who had been following them earlier show up with a salute.

“Put these two in a guest room and alert a maid that they are there. I expect to hear from your captain in the morning since arrest warrants will be served at that time.” Steel says with every bit of authority she could muster.

“Yes ma’am!” “Right away ma’am!” The two stallions says motioning for the mare who had just got her son back to follow them.

“Luna? Is my position as head of the night guard been finalized yet or did those two just obey an old mare who asking any questions?” Steel asks

Luna’s amusement at the sight was near endless.

“Your tone would’ve put old Iron Head to shame. Though, then again you are a Steel Gem. Something that seems a little more refined than just iron.” Luna says with mirth.

“So, what is the structure of the guard and who am I going to be meeting first thing in the morning?” Steel asks

“Steel, this is my third night back. I do not truly know either.” Luna says

Steel nods.

“Let us go and wake up your sister then.” Steel says trotting out of the throne room.

Luna look out at the position of the moon and judges it to be about 4 or 5 am. Tia shouldn’t be too upset being woken up an hour or two early right?

Shining Armor

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“Captain get up!” A Pegasus shouts

Shining rolled out of his bunk still visibly tired.

“This had better be good Flying Sword, or you will be getting PT.” Shining growls out.

“Celestia is summoning you, as in right now.” Sword says

“She has yet to raise her sun why would she need me this early?” Shining says getting up.

“A case of foal napping.” Sword says

Shining is up and his armor is flying across the room toward him as the stallion is running out of the door.
Celestia was sitting at a table with Steel Gem and Luna.

“I still can’t believe that family would do that.” Celestia growls

“I can’t believe how lax their security was.” Steel mutters

“That tis to be expected from the captain of the night guard.” Luna says proudly

The double doors burst open as Shining armor marches in with a rather serious case of bed head.

“That is the best you got?” Steel says cold reading the stallion.

Celestia glances at the Thestral.

“Yes he is? Is everything alright?” Celestia asks

“I guess I can’t expect the warriors that once were anymore can I?” Steel says

“I feel like you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.” Shining says

“Captain Armor, surely you can come up with something better than paraphrasing your sister.” Steel says

Shining laughs openly.

“I walked right into that one! Ha! I like you already. Just you wait till I’m fully awake you’ll see I can give it as good as I get.” Shining says with a bright smile

Steel smiles happy the stallion could take a joke.

“I feel that a spar is in order once we sort out this unpleasantness.” Steel says

The two princess watch the captains of their respective guards get along rather well.

“That sounds like fun.” Shining says

“I would say it’s a date however I don’t think your fiancé would appreciate that.” Steel says her smile growing

Luna and Celestia look at the captian of the solar guard with a questioning look.

“What?” Shining shouts his relation ship with Cadance was well hidden. Not even Celestia knew about it.

“I can’t wait to see another Royal wedding. I’m probably the last person alive that remembers when these twos parents got married .” Steel says pointing at Celestia and Luna.

“What is this about a Royal wedding?” Celestia asks genuinely curious.

“We can talk about that after we take care of those foal napping nobles.” Steel says with much more spite than a pony should be able to muster.

“Great idea! Captian Steel.” Shining says a little nervous of the Theastral in front of him.

“We will be discussing this in the future. I can’t believe you are getting married sister.” Luna says

Steel ignores everything and rolls a really detailed map of Canterlot out on the table.

“Where did you get that?” Celestia asks

“Trade secret.” Steel says knowing she copied the map that was on her Pip-Boy.
The sun rose two hours late. The ponies who woke up to a dark sky panicked a little bit especially since the Solar Guard were running around the city like crazy.

It wasn’t until several hours later that the news came out.

A noble house had been dissolved and the ponies that leached off the achievements of their ancestors found themselves in the Canterlot dungeon.

Though that news was later overshadowed by the return of the night guard and the first theastral seen in nearly 400 years. The news of the sparing match between the thestral and the captain of the day guard to take place tomorrow was drawing a crazy amount of attention.
While the city was experiencing chaos Steel was sound asleep in Luna’s hoofs.

The night princess insisted on it and Steel ended up being the little spoon.

Upcoming Spar and Pointed Questions

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Luna woke up still sleepy and instinctively grasped the large object in her hooves holding it closer.

The cold touch of metal on her barrel caused her to flinch as her eyes snapped open and she was across her bed chamber in a combat stance in the span of milliseconds.

Looking at the culprit she suddenly realizes it was Steel Gem who’s leathery wing has brushed her. The Captain of her Guard still sleeping soundly, showing no small amount of trust in Luna.

“I slept with my Night Guard. my sister is never going to let this one die.” Luna mutters in horror

The figure on the bed hums as her wings flap a bit. The wing tips tapping the mattress of the bed feeling nothing behind her.

