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Chapter Two

*Ten Years Ago*

I had successfully escaped the Everfree Forest two weeks ago, and was now sitting in front of a small fire, roasting some sort of small animal over it. I haven't run into anypony yet, nor seen any signs of civilization, not even a foot path. Taking the food off the fire, I began eating, when I heard a noise behind me. Spinning around, kunai at the ready, I was surprised to see an old anthropomorphic pony step out. He was old, with dark gray fur and a white mane and tail, and stood on two horse shaped legs. He also wore blue robes with bells attached to them, however the strangest part about him was the white beard that covered his face.

"Evening, Stranger," The stallion greeted, "care to share your fire with an old pony?" I gestured to the other side of the fire.

"Be my guest."

"Thank you," he said, sitting down, "Now if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you? Don't look like anything I've ever seen." I chuckled.

"I suppose I don't. To answer your question, I am a human, you probably haven't seen something like me, because my kind live far away from here."

"I see," the old stallion said, "but where are my manners? Starswirl the Bearded, at your service."

"Orochimaru at yours," I replied. Before Starswirl could reply, a loud roar sounded to my left. We both turned to see a large dragon burst through the trees, and roar right at us. Starswirl, looked ready to run, but I stood and bit my finger. Doing a series of hand signs, I counted myself lucky I decided to write my name in the summoning scroll earlier today.

Slamming my hand into the ground, I shouted, "SUMMONING JUTSU!" Suddenly, I was standing on Manda's huge head.

"What is it Orochimaru?" Manda asked

"I need your help to fight this dragon," I said.

"A dragon? Very well then." Manda then shot forward bitting the dragon's foreleg, before it could react. The dragon roared in agony, before bringing it's other forelimb up to slash at us, but Manda was faster. He easily avoided the swipe, before he clamped down on the limb that just flew by his face, I watched as both bite marks, oozed blood, knowing that Manda's fangs carried a deadly poison. So even if the dragon came out relatively unscathed, the wouldn't survive.

"Impressive," Manda hissed, Few creatures can keep going after one bite, let alone two. However, know that you won't live to see the sunrise." Manda lunged again, however this time, the dragon dodged the attack, and was able to bite down on Manda, a little to close for comfort for me. The battle continued like that, attack, dodge, attack, dodge, once in a while one would wound the other. However, the longer the fight went on, the more I noticed the dragon slowing down, the poison affecting his system. Eventually, Manda bit into his neck and wrapped around him, squeezing the dragon tightly. The dragon began to cough up a lot of blood, before it finally died. Manda was victorious. The purple snake, then began to swallow the dragon whole. After he had consumed the last of the beast, he desummoned, and I landed on my feet.

"Amazing!" Starswirl said, "the way you summoned that serpent, I have never seen anypomy who could do something like that. And to do magic without a horn. How did you do that?"

"It's a common ability of my homeland," I said, "From what I've learned, your mana, is what my people call chakra." I had decided to refer to the Elemental Nations as my homeland, as it would be easier to explain than, being displaced as a fictional character.

"Truly impressive," Starswirl said, "pray tell, do you have a home anywhere around here?" I shook my head.

"No, I have been traveling in search of civilization. You are the second person I have run into. The first being a unicorn warrior who demanded a duel. He was a worthy opponent," I half-lied. While true I was searching for civilization, Starswirl was the first person I had met. Realizing I had said I had learned of mana, I needed someone to have learned from.

"Then, please return with me to Canterlot. It is a fine city, you'll be welcome there."

"I would hate to intrude..."

"Nonsense, the one who saved my life intruding? It would be an honor."

"If you insist." As I followed the old stallion, I couldn't help but smile. Even in my old life, I was ofter by myself because of my interests, have friends actually sounded nice.


Quickly returning to my room, I found Luna, head down, eyes averted.

"You knew," I stated. Luna flinched.

"Tia forced me to be quiet. And it wasn't like I was any better, I had used that technic as well. But never to the extent she has. She did it multiple times as a filly, growing power, anypony who had more strength, speed, or magic than us. We were just normal unicorns, the body transfers, took the wings from pegasi and the strength from earth ponies. I never did it to anyone except criminals, and only at Tia's insistence. She believes she can gain enough magic to actually become immortal." I ran a hand down my face, why me? I walked over to Luna and hugged her tight, as she cried her eyes out into my chest. This was a pony who regretted every time she had been forced to switch bodies, and I couldn't hate her because of it.

