Spike presses the button. He shouldn't have pressed the button.

The title of this fic has been stolen from Matt McMuscles.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

That was pretty silly. I couldn't stop smiling, but I also had a sickening feeling in my gut for Spike. Good job!

Hillbe #3 · Jun 8th, 2022 · · 1 · Tock ·

:facehoof: Spike didn't know squat or sit...
:trollestia: and I still did nothing even after retirement...

B_Munro #4 · Jun 8th, 2022 · · · Tock ·

He forgot the Starswirl Solution - toss it into an alternate dimension and let the locals deal with it.

And that was even before we learned that Applejack's parents secretly had her genetically altered at age three to be better at tennis.”

...y'know, I think I'd like to know more about that.

Geez, Spike. Freakin' perv. You have 10 seconds left to live and that's what you spend it on?:unsuresweetie: I'm gonna come out and say it. I'm not that upset that you're about to explode.

Matt McMuscles

Wow, I'm continuously surprised by how closely my interests overlap sometimes.
I can never escape r/twobestfriendsplay.

And that was even before we learned that Applejack's parents secretly had her genetically altered at age three to be better at tennis.”

Yes, but at least she didn't enroll in Starfleet Academy and enter the Medical Sciences, miss the last question of a preganglionic fiber for a postganglionic nerve (rookie mistake) during the oral phase of her final exams, thus becoming salutatorian, get assigned to Deep Space Nine, and eventually get found out to be genetically enhanced.

Sooo...silver lining, I guess?

Damn, what a great analogy for [insert X-risk here]

I like the fact that this is nonsensical and yet somehow coherent at the same time. Makes reading it a trip

Alondro #11 · Jun 8th, 2022 · · 3 · Tock ·

He pushed the button and HARVEY CTHULHU ESCAPED... and destroyed the universe. The end!

Well, this is the most plausible explanation I’ve heard for the transition to G5 so far.

So THAT’S how the Equestrian fertilizer hit the Friendship air conditioning to produce the world of Gen 5! That’s the problems with buttons, they’re so jolly and candy-like, you just can’t resist!

(blinks eyes very confusedly)

Some humans ponies dragons would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry

Well, at least it wasn’t a History Eraser Button. There’s still a universe left afterwards.

Somehow one of the more feasible G5 origin fics I’ve read. Thank you for the delightful madness.

So...Douglas Adams actually had that scroll ghostwritten...using the Guide's guide...

And the sparkly thing was stolen from the N.S.E.A Protector and repurposed as a confinement device...by Dexter to get rid of Dee-Dee...

Man, I love this stuff; if only to explain G5...

And so G% was wiped out as well. I love stories with a happy ending! :pinkiecrazy:

What? I don’t get it

Shouldn't have pressed the button, man.

This is so familiar. I can't place why.

This has been said in the comments before, but I don't care:

This is one of the best explanations I've ever read as to how G4 became G5.

Let's hope that G6 doesn't shrink a massive continent's worth of ponies (and other creatures) down to three small cities.

If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.

Was that a Monty Python sketch? I once saw a cartoon where two guys leave a giant button on a planet. The idea (I think) was that if intelligent life ever developed on that planet, somebody would eventually find the button and press it, causing the planet to blow up.

Pretty interesting.

You never cease to amaze me, short.

El comentario del año Gil

Trata de que spike siempre la caga y por esa cagada nace la g5 lo bueno que Pip ya soluciono el problema

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