• Published 11th Oct 2022
  • 1,042 Views, 20 Comments

The Sole Survivor Needs Friendship. - CommonDash

Nora gave up. She lost her husband… she lost her son. The world had ended.

  • ...

Upcoming Spar and Pointed Questions

Luna woke up still sleepy and instinctively grasped the large object in her hooves holding it closer.

The cold touch of metal on her barrel caused her to flinch as her eyes snapped open and she was across her bed chamber in a combat stance in the span of milliseconds.

Looking at the culprit she suddenly realizes it was Steel Gem who’s leathery wing has brushed her. The Captain of her Guard still sleeping soundly, showing no small amount of trust in Luna.

“I slept with my Night Guard. my sister is never going to let this one die.” Luna mutters in horror

The figure on the bed hums as her wings flap a bit. The wing tips tapping the mattress of the bed feeling nothing behind her.

“Lulu? Where did you go?” Is whispered followed by snoring.

Luna looks out the window and sees she’s an hour from sunset, that’s plenty of time to cuddle with her guard.

The princess stills.

“What was I just thinking?” Luna mutters before laying back down on the bed.

Steel Gem was in her Hoofs again as she drifted off to sleep.

Shining armor was nervous for the upcoming spar. The new head of the night guard made his instincts scream. She knew too much.

“Shiny is everything okay?” Cadence asks

“Honestly no, the night guard is back and right now it’s a single thestral and it’s terrifying.” Shining Armor says

“How so?” Cadence asks

“It knew about us. Has infiltrated the castle several times and even managed to sneak into a guarded noble manor take a kid and leave completely undetected.” Shining says

“It?” Cadence asks

“She.” Shining corrects himself.

“Good Shining!” Cadences says with a smile.
“I have you trained so well.” The princess of love says humorously.

“Cadence… please not now. I’m trying to be all serious.” Shining armor says

“Okay, well is there any guard you could spar against and gain stuff, knowledge?” Cadence asks

“No… in fact I need to train them harder.” Shining armor replies with a pout.

“OH LUNAAAA~” Celestia sings as she opens her sisters bed room door.

The great alicorn princess freezes upon seeing Luna cuddling with the night guard Steel Gem.

Luna opens her eyes looking briefly at her sister before looking down between her hoofs.

Celestia’s sun glows ever so slightly brighter the rays of light flowing through the bedroom as the sun sets a little in the background.

“My eyes they burn…” Steel Gem mutters before nuzzling her face into Luna’s barrel.

“Steel, front and center.” Luna says

Steel launches herself out of bed and is standing at attention between Luna and Celestia.

“As you command princess.” Steel announces.

“How long have you been a soldier for?” Celestia asks

“I truthfully can not remember.” Steel admits

“Sister please do not question the captain of my night guards I believe her to be trust worthy.” Luna says

“Power of the sun.” Is all Celestia says in response

“What happened when Light shines soo painfully bright, that it becomes more terrible than Darkness?” Steel asks back.

Celestia looks at Steel.

Steel looks at Celestia.

“You did mention day breaker… no creature alive remembers that except for a few dragons.” Celestia also brings up.

“Tia… I must ask do you still have that love for pranking?” Steel asks

“You will not dodge my questions. Luna please help me out here.” Celestia says to her sister.

“Steel, please answer my sister’s questions to the best of your abilities.” Luna says

Steel looks at Luna before nodding to herself.

“I want to cuddle every day.” Steel says

Luna sputters
“Cuddle!? Every day!?”

Steel nods. “Please… it’s the first time I’ve slept without the nightmares.”

Luna stills thinking on it.
“If it helps with nightmares… that is my secondary job so yes.”

“Then I shall answer all questions to the best of my ability.” Steel says

“Okay, how did you conjure the power of the sun not being able to do horn magic?” Celestia asks

“Science, I split an atom and it went boom.” Steel says

“Yes… I could see how it would do that. Next question, how old are you?” Celestia asks

“I honestly couldn’t tell you. Once you pass 200 you sort of stop counting, then somewhere along the line I lost track of the years.” Steel admits

“How could you have so much hate and anger in you when we talked about the former noble family?” Celestia asks

“Because they took that Mare’s son… that is completely unforgivable.” Steel states

“How well did you know Lauren?” Celestia asks

“Do you mean lady Faust?” Steel asks her heat tilted to the side.

“Tia she did just basically admit to knowing mothers first name.” Luna says shocked

“How are you still alive? Why do you not feel alive?” Celestia asks

“I think I might be cursed with immortality though I am fairly certain I could still be killed. Afterall things die when you kill them.” Steel answers

“Do you know who king Cobalt is?” Celestia asks

Steel pauses for a minute trying to parse through all of the data she has stored in her internal servers. “Sombra?”

“Why did you never reveal yourself to Celestia or I before?” Luna asks

“Because of the hatred against my kind I’m often too used to hiding either what I am or just hiding in general.” Steel admits knowing that Synths were the boogeymen and is she was ever found out she would’ve been lynched.

“Alright final question. What is that thing around your forehoof.” Celestia asks

“It is a Magical, metal, omniscient, omnipresent box sometimes it tells me what to do sometimes it remain silent. Steel answers