“Lulu? Where did you go?” Is whispered followed by snoring.

Luna looks out the window and sees she’s an hour from sunset, that’s plenty of time to cuddle with her guard.

The princess stills.

“What was I just thinking?” Luna mutters before laying back down on the bed.

Steel Gem was in her Hoofs again as she drifted off to sleep.

Shining armor was nervous for the upcoming spar. The new head of the night guard made his instincts scream. She knew too much.

“Shiny is everything okay?” Cadence asks

“Honestly no, the night guard is back and right now it’s a single thestral and it’s terrifying.” Shining Armor says

“How so?” Cadence asks

“It knew about us. Has infiltrated the castle several times and even managed to sneak into a guarded noble manor take a kid and leave completely undetected.” Shining says

“It?” Cadence asks

“She.” Shining corrects himself.

“Good Shining!” Cadences says with a smile.
“I have you trained so well.” The princess of love says humorously.

“Cadence… please not now. I’m trying to be all serious.” Shining armor says

“Okay, well is there any guard you could spar against and gain stuff, knowledge?” Cadence asks

“No… in fact I need to train them harder.” Shining armor replies with a pout.

“OH LUNAAAA~” Celestia sings as she opens her sisters bed room door.

The great alicorn princess freezes upon seeing Luna cuddling with the night guard Steel Gem.

Luna opens her eyes looking briefly at her sister before looking down between her hoofs.

Celestia’s sun glows ever so slightly brighter the rays of light flowing through the bedroom as the sun sets a little in the background.

“My eyes they burn…” Steel Gem mutters before nuzzling her face into Luna’s barrel.

“Steel, front and center.” Luna says

Steel launches herself out of bed and is standing at attention between Luna and Celestia.

“As you command princess.” Steel announces.

“How long have you been a soldier for?” Celestia asks

“I truthfully can not remember.” Steel admits

“Sister please do not question the captain of my night guards I believe her to be trust worthy.” Luna says

“Power of the sun.” Is all Celestia says in response

“What happened when Light shines soo painfully bright, that it becomes more terrible than Darkness?” Steel asks back.

Celestia looks at Steel.

Steel looks at Celestia.

“You did mention day breaker… no creature alive remembers that except for a few dragons.” Celestia also brings up.

“Tia… I must ask do you still have that love for pranking?” Steel asks

“You will not dodge my questions. Luna please help me out here.” Celestia says to her sister.

“Steel, please answer my sister’s questions to the best of your abilities.” Luna says

Steel looks at Luna before nodding to herself.

“I want to cuddle every day.” Steel says

Luna sputters
“Cuddle!? Every day!?”

Steel nods. “Please… it’s the first time I’ve slept without the nightmares.”

Luna stills thinking on it.
“If it helps with nightmares… that is my secondary job so yes.”

“Then I shall answer all questions to the best of my ability.” Steel says

“Okay, how did you conjure the power of the sun not being able to do horn magic?” Celestia asks

“Science, I split an atom and it went boom.” Steel says

“Yes… I could see how it would do that. Next question, how old are you?” Celestia asks

“I honestly couldn’t tell you. Once you pass 200 you sort of stop counting, then somewhere along the line I lost track of the years.” Steel admits

“How could you have so much hate and anger in you when we talked about the former noble family?” Celestia asks

“Because they took that Mare’s son… that is completely unforgivable.” Steel states

“How well did you know Lauren?” Celestia asks

“Do you mean lady Faust?” Steel asks her heat tilted to the side.

“Tia she did just basically admit to knowing mothers first name.” Luna says shocked

“How are you still alive? Why do you not feel alive?” Celestia asks

“I think I might be cursed with immortality though I am fairly certain I could still be killed. Afterall things die when you kill them.” Steel answers

“Do you know who king Cobalt is?” Celestia asks

Steel pauses for a minute trying to parse through all of the data she has stored in her internal servers. “Sombra?”

“Why did you never reveal yourself to Celestia or I before?” Luna asks

“Because of the hatred against my kind I’m often too used to hiding either what I am or just hiding in general.” Steel admits knowing that Synths were the boogeymen and is she was ever found out she would’ve been lynched.

“Alright final question. What is that thing around your forehoof.” Celestia asks

“It is a Magical, metal, omniscient, omnipresent box sometimes it tells me what to do sometimes it remain silent. Steel answers

Because you told me to.

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Steel had honestly wondered how it got to this point.

The fact a racing track was turned into an arena for an absolutely massive crowd to watch at was utterly baffling considering how peace loving these ponies were.

