• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 960 Views, 2 Comments

Little Child: A heartfelt story - SomePonyy

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Morning and Meeting Fluttershy's friends

The next morning came as the sun's rays shoned through the windows. Fluttershy groaned a little as she strugged to open her eyes. She felt something around her waist and saw it was Cain who was snuggled against her. Fluttershy gently stroked his hair.

"Cain, it's time to get up, baby." She said. Cain made a cute yawn and looked up at Fluttershy.

"Good morning, Fluttershy."

"Good morning, Cain. Did you sleep well?"

Cain nodded. "Mhm. Thank you for letting me sleep with you." Fluttershy kissed his forehead and giggled.

"Don't mention it buddy. Now let's go eat some breakfast okay?" Cain took her hand as they went to the kitchen. "Wait here, I gotta do something real quick." She got a broom and dustpan and sweeped up the shattered vase. After she was done, she threw it in the trashcan and started to make breakfast. She got out some eggs, a frying pan and a utensil for cooking.

ed. He took Fluttershy's hand as she led him to the kitchen and started to get a pan out and some eggs. However Cain had to tell her something. "Umm Fluttershy?"

"Hmm?" she replied looking at him. "Is something wrong?"

"A-a-are you going to be mad?" Cain was starting to cry. Fluttershy saw this and tried to reassure him that she wasn't.

"Cain, you can tell me anything. I won't get mad."

"It's just that I-I don't r-r-really like e-e-eggs b-because t-t-t-they make my tummy hurt and my Aunt-t-tie says I'm a freak b-because she s-s-says I-im not normal!" He wailed. Fluttershy put down her pan and eggs and picked Cain up to calm him down. She sat down on the dining chair and rubbed his back and gently bounced him up and down on her lap.

"Cain, I want you to listen to me. You are not a freak. It just means your tummy can't handle certain foods like other people's. Everyone is different."

"Really?" Cain whimpered. Fluttershy held him close to her soft chest and whispered,

"I'm sure of it. I'm glad you told me because you would have gotten very sick. Would you like some pancakes instead?"

Cain nodded. "Yes please," he said politely. Fluttershy went to the pantry and grabbed a packet of pancake batter and started to cooking. When the pancakes were ready, she put a few on Cain's plate and offered some syrup to him.

"Thank you," He said cutely. Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle.

"You're welcome, sweetie." She kissed his forehead and got herself some pancakes. While they ate Cain realized how good they were and Fluttershy was happy he liked them. After they were done, she put the dishes in the sink and washed them until they were clean. When she put them up she noticed Cain was gone from his chair. She found him on the living room sofa curled in a ball with tears streaming down his cheeks. Fluttershy was worried and sat down next to him. "What's the matter?" She asked.

"Y-y-you b-b-been so nice to me and y-y-you d-d-don't e-even know me!"

Fluttershy frowned. "Oh sweetheart, just because I don't know you doesn't mean I can't show you any kindness."

"A-and *sniff* I m-m-miss my m-mommy and d-d-daddy!"

Fluttershy pulled him for a hug. "I promise we'll find your mommy and daddy as soon as we can."

"No we can't because they're d-d-dead!" Cain wailed and buried his face on her breast. Fluttershy's heart broke as she wrapped her arms around the poor child. Now it all made sense. His parents being dead and his Aunt taking him in and abusing him to tears. She truly hated his aunt for being so cruel to him. Whenever she thought about it she got angry and couldn't help but wonder if his aunt had anything to do with his parent's death.

"You poor sweet baby," Fluttershy said sadly. She gently rested her chin on his head as he cried. She thought of something that could cheer him up. "How about you meet my friends today?"

Cain started to become scared of meeting new people. "Are they mean?"

"Of course not. They're very nice and one of them is a clothing designer and I'm sure she'd be happy to make you some new clothes." After a few more minutes of calming Cain down, she decided to get ready and take him to meet her friends. Starting with Rarity.

On the way over to the Carousel Botique. Cain hid behind her legs as people looked at him. Although they didn't show any signs of aggression. He was still scared nontheless. Fluttershy put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "It's okay. We're almost there." When they arrived at the botique they went inside and were greeted by a teen girl with violet hair. She wore a purple skirt, boots, and a light gray shirt. She also had a three diamond hairclip in her hair. She looked happy to see Fluttershy.

"Well hello, Fluttershy darling. What brings you here today?"

Fluttershy smiled at her friend. "Hi Rarity. I just wanted to know if you wouldn't mind making a few outfits."

"I certainly wouldn't mind at all!" Rarity replied. "What kind of style are you going for?"

"Actually it's not for me." Fluttershy admitted.

"Oh, then who if I may ask?" Rarity looked down and noticed Cain hiding behind Fluttershy's legs and blushing nervously. "Awwww who is this adorable little guy?" She asked as she went towards him. Cain let out a terrified yelp and ran behind one of the clothes rack and shook like a leaf. He whimpered as Fluttershy explained to Rarity.

"I'm sorry. He's really shy." She said as she went to get Cain and pick him up. She carried him over to Rarity so she could get a good look at him. He was starting to get scared and buried his face onto Fluttershy's breast and whimpered.

"Oh my, he's so cute!" Rarity gasped in awe. Fluttershy put Cain down and gently stroked his shoulder to assure Rarity wasn't going to hurt him. "Rarity, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Cain Colten. I just took him under my wing last night. Cain, this is Rarity. She's a very good friend of mine and a fashionista as well as clothing designer."

Cain nervously looked up at Rarity. "H-hi It's nice to meet you M-miss Rarity."

Rarity gasped at how sweet and polite he was being. She knelt down and gently stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. "Darling, that's so sweet of you, but you don't need to call me miss. Just Rarity is fine, okay?" Cain nodded and hugged her waist.

Fluttershy d'awwwed at this. "He likes you, Rarity."

The fashion girl put both hands on his cheeks. "You really are so adorable!" She cooed causing him to blush. "Are you the one who needs new clothes?"

"Yes please," Cain replied. Rarity smiled and started to take his measurements. When she was done, she told them that it was going to take a few hours before they were finished. Fluttershy and Cain thanked her and went on thier way out. Once they were gone, Cain made a comment. "She's really nice like you."

"She is," Fluttershy agreed. "And there's six more who you're going to meet who are very nice like her."

Comments ( 2 )

Well, this is a nice story, be surprised that I still don't have 👍
Now, I don't know my country is far behind in education, and I know he's a fanfic, but I can't help but wonder if 3-year-olds are really like that in other countries.
By the way, when are they adults? It seems that Fluttershy lives alone. And her parents? She is more, and her pets? I mean, we're talking about Fluttershy.

Cain is a very unique name and is also a biblical one.

Look up the story of Cain and Abel. Cain killed his brother Abel in a fit of jealousy.

The name Cain means 'spear' or 'possessed'.

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