"You know what this means," I said as Luna quieted down, "we're going to have to stop her."

"But how?" Luna asked, "she has the entirety of the Equestrian military on her side."

"We'll have to play the long game," I said, "Peace breeds complacency, complacency breeds failure. If we can widle away at her power, we can over power her."

"Okay," Luna said, "how do we do that?"

"Simple, my dear," I said, "Equestria has four main defenses. One, the military, give a hundred years of peace and the military will weaken, and with our knowledge of the Body Transfer Technic, that should be easy for us. Second, Discord, however I don't think that will be a problem." Discord had revolted last year, probably after snooping too deep, "Third, the Elements, but with you by my side, Celestia can't wield them all by herself more than once. Finally, The Chrystal Empire, it's soldiers are the best in Celestia's army. As well as being the home of Celestia's other super weapon, the Chrystal Heart. However I have a plan for that."

"What should I do?" Luna asked.

"Wait. I'll most of the work. If all goes right, we'll have crippled Equestria enough to move on to phase two in ten years time."

*five year timeskip*

Everything was going according to plan, my assistant, Sombra had played his part perfectly, the Chrystal Empire was gone.

Of course, I hadn't been slacking either, not long after I started setting things in motion, I had created a clone of myself, which I named Mitsuki. I had also made him and any of his bloodline with a dominant human gene, meaning no matter the species they mated with, the offspring would always be human. When he was little, I told him stories of the Elemental Nations, of Naruto and Sasuke, and, of course, of my namesake. Mitsuki loved the stories, and always wanted me to tell them to him again. Luna loved Mitsuki like any mother would, but Celestia was sceptical of him.

Finally everything was in place, time for me to leave everything to Luna.

"You know the plan?" I asked.

"Of course," Luna said, "but are you sure this is going to work?"

"It has to," I said, "or else everything will be for naught." Luna kissed me quickly.

"Then go." She quickly ran off, as I prepared myself for my encounter with Celestia. Time to shine.

Comments ( 7 )

"A dragon? Very well then." Manda then shot forward bitting the dragon's foreleg, before it could react. The dragon roared in agony, before bringing it's other forelimb up to slash at us, but Manda was faster. He easily avoided the swipe, before he clamped down on the limb that just flew by his face, I watched as both bite marks, oozed blood, knowing that Manda's fangs carried a deadly poison. So even if the dragon came out relatively unscathed, the wouldn't survive.

Don’t dragons have armor or something like that?

"It's a common ability of my homeland," I said, "From what I've learned, your mana, is what my people call chakra." I had decided to refer to the Elemental Nations as my homeland, as it would be easier to explain than, being displaced as a fictional character.

Is that what they use in mlp?

"But how?" Luna asked, "she has the entirety of the Equestrian military on her side."

Doesn’t luna have her own military?

Of course, I hadn't been slacking either, not long after I started setting things in motion, I had created a clone of myself, which I named Mitsuki. I had also made him and any of his bloodline with a dominant human gene, meaning no matter the species they mated with, the offspring would always be human. When he was little, I told him stories of the Elemental Nations, of Naruto and Sasuke, and, of course, of my namesake. Mitsuki loved the stories, and always wanted me to tell them to him again. Luna loved Mitsuki like any mother would, but Celestia was sceptical of him.

As in boruto mitsuki?

Manda has really sharp fangs and went for the chinks in his scales.

I don't know, that is just how most people describe MLP magic energy and I needed something to link Chakra to.

From what I've seen, Luna only has the Night guard, as her and Celestia went to war together.

More or less. I haven't seen the Boruto series, and he played a minor role in this story.

Will this continue?

Yes. I'm just going through a dry spell with this.


Curious on what plans you have for Spike for the other ones

I can see why you're struggling considering the timeskips, switching between past and present, and the flashbacks. We know nothing of how Luna and Celestia met the main charterer, how did MC or Luna fell in love with each other? What life was those years ago, how did he arrived in Equestria? what did he do next afterwards? What the MC went through in terms of struggles to cope with the sudden shift in their life? What MC did after meeting starswirl the bearded? What the MC did during their time at said canterlot, how'd they learned to use their powers and the struggles of mastering them, how tough life living in this new world. Does he miss his old world? What was his life before then? How'd he make clone? where'd he learn it? Does he miss living a normal life?

There's quite alot you could show in terms of character growth and story progression.

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