“Should I dump my inventory so I can run or should I just go full heavy? I mean I got my power armor…” Steel says

“I know not what this power armor is however, I believe that you should give it your all Steel.” Luna says

“Give it my all princess? Is that an order?” Steel asks

“Hmm, yes it is. Do not hold back show them the power of the night guard.” Luna says

Steel smile wildly. “As you wish my princess.”

The bell suddenly rings and Steel took that as her que to head to the arena.
Shining Armor was standing in the arena wearing his golden head of guard armor.

“Why are my instincts telling me to run.” Shining mutters to himself

Suddenly a hulking figure is walking toward him the sound of heavy steel scraping on heavy steel is clear to hear as the armored figure approaches.

“Sir Shining Armor! My Princess has ordered me to go all out! These next two minutes are going to be very important for you.” Steel says

“Why is that?” Shining asks

“You have some really critical decisions to make, and first decision that you should really consider is conceding prior to the match.” Steel says at the power armor’s eyes light up.

Shining armor took a visible step backwards.

“Because I am not going to hold back. Those lunatics over there. Those ponies. Especially my princess they love me.” Steel says her voice modulator in the power armor making her sound demon like.

“I find this very concerning and I do not enjoy being here.” Shining states sweating a little.

“So here’s the thing.” Steel says cutting Shining armor off.

“You have probably about 90 seconds now to concede, and you really gotta think it through ‘cause what’s gonna happen is this: I can’t guarantee what’s gonna happen to you. There is no promise for your safety, there’s no promise for anything like that.” Steel says

“I feel like you’re playing mind games.” Shining says summoning his shield bubble.

“It’s not psyching you out. I’m doing probably the kindest thing I have ever done right now. About 60 seconds left, you really should concede. If you’re not gonna concede what do you want me to tell your family?” Steel asks

“I think I shall tell them myself!” Shining shouts

“Match Start!” The referee shouts

“Huh guess we ran out of time.” steel says taking a running stance.

The main beat of the music kicks in.

Suddenly the power armor’s jet pack kicks on launching steel forward within a second she has a super sledge in her hooves and is bringing it down ontop of the shield.

Shining armor stumbles backwards feeling the magical strain of his shield shattering.

“You really should’ve conceded when you had the chance.” Steel says brining the super sledge around in a wide diagonal swing.

Shining armor rolls out of the way just in time as the super sledge hits the ground causing it to quake. The entirety of Canterlot shakes ever so slightly. The arena floor had been utterly caved in and the main impact area was literally dust.

Shining armor backs away lifting up his spear in his magic.

“I have no chance of deflecting a blow like that.” Shining mutters

“I recommend dodging!” Steel shouts

Shining blinks as the super heavy armor is flying at him again.

A massive side step is barely able to dodge it.
“Now!” Shining shouts thrusting his spear into the armor’s side which proceeded to do absolutely nothing.

Steel turns to look at Shining armor.
“Core power bleed through.” Steel says in a robotic voice.

A clear electrical charge travels down the spear and across the conductive magic holding said weapon zapping Shining armor.

“What the Hay!” Shining shouts raising another shield never expecting magical attacks from a Thestral.

A back handed swing of the super sledge shattered the shield near instantly once again.

The jet on the back of the super sledge already had it changing directions towards him at fast speeds.

“What kind of a war hammer is that?” Shining shouts backing away just barely dodging another blow which probably would’ve crippled him.

“Is it too much for you Captain?” Steel asks

“Face me with an honorable weapon!” Steel shouts back

Steel drops the sledge on the ground kicking up some dust.

“You… you’re.. actually going. to do it?” Shining asks out of breath.

Steel suddenly stands on two hoofs a hatch opening up on the back of her suit allowing the wings out so she could balance better.

A long electrified assaultron blade appeared in her hooves. Arcs of electricity sparking between the notches in the blade.

“Come at me!” Steel shouts

Shining obliged and rushed at Steel opening with a thrust.

Steel parried before striking at Shining armor who managed to maneuver so the sword hit his armor. A second later the spear was striking at Steel again who overpowered it and knocked it away before striking where Shining would’ve been had he been holding the spear instead of using telekinesis.

Steel slightly embarrassed from the mistake looks at Shining armor.

“I think it’s time I stopped playing around.” Steel says dropping her sword, a yellow gun appearing in her hoofs.

“This shouldn’t kill you!” Steel announces as an arc of electricity is shot at Shining armor.

The head guard managed to raise a shield only for the plasma to cut straight through it before striking him. There was some minor convulsing and the stallion was on the ground knocked out.

Steel turned around and looked up to see the princesses. The pink one looked concerned while Celestia was frowning yet impressed. Luna was ecstatic and cheering her on.

Steel smiles and takes off her helmet.

“That was a good match.” Steel says turning back to look at her opponent.

“Never again…” Shining groans laying on the ground.