• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 966 Views, 2 Comments

Little Child: A heartfelt story - SomePonyy

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Scared Child

Nightfall had just arrived at Canterlot. It's glistening stars blanketed the city as they twinkled majestically above the streets. For many it would mean time to turn in for the night and wake up the next day, For one girl it meant the end of her shift at the animal shelter. That girl was non other than Fluttershy. While on her drive back, she had passed by an alleyway only to see a small figure from the corner of her eye as she zoomed by. Her heart jumped a little and she gasped. What was that?!. She pulled herself over on the side of the road and tried to process what she had just saw. Curiosity got the better of her and she turned back. Stopping the car right infront of the alleyway, she got out and called out into the darkness. "Hello?! Anyone there?!" No answer, only the sound of night silence and the occasional cricket chirp filled the air. Just as Fluttershy was about to turn back she heard something that made her freeze in her tracks. A small crying coming from deep within. She looked down the dark pathway and felt fear inside her, but she was more curious than afraid. Needing to know exactly what it was, she took one step forward and was already having second thoughts. but the quiet sob she had heard was now more audible. It didn't seem like it was too far away. Gathering enough courage, she slowly walked deeper into the alleyway. The sound of her breath louder than her footsteps. When she turned across a corner, what she saw made her gasp in shock and fear. At a dead end with only the dumpster was a young child. Someone who looked like he was only three years old. He had light gray, almost white hair and wore a small blue jacket with gray shorts. Fluttershy gasped and put her hands over her mouth. As soon as he saw her, he gave a small yelp and ran behind his only defense: the dumpster. Fluttershy wasn't about to give up that easily. The poor child started to whimper as Fluttershy walked closer to him. The kind-hearted girl felt her heart break as she tried to reach out to him. "Please come out. I won't hurt you," she pleaded. The child refused to come out and as she approached closer near him he curled up in a ball his tears flowed freely. The child was terrified of Fluttershy and he was at a dead end.

"Don't hurt me please," He said so softly Fluttershy could barely hear him. She scooped him up in her arms and held him in a cradle. "HELP!" he cried. He was scared of being in the arms of someone he doesn't know. Fluttershy gently pressed his head against her breast and spoke to him in sweetest of voices.

"It's alright. Shhhhh I'm here." She said sweetly. She looked down at the crying child and smiled at him. "Hi there, sweetie. What's your name?"

"Cain...Colten," Cain said nervously. He continued to whimper still being somewhat afraid of her.

"That's such a lovely name, Cain. My name is Fluttershy."

"H-hi Miss Fluttershy."

The girl felt her heart melt. He's such a polite little one!. "Sweetheart, you don't need to call me miss. Just Fluttershy is good enough." She said kindly. "Do you live nearby?" she asked. Cain sobbed harder which Fluttershy took as a no. Does he not have any parents? "Do you know where your parents are?" Cain shook his head and looked down. He suddenly gave a painful yelp and started wailing. This caused her to flinch a little then she noticed something underneath his shirt. She carefully lifted it up and what she saw made her almost faint. She felt tears of her own about to leak from her eyes. She wished she was just seeing things but it was right there. On Cain's stomach were welt marks. Welt marks that looked like it came from the buckle end of the belt. Her heart completley shattered as she stared in horror at his stomach. When she gently placed a hand on his stomach, he screamed causing her to yank her hand back. What kind of person would do this to a child? but that question would have to wait. Right now she needed to help him. "Sweetheart, how about you stay with me tonight until I find out where your parents are at. How does that sound?"

"O-okay," he sniffed. He held on to the gentle teenaged girl as she made her way back to her car. Unfortunatley she didn't have a car seat in her veichle but her house wasn't too far away. She gently placed him in the backseat and helped him buckle his seatbelt, then she got in the driverside and drove home.

After arriving home, she placed Cain down on the ground and used her keys to open the front door. She set her keys on the front table and decided she needed to do something about those wounds on Cain's stomach. She went into the bathroom and came back with a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some cotton balls, and a box of bandaids. Cain's eyes widened in fear as he saw the alcohol bottle but before he could move away, Fluttershy held onto him and placed him on her lap as she sat down on the floor. "Cain, sweetheart. I know this will hurt but I promise it will be over soon." She dabbed one of the cotton balls with alcohol and began to rub it on his welt marks. He shrieked and his eyes welled up. It really hurts! The girl flinched but continued to wipe the cotton ball on his belly.

"NO MORE!" He wailed. His eyes started to well up on how painful it was. Fluttershy's heart shattered seeing but she knew this had to be done. After cleaning the last wound, she put on the bandages on his stomach but Cain was still crying. Fluttershy gently held him close to her soft chest and whispered in his ear.

"Shhh it's okay, sweetheart. It's all over now shhhh". She gave him a tender kiss on his forehead and he buried his face into her chest and cried. "Tomorrow I can give you give you a nice warm bath. How does that sound?" Cain looked up and sniffed.

"Really?" He whimpered. Fluttershy nodded.

"Of course. But tonight we should eat something." She went into the kitchen and began to make dinner. While she was cooking Cain went to the sink to wash his hands and went towards the dining table. However he was having trouble reaching the chair so Fluttershy helped him up. She went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of fish fingers and steamed vegetables for him.

"Thank you," he said kindly. Fluttershy smiled sweetly.

"You're welcome, sweetie." She was glad Cain was warming up to her. After they ate she decided to get the little one ready for bed. After he was done, she carried him to the guest bedroom and tucked him under the covers. Fluttershy pulled him for a hug. "Sweet dreams, Cain." She whispered. "Ill be over the next door if you need me." She started to walk torwards the door but Cain's voice stopped her.


"Yes?" she responded.

"Thank you for taking me in."

Fluttershy felt her heart melt. "It's no problem, Cain. No one as cute as you should ever be left outside." Tomorrow she'll take him to her friend Rarity's to get new clothes and even a pair of sleepwear. "Goodnight little cutie." She left the room leaving the door slightly